1. - graph.cpp destroy() edges todo
  2. - graph.cpp creategraphwith single node todo
  3. - fixed: layout() crashes in countcrossings if there are no nodes
  4. - layout() if there are nodes, but no edges todo
  5. - edge between nodes in different graph can be a feature
  6. - fixed: added way to set and get uniq id number of graph
  7. - fixed: added test with cycle in the graph
  8. - fixed: add support for self-edges at a node added in node, edge, graph
  9. - edge reverse() to/from edges of nodes is oke?
  10. - fixed: in ~LEdge delete composite edges
  11. - in breaklongedge, n<0 todo
  12. - fixed: in Lgraph WeightedMedianHeuristic() must be <= t crossings documented
  13. - fixed: added dummy node count in graph
  14. - fixed: add interface code to use it from plain c
  15. - fixed: added cmiptgraph.h for use with c source
  16. - fixed: in split edge longedges composite edges list in every sub edges todo why needed?
  17. - fixed: self-edges check added in ledge.h
  18. - lgraph InitCoordinates should be flexible in node sizes and y level rank spacing
  19. - fixed: test a no-edges graph
  20. - fixed: special layout mode if there are no edges
  21. - add tree layout mode if it is tree data that can be done faster
  22. - fixed: in ledge CompositeEdgesDump() etc to remove
  23. - graph::destroy() todo
  24. - fixed: delete self edges
  25. - double spacing for same edge 1->2 1->2
  26. - edge labels
  27. - placement in variable raster, prio algo
  28. - fixed: changed to stable_sort() in layout.cpp
  29. - fixed: added count of reversed edges
  30. - fixed: composite edges lists removed
  31. - node xy size to add
  32. - fixed: bool layouted changed into int layouted
  33. - re-layout should be possible after layout
  34. - fixed: horizontal edge bool added and counter
  35. - fixed: added check on horizontal edges in IsAdjacentToNode
  36. - fixed: if (rank < order_vector.size()) to check in AdjOutPositions
  37. - reversereversededges() maybe at end of layout()
  38. - add position only routine()
  39. - fixed: added x,y spacing and node x,y size
  40. - fixed: test1: improved from 4 to 3 crossings at try 1 and then: edge crossings reduced from 4 to 4
  41. - fixed: added count of starter nodes
  42. - test in reversereverse causes segv in rank()
  43. - fixed: added left/right nodes in rank order to node data for later use
  44. - fixed: added check on nodes in order data before start of barycenter
  45. - use dfs to fill initial order with nodes
  46. - test7.cpp as test for priority placement
  47. - fixed: added node center (x,y) point
  48. - fixed: first part of helper program miptgml with gtk-2 gui
  49. - fixed: added screenshot gtk+ miptgml gui program
  50. - fixed: parsing gml graph in gtk+ gui using peg parser
  51. - fixed: parsing gml data into datastructs and ready to layout
  52. - fixed: first run of layouter from gml graph file
  53. - fixed: layout and draw in gtk gui and new screenshot of the miptgml program
  54. - fixed: upgraded the c interface to use with gtk+ libs
  55. - qvge running with this layouter instead of ogdf v 043 in qvge-gml or v 05.5
  56. - ogdf placement algo
  57. - fixed: updated node median values as ogdf does it
  58. - fixed: edge line drawing using edge id
  59. - findnode, findedge search
  60. - fixed: edge attribs handling as color, linestyle
  61. - fixed: selfedges do not need edge number, they now have id -1
  62. - fixed: median value of node
  63. - fiexed: layout of fine-tune gml is wrong for the start nodes positions because error in median()
  64. - fixed: added bool if edge is a inner edge
  65. - fixed: added barycenter value calculation of a node
  66. - fixed: added use barycenter values in layout routine
  67. - fixed: added skip list algorithm
  68. - fixed: find node/edge
  69. - fixed: type of edge crossing indicator
  70. - fixed: inner edge type indicator added
  71. - fixed: median node pos at no edges
  72. - fixed: barycenter of node at no edges
  73. - edges_list in count crossings to clear or otherwise
  74. - fixed: inited second node (x,y)
  75. - fixed: crossing count info added to rank level data
  76. - fixed: printing detailed edge crossing info
  77. - fixed: added split edge head and tail indicator
  78. - fixed: updated addedge in test programs
  79. - fixed: added edge type 1 marking and counter
  80. - fixed: double space the graph then same edges will be multiple edges instead of one
  81. - fixed: added type 1 edges output graph data
  82. - fixed: added type 1 edge in c interface
  83. - test8 type 1 crossings count
  84. - fixed: init of placement algo
  85. - fixed: memleak in order in layout fixed.
  86. - fixed: valgrind error LEdge.cpp line 129
  87. - fixed: valgrind error Graph.cpp 218
  88. - fixed: made the src easier to use
  89. - fixed: all valgrind issues and memory handling is oke now
  90. - fixed: sorted in/out edges
  91. - fixed: dmake