texinfo.dtd 44 KB

  1. <!-- $Id$
  2. Document Type Definition for Texinfo XML output (the '-'-xml option).
  3. Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
  4. 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  5. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
  6. are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
  7. notice and this notice are preserved.
  8. As soon as this file is nontrivially modified, update
  9. TEXINFO_DTD_VERSION in configure.ac (if not already done).
  10. See comments there for explanation.
  11. Email bug-texinfo@gnu.org with any discussion.
  12. (Original author: Philippe Martin.)
  13. -->
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  546. where CDATA #IMPLIED>
  547. <!ELEMENT imagefile (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  548. <!ELEMENT imagewidth (#PCDATA)>
  549. <!ATTLIST imagewidth
  550. %spacesattr;>
  551. <!ELEMENT imageheight (#PCDATA)>
  552. <!ATTLIST imageheight
  553. %spacesattr;>
  554. <!ELEMENT alttext (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  555. <!ATTLIST alttext
  556. %spacesattr;>
  557. <!ELEMENT imageextension (#PCDATA)>
  558. <!ATTLIST imageextension
  559. %spacesattr;>
  560. <!-- Whitespace in these elements are always preserved -->
  561. <!ELEMENT verbatim (#PCDATA)>
  562. <!ATTLIST verbatim
  563. %spacesattr;
  564. xml:space (preserve) #FIXED 'preserve'>
  565. <!-- author is there because it may happen in a quotation para -->
  566. <!ELEMENT para (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase; | author)*>
  567. <!ATTLIST para
  568. role CDATA #IMPLIED>
  569. <!ELEMENT pre (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase; | author)*>
  570. <!ATTLIST pre xml:space (preserve) #FIXED 'preserve'>
  571. <!ELEMENT menu (menuentry | detailmenu | menucomment)*>
  572. <!ATTLIST menu
  573. %spacesblockattr;>
  574. <!ELEMENT detailmenu (menuentry | menucomment)*>
  575. <!ATTLIST detailmenu
  576. %spacesblockattr;>
  577. <!ELEMENT direntry (menuentry | menucomment)*>
  578. <!ATTLIST direntry
  579. %spacesblockattr;>
  580. <!ELEMENT menuentry (menutitle?, menunode?, menudescription?)>
  581. <!ATTLIST menuentry
  582. leadingtext CDATA #REQUIRED>
  583. <!ELEMENT menunode (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  584. <!ATTLIST menunode
  585. separator CDATA #IMPLIED>
  586. <!ELEMENT menutitle (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  587. <!ATTLIST menutitle
  588. separator CDATA #IMPLIED>
  589. <!ELEMENT menudescription (%block;)*>
  590. <!ELEMENT menucomment (%block;)*>
  591. <!-- Raw formats -->
  592. <!ELEMENT docbook (%Raw.content;)*>
  593. <!ATTLIST docbook
  594. %spacesblockattr;>
  595. <!ELEMENT html (%Raw.content;)*>
  596. <!ATTLIST html
  597. %spacesblockattr;>
  598. <!ELEMENT tex (%Raw.content;)*>
  599. <!ATTLIST tex
  600. %spacesblockattr;>
  601. <!-- this may happen if xml is not expanded -->
  602. <!ELEMENT xml (%Raw.content;)*>
  603. <!ATTLIST xml
  604. %spacesblockattr;>
  605. <!-- formalarg only before PCDATA, but mandating it seems not possible -->
  606. <!-- same issue for nesting macros -->
  607. <!ELEMENT macro (#PCDATA | formalarg | macro | rmacro)*>
  608. <!ATTLIST macro
  609. name CDATA #REQUIRED
  610. line CDATA #REQUIRED>
  611. <!ELEMENT rmacro (#PCDATA | formalarg | macro | rmacro)*>
  612. <!ATTLIST rmacro
  613. name CDATA #REQUIRED
  614. line CDATA #REQUIRED>
  615. <!ELEMENT formalarg (#PCDATA)>
  616. <!ELEMENT ignore (#PCDATA)>
  617. <!-- Negative indentation in blocks -->
  618. <!ELEMENT exdent (#PCDATA | %Inline.fullline;)*>
  619. <!ATTLIST exdent
  620. %spacesattr;>
  621. <!ELEMENT verbatiminclude (#PCDATA)>
  622. <!ATTLIST verbatiminclude
  623. %spacesattr;
  624. file CDATA #REQUIRED>
  625. <!ELEMENT include (#PCDATA)>
  626. <!ATTLIST include
  627. %spacesattr;>
