123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520 |
- #include "GridBasedLayout.h"
- GridBasedLayout::GridBasedLayout()
- {
- }
- void GridBasedLayout::findCanonicalOrder(SubGraph & gInputGraph, std::vector<int> & oVertexIndexCanonicalOrder)
- {
- // change graph format:
- // gInputGraph is a bidirectedS graph, whereas the Canonical Ordering algorithm accepts undirectedS graphs.
- // To map our graph to undirected one, we create a local undirected graph and copy the edges and vertices
- // in our graph to this local graph; and pass this to the algorithm.
- VertexDescriptor descVertexSource, descVertexTarget;
- EdgeIterator itrEdge, itrEdgeEnd;
- EdgeDescriptor descEdge;
- int iVertexSource, iVertexTarget, iNumVertices;
- BoostGraphWrapper graphWrapper;
- iNumVertices = boost::num_vertices(gInputGraph);
- GridBasedLayout::graph g(iNumVertices); //create a local undirected graph with same no. of vertices
- VertexOrderType oCanonicalOrder;
- LayoutUtility layoutUtility;
- // copy each edge one by one
- for(boost::tie(itrEdge, itrEdgeEnd) = edges(gInputGraph); itrEdge != itrEdgeEnd; itrEdge++)
- {
- //get its src and tgt
- descEdge = *itrEdge;
- descVertexSource = graphWrapper.getEdgeSource(descEdge, gInputGraph);
- descVertexTarget = graphWrapper.getEdgeTarget(descEdge, gInputGraph);
- //get indices of src and tgt
- iVertexSource = graphWrapper.getVertexIndex(descVertexSource);
- iVertexTarget = graphWrapper.getVertexIndex(descVertexTarget);
- //add edge between corresponding vertices in local graph
- add_edge(iVertexSource, iVertexTarget, g);
- }
- // Initialize the interior edge index
- layoutUtility.reinitializeEdgeIndices(g);
- // Test for planarity - we know it is planar, we just want to
- // compute the planar embedding as a side-effect
- typedef std::vector< graph_traits< graph >::edge_descriptor > vec_t;
- std::vector<vec_t> embedding(num_vertices(g));
- if (boyer_myrvold_planarity_test(boyer_myrvold_params::graph = g,
- boyer_myrvold_params::embedding = make_iterator_property_map(embedding.begin(),
- get(vertex_index,
- g))))
- {
- //std::cout << "Input graph is planar2" << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- throw LayoutException("findCanonicalOrder",
- LayoutExceptionEnum::INVALID_GRAPH_TYPE,
- "inputGraph",
- "non-planar");
- //std::cout << "Input graph is not planar2" << std::endl;
- }
- //find the Canonical Order
- planar_canonical_ordering(g, make_iterator_property_map(embedding.begin(), get(vertex_index, g)),
- std::back_inserter(oCanonicalOrder));
- //copy the canonical order of indices to the supplied parameter
- for(int i = 0; i < oCanonicalOrder.size(); ++i)
- oVertexIndexCanonicalOrder.push_back(get(vertex_index, g, oCanonicalOrder[i]));
- }
- void GridBasedLayout::findGridBasedLayout(SubGraph & gInputGraph, std::vector<int> & oCanonicalOrder, std::vector< GridBasedLayout::Position > & oVertexPosition)
- {
- int iNumVertices = boost::num_vertices( gInputGraph );
- LAYOUT_ASSERT(oCanonicalOrder.size() == iNumVertices,
- LayoutException("findGridBasedLayout",
- LayoutExceptionEnum::INVALID_PARAMETER,
- "canonicalOrder",
- "size of")); //size_of(canonical_order) = #nodes
- //initialize set of associated vertices such that: Associated Vertices of V = {V}
- std::vector< std::vector<VertexDescriptor> > AssociatedVertices(iNumVertices);
- for(int iCount=0; iCount < iNumVertices ; iCount++)
- {
- AssociatedVertices[iCount].push_back(vertex(iCount, gInputGraph));
- }
