123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582 |
- % The GML Format
- %
- \chapter{The GML Format}
- This section describes the syntax of a GML file, and how scanner and
- parser for the object tree are constructed. Graphs are of no
- relevance here; the next chapter will show how to extract a graph
- from a GML file.
- %
- % Syntax
- %
- \section{Syntax}
- Figure \ref{f:GML:Grammar} shows the syntax of GML in BNF
- notation. In this format, $x^{+}$ denotes a sequence of one or
- more $x$ items, and $x^{*}$ denotes a sequence of zero ore more $x$
- items. Characters in `quotes' denote terminal characters, and words in
- $<$\emph{angle brackets}$>$ denote nonterminals.
- \begin{figure}[htbp]
- \begin{bnf}{$<$WhiteSpace$>$}
- \Declare{GML}{
- \NonTerm{List}
- }
- \Declare{List}{
- \Empty{}
- \Alternative{
- \NonTerm{KeyValue}
- \ZeroOrMore{(\OneOrMore{\NonTerm{WhiteSpace}}\NonTerm{KeyValue})}
- }
- }
- \Declare{KeyValue}{
- \NonTerm{Key}
- \OneOrMore{\NonTerm{WhiteSpace}}
- \NonTerm{Value}
- }
- \Declare{Value}{
- \NonTerm{Integer}
- \Alternative{\NonTerm{Real}}
- \Alternative{\NonTerm{String}}
- \Alternative{\Term{$\left[\right.$} \NonTerm{List} \Term{$\left.\right]$}}
- }
- \Declare{Key}{
- \Range{\FromTo{a}{z}\FromTo{A}{Z}}\ZeroOrMore{\Range{\FromTo{a}{z}\FromTo{A}{Z}\FromTo{0}{9}}}
- }
- \Declare{Integer}{
- \NonTerm{Sign} \OneOrMore{\NonTerm{Digit}}
- }
- \Declare{Real}{
- \NonTerm{Sign}
- \OneOrMore{\NonTerm{Digit}}
- \Term{.}
- \OneOrMore{\NonTerm{Digit}}
- \NonTerm{Mantissa}
- }
- \Declare{String}{
- \Term{"}
- \NonTerm{Instring}
- \Term{"}
- }
- \Declare{Sign}{
- \Empty{}
- \Alternative{\Term{+}}
- \Alternative{\Term{-}}
- }
- \Declare{Digit}{
- \Range{\FromTo{0}{9}}
- }
- \Declare{Mantissa}{
- \Empty{}
- \Alternative{\Term{E} \NonTerm{Sign} \OneOrMore{Digit}}
- \Alternative{\Term{e} \NonTerm{Sign} \OneOrMore{Digit}}
- }
- \Declare{Instring}{
- ${\mathrm ASCII} - \{ \Term{\&}, \Term{"} \}$
- \Alternative{\Term{\&} \ZeroOrMore{\NonTerm{character}} \Term{;}}
- }
- \Declare{Whitespace}{
- \NonTerm{space}
- \Alternative{\NonTerm{tabulator}}
- \Alternative{\NonTerm{newline}}
- }
- \end{bnf}
- \caption{The GML Grammar in BNF Format.}
- \label{f:GML:Grammar}
- \end{figure}
- \section{Further specifications}
- \subsection{ISO 8859 Character Set}
- In Figure \ref{f:GML:Grammar}, \emph{Instring} excludes the
- characters \verb|"| and \verb|&| characters from a string. This
- is necessary because a \verb|"| inside a string would terminate
- the string prematurely. The \verb|&| character is used by the
- ISO 8859 character set to introduce a special character. This
- special character starts with an ampersand, is followed by a name
- and is terminated by a semicolon. For example, \verb|"|
- inserts \verb|"|, \verb|&| inserts \verb|&|, and
- \verb|ä| inserts a German `\"{a}'. For a complete list of
- characters, see tables \ref{t:ISO8859-1:basic},
- \ref{t:ISO8859-1:special}, \ref{t:ISO8859-1:capital} and
- \ref{t:ISO8859-1:lowercase} in section \ref{s:ISO8859}.
- We do not allow ISO 8859 characters outside strings, especially
- not in keywords. Thus, a sloppy parser might not know the ISO
- 8859 character set, but just ASCII, and can safely read and write
- GML as 7-bit ASCII files. Many applications do in fact not need
- to look into the labels, or use only simple labels.
- \subsection{Line Length}
- The maximum line length in the file format must not exceed
- \textbf{254} characters. This ensures that even systems with a
- more restrictive line length can cope with a GML file.
- \subsection{Key Syntax}
- We use a very restricted format for keys, which does not allow
- characters such as '\texttt{\_}', '\texttt{\$}' or '\texttt{:}'.
- This is because they might not be legal characters
- for variables in some interpreted languages. With this
- restriction, keys may be used as identifiers in interpreted
- languages. It also simplifies the syntax a lot.
- \subsection{Key Size}
- Because of the maximum line length, keys must less than
- \textbf{254} characters. However, it is quite convenient to have
- a key and a data item on one line, so it is a good idea to have a
- key size of less then than 126.
- \subsection{Line breaks}
- Line breaks may occur anywhere in the file format where white
- space is allowed. Line breaks inside strings are line breaks in
- the string\footnote{This limits strings to a maximum \emph{line
- width} of 253 characters, which seems reasonable.}.
- \subsection{\# Comments}
- Any line which starting with \verb|#| (whitespace \emph{before}
- the \verb|#| is allowed) is ignored by the parser. This is a
- standard treatment in most UNIX programs. For example, using the
- following as a first line
- \begin{alltt}
- #!/usr/local/bin/gmlview
- \end{alltt}
- \noindent specifies that the program \texttt{gmlview} interprets the file.
- It is also common to include foreign data (e.g.\ a Postscript
- representation of the graph) through that mechanism. Many drawing
- programs use the reverse mechanism to insert their data into a
- Postscript file.
- GML includes also a \texttt{comment} key which adds comments to a
- file. However, a parser will read and store these comments, so
- they should be reserved for \emph{small} comments. Any comments
- inserted with \texttt{\#} should be ignored by the parser.
- \subsection{Order of duplicate keys}
- \label{s:GML:OrderOfDupliactekeys}
- It is perfectly legal to have duplicate keys within the same
- list. For example, an array might be represented as follows:
- \begin{quote}
- \begin{alltt}
- array [
- element [ {\textnormal{\ldots{}}} ]
- element [ {\textnormal{\ldots{}}} ]
- element [ {\textnormal{\ldots{}}} ]
- ]
- \end{alltt}
- \end{quote}
- \noindent To avoid problems, we require that the order of \emph{duplicate}
- keys is \emph{preserved} by the parser. The order of not
- duplicate keys does need not be preserved. This is because
- programs might not be able to record the exact order of the
- attributes in the file. If would also make it more difficult to
- add more attribues as the file format grows\footnote{Of course,
- one could require that the new attributes are just appended to
- the old list. However, if a program is written in a modular
- fashion, the attributes will be written by procedures
- \mbox{\texttt{p1}, \texttt{p2}, \ldots, \texttt{pn}} in that
- order. If \texttt{p1} is extended, the new attributes would
- have to be written \emph{after} \texttt{pn}, which would break
- the modularization.}.
- \subsection{Unknown Keys}
- Any parser which encounters an unknown key should preserve it and
- its value, and write them back when the graph is saved into a
- file. Exceptions to this policy are changes in the structure,
- e.g.\ deletion of the parent of the unknown objects, and
- consistency problems (see \ref{c:GML:Consistency}).
- \subsection{Default values}
- One important requirement for GML is that an application which
- writes a file may omit all ``not interesting'' keys. However, the
- following default values should be be assumed for missing
- key-value pairs:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \textbf{0} for \emph{Integer} values.
- \item \textbf{0.0} for \emph{Real} values.
- \item \textbf{\texttt{""}} for \emph{String} values.
- \item $\left[\right]$ for \emph{List} values.
- \end{itemize}
- \noindent This makes sure that files with missing keys are treated
- equally by different programs. For example, one could define that
- a missing object width is substituted by some default value. But,
- what should be used ? Common values are 1, 2, 16, 32, 42 and 64,
- or the \emph{current default setting of the program}. However,
- especially the last variant is highly dependend on the current
- state of the program, and might lead to overlapping objects and
- therefore hard to read drawings.
- Nevertheless, a program may (and should) implement an option
- ``substitute defaults for missing values''. Such a clean up
- operation\footnote{Graphlet provides such operations in the
- ``Tool'' menu under the keyword ``Clean up''.} which is
- available by request is less confusing than the substitution of
- system state dependend values.
- %
- % Graphlet's Parser Implementation
- %
- \section{Graphlet's Parser Implementation}
- It remains to show how to construct an Object tree from a GML file.
- This is done while parsing the second and third rule in the syntax
- definition.
- \begin{tabbing}
- \emph{List}\texttt{\ ::=\ }\=\texttt{\ \ \ \ }\=\texttt{\ \ \ \ }\=\kill
- \emph{List}\texttt{\ ::=\ }
- \emph{KeyValue} ( \emph{WhiteSpace}$^+$ \emph{KeyValue})$^{*}$ \\
- \> \> \textbf{var} \emph{l}: List(Object); \\
- \> \> \emph{l} := emptyList; \\
- \> \> \textbf{foreach} \emph{KeyValue} in the list \textbf{do} \\
- \> \> \> \emph{o} := new Object(\emph{KeyValue.Key}); \\
- \> \> \> \emph{o}.value := \emph{KeyValue.Value}; \\
- \> \> \> \textbf{append} \emph{o} to \emph{l}; \\
- \> \> \textbf{done} \\
- \> \> \textbf{return} l; \\
- \\
- \emph{Value}\texttt{\ ::=\ }\emph{Integer} $\mid$ \\
- \> \> \textbf{return} \emph{Integer}; \\
- \>\emph{Real} $\mid$ \\
- \> \> \textbf{return} \emph{Real}; \\
- \>\emph{String} $\mid$ \\
- \> \> \textbf{return} \emph{String}; \\
- \>\verb|[| \emph{List} \verb|]| \\
- \> \> \textbf{return} \emph{List};
- \end{tabbing}
- \section{How to represent common data structures}
- As earlier said, GML is by no means restricted to graphs. In
- fact, all common data types can be represented in GML. This
- section is a cookbook for designing data structure
- representations in GML.
- \subsection{Boolean}
- Boolean values can be represented by Integers. \texttt{false} is
- represented by 0, \texttt{true} is represented by any other
- number.
- \begin{notes}
- \item We decided not to implement a separate datatype for
- boolean values because this would only complicate the parser.
- \end{notes}
- \subsection{Large numbers}
- \label{s:GML:LargeNumbers}
- Large integer or floating point data types can be represented as
- Strings. The string is the standard ASCII representation of the
- value.
- \begin{notes}
- \item A more compact representation for large integer values
- could be obtained by coding the bits of the number in the same
- fashion as the \texttt{uuencode} program which is available on
- UNIX systems. However, this would assume that the layout of the
- bits in memory is fixed (which is \emph{not} the case), and
- would also complicate the parser. It is also not clear how many
- applications would need this.
- % except TL
- \item If space is an issue, An application may encode very
- large integer numbers as a list if integers in a $2^{15}$- or
- $2^{31}$-adic number system.
- \end{notes}
- \subsection{Bitset}
- \label{s:GML:Bitset}
- A bitset should be represented as a string of 0 and 1 characters.
- \begin{notes}
- \item The same as for large numbers (section
- \ref{s:GML:LargeNumbers}) applies here, too.
- \end{notes}
- \subsection{Records}
- A record data type
- \begin{quote}
- \begin{alltt}
- name: record
- a: type1
- b: type2
- \ldots{}
- end
- \end{alltt}
- \end{quote}
- \noindent can be represented in GML as follows:
- \begin{quote}
- \begin{alltt}
- name [
- a \ttcomment{value\_of\_a}
- b \ttcomment{value\_of\_b}
- \ttcomment{\ldots{}}
- ]
- \end{alltt}
- \end{quote}
- \noindent In place of \emph{value\_of\_field}, insert the value of
- the corresponding field of the record. This can either be an
- integer, a real or a string value or a list.