  628. <!-- Floating displays -->
  629. <!ELEMENT float (floattype?, floatname?, (%block;)*,
  630. (caption | shortcaption)*)>
  631. <!ATTLIST float
  632. %spacesblockattr;
  633. number CDATA #IMPLIED
  634. name CDATA #IMPLIED
  635. type CDATA #IMPLIED>
  636. <!ELEMENT floattype (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  637. <!ELEMENT floatname (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  638. <!ATTLIST floatname
  639. %spacesattr;>
  640. <!ELEMENT caption (#PCDATA | %block;)*>
  641. <!ATTLIST caption
  642. %spacesattr;>
  643. <!ELEMENT shortcaption (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase; | para)*>
  644. <!ELEMENT listoffloats (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  645. <!ATTLIST listoffloats
  646. %spacesattr;
  647. type CDATA #IMPLIED>
  648. <!-- Lists -->
  649. <!ELEMENT itemize (itemprepend?, beforefirstitem?,
  650. (listitem | %indexentry.cmds;)*)>
  651. <!ATTLIST itemize
  652. %spacesblockattr;
  653. commandarg CDATA #IMPLIED>
  654. <!ELEMENT enumerate (enumeratefirst?, beforefirstitem?,
  655. (listitem | %indexentry.cmds;)*)>
  656. <!ATTLIST enumerate
  657. %spacesblockattr;
  658. first CDATA #IMPLIED>
  659. <!ELEMENT enumeratefirst (#PCDATA)>
  660. <!ELEMENT listitem (prepend?, (%block;)*)>
  661. <!ATTLIST listitem
  662. %spacesattr;>
  663. <!ELEMENT prepend (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  664. <!ELEMENT itemprepend (#PCDATA | %Inline.line; | formattingcommand)*>
  665. <!ELEMENT formattingcommand EMPTY>
  666. <!ATTLIST formattingcommand
  667. command CDATA #REQUIRED>
  668. <!ELEMENT beforefirstitem (%block;)*>
  669. <!-- Tables -->
  670. <!ELEMENT table (beforefirstitem?, (tableentry | %indexentry.cmds;)+)>
  671. <!ENTITY % blocktablearg
  672. "%spacesblockattr;
  673. commandarg CDATA #IMPLIED
  674. begin CDATA #IMPLIED
  675. end CDATA #IMPLIED">
  676. <!-- begin and end are for definfoenclose command as table argument -->
  677. <!ATTLIST table
  678. %blocktablearg;>
  679. <!ELEMENT vtable (beforefirstitem?, (tableentry | %indexentry.cmds;)+)>
  680. <!ATTLIST vtable
  681. %blocktablearg;>
  682. <!ELEMENT ftable (beforefirstitem?, (tableentry | %indexentry.cmds;)+)>
  683. <!ATTLIST ftable
  684. %blocktablearg;>
  685. <!ELEMENT tableentry (tableterm, tableitem?)>
  686. <!-- tableterm contains directly pre if there is an index entry before @itemx -->
  687. <!ELEMENT tableterm (item, (pre | itemx | %indexentry.cmds;)*)>
  688. <!ELEMENT item (#PCDATA | %Inline.line; | itemformat | indexterm)*>
  689. <!ATTLIST item
  690. %spacesattr;>
  691. <!ELEMENT itemx (#PCDATA | %Inline.line; | itemformat | indexterm)*>
  692. <!ATTLIST itemx
  693. %spacesattr;>
  694. <!ELEMENT itemformat (#PCDATA | %Inline.line; | indexterm)*>
  695. <!-- begin and end are for definfoenclose command for item content -->
  696. <!ATTLIST itemformat
  697. command CDATA #REQUIRED
  698. begin CDATA #IMPLIED
  699. end CDATA #IMPLIED>
  700. <!ELEMENT tableitem (%block;)*>
  701. <!ELEMENT multitable ((columnfractions | columnprototypes), beforefirstitem?,
  702. thead?, tbody)>
  703. <!ATTLIST multitable
  704. %blocktablearg;>
  705. <!ELEMENT columnfractions (columnfraction+)>
  706. <!ATTLIST columnfractions
  707. %lineattr;>
  708. <!ELEMENT columnprototypes (columnprototype+)>
  709. <!ELEMENT columnfraction EMPTY>
  710. <!ATTLIST columnfraction
  711. value CDATA #REQUIRED>
  712. <!ELEMENT columnprototype (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  713. <!ATTLIST columnprototype
  714. %spacesattr;
  715. %bracketedattr;>
  716. <!ELEMENT thead (row+)>
  717. <!ELEMENT tbody (row+)>
  718. <!ELEMENT row (entry*)>
  719. <!ELEMENT entry (%block;)*>
  720. <!ATTLIST entry
  721. %spacesattr;
  722. command CDATA #REQUIRED>
  723. <!-- API definitions -->
  724. <!-- def* contains directly pre if there is an index entry before def*x -->