- //INITIALIZE for first 2 vertices-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BoostGraphWrapper graphWrapper;
- int iTempararyIndex;
- std::vector<VertexDescriptor> oContour;
- std::vector< Position > PositionVector( iNumVertices );
- //set positions of first 2 vertices as (0,0)
- iTempararyIndex = oCanonicalOrder[0];
- PositionVector[iTempararyIndex].iCoordX = 0;
- PositionVector[iTempararyIndex].iCoordY = 0;
- iTempararyIndex = oCanonicalOrder[1];
- PositionVector[iTempararyIndex].iCoordX = 0;
- PositionVector[iTempararyIndex].iCoordY = 0;
- //initial contour contains vertices 0-1
- oContour.push_back(vertex(oCanonicalOrder[0], gInputGraph));
- oContour.push_back(vertex(oCanonicalOrder[1], gInputGraph));
- //Find the initial overlap and shift the node horizontally
- VertexDescriptor v0, v1;
- v0 = vertex(oCanonicalOrder[0], gInputGraph);
- v1 = vertex(oCanonicalOrder[1], gInputGraph);
- int iWidthOfV0 = graphWrapper.getVertexWidth(v0, gInputGraph);
- int iWidthOfV1 = graphWrapper.getVertexWidth(v1, gInputGraph);
- int iInitialOverlapLeft = std::ceil((iWidthOfV0/2) + (iWidthOfV1/2)) + SEPARATION;
- int iInitialOverlapRight = 0;
- int iInitialP = 0; //index of left neighbour of the node to be shifted (in current contour)
- this->secondShiftRight(iInitialOverlapLeft, iInitialOverlapRight, gInputGraph,
- PositionVector, AssociatedVertices,
- oContour, iInitialP);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //REPEATE for 3rd vertex in canonical vertex onward-------------------------------------------------------
- for(int k = 2; k < oCanonicalOrder.size(); ++k)
- {
- int iP, iQ, iOverlapLeft, iOverlapRight;
- iP = 0;
- iQ = 0;
- //FIND EXTREME NEIGHBOURS of kth vertex in contour
- this->findNeighbours(gInputGraph, oContour, oCanonicalOrder[k], iP, iQ);
- LAYOUT_ASSERT((0<=iP) & (iP<=iQ) & (iQ<=oContour.size()),
- LayoutException("findGridBasedLayout",
- "contour",
- "P-Q"));
- //REARRANGE GRAPH by shifting some vertices right by 1 or 2 places
- this->shiftRight(TWO, gInputGraph, PositionVector, AssociatedVertices, oContour, iP, iQ);
- this->shiftRight(ONE, gInputGraph, PositionVector, AssociatedVertices, oContour, iP, iQ);
- //FIND POSITION of kth vertex
- this->findNewPosition(oCanonicalOrder[k], iP, iQ, gInputGraph, PositionVector, oContour);
- //FIND TOPMOST POINT under this new vertex
- int iIndexOfTopmostVertex;
- this->findTopmostVertex(iP, iQ, oContour, gInputGraph, PositionVector, iIndexOfTopmostVertex);
- this->updateAssociaedVertices(AssociatedVertices, gInputGraph, oContour, oCanonicalOrder[k], iP, iQ);
- //UPDATE CONTOUR to reflect change after adding new vertex
- this->updateContour(oContour, gInputGraph, oCanonicalOrder[k], iP, iQ);
- //FIND OVERLAPS for newly added vertex
- this->findOverlaps(iP, oContour, gInputGraph, PositionVector, iOverlapLeft, iOverlapRight);
- //REARRANGE GRAPH by shifting some vertices right if overlapping
- this->secondShiftRight(iOverlapLeft, iOverlapRight, gInputGraph, PositionVector, AssociatedVertices,
- oContour, iP);
- int iR = iP+2;
- this->findNewPosition(oCanonicalOrder[k], iP, iR, gInputGraph, PositionVector, oContour);
- //SHIFT VERTICALLY if needed
- this->shiftVertically(iIndexOfTopmostVertex, oCanonicalOrder[k], gInputGraph, PositionVector);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- oVertexPosition = PositionVector;
- }
- void GridBasedLayout::findNeighbours(SubGraph &gInputGraph, std::vector<VertexDescriptor> & oContour,
- int & iNewVertexIndex, int& p, int& q)
- {
