123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227 |
- (current version 1.2.87)
- January 2, 1987 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- He added a few more Tal games to the collection.
- January 2, 1987 -- Jim Aspnes at MIT
- He contributed MCO variations for the Catalan,
- Queen's Indian, and Reti openings.
- December 29, 1986 -- Jim Aspnes at MIT
- He contributed all MCO variations of the Najdorf
- to the opening book.He also contributed a LISP
- macro (written in GNU Emacs Lisp) to convert
- xchess game formats to GNU Chess opening book
- format.
- December 14, 1986 -- Ken Thompson at Bell Labs
- He contributed almost 200 games by Tal to
- our collection of Tal-games, bringing the
- total number of Tal positions in the book
- to 10,692. Total book positions now 13,207.
- These reside in bookin, bookin.bdg, bookin.tal.
- Note that presently, only bookin and bookin.tal
- can be used. The new Tal positions came in a
- slightly different format, which we have chosen
- to adopt as our standard format. All book
- games in bookin and bookin.bdg will gradually
- change into the new standard format.
- December 11, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Added "averages" for node-count per move,
- cpu per move, rate per move to list_history
- and write_history.
- New version of Xchess installed.
- Started typing in Tal games into "bookin.tal".
- Added "total book positions" printout to "book"
- and "enter" statistics printout.
- December 10, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Implemented aspiration search in normal
- alpha-beta search. Speedups of 3% to 40%
- have been noticed in most positions.
- Occasionally a slower search will result,
- but it is thought these are worth the
- usual speedups.
- December 9, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Fixed minor bug in write_history()
- Added another Tal game, 2nd game of 1st world
- championship match with Botvinnik, a Benoni.
- December 9, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Enhanced parallelism. All parallel processors
- now communicate via a shared data file and
- are kept running (in idle loops watching the
- shared data file). This saves us a few seconds
- on each move since the 'rsh' need not be invoked
- more than once (at the beginning). Since the
- shared data file is now implemented, we will
- next work towards a "parallel anarchy" in which
- any processor can use any other processor in
- order to reduce its search. The current scheme
- with the program being only as fast as its slowest
- processor, is quite inefficient.
- December 1, 1986 -- ASP at MIT Athena
- Added a couple of Master games from
- Modern Chess Openings 12 (a Fischer game,
- and a Matanovic game).
- November 30, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Added parallelism. Can now handle multiple
- processors (sharing same disk). Later we will
- add the capability to use processors not sharing
- the same disk. Modified README and MAN-PAGE.
- November 26, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Fixed a few bugs in book-mailing mechanism.
- Fixed a bug regarding situations where only
- one move is available.
- Fixed a bug in read_history() that caused
- Black queenside castles to be mishandled.
- November 25, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Added two pawn heuristics. Reward pawns moving into
- a phalanx of pawns. A phalanx is two or more
- horizontally-connected pawns. Likewise, penalize
- pawns leaving a phalanx of pawns. The penalty for
- leaving is a little more than the reward for
- entering.
- November 24, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- A user reported an unbelievable bug. Investigation
- of this bug led to the discovery that GNU Chess was
- not picking the move judged best by the tree search
- in all cases. This resulted in the bug showing
- itself which further showed that the program was
- selecting an inferior move. This may result in an
- improvement to the program's play.
- November 24, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Added two heuristics. Penalize king moves if
- the king hasn't castled yet. Also, penalize pawn
- moves which produce doubled pawns. Should
- probably have something for isolated pawns
- too.
- November 23, 1986 -- Wayne Christopher at Berkeley
- New version of X chess display front-end.
- Fixed bugs include multiple pieces, runs
- on SUNS & Bobcats, loads saved games.
- November 23, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Cleaned up some minor bugs regarding history.
- Added "Illegal command" error message at Wayne's
- request.
- November 22, 1986 -- David Goldberg at SUN Microsystems
- He complained that GNU Chess was memory-hungry.
- A few minor modifications to hash.c reduced
- uninitialized data space 87% and text space
- 12%. This should make it easier for GNU Chess
- to run on small computers.
- November 22, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- "read" command was working, but needed
- additional tweaking so that history
- array would be printed by list_history().
- November 19, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Added "read" command which reads a history
- file (game listing) and restores the board
- to as if the person was still playing that.
- particular game. Generally cleaned up
- history mechanism, made it more orthogonal.
- Revised README. Added doc to MAN-PAGE.
- November 16, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- More opening book bugs found and fixed.
- Added capability to accept abbreviated-algebraic notation
- for entering "book" games from files.
- Added approximately 2500 new positions to
- opening book from games involving the
- opening called Blackmar-Diemer Gambit,
- a hoary line developed by Diemer in
- Germany years ago.
- November 15, 1986 -- Wayne Christopher at Berkeley
- He modified the move generator, resulting in
- a 28% speedup.
- November 14, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- He documented a lot of the GNU Chess modules
- with brief comments for each function. More
- extensive internal documentation may go in
- later.
- November 14, 1986 -- Wayne Christopher at Berkeley
- He created the Xchess interface for
- GNU Chess to have windowing with X windows.
- November 14, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- He added a "randomization" feature to
- the opening book. This will cause the
- program to select randomly from alternate
- variations whenever -DBEST is removed
- from Makefile's CFLAGS. If this is not
- removed, the opening play selects the
- first move found in the book as it appears
- "in order" in the human-readable book.
- November 14, 1986 -- David Goldberg at SUN Microsystems
- He responded to a query about dbm(3) which
- eventually resulted in the fixing of a subtle
- bug in the book code which was causing the
- program to sometimes hash to the incorrect
- address and thereby produce a book move which
- didn't even exist in the book. Thanks David!
- November 14, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- He added the "oboard" routine in util.c. This
- is the reverse of the already extant "iboard"
- (same module). These two routines translate
- between GNU Chess internal format and
- Forsythe notation.
- November 10, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- He added the "enter" command. This causes
- the current game to be entered in the book.
- Then, GNU Chess tries to mail this new entry
- to the book maintainers (for inclusion in
- the master copy of the book).
- November 9, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- He added code for an opening book. MAN-PAGE
- and README were modified accordingly.
- November 8, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Checks and mates are now noticed at ply-1.
- This is a more complete fix to the Oct 31 fix.
- October 31, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- First attempt at fix to bug which causes
- program to check human's king when program
- itself is in check.
- October 31, 1986 -- Mly at MIT
- Reported a bug which caused program to crash
- when an illegal human move was played. Fixed.
- Also, program was unable to play as White. Fixed.
- October 22, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Pps now rewards moves which liberate bishops.
- October 19, 1986 -- Stuart Cracraft at UCLA
- Added bitmapper routines to distribution.
- Added version notice.
- October 19, 1986 -- David Goldberg at SUN Microsystems
- Interfaced GNU Chess with SUN's chesstool.
- October 18, 1986 -- Initial release date.