123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327 |
- Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("parallelcoordinates_values", function (message) {
- var dataset = message;
- var numero_dados = dataset.Acidentes.length;
- var dado = { Acidentes: null, Sexo: null, Hora: null };
- var vetorDados = [];
- var traits = ['Acidentes', 'Sexo', 'Hora', 'Media de Idade'];
- var o;
- for (o = 0; o < numero_dados; o++) {
- traits.forEach(function (string) {
- dado[string] = dataset[string][o];
- });
- vetorDados.push(dado);
- dado = {};
- }
- var parcoordstable = d3.select("#parallelcoordinates_table table");
- var checkboxes = d3.select("#parallelcoordinates_area")
- .append("div")
- .attr("id", "parallel-coordinates-switch");
- function toggleAxis(checkBox, trait) {
- if (checkBox.checked == true) {
- if (!traits.includes(trait))
- traits.push(trait);
- }
- if (checkBox.checked == false) {
- var i = traits.indexOf(trait);
- traits.splice(i, 1);
- }
- d3.select("#parallelcoordinates_area svg").remove();
- loadChart();
- }
- traits.forEach(function (trait) {
- checkboxes.append("input")
- .attr("type", "checkbox")
- .attr("id", trait)
- .attr("value", trait)
- .attr("checked", true)
- .on("click", function () {
- toggleAxis(this, trait);
- });
- checkboxes.append("text")
- .text(trait);
- });
- function loadChart() {
- dragging = {};
- var background;
- var m = [50, 80, 50, 100],
- w = 500 - m[1] - m[3],
- h = 400 - m[0] - m[2];
- var line = d3.line(),
- axis = d3.axisLeft(),
- foreground;
- var parcoords = d3.select("#parallelcoordinates_area").append("svg")
- .attr("width", w + m[1] + m[3])
- .attr("height", h + m[0] + m[2])
- .append("g")
- .attr("transform", "translate(" + m[3] +
- "," + m[0] + ")");
- // Create a scale and brush for each trait
- var x = d3.scalePoint().domain(traits).range([0, w]),
- y = {};
- traits.forEach(function (col) {
- vetorDados.forEach(function (p) {
- p[col] = +p[col];
- });
- y[col] = d3.scaleLinear()
- .domain(d3.extent(vetorDados, function (p) {
- return p[col];
- }))
- .range([h, 0]);
- y[col].brush = d3.brushY()
- .extent([[-7, y[col].range()[1]],
- [7, y[col].range()[0]]
- ])
- .on("start", brushstart)
- .on("brush", brushView)
- .on("end", brush);
- });
- background = parcoords.append("g")
- .attr("class", "background")
- .selectAll("path")
- .data(vetorDados)
- .enter().append("path")
- .attr("d", path);
- foreground = parcoords.append("g")
- .attr("class", "foreground")
- .selectAll("path")
- .data(vetorDados)
- .enter().append("path")
- .attr("d", path);
- // Add a group element for each trait.
- var g = parcoords.selectAll(".trait")
- .data(traits)
- .enter()
- .append("svg:g")
- .attr("class", "trait")
- .attr("transform", function (d) {
- return "translate(" + x(d) + ")";
- })
- .call(d3.drag()
- .subject(function (d) {
- return { x: x(d) };
- })
- .on("start", function (d) {
- dragging[d] = x(d);
- background.attr("visibility", "hidden");
- })
- .on("drag", function (d) {
- //+10 e -10 para mudar com o primeiro e o ultimo
- dragging[d] = Math.min(w + 10, Math.max(-10, d3.event.x));
- foreground.attr("d", path);
- traits.sort(function (a, b) {
- return position(a) - position(b);
- });
- x.domain(traits);
- g.attr("transform", function (d) {
- return "translate(" + position(d) + ")";
- });
- })
- .on("end", function (d) {
- delete dragging[d];
- transition(d3.select(this)).attr("transform", "translate(" + x(d) + ")");
- transition(foreground).attr("d", path);
- background
- .attr("d", path)
- .transition()
- .delay(500)
- .duration(0)
- .attr("visibility", null);
- })
- );
- var defs = parcoords.append("defs");
- var gradient = defs.append("linearGradient")
- .attr("id", "svgGradient")
- .attr("x1", "50%")
- .attr("x2", "100%")
- .attr("y1", "50%")
- .attr("y2", "100%");
- gradient.append("stop")
- .attr('class', 'start')
- .attr("offset", "0%")
- .attr("stop-color", "blue")
- .attr("stop-opacity", 1);
- gradient.append("stop")
- .attr('class', 'end')
- .attr("offset", "100%")
- .attr("stop-color", "red")
- .attr("stop-opacity", 1);
- //Eixos
- g.append("svg:g")
- .attr("class", "axis")
- .each(function (col) {
- // Para remover os nomes das cidades
- if (col == "municipio") {
- d3.select(this)
- .call(d3.axisLeft(y[col]))
- .selectAll("text").remove();
- }
- if (col == "Sexo") {
- d3.select(this)
- .attr("class", "eixoSexo")
- .call(d3.axisLeft(y[col]))
- .selectAll("text").remove();
- d3.select(this)
- .call(d3.axisLeft(y[col])
- .ticks(3));
- d3.select(this)
- .append("svg:text").text("M")
- .attr("x", -9)
- .attr("y", 10);
- d3.select(this)
- .append("svg:text").text("F")
- .attr("x", -9)
- .attr("y", h + 2);
- }
- else if (col == "Hora") {
- d3.select(this).call(d3.axisLeft(y[col]).ticks(18));
- }
- else if (col == "Causador") {
- // ALT
- d3.select(this)
- .call(d3.axisLeft(y[col]))
- .selectAll("text")
- ._groups[0].forEach(function (p) {
- p.innerHTML = p.innerHTML.split(" ")[0];
- });
- }
- else {
- d3.select(this).call(d3.axisLeft(y[col]));
- }
- })
- // Titulos dos eixos
- .append("svg:text")
- .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
- .attr("y", -15)
- .text(function (col) {
- return col;
- });
- // Add a brush for each axis.
- g.append("svg:g")
- .attr("class", "brush")
- .each(function (d) {
- d3.select(this).call(y[d].brush);
- })
- .selectAll("rect")
- .attr("x", -8)
- .attr("width", 16);
- function position(d) {
- var v = dragging[d];
- return v == null ? x(d) : v;
- }
- function transition(g) {
- return g.transition().duration(500);
- }
- // Returns the path for a given data point.
- function path(d) {
- return line(traits.map(function (p) {
- return [position(p), y[p](d[p])];
- }));
- }
- function brushstart() {
- d3.event.sourceEvent.stopPropagation();
- }
- function brushView() {
- var actives = [];
- //filter brushed extents
- parcoords.selectAll(".brush")
- .filter(function (d) {
- return d3.brushSelection(this);
- })
- .each(function (d) {
- actives.push({
- dimension: d,
- extent: d3.brushSelection(this)
- });
- dim = actives[0].dimension;
- });
- //set un-brushed foreground line disappear
- foreground.classed("fade", function (d, i) {
- return !actives.every(function (active) {
- var dim = active.dimension;
- return active.extent[0] <= y[dim](d[dim]) && y[dim](d[dim]) <= active.extent[1];
- });
- });
- }
- function brush() {
- var actives = [];
- //filter brushed extents
- parcoords.selectAll(".brush")
- .filter(function (d) {
- return d3.brushSelection(this);
- })
- .each(function (d) {
- actives.push({
- dimension: d,
- extent: d3.brushSelection(this)
- });
- var selected = vetorDados.filter(function (d) {
- return actives.every(function (active) {
- var dim = active.dimension;
- return active.extent[0] <= y[dim](d[dim]) && y[dim](d[dim]) <= active.extent[1];
- });
- });
- hideTableColNames();
- d3.selectAll(".row_data").remove();
- showTableColNames();
- selected.forEach(function (d) {
- var row = parcoordstable.append("tr")
- .attr("class", "row_data");
- traits.forEach(
- function (string) {
- row.append("td")
- .text(d[string]);
- }
- );
- });
- });
- foreground.classed("fade", function (d, i) {
- return !actives.every(function (active) {
- var dim = active.dimension;
- return active.extent[0] <= y[dim](d[dim]) && y[dim](d[dim]) <= active.extent[1];
- });
- });
- }
- function hideTableColNames() {
- table.style("visibility", "hidden");
- }
- function showTableColNames() {
- table.style("visibility", "visible");
- }
- }
- loadChart();
- });