- //This method goes through the contour and checks whether the current vertex in the contour
- //is adjecent to vNewVertex in gInputGraph
- bool bHasFoundNeighbour = false; //reflects whether vNewVertex has started encountering neighbours in contour
- EdgeBoolPair pairEdgeBoolVtoC, pairEdgeBoolCtoV, pairEdgeBoolUndirected;
- VertexDescriptor vNewVertex = vertex(iNewVertexIndex, gInputGraph);
- //traverse contour sequentially
- for(int iContourIndex = 0; iContourIndex < oContour.size(); ++iContourIndex)
- {
- //check whether edge exists between vNewVertex and current vertex in contour
- pairEdgeBoolVtoC = lookup_edge(vNewVertex, oContour[iContourIndex], gInputGraph);
- pairEdgeBoolCtoV = lookup_edge(oContour[iContourIndex], vNewVertex, gInputGraph);
- pairEdgeBoolUndirected = edge(vNewVertex, oContour[iContourIndex], gInputGraph);
- bool bIsEdge = false;
- bIsEdge = pairEdgeBoolVtoC.second || pairEdgeBoolCtoV.second || pairEdgeBoolUndirected.second;
- //find first and last neighbour in contour
- if( bIsEdge && !bHasFoundNeighbour) //if found first neighbour
- {
- p = iContourIndex;
- bHasFoundNeighbour = true;
- if(iContourIndex == (oContour.size() - 1)) //if end of contour, it is also the last neighbour
- {
- q = iContourIndex;
- break;
- }
- //else continue;
- }
- else if( bIsEdge && bHasFoundNeighbour) //if found another neighbour
- {
- if(iContourIndex == (oContour.size() - 1)) //if end of contour, it is the last neighbour
- {
- q = iContourIndex;
- break;
- }
- //else continue;
- }
- else if( !bIsEdge && !bHasFoundNeighbour) //if not found a neighbour yet
- continue;
- else if( !bIsEdge && bHasFoundNeighbour) //if found last neighbour
- {
- q = iContourIndex - 1;
- break;
- }
- else //invalid condition
- {
- throw LayoutException("findNeighbours",
- " ",
- " ");
- //break;
- }
- }
- }
- void GridBasedLayout::shiftRight(int iShiftBy, SubGraph & gInputGraph,
- std::vector< Position > & vecPositon,
- std::vector< std::vector<VertexDescriptor> > & vecAssociated,
- std::vector<VertexDescriptor> & oContour,
- int& p, int& q)
- {
- //This method rearranges current layout to accomodate new vertex
- //It is called twice; first with iShiftBy = 2 and then with iShiftBy = 1
- //shifts all vertices associated to (Wq.....Wm) by 2 to their right
- //shifts all vertices associated to (Wp+1.....Wq-1) by 1 to their right
- VertexDescriptor vWi;
- int iIndexOfWi, iIndexOfAssociatedVertex;
- switch (iShiftBy)
- {
- case 2:
- //for vertices (Wq.....Wm) in contour
- for(int i = q; i < oContour.size(); i++)
- {
- vWi = oContour[i];
- iIndexOfWi = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vWi);
- //for all of its associated vertices
- for(int j = 0; j < vecAssociated[iIndexOfWi].size(); j++)
- {
- iIndexOfAssociatedVertex = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vecAssociated[iIndexOfWi][j]);
- //shift by 2
- vecPositon[iIndexOfAssociatedVertex].iCoordX = vecPositon[iIndexOfAssociatedVertex].iCoordX + 2;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- //for vertices (Wp+1.....Wq-1) in contour
- for(int i = p+1; i < q; i++)
- {
- vWi = oContour[i];
- iIndexOfWi = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vWi);
- //for all of its associated vertices
- for(int j = 0; j < vecAssociated[iIndexOfWi].size(); j++)
- {
- iIndexOfAssociatedVertex = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vecAssociated[iIndexOfWi][j]);
- //shift by 1