- \subsection{Lists, Sets, Arrays}
- A list of data type
- \begin{quote}
- \begin{alltt}
- name: List(SomeType)
- \end{alltt}
- \end{quote}
- \noindent can be represented in GML as follows:
- \begin{quote}
- \begin{alltt}
- name [
- obj \ttcomment{value\_of\_first\_element}
- obj \ttcomment{value\_of\_second\_element}
- \ldots{}
- ]
- \end{alltt}
- \end{quote}
- \noindent where \texttt{obj} should be replaced by a suitable name for the
- elements of the list. Section \ref{s:GML:OrderOfDupliactekeys}
- specifies that a parser must preserve the order of the
- \texttt{obj} attributes when it reads the program.
- Sets and arrays are represented with exactly the same schema. In
- the case of arrays, it might be neccessary to use a list for
- \emph{value\_of\_field} and add an \texttt{id} key to the value.
- This \texttt{id} represents the index of the array element.
- Associative arrays might use a \texttt{name} key or some more
- complex structure.
- \subsection{Name clashes}
- The freedom of adding new keys bears the problem of name clashes.
- To avoid this problem as much as possible, any application should
- put its private information in a object of type list who's
- private key represents the name of the application. For example,
- the Graphlet system will insert all private information into a an
- object with key named \texttt{Graphlet}\footnote{Of course, this
- is still not 100\% save, but as close as we can get with a
- reasonable effort. HTML uses the same approach and works still
- fine after all these years.}.
- %
- % Extracting Graphs from GML files
- %
- \chapter{Extracting Graphs from GML files}
- Up to this point, GML was not related to graphs in any way. In
- fact, GML is designed so that it can map any data structure onto
- an ASCII file. To extract a graph from a GML file, we parse the
- file and extract the list of Object structures. Then, we run
- through the objects and extract the graph structure from them:
- \begin{program}
- \textbf{var} \emph{objects}: List(Object); \\
- \\
- \emph{objects} := parse (file); \\
- \textbf{foreach} $o$ \textbf{in} \emph{objects} \textbf{where} $o$.key = ``Graph'' \textbf{do} \\
- \> \emph{g} := \textbf{new} graph; \\
- \> \textbf{foreach} $\bar{o}$ \textbf{in} $o$.value \textbf{where} $\bar{o}$.key = ``Node'' \textbf{do} \\
- \> \> $n$ := \textbf{new} node ($g$); \\
- \> \> $n$.attributes := $\bar{o}$.value; \\
- \> \> \textbf{remove} $\bar{o}$ \textbf{from} $o$.value; \\
- \> \textbf{done} \\
- \> \textbf{foreach} $\bar{o}$ \textbf{in} $o$.value \textbf{where} $\bar{o}$.key = ``Edge'' \textbf{do} \\
- \> \> $e$ := \textbf{new} edge ($\bar{o}$.source.value, $\bar{o}$.target.value); \\
- \> \> $e$.attributes := $\bar{o}$.value; \\
- \> \> \textbf{remove} $\bar{o}$ \textbf{from} $o$; \\
- \> \textbf{done} \\
- \> $g$.attributes := $o$.value; \\
- \> \textbf{remove} $o$ \textbf{from} \emph{objects}; \\
- \textbf{done} \\
- \end{program}
- \noindent To write a graph to a GML file, use the following schema:
- \begin{program}
- \textbf{procedure} print ($g$: Graph); \\
- \textbf{begin} \\
- \> \textbf{print} ``\verb|graph [|''; \\
- \> \textbf{print} ($g$.attributes); \\
- \> \textbf{foreach} $n$ \textbf{in} g.nodes \textbf{do} \\
- \> \> \textbf{print} ``\verb|node [|''; \\
- \> \> \textbf{print} ($n$.attributes); \\
- \> \> \textbf{print} \verb|]|''; \\
- \> \textbf{done} \\
- \> \textbf{foreach} $e$ \textbf{in} $g$.edges \textbf{do} \\
- \> \> \textbf{print} ``\verb|edge [|''; \\
- \> \> \textbf{print} $e$.attributes; \\
- \> \> \textbf{print} ``\verb|]|''; \\
- \> \textbf{done} \\
- \> \textbf{print} ``\verb|]|''; \\
- \textbf{end} \\
- \\
- \textbf{procedure} print (\emph{objects}: List(Object)) \\
- \textbf{begin} \\
- \> \textbf{foreach} $o$ \textbf{in} \emph{objects} \textbf{do} \\
- \> \> \textbf{print} $o$.key; \\
- \> \> \textbf{case} type($o$) \textbf{of} \\
- \> \> \> Integer : \\
- \> \> \> \> \textbf{print} $o$.value; \\
- \> \> \> Real : \\
- \> \> \> \> \textbf{print} $o$.value; \\
- \> \> \> String : \\
- \> \> \> \> \textbf{print} $o$.value; \ttcomment{must ensure line
- length $<$ 255} \\
- \> \> \> List : \\
- \> \> \> \> \textbf{print} ``\verb|[|'' \\
- \> \> \> \> \textbf{print} $o$.value; \\
- \> \> \> \> \textbf{print} ``\verb|]|''; \\
- \> \> \textbf{end} \\
- \> \textbf{done} \\
- \textbf{end} \\
- \end{program}
- \noindent In the above program, we assume that a statement \textbf{print
- $s$} writes $s$ with the following properties:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item $s$ is surrounded by quotes.
- \item The output is adjusted to a maximum line length of 254 characters,
- inclusive quotes.
- \item All characters are properly translated into the ISO 8859
- character set. Especially, the \verb|&| and \verb|"| characters
- are replaced by \verb|&| and \verb|"|.
- \end{itemize}
- It is a good idea to save all objects in the file and print them
- out again, unless they are unsafe and changes to the graph have
- been made (see also chapter \ref{c:GML:Consistency}). This will
- make sure that valuable information supplied by other programs
- wont get lost.
- %
- % Consistency
- %
- \chapter{Consistency: Safe and Unsafe Objects}
- \label{c:GML:Consistency}
- With GML, we can specify objects that depend on other objects.
- That is, changing one object forces other objects to be updated.
- There are many examples for such behaviour:
- \begin{description}
- \item[Edge coordinates] Edge coordinates must be updated when
- the endnodes of the edge move. Technically, if a node is
- removed, all adjacent edges must be removed.
- \item[Label coordinates] The same as above applies to label
- coordinates.
- \item[Graph Theory] Information on graph theoretical
- properties, such as planarity, is often needed by applications
- and should therefore be added to a graph. This may save costly
- recomputation (if an appropriate algorithm is available at
- all). This information must be updated whenever the structure
- of the graph changes.
- \item[Maximum and Minimum Coordinates] Some applications need
- information on the maximum or minimum x and y coordinates.
- They must be updated whenever a node or edge changes
- \emph{position} or \emph{size}.
- \item[Size of the graph] Information on the size of the graph,
- that is the number of nodes and/or edges is also an often
- found information in graph file formats. However, this
- information must be updated whenever the structure of the graph
- changes.
- \end{description}
- In some cases, it is quite obvious how to handle updates. On the
- other hand, in the case of Graph theoretic properties, it might
- be difficult and time costly to update, if at all feasible.
- There are many solutions to this problem. Besides omitting all
- potentially dangerous keys, a simple solution would be to define
- consistency conditions for a few known objects and forbid any
- other consistency violating objects. This would especially mean
- that graph theoretical properties, which might be the result of
- several hours computing, are ruled out.
- The most complex solution would be to give a precise
- specification for the dependencies of each object, and force
- updates. However, this would lead to a very complex file formant,
- and would be difficult to implement.
- Therefore, we settle for the following solution: It is legal to
- add objects which become inconsistent after changes, but a a hint
- must be given that the key bears a potential consistency problem.
- \begin{definition}[Safe and Unsafe Objects]
- We call any object which must be updated or removed upon a
- change unsafe. We discriminate safe and unsafe objects by
- their key:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item An object who's key starts with a \textbf{lower case} letter
- starts is \emph{safe}.
- \item An object who's key starts with a \textbf{capital letter} starts
- is \emph{unsafe}.
- \end{itemize}
- Any program that changes (a) the topoligical structure of the
- graph or (b) an attribute must delete all objects it cannot
- update properly.
- \end{definition}
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