  725. <!ELEMENT deffn (definitionterm, (pre | deffnx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  726. <!ATTLIST deffn
  727. %spacesblockattr;>
  728. <!ELEMENT deffnx (definitionterm)>
  729. <!ATTLIST deffnx
  730. %spacesattr;>
  731. <!ELEMENT defvr (definitionterm, (pre | defvrx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  732. <!ATTLIST defvr
  733. %spacesblockattr;>
  734. <!ELEMENT defvrx (definitionterm)>
  735. <!ATTLIST defvrx
  736. %spacesattr;>
  737. <!ELEMENT deftypefn (definitionterm, (pre | deftypefnx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  738. <!ATTLIST deftypefn
  739. %spacesblockattr;>
  740. <!ELEMENT deftypefnx (definitionterm)>
  741. <!ATTLIST deftypefnx
  742. %spacesattr;>
  743. <!ELEMENT deftypeop (definitionterm, (pre | deftypeopx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  744. <!ATTLIST deftypeop
  745. %spacesblockattr;>
  746. <!ELEMENT deftypeopx (definitionterm)>
  747. <!ATTLIST deftypeopx
  748. %spacesattr;>
  749. <!ELEMENT deftypevr (definitionterm, (pre | deftypevrx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  750. <!ATTLIST deftypevr
  751. %spacesblockattr;>
  752. <!ELEMENT deftypevrx (definitionterm)>
  753. <!ATTLIST deftypevrx
  754. %spacesattr;>
  755. <!ELEMENT defcv (definitionterm, (pre | defcvx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  756. <!ATTLIST defcv
  757. %spacesblockattr;>
  758. <!ELEMENT defcvx (definitionterm)>
  759. <!ATTLIST defcvx
  760. %spacesattr;>
  761. <!ELEMENT deftypecv (definitionterm, (pre | deftypecvx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  762. <!ATTLIST deftypecv
  763. %spacesblockattr;>
  764. <!ELEMENT deftypecvx (definitionterm)>
  765. <!ATTLIST deftypecvx
  766. %spacesattr;>
  767. <!ELEMENT defop (definitionterm, (pre | defopx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  768. <!ATTLIST defop
  769. %spacesblockattr;>
  770. <!ELEMENT defopx (definitionterm)>
  771. <!ATTLIST defopx
  772. %spacesattr;>
  773. <!ELEMENT deftp (definitionterm, (pre | deftpx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  774. <!ATTLIST deftp
  775. %spacesblockattr;>
  776. <!ELEMENT deftpx (definitionterm)>
  777. <!ATTLIST deftpx
  778. %spacesattr;>
  779. <!ELEMENT defun (definitionterm, (pre | defunx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  780. <!ATTLIST defun
  781. %spacesblockattr;>
  782. <!ELEMENT defunx (definitionterm)>
  783. <!ATTLIST defunx
  784. %spacesattr;>
  785. <!ELEMENT defmac (definitionterm, (pre | defmacx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  786. <!ATTLIST defmac
  787. %spacesblockattr;>
  788. <!ELEMENT defmacx (definitionterm)>
  789. <!ATTLIST defmacx
  790. %spacesattr;>
  791. <!ELEMENT defspec (definitionterm, (pre | defspecx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  792. <!ATTLIST defspec
  793. %spacesblockattr;>
  794. <!ELEMENT defspecx (definitionterm)>
  795. <!ATTLIST defspecx
  796. %spacesattr;>
  797. <!ELEMENT defvar (definitionterm, (pre | defvarx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  798. <!ATTLIST defvar
  799. %spacesblockattr;>
  800. <!ELEMENT defvarx (definitionterm)>
  801. <!ATTLIST defvarx
  802. %spacesattr;>
  803. <!ELEMENT defopt (definitionterm, (pre | defoptx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  804. <!ATTLIST defopt
  805. %spacesblockattr;>
  806. <!ELEMENT defoptx (definitionterm)>
  807. <!ATTLIST defoptx
  808. %spacesattr;>
  809. <!ELEMENT deftypefun (definitionterm, (pre | deftypefunx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  810. <!ATTLIST deftypefun
  811. %spacesblockattr;>
  812. <!ELEMENT deftypefunx (definitionterm)>
  813. <!ATTLIST deftypefunx
  814. %spacesattr;>
  815. <!ELEMENT deftypevar (definitionterm, (pre | deftypevarx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  816. <!ATTLIST deftypevar
  817. %spacesblockattr;>
  818. <!ELEMENT deftypevarx (definitionterm)>
  819. <!ATTLIST deftypevarx
  820. %spacesattr;>
  821. <!ELEMENT defivar (definitionterm, (pre | defivarx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  822. <!ATTLIST defivar
  823. %spacesblockattr;>
  824. <!ELEMENT defivarx (definitionterm)>
  825. <!ATTLIST defivarx
  826. %spacesattr;>
  827. <!ELEMENT deftypeivar (definitionterm, (pre | deftypeivarx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  828. <!ATTLIST deftypeivar
  829. %spacesblockattr;>
  830. <!ELEMENT deftypeivarx (definitionterm)>
  831. <!ATTLIST deftypeivarx
  832. %spacesattr;>
  833. <!ELEMENT defmethod (definitionterm, (pre | defmethodx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  834. <!ATTLIST defmethod
  835. %spacesblockattr;>
  836. <!ELEMENT defmethodx (definitionterm)>
  837. <!ATTLIST defmethodx
  838. %spacesattr;>
  839. <!ELEMENT deftypemethod (definitionterm, (pre | deftypemethodx | %indexentry.cmds;)*, definitionitem?)>
  840. <!ATTLIST deftypemethod
  841. %spacesblockattr;>
  842. <!ELEMENT deftypemethodx (definitionterm)>
  843. <!ATTLIST deftypemethodx
  844. %spacesattr;>
  845. <!--
  846. <!ELEMENT definition (definitionterm | definitionitem | indexterm)+>
  847. <!ELEMENT definitionterm (%definition.args; | indexterm)+>
  848. -->
  849. <!ELEMENT definitionterm (indexterm?, (%definition.args;)+)>
  850. <!ELEMENT definitionitem (%block;)*>
  851. <!ENTITY % defargattr
  852. "%bracketedattr; %spacesattr;">
  853. <!ELEMENT defcategory (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  854. <!ATTLIST defcategory
  855. %defargattr;
  856. automatic (%onoff;) 'off'>
  857. <!ELEMENT deffunction (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  858. <!ATTLIST deffunction
  859. %defargattr;>
  860. <!ELEMENT defvariable (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  861. <!ATTLIST defvariable
  862. %defargattr;>
  863. <!ELEMENT defparam (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  864. <!ATTLIST defparam
  865. %defargattr;>
  866. <!ELEMENT defdelimiter (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  867. <!ELEMENT deftype (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  868. <!ATTLIST deftype
  869. %defargattr;>
  870. <!ELEMENT defparamtype (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  871. <!ATTLIST defparamtype
  872. %defargattr;>
  873. <!ELEMENT defdatatype (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  874. <!ATTLIST defdatatype
  875. %defargattr;>
  876. <!ELEMENT defclass (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  877. <!ATTLIST defclass
  878. %defargattr;>
  879. <!ELEMENT defclassvar (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  880. <!ATTLIST defclassvar
  881. %defargattr;>
  882. <!ELEMENT defoperation (#PCDATA | %Inline.line;)*>
  883. <!ATTLIST defoperation
  884. %defargattr;>
  885. <!-- emacs-page
  886. Inline elements -->
  887. <!ELEMENT hyphenation (#PCDATA)>
  888. <!-- emphasize -->
  889. <!ELEMENT strong (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  890. <!ELEMENT emph (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  891. <!-- small caps -->
  892. <!ELEMENT sc (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  893. <!-- fonts -->
  894. <!ELEMENT b (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  895. <!ELEMENT i (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  896. <!ELEMENT r (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  897. <!ELEMENT sansserif (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  898. <!ELEMENT slanted (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  899. <!ELEMENT titlefont (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  900. <!ELEMENT t (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  901. <!-- markup -->
