1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829 |
- // This file is subject to a 1-clause BSD license.
- // Its contents can be found in the enclosed LICENSE file.
- package owm
- // Language specific constants for this package
- const (
- TextLanguage = "nl"
- TextUnits = "metric"
- TextCurrentWeatherName = "weer"
- TextLocation = "lokatie"
- TextNoWeather = "%s, het weerbericht is momenteel niet beschikbaar."
- TextNotFound404 = "De weerserver (OpenWeatherMap) kent '%s' niet. Kijk op https://notabug.org/mouz/bot/wiki/PlacesNL voor een lijst met Nederlandse plaatsnamen. Zoek op https://www.openweathermap.org naar plaatsnamen van over de hele wereld."
- TextCurrentWeatherDisplay = "%s, in %s is het %s, %s%s, luchtdruk %.0f hPa, luchtvochtigheid %.0f%%, " +
- "wind %.1f m/s (kracht %.0f) uit richting %s%s"
- TextTempExact = "%.0f°C"
- TextTempRange = "tussen %.0f°C en %.0f°C"
- TextRainFall = ", regen %.1f mm/uur"
- TextSnowFall = ", sneeuw %.1f mm/uur"
- TextTimeZone = "Europe/Amsterdam"
- TextTimeFormat = "15:04"
- TextSunRiseSet = ", zon op %s onder %s GMT+1"
- )
- // Language specific variables for this package
- var (
- TextWindDirection = [16]string{"N", "NNO", "NO", "ONO", "O", "OZO", "ZO", "ZZO", "Z", "ZZW", "ZW", "WZW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW"}
- )