123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136 |
- import re
- import argparse
- import linecache
- import subprocess
- def generateCallGraph(programIR=None, withExternalNode=False):
- '''
- This function is used to generate the call graph of a c program from it's
- LLVM IR. The basic idea of this function is the pointer analysis of the identifiers.
- If an identifier in a function A points to a function B (directly or indirectly), I define
- that this function A calls function B.
- programIR: the readabel LLVM IR, that is, the file ended with '.ll'.
- withExternalNode: if this is true, an external node will be added to the call graph,
- such that there is an edge from this external node to the node in
- the all graph.
- return: the call graph as a string using dot formate, so the user can use networkx
- or pygraphviz to analysis it.
- '''
- lines = linecache.getlines(programIR)
- #first, get the identifiers of functions
- #the functions defined by user are started with "define", while the functions
- #of other libraries are started with "declare"
- funcId = [] #the identifiers of functions
- globalIdRef = {} #the relationship among Ids
- IdInFunc = {} #identifiers in function
- #in LLVM IR, the identifer of a function is treated as a global identifer
- #that can be recognised by the following regular expression
- globalIdPattern = re.compile(r'[@][-a-zA-Z$._][-a-zA-Z$._0-9]*')
- #get all identifiers and the identifiers in the function
- for lcount in range(len(lines)):
- line = lines[lcount]
- if line.startswith("define"):
- fId = globalIdPattern.search(line)
- fIdStr = fId.group()
- if not fIdStr.startswith("@llvm"):
- funcId.append(fIdStr)
- funcBody = ""
- while not line.startswith("}"):
- funcBody += line
- lcount += 1
- line = lines[lcount]
- funcBody += line
- allIds = globalIdPattern.findall(funcBody)
- Ids = []
- for item in allIds:
- if not item.startswith("@llvm"):
- Ids.append(item)
- Ids.remove(fIdStr)
- IdInFunc[fIdStr] = Ids
- elif line.startswith("declare"):
- fId = globalIdPattern.search(line)
- fIdStr = fId.group()
- if not fIdStr.startswith("@llvm"):
- funcId.append(fIdStr)
- elif line.startswith("@"):
- line = line.split(" = ")
- lid = globalIdPattern.search(line[0]).group()
- rid = globalIdPattern.findall(line[1])
- globalIdRef[lid] = rid
- else:
- pass
- linecache.clearcache()
- #---------------------------------------------------------
- #analyze the reference relationship among identifiers to know
- #the call relationship
- funcCall = {}
- for func in IdInFunc.keys():
- call = []
- for Id in IdInFunc[func]:
- if Id in funcId:
- call.append(Id)
- elif Id in globalIdRef.keys():
- for _Id in globalIdRef[Id]:
- if _Id in funcId:
- call.append(_Id)
- funcCall[func] = call
- #------------------------------------------------------------
- #generate the dot graph
- dotgraph = "digraph \"Call Graph\"{\n"
- dotgraph += "label=\"Call Graph\";\n"
- callSet = []
- for func in funcCall.keys():
- if func not in callSet:
- callSet.append(func)
- for call in funcCall[func]:
- if call not in callSet:
- callSet.append(call)
- for func in set(callSet):
- dotgraph += "Node" + func.replace("@","").replace(".","") + " [shape=record, label=\"{" + func.lstrip("@") + "}\"];\n"
- if withExternalNode:
- dotgraph += "Node" + "External" + " [shape=record, label=\"{" + "external node" + "}\"];\n"
- for func in set(callSet):
- dotgraph += "Node" + "External" + " -> " + "Node" + func.replace("@","").replace(".","") +";\n"
- for func in funcCall.keys():
- if func in callSet:
- for call in funcCall[func]:
- dotgraph += "Node" + func.replace("@","").replace(".","") + " -> " + "Node" + call.replace("@","").replace(".","") +";\n"
- dotgraph += "}\n"
- return dotgraph
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- paraser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- paraser.add_argument("-i", '--input', help='the input file')
- paraser.add_argument("-o", '--output', default="callgraph.dot",help='the output file')
- paraser.add_argument("-e", '--externalNode', action='store_true', default=False, help='make call graph with external node')
- paraser.add_argument("-s",'--show', action='store_true', default=False, help='show the call graph using xdot')
- args = paraser.parse_args()
- dotgraph = ""
- if not args.input:
- paraser.print_help()
- else:
- dotgraph = generateCallGraph(programIR=args.input, withExternalNode=args.externalNode)
- with open(args.output, "w") as fp:
- fp.write(dotgraph)
- if args.show:
- cmd = "xdot " + args.output
- subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)