- vecPositon[iIndexOfAssociatedVertex].iCoordX = vecPositon[iIndexOfAssociatedVertex].iCoordX + 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- std::cout << "Invalid value of shiftBy:" << iShiftBy << std::endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- void GridBasedLayout::findNewPosition(int & vNewVertexIntex, int& p, int& q, SubGraph & gInputGraph,
- std::vector< Position > & vecPositon,
- std::vector<VertexDescriptor> & oContour)
- {
- //This method calculates coordinates of vNewVertex on the grid layout
- //new vertex is plotted at intersection of lines with slopes +1 and -1,
- //passing through first and last neighbours (Wp,Wq), respectively
- //new position given by formula P(Wp,Wq) = (x1-y1+x2+y2, -x1+y1+x2+y2) / 2
- //read Wp and Wq
- VertexDescriptor vWp, vWq;
- vWp = oContour[p];
- vWq = oContour[q];
- //get their indices
- int iIndexP, iIndexQ;
- iIndexP = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vWp);
- iIndexQ = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vWq);
- //read coordinates of Wp and Wq
- int iX1, iY1, iX2, iY2;
- iX1 = vecPositon[iIndexP].iCoordX;
- iY1 = vecPositon[iIndexP].iCoordY;
- iX2 = vecPositon[iIndexQ].iCoordX;
- iY2 = vecPositon[iIndexQ].iCoordY;
- //calculate coordinates of vNewVertex and update them
- vecPositon[vNewVertexIntex].iCoordX = (int)((iX1 - iY1 + iX2 + iY2) / 2);
- vecPositon[vNewVertexIntex].iCoordY = (int)((iY1 - iX1 + iX2 + iY2) / 2);
- }
- void GridBasedLayout::updateAssociaedVertices(std::vector< std::vector<VertexDescriptor> > & vecAssociated,
- SubGraph & gInputGraph,
- std::vector<VertexDescriptor> & oContour,
- int & iNewVertexIndex,
- int& p, int& q)
- {
- //This method updates Associated Vertices' List for the new vertex
- //This is done as: Associated Vertices's List of Vk = Union of Associated Vertices' Lists of (Wp+1....Wq-1)
- //for each vertex between (Wp+1....Wq-1) in contour
- for(int iIndexInContour = p + 1; iIndexInContour < q; iIndexInContour++)
- {
- VertexDescriptor vWi = oContour[iIndexInContour];
- //get its index
- int iIndexW = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vWi);
- //for each vertex in Associated Vertices' List of Wi
- for(int iIndexInAssociatedList = 0; iIndexInAssociatedList < vecAssociated[iIndexW].size(); iIndexInAssociatedList++)
- {
- //copy it to Associated Vertices' List of NewVertex
- vecAssociated[iNewVertexIndex].push_back(vecAssociated[iIndexW][iIndexInAssociatedList]);
- }
- }
- }
- void GridBasedLayout::updateContour(std::vector<VertexDescriptor> & oContour, SubGraph & gInputGraph,
- int & iNewVertexIndex,
- int& p, int& q)
- {
- //This method updates contour after adding new vertex
- //It removes all the vertices in contour inbetween Wp and Wq
- //and replaces them with vNewVertex; say Vk
- //thus contour (W1-...-Wp-...-Wq-...-Wm) becomes (W1-...-Wp-Vk-Wq-...-Wm)
- //declare temporary contour
- std::vector<VertexDescriptor> oTempararyContour;
- //push (W1-...-Wp) to temporary contour
- for(int i = 0; i <= p; i++)
- oTempararyContour.push_back(oContour[i]);
- //push NewVertex to temporary contour
- oTempararyContour.push_back(vertex(iNewVertexIndex, gInputGraph));
- //push (Wq-...-Wm) to temporary contour
- for(int i = q; i < oContour.size(); i++)
- oTempararyContour.push_back(oContour[i]);
- //copy temporary contour to original contour
- oContour = oTempararyContour;
- }
- void GridBasedLayout::findOverlaps(int &p, std::vector<VertexDescriptor> &oContour, SubGraph &gInputGraph,
- std::vector<Position> &vecPositon, int &iOverlapLeft, int &iOverlapRight)
- {
- LAYOUT_ASSERT((p+2) < oContour.size(),