  902. <!ELEMENT code (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  903. <!ELEMENT command (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  904. <!ELEMENT env (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  905. <!ELEMENT file (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  906. <!ELEMENT option (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  907. <!ELEMENT samp (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  908. <!ELEMENT dfn (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  909. <!ELEMENT cite (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  910. <!ELEMENT key (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  911. <!ELEMENT kbd (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  912. <!ELEMENT var (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  913. <!ELEMENT indicateurl (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  914. <!ATTLIST indicateurl
  915. %spacesattr;>
  916. <!ELEMENT clicksequence (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  917. <!ELEMENT w (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  918. <!ELEMENT asis (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  919. <!ELEMENT sub (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  920. <!ELEMENT sup (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  921. <!ELEMENT verb (#PCDATA)>
  922. <!ATTLIST verb
  923. delimiter CDATA #REQUIRED>
  924. <!ELEMENT acronym (acronymword, acronymdesc?)>
  925. <!ATTLIST acronym
  926. %spacesattr;>
  927. <!ELEMENT acronymword (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  928. <!ELEMENT acronymdesc (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  929. <!ATTLIST acronymdesc
  930. %spacesattr;>
  931. <!ELEMENT abbr (abbrword, abbrdesc?)>
  932. <!ATTLIST abbr
  933. %spacesattr;>
  934. <!ELEMENT abbrword (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  935. <!ELEMENT abbrdesc (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  936. <!ATTLIST abbrdesc
  937. %spacesattr;>
  938. <!-- math -->
  939. <!ELEMENT math (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  940. <!ATTLIST math
  941. %spacesattr;>
  942. <!ELEMENT dmn (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  943. <!-- reference -->
  944. <!ELEMENT anchor (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  945. <!ATTLIST anchor
  946. %spacesattr;
  947. name CDATA #IMPLIED>
  948. <!ELEMENT errormsg (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  949. <!ATTLIST errormsg
  950. %spacesattr;>
  951. <!-- inline conditionals -->
  952. <!ELEMENT inlineraw (inlinerawformat, inlinerawcontent)>
  953. <!ATTLIST inlineraw
  954. %spacesattr;>
  955. <!ELEMENT inlinerawformat (#PCDATA)>
  956. <!ELEMENT inlinerawcontent (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  957. <!ATTLIST inlinerawcontent
  958. %spacesattr;>
  959. <!ELEMENT inlinefmt (inlinefmtformat, inlinefmtcontent)>
  960. <!ATTLIST inlinefmt
  961. %spacesattr;>
  962. <!ELEMENT inlinefmtformat (#PCDATA)>
  963. <!ELEMENT inlinefmtcontent (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  964. <!ATTLIST inlinefmtcontent
  965. %spacesattr;>
  966. <!ELEMENT inlineifclear (inlineifclearformat, inlineifclearcontent)>
  967. <!ATTLIST inlineifclear
  968. %spacesattr;>
  969. <!ELEMENT inlineifclearformat (#PCDATA)>
  970. <!ELEMENT inlineifclearcontent (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  971. <!ATTLIST inlineifclearcontent
  972. %spacesattr;>
  973. <!ELEMENT inlineifset (inlineifsetformat, inlineifsetcontent)>
  974. <!ATTLIST inlineifset
  975. %spacesattr;>
  976. <!ELEMENT inlineifsetformat (#PCDATA)>
  977. <!ELEMENT inlineifsetcontent (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  978. <!ATTLIST inlineifsetcontent
  979. %spacesattr;>
  980. <!ELEMENT inlinefmtifelse (inlinefmtifelseformat, inlinefmtifelsecontentif?, inlinefmtifelsecontentelse?)>
  981. <!ATTLIST inlinefmtifelse
  982. %spacesattr;>
  983. <!ELEMENT inlinefmtifelseformat (#PCDATA)>
  984. <!ELEMENT inlinefmtifelsecontentif (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  985. <!ATTLIST inlinefmtifelsecontentif
  986. %spacesattr;>
  987. <!ELEMENT inlinefmtifelsecontentelse (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  988. <!ATTLIST inlinefmtifelsecontentelse
  989. %spacesattr;>
  990. <!-- command defined by definfoenclose -->
  991. <!ELEMENT infoenclose (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  992. <!ATTLIST infoenclose
  993. command CDATA #REQUIRED
  994. begin CDATA #IMPLIED
  995. end CDATA #IMPLIED>
  996. <!ENTITY % xref.args "xrefnodename?, xrefinfoname?, xrefprinteddesc?,
  997. xrefinfofile?, xrefprintedname?">
  998. <!ENTITY % xref.attr
  999. "%spacesattr;
  1000. label CDATA #IMPLIED
  1001. manual CDATA #IMPLIED">
  1002. <!ELEMENT xref (%xref.args;)>
  1003. <!ATTLIST xref
  1004. %xref.attr;>
  1005. <!ELEMENT ref (%xref.args;)>
  1006. <!ATTLIST ref
  1007. %xref.attr;>
  1008. <!ELEMENT pxref (%xref.args;)>
  1009. <!ATTLIST pxref
  1010. %xref.attr;>
  1011. <!ELEMENT xrefnodename (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1012. <!ELEMENT xrefinfoname (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1013. <!ATTLIST xrefinfoname
  1014. %spacesattr;>
  1015. <!ELEMENT xrefinfofile (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1016. <!ATTLIST xrefinfofile
  1017. %spacesattr;>
  1018. <!ELEMENT xrefprintedname (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1019. <!ATTLIST xrefprintedname
  1020. %spacesattr;>
  1021. <!ELEMENT xrefprinteddesc (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1022. <!ATTLIST xrefprinteddesc
  1023. %spacesattr;>
  1024. <!ELEMENT inforef (inforefnodename?, inforefrefname?, inforefinfoname?)>
  1025. <!ATTLIST inforef
  1026. %xref.attr;>
  1027. <!ELEMENT inforefnodename (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1028. <!ELEMENT inforefrefname (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1029. <!ATTLIST inforefrefname
  1030. %spacesattr;>
  1031. <!ELEMENT inforefinfoname (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1032. <!ATTLIST inforefinfoname
  1033. %spacesattr;>
  1034. <!ELEMENT email (emailaddress, emailname?)>
  1035. <!ATTLIST email
  1036. %spacesattr;>
  1037. <!ELEMENT emailaddress (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1038. <!ELEMENT emailname (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1039. <!ATTLIST emailname
  1040. %spacesattr;>
  1041. <!ELEMENT uref (urefurl, urefdesc?, urefreplacement?)>
  1042. <!ATTLIST uref
  1043. %spacesattr;>
  1044. <!ELEMENT url (urefurl, urefdesc?, urefreplacement?)>
  1045. <!ATTLIST url
  1046. %spacesattr;>
  1047. <!ELEMENT urefurl (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1048. <!ELEMENT urefdesc (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1049. <!ATTLIST urefdesc
  1050. %spacesattr;>
  1051. <!ELEMENT urefreplacement (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1052. <!ELEMENT footnote (%block;)*>
  1053. <!ATTLIST footnote
  1054. %spacesattr;>
  1055. <!-- deprecated -->
  1056. <!ELEMENT ctrl (#PCDATA | %Inline.phrase;)*>
  1057. <!ELEMENT refill EMPTY>
  1058. <!ELEMENT quote-arg EMPTY>
  1059. <!ELEMENT allow-recursion EMPTY>
  1060. <!-- index commands -->
  1061. <!ENTITY % indexcmdattr
  1062. "%spacesattr;
  1063. index CDATA #IMPLIED">
  1064. <!ELEMENT defindex EMPTY>
  1065. <!ATTLIST defindex
  1066. %lineattr;
  1067. value NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>
  1068. <!ELEMENT defcodeindex EMPTY>
  1069. <!ATTLIST defcodeindex
  1070. %lineattr;
  1071. value NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>
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