123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323 |
- #include "CircularLayoutGenerator.h"
- #include "Common/LayoutEnum.h"
- CircularLayoutGenerator::CircularLayoutGenerator()
- {
- m_iCenterX = 0;
- m_iCenterY = 0;
- }
- void CircularLayoutGenerator::applyCircularLayout(SubGraph& gInputGraph, LayoutEnum::VertexOrderCriteria enVertexOrder)
- {
- // enVertexOrder = LayoutEnum::VertexOrderCriteria::DefaultOrder;
- // qDebug("Circular layout applied");
- bool isSubgraph = true; // root will always be a subgraph
- // XXX seems to be obselete
- // LAYOUT_ASSERT(&gInputGraph != NULL, LayoutMemoryException(__FUNCTION__, LayoutExceptionEnum::NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION, NULL_GRAPH_FOUND));
- // XXX seems obselete
- // LAYOUT_ASSERT((LayoutEnum::isValidVertexOrderingCriteria(enVertexOrder)) == true,
- // construct container of subgraph lists in the vector
- m_vecSubgraphContainer.push_back(&gInputGraph);
- try
- {
- // iterate the subgraph hierarchy and get the list of subgraphs in the container
- m_vecBFSOrderedSubgraphs.push_back(&gInputGraph);
- iterateChildrenGraphs(m_vecBFSOrderedSubgraphs);
- }
- catch(LayoutException& eException)
- {
- LayoutException(__FUNCTION__, LayoutExceptionEnum::EMPTY_CONTAINER, eException.getEntityValue());
- }
- catch(boost::exception& eBoostException)
- {
- throw *boost::get_error_info<errmsg_info>(eBoostException);
- }
- // There should be atleast one subgraph, if there is none, throw an exception so that caller functions can take appropriate decision.
- // XXX seems obselete
- // LAYOUT_ASSERT(!(m_vecSubgraphContainer.empty()),
- // LayoutMemoryException(__FUNCTION__,
- // LayoutExceptionEnum::NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION,
- // preprocessing for the circular layout
- for(vector<SubGraph*>::iterator itrSubgraph = m_vecSubgraphContainer.begin();
- itrSubgraph != m_vecSubgraphContainer.end();
- ++itrSubgraph)
- {
- // for empty graph add dummy node to that graph
- int iNumVertices = num_vertices(**itrSubgraph);
- if(iNumVertices == 0)
- {
- VertexDescriptor vVertex = m_boostGraphWrapper.addVertex(**itrSubgraph, LayoutEnum::InvisibleNode);
- // This dummy node will set the size of cluster
- // set height = 80 nd width = 80;
- int iDummyNodeHeight = 80;
- int iDummyNodeWidth = 80;
- m_boostGraphWrapper.setVertexHeight(vVertex,**itrSubgraph, iDummyNodeHeight);
- m_boostGraphWrapper.setVertexWidth(vVertex, **itrSubgraph, iDummyNodeWidth);
- }
- }
- // iterate the list of subgraphs from the container and apply circle layout
- for(vector<SubGraph*>::iterator itrSubgraph = m_vecSubgraphContainer.begin();
- itrSubgraph != m_vecSubgraphContainer.end();
- ++itrSubgraph)
- {
- // find center
- VertexIterPair vIterVerticesPair = vertices(**itrSubgraph);
- if(!isSubgraph)
- {
- // calculating middle vertex index for subgraph
- VertexDescriptor vMidVertexIndex;
- if((vIterVerticesPair.second - vIterVerticesPair.first) == 1)
- {
- // if single vertex is present in the subgraph then median should be that vertex only.
- vMidVertexIndex = vIterVerticesPair.first[0];
- }
- else
- {
- // for more than 1 vertex in the subgraph then median should be (diff + 1)/2.