- LayoutException("findOverlaps",
- LayoutExceptionEnum::INVALID_PARAMETER,
- "contour",
- "P"));
- //Read new vertex and vertices at its left and right in current contour
- VertexDescriptor vLeftVertex, vNewVertex, vRightVertex;
- vLeftVertex = oContour[p];
- vNewVertex = oContour[p + 1];
- vRightVertex = oContour[p + 2];
- //Find distance between them and their widths--------------------------------------------------------------
- BoostGraphWrapper boostGraphWrapper;
- int iCoordXOfLeft, iCoordXOfRight,iCoordXOfNew;
- int iDistanceAtLeft, iDistanceAtRight, iWidthOfLeftVertex, iWidthOfRightVertex, iWidthOfNewVertex;
- //get centre coordinates
- iCoordXOfLeft = vecPositon[get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vLeftVertex)].iCoordX;
- iCoordXOfNew = vecPositon[get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vNewVertex)].iCoordX;
- iCoordXOfRight = vecPositon[get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vRightVertex)].iCoordX;
- //get distance between centres
- iDistanceAtLeft = std::abs(iCoordXOfNew - iCoordXOfLeft);
- iDistanceAtRight = std::abs(iCoordXOfRight - iCoordXOfNew);
- //get widths
- iWidthOfLeftVertex = boostGraphWrapper.getVertexWidth(vLeftVertex, gInputGraph);
- iWidthOfNewVertex = boostGraphWrapper.getVertexWidth(vNewVertex, gInputGraph);
- iWidthOfRightVertex = boostGraphWrapper.getVertexWidth(vRightVertex, gInputGraph);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //If they overlap, find the amount by which they overlap---------------------------------------------------
- //get separation between centres needed to avoid overlap
- int iSeparationLeft, iSeparationRight;
- iSeparationLeft = std::ceil((iWidthOfLeftVertex / 2) + (iWidthOfNewVertex / 2));
- iSeparationRight = std::ceil((iWidthOfRightVertex / 2) + (iWidthOfNewVertex / 2));
- if(iSeparationLeft >= iDistanceAtLeft) //if NewNode overlaps with node at left
- iOverlapLeft = (iSeparationLeft - iDistanceAtLeft) + SEPARATION;
- else
- iOverlapLeft = 5;
- if(iSeparationRight >= iDistanceAtRight) //if NewNode overlaps with node at right
- iOverlapRight = (iSeparationRight - iDistanceAtRight) + SEPARATION;
- else
- iOverlapRight = 5;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- }
- void GridBasedLayout::secondShiftRight(int &iOverlapLeft, int &iOverlapRight, SubGraph &gInputGraph,
- std::vector<Position> &vecPositon,
- std::vector<std::vector<VertexDescriptor> > &vecAssociated,
- std::vector<VertexDescriptor> &oContour, int &p)
- {
- LAYOUT_ASSERT((p+2) <= oContour.size(),
- LayoutException("secondShiftRight",
- LayoutExceptionEnum::INVALID_PARAMETER,
- "contour",
- "P"));
- //for vertices associated to new node, shift by iOverlapLeft-----------------------------------------------
- VertexDescriptor vNewVertex = oContour[p + 1];
- int iIndexOfNewVertex = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vNewVertex);
- //for each vertex associated to NewVertex
- for(int iAssociatedIndex = 0; iAssociatedIndex < vecAssociated[iIndexOfNewVertex].size(); iAssociatedIndex++)
- {
- int iVertIndex = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vecAssociated[iIndexOfNewVertex][iAssociatedIndex]);
- //shift by iOverlapLeft
- vecPositon[iVertIndex].iCoordX = vecPositon[iVertIndex].iCoordX + iOverlapLeft;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //for vertices associated to Wq onwords, shift by iOverlapLeft + iOverlapRight-----------------------------
- //for each vertex (Wq.....) on contour
