1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435 |
- #! /usr/bin/perl -w
- # expand the manuals with nested formats using texi2html and test
- # with makeinfo on these expanded manuals (it is likely that makeinfo
- # cannot expand those manuals in some cases).
- use strict;
- open (TXT, 'tests.txt') or die "Cannot open tests.txt: $!\n";
- mkdir ("all_texi");
- while (<TXT>)
- {
- next if /^\s*\#/;
- if (/^(\w+) nested_formats.texi -D (\w+) *$/)
- {
- my $dir = $1;
- my $def = $2;
- my $format;
- mkdir ("all_texi/$dir");
- if ($def =~ /[a-z]+_([a-z]+)$/)
- {
- $format = $1;
- }
- system("perl -w -x ../../texi2html.pl --force nested_formats.texi -D $def --macro-expand=all_texi/$format-nested_formats.texi");
- system ("cp all_texi/$format-nested_formats.texi all_texi/$dir/nested_formats.texi");
- #system ("perl -w -x ../../texi2html.pl -D $def --expand-macro=all_texi/$dir/$format-nested_formats.texi");
- system ("cd all_texi/$dir/ && makeinfo --force nested_formats.texi 2>nested_formats.2");
- }
- else
- {
- print STDERR "Ignoring $_";
- }
- }