- vMidVertexIndex = (vIterVerticesPair.second - vIterVerticesPair.first +1)/2;
- }
- // get the middle vertex's global index
- VertexDescriptor vGlobalMidVertex = (**itrSubgraph).local_to_global(vMidVertexIndex);
- // get the x and y coordinates of middle vertex as the center cooordinates of the graph
- m_iCenterX = m_boostGraphWrapper.getVertexCenterCoordX(vGlobalMidVertex ,gInputGraph);
- m_iCenterY = m_boostGraphWrapper.getVertexCenterCoordY(vGlobalMidVertex, gInputGraph);
- }
- else
- {
- isSubgraph = false;
- }
- // calculating radius for cluster using radius share factor
- // get total vertex present in the graph
- int iTotalVertex = num_vertices(**itrSubgraph);
- // get number of dummy vertices present in the graph
- int iDummyVertices = (**itrSubgraph).num_children();
- // calculate real vertices present in the graph
- int iVertexCount = iTotalVertex - iDummyVertices;
- // calculate the radius for real vertices considering the radius share factor
- double dRadiusUsingShare = ((iVertexCount) * RADIUS_SHARE);
- // calculate size considered radius from diagonal
- double dRadiusFromNodeDetails;
- dRadiusFromNodeDetails = calculateRadius(**itrSubgraph);
- // add size considered radius and radius with radius share
- m_dRadius = dRadiusUsingShare + dRadiusFromNodeDetails;
- // Check the order specified by caller function
- MapOrderVertex mapOrderVertex;
- bool bIsValidVertexOrder = LayoutEnum::isValidVertexOrderingCriteria(enVertexOrder);
- if(bIsValidVertexOrder == true)
- {
- if(enVertexOrder == LayoutEnum::TopologicalOrder)
- {
- // topological Ordering Criteria
- VectorEdgeDescriptor vectBackEdges;
- GraphCycleHandler graphCycleHandler;
- graphCycleHandler.detectBackEdges(**itrSubgraph,vectBackEdges);
- graphCycleHandler.reverseEdges(**itrSubgraph,vectBackEdges);
- // Apply vertex ordering methods and get ordered map
- m_boostGraphWrapper.applyTopologicalVertexOrdering(**itrSubgraph,mapOrderVertex);
- }
- else if(enVertexOrder == LayoutEnum::ConnectedComponentOrder)
- {
- // connected Component ordering criteria
- m_boostGraphWrapper.applyConnectedComponent(**itrSubgraph,mapOrderVertex);
- }
- else
- {
- // default Ordering
- PGL_MAP_VERTEX_ORDER(mapVertexOrder,**itrSubgraph);
- mapOrderVertex = m_boostGraphWrapper.getMapOrderedVertices(**itrSubgraph
- ,mapVertexOrder);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // if order is not valid then we are keeping it as the default vertex ordering
- PGL_MAP_VERTEX_ORDER(mapVertexOrder,**itrSubgraph);
- mapOrderVertex = m_boostGraphWrapper.getMapOrderedVertices(**itrSubgraph
- , mapVertexOrder);
- }
- // apply circle layout to this graph
- CircleLayouter circleLayouter;
- try
- {
- circleLayouter.applyCircleGraphLayout(**itrSubgraph, get(vertex_position,**itrSubgraph),
- m_dRadius, m_iCenterX, m_iCenterY, mapOrderVertex);
- }
- catch(boost::exception& eBoostException)
- {
- throw *boost::get_error_info<errmsg_info>(eBoostException);
- }
- // set the radius for this graph in its GraphProperty
- m_boostGraphWrapper.setGraphRadius(m_dRadius, (**itrSubgraph));
- // set center coordinates in the GraphProperty of this graph
- m_boostGraphWrapper.setGraphCenterCoordX(m_iCenterX, (**itrSubgraph));
- m_boostGraphWrapper.setGraphCenterCoordY(m_iCenterY, (**itrSubgraph));
- }
- // size Manager Functionality
- // calculate the subgraph size and set respective parameters in its properties
- m_sizeManager.processSizeManager(gInputGraph);
- // space utilizer functionality
- m_spaceUtilizer.addSubgraphDummyVerticesAndMap(gInputGraph, VERTEX_START_INDEX);
- // apply second pass of circle layout on the graph which will provide uniform space on the circumference of circle
- m_spaceUtilizer.processSecondPassCircularLayout(gInputGraph, CENTERCOORDINATEX_START, CENTERCOORDINATEY_START);
- // apply size manager functinality to update propertis with respect to second pass circle layout
- m_sizeManager.processSizeManager(gInputGraph);
- }
- void CircularLayoutGenerator::iterateChildrenGraphs(vector<SubGraph *> &subgraphQueue)
- {
- /*
- we have used queue because it will contain reference of subgraphs.
- Adding all the subgraphs in queue to iterate one by one in circular way.