- for(int iIndexInContour = p+2; iIndexInContour < oContour.size(); iIndexInContour++)
- {
- VertexDescriptor vVertexOnContour = oContour[iIndexInContour];
- int iContourVertIndex = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vVertexOnContour);
- //for each of its associated vertex
- for(int iAssociatedIndex = 0; iAssociatedIndex < vecAssociated[iContourVertIndex].size(); iAssociatedIndex++)//for associated vertices
- {
- int iVertIndex = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, vecAssociated[iContourVertIndex][iAssociatedIndex]);
- //shift by iOverlapLeft + iOverlapRight
- vecPositon[iVertIndex].iCoordX = vecPositon[iVertIndex].iCoordX + iOverlapLeft + iOverlapRight;
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- }
- void GridBasedLayout::findTopmostVertex(int &p, int &q, std::vector<VertexDescriptor> &oContour,
- SubGraph &gInputGraph, std::vector<Position> &vecPositon,
- int &iIndexOfTopmostVertex)
- {
- BoostGraphWrapper boostGrapgWrapper;
- int iHighestPoint = -2147483648; // initialize to smallest int value
- //initially, set contour[p] as topmost vertex
- iIndexOfTopmostVertex = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, oContour[p]);
- //linearly search through contour in range p...q
- for(int iContourIndex = p; iContourIndex <= q; ++iContourIndex)
- {
- //calculate topmost point of current vertex
- int iHeightOfCurrentVertex, iYCoordOfCentreOfCurrentVertex, iTopmostPointOfCurrentVertex;
- iHeightOfCurrentVertex = boostGrapgWrapper.getVertexHeight(oContour[iContourIndex], gInputGraph);
- iYCoordOfCentreOfCurrentVertex = vecPositon[get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, oContour[iContourIndex])].iCoordY;
- iTopmostPointOfCurrentVertex = iYCoordOfCentreOfCurrentVertex + (iHeightOfCurrentVertex / 2);
- //update the topmost vertex
- if(iTopmostPointOfCurrentVertex > iHighestPoint)
- {
- iHighestPoint = iTopmostPointOfCurrentVertex;
- iIndexOfTopmostVertex = get(vertex_index, gInputGraph, oContour[iContourIndex]);
- }
- //else continue
- }
- }
- void GridBasedLayout::shiftVertically(int &iIndexOfTopmostVertex, int &iNewVertexIndex,
- SubGraph &gInputGraph, std::vector<Position> &vecPositon)
- {
- BoostGraphWrapper boostGraphWrapper;
- //Find whether topmost vertex and new vertex overlap
- int iDistanceBetweenCentres, iSeparation;
- int iYCoordOfCentreOfTopmoostVertex, iYCoordOfCentreOfNewVertex;
- int iHeightOfTopmostVertex, iHeightOfNewVertex;
- VertexDescriptor vTopmostVertex = vertex(iIndexOfTopmostVertex, gInputGraph);
- VertexDescriptor vNewVertex = vertex(iNewVertexIndex, gInputGraph);
- //get coordinates of centres
- iYCoordOfCentreOfTopmoostVertex = vecPositon[iIndexOfTopmostVertex].iCoordY;
- iYCoordOfCentreOfNewVertex = vecPositon[iNewVertexIndex].iCoordY;
- //get distance between centres
- iDistanceBetweenCentres = iYCoordOfCentreOfNewVertex - iYCoordOfCentreOfTopmoostVertex;
- //get heights
- iHeightOfTopmostVertex = boostGraphWrapper.getVertexHeight(vTopmostVertex, gInputGraph);
- iHeightOfNewVertex = boostGraphWrapper.getVertexHeight(vNewVertex, gInputGraph);
- //get separation between centres needed to avoid overlap
- iSeparation = std::ceil((iHeightOfNewVertex / 2) + (iHeightOfTopmostVertex / 2));
- int iAmountOfVerticalOverlap = 5;
- if(iSeparation >= iDistanceBetweenCentres) //if there is overlap
- iAmountOfVerticalOverlap = std::abs(iSeparation - iDistanceBetweenCentres) + SEPARATION;
- //shift new vertex vertically
- vecPositon[iNewVertexIndex].iCoordY += iAmountOfVerticalOverlap;
- }