1. [Created from Graphlet/acknowledgements.html]
  2. Graphlet
  3. _________________________________________________________________
  4. Acknowledgements
  5. _________________________________________________________________
  6. Graphlet is supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,
  7. Grant Br 835/6-2,
  8. Design, Analysis, Implementation, and Evaluation of Graph Drawing
  9. Algorithms
  10. in the research cluster
  11. Efficient Algorithms for discrete Problems and Their Applications.
  12. _________________________________________________________________
  13. We would like to thank Arne Frick ( for giving us the
  14. permission to the use the GEM algorithm. This algorithm was originally
  15. implemented for GraphEd and is used in Graphlet through the LSD
  16. interface.
  17. The source code of this algorithm is in
  18. * src/gt_lsd/gem
  19. The menu entry for this algorithm in the "Layout" menu is
  20. * "Spring Embedder (GEM)"
  21. The corresponding Graphscript command is
  22. * layout_gem
  23. _________________________________________________________________
  24. Petra Mutzel (, Carsten Gutwenger
  25. (, and Sergey Fialko (
  26. have contibuted several graph drawing algorithms.
  27. The source code of their algorithms is in
  28. * src/gt_grid_algorithms
  29. * lib/graphscript/gt_grid_algorithms
  30. The menu entries for these algorithms in the "Layout" menu are
  31. * "Mixed-Model (Kant)"
  32. * "Convex (Kant)"
  33. * "ConvexDraw (Chrobak/Kant)"
  34. * "BicStraightLine"
  35. * "Fraysseix, Pach, Pollack"
  36. and in the "Tool" menu:
  37. * "Graph Generators"
  38. The corresponding Graphscript commands are
  39. * layout_mixed_model
  40. * layout_convex
  41. * layout_convex_draw
  42. * layout_bic_straight
  43. * layout_fpp
  44. * layout_fpp
  45. * random_planar_graph
  46. * random_planar_tric_graph
  47. * complete_graph
  48. * random_graph
  49. * complete_bigraph
  50. * triangulated_planar_graph
  51. * assign_graph_graphics
  52. _________________________________________________________________
  53. We would also like to thank all those numerous people who helped us
  54. with comments, suggestions and bug reports.
  55. _________________________________________________________________
  56. About the Graphlet Website