- */
- // XXX seems obselete
- // LAYOUT_ASSERT(!subgraphQueue.empty(),
- // LayoutException(__FUNCTION__,LayoutExceptionEnum::EMPTY_CONTAINER,VECTOR_CONTENTS));
- // define local queue which will contain the childrens of main graph
- vector<SubGraph*> subgraphSequence;
- try
- {
- // To iterate input queue which will contain graph reference
- for( vector<SubGraph*>::iterator itrSubgraphQueue = subgraphQueue.begin();
- itrSubgraphQueue != subgraphQueue.end();
- itrSubgraphQueue++)
- {
- // Finding the children upto deep level
- SubGraph::children_iterator itrSubgraph, itrSubgraphEnd;
- for (boost::tie(itrSubgraph, itrSubgraphEnd) = (**itrSubgraphQueue).children();
- itrSubgraph != itrSubgraphEnd;
- ++itrSubgraph)
- {
- // Add children in the global queue container
- m_vecSubgraphContainer.push_back(&(*itrSubgraph));
- // Add children in the local queue conatainer
- subgraphSequence.push_back(&(*itrSubgraph));
- }
- }
- }
- catch(boost::exception& eBoostException)
- {
- throw *boost::get_error_info<errmsg_info>(eBoostException);
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- throw;
- }
- // To iterarte the local queue again if ant children is present
- if(!subgraphSequence.empty())
- {
- // Recursive call to iterate children
- iterateChildrenGraphs(subgraphSequence);
- }
- }
- double CircularLayoutGenerator::calculateRadius(SubGraph &gSubgraph)
- {
- // XXX seems to be obselete
- // LAYOUT_ASSERT(&gSubgraph != NULL,
- // LayoutMemoryException(__FUNCTION__,
- // LayoutExceptionEnum::NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION,
- // GRAPH));
- CircleLayouter circleLayouter;
- double dCircumference;
- try
- {
- dCircumference = circleLayouter.calculateCircumference(gSubgraph);
- }
- catch(LayoutMemoryException& eException)
- {
- throw LayoutMemoryException(__FUNCTION__,
- LayoutExceptionEnum::NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION,
- eException.getObjectName());
- }
- catch(LayoutException& eException)
- {
- throw LayoutException(__FUNCTION__,
- LayoutExceptionEnum::INVALID_PARAMETER,
- eException.getEntityValue(),eException.getEntityType());
- }
- catch(boost::exception& eBoostException)
- {
- throw *boost::get_error_info<errmsg_info>(eBoostException);
- }
- // XXX seems obselet
- // LAYOUT_ASSERT(dCircumference > 0,
- // LayoutException(__FUNCTION__,
- // LayoutExceptionEnum::INVALID_PARAMETER,
- double dRadius = (dCircumference / (2 * PI));
- m_boostGraphWrapper.setGraphRadius(dRadius, gSubgraph);
- return dRadius;
- }
- void CircularLayoutGenerator::addDummyEdgesForTopologicalOrder(SubGraph &gSubgraph)
- {
- /*
- This fumction adds the edges which will be treated as a dummy edges in the graph for getting
- the nodes for topological ordering in the consecutive mannar. Hence we will add edges between
- dummy subgraph nodes and nodes of that subgraph.
- */
- // XXX seems to be obselete
- // LAYOUT_ASSERT(&gSubgraph != NULL,
- // LayoutMemoryException(__FUNCTION__,
- // LayoutExceptionEnum::NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION,
- // GRAPH));
- ChildrenIterator itrSubgraph, itrSubgraphEnd;
- for(boost::tie(itrSubgraph, itrSubgraphEnd) = gSubgraph.children();
- itrSubgraph != itrSubgraphEnd;
- itrSubgraph++)
- {
- size_t iDummyNodeIndex;
- iDummyNodeIndex = m_boostGraphWrapper.getGraphDummyNodeIndex(*itrSubgraph);
- m_boostGraphWrapper.printGraph(*itrSubgraph);
- BGL_FORALL_VERTICES(vVertex, gSubgraph, SubGraph)
- {
- size_t iVertexIndex = m_boostGraphWrapper.getVertexIndex(vVertex);
- if((iVertexIndex == iDummyNodeIndex))
- {
- VertexDescriptor vGlobalDummyVertex = (*itrSubgraph).local_to_global(vVertex);
- BGL_FORALL_VERTICES(vSubVertex, *itrSubgraph, SubGraph)
- {
- VertexDescriptor vGlobalSubVertex = (*itrSubgraph).local_to_global(vSubVertex);
- if(vGlobalDummyVertex != vGlobalSubVertex)
- {
- m_boostGraphWrapper.addEdge(vGlobalDummyVertex, vGlobalSubVertex,gSubgraph);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }