bull18.txt 167 KB

  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. GNU's Bulletin June, 1994
  3. The GNU's Bulletin is the semi-annual newsletter of the
  4. Free Software Foundation, bringing you
  5. news about the GNU Project.
  6. Free Software Foundation, Inc. Telephone: +1-617-876-3296
  7. 675 Massachusetts Avenue Fax: +1-617-492-9057
  8. Cambridge, MA 02139-3309 Fax (in Japan):
  9. USA 0031-13-2473 (KDD)
  10. Electronic mail: `gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu' 0066-3382-0158 (IDC)
  11. Table of Contents
  12. -----------------
  13. GNU's Who
  14. Administrivia and Copyright
  15. What Is the FSF?
  16. What Is Copyleft?
  17. What Is GNU?
  18. What Is the Hurd?
  19. Free Software Redistributors Donate
  20. Help from Free Software Companies
  21. Free Software Support
  22. What Is the LPF?
  23. GNU and Other Free Software in Japan
  24. Announcing the Dictionary Project
  25. GNUs Flashes
  26. Forthcoming GNUs
  27. Freely Available Texts
  28. GNU Documentation
  29. GNU Software
  30. Program/Package Cross Reference
  31. Tapes
  32. Languages Tape
  33. Utilities Tape
  34. Emacs Tape
  35. Scheme Tape
  36. X11 Tapes
  37. Berkeley 4.4BSD--Lite Tape
  38. VMS Emacs and VMS Compiler Tapes
  39. CD-ROMs
  40. Pricing of the GNU CD-ROMs
  41. May 1994 Source Code CD-ROM
  42. November 1993 Source Code CD-ROM
  43. Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM
  44. MS-DOS Diskettes
  45. DJGPP Diskettes
  46. Emacs Diskettes
  47. Selected Utilities Diskettes
  48. Windows Diskette
  49. Tape & CD-ROM Subscription Service
  50. The Deluxe Distribution
  51. How to Get GNU Software
  52. Other GPLed Software
  53. Free Software for Microcomputers
  54. FSF T-shirt
  55. Project GNU Wish List
  56. Thank GNUs
  57. Donations Translate Into Free Software
  58. Cygnus Matches Donations!
  59. Free Software Foundation Order Form
  60. Address Page
  61. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. GNU's Who
  63. *********
  64. Michael Bushnell continues to work on the Hurd, while also maintaining `tar'.
  65. Roland McGrath maintains `make' and the GNU C library, and is now working on
  66. the Hurd. Jan Brittenson is working on the Hurd network server. Karl Heuer
  67. has come on board to maintain and enhance GNU Emacs.
  68. Omar Richardson-Sutherland is coordinating the GNU Dictionary Project (see
  69. ``Announcing the Dictionary Project'').
  70. Noah Friedman is our system ambiguator, release coordinator, and maintains a
  71. few programs in his copious spare time. Carl Hoffman is our fundraiser and
  72. conference organizer.
  73. Robert J. Chassell is again our Treasurer, replacing Lisa `Opus' Goldstein,
  74. who is on her way to China (`finally!', she says). Lisa Bloch is our new
  75. Executive Director, taking over from Lisa Goldstein. Britton Bradley and
  76. Larissa Carlson assist Lisa Bloch with many tasks in the Business Office.
  77. Charles Hannum works on typesetting and many other jobs.
  78. Jim Blandy has left to adapt GNU Emacs for use by the University of Illinois'
  79. Ribosome Database Project; he is also working on free, Scheme-based drawing
  80. software. Melissa Weisshaus and Tom Lord have also left the FSF. All still
  81. volunteer part-time.
  82. Richard Stallman continues as a volunteer who does countless tasks, such as
  83. Emacs maintenance. Volunteer Len Tower remains our online JOAT
  84. (jack-of-all-trades), handling mailing lists and gnUSENET, information
  85. requests, etc.
  86. Administrivia and Copyright
  87. ***************************
  88. Written and Edited by: Melissa Weisshaus, Noah S. Friedman,
  89. Robert J. Chassell, and Leonard H. Tower Jr.
  90. Illustrations by: Etienne Suvasa and Jamal Hannah
  91. Japanese Edition by: Mieko Hikichi and Nobuyuki Hikichi
  92. ISSN (International Standard Serial Number): 1075-7813
  93. The GNU's Bulletin is published at the end of January and June of each year.
  94. Please note that there is no postal mailing list. To get a copy, send your
  95. name and address with your request to the address on the front page.
  96. Enclosing a business sized self-addressed stamped envelope ($0.52) and/or a
  97. donation of a few dollars is appreciated but not required. If you're from
  98. outside the USA, sending a mailing label and enough International Reply
  99. Coupons for a package of about 100 grams is appreciated but not required.
  100. (Including a few extra International Reply Coupons for copying costs is also
  101. appreciated.)
  102. Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  103. Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies of this
  104. document, in any medium, provided that the copyright notice and permission
  105. notice are preserved, and that the distributor grants the recipient
  106. permission for further redistribution as permitted by this notice.
  107. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. *We don't have a patent on irony and satire; those tools are available
  109. for you to use in your own work.*
  110. - Guerrilla Girls, a New York City performance group
  111. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. What Is the FSF?
  113. ****************
  114. The Free Software Foundation is dedicated to eliminating restrictions on
  115. people's right to use, copy, modify, and redistribute computer programs. We
  116. promote the development and use of free software in all areas using
  117. computers. Specifically, we are putting together a complete, integrated
  118. software system named "GNU" ("GNU's Not Unix", pronounced "guh-new") that
  119. will be upwardly compatible with Unix. Most parts of this system are already
  120. being used and distributed.
  121. The word "free" in our name refers to freedom, not price. You may or may not
  122. pay money to get GNU software, but regardless you have two specific freedoms
  123. once you get it: first, the freedom to copy a program and give it away to
  124. your friends and co-workers; and second, the freedom to change a program as
  125. you wish, by having full access to source code. You can study the source and
  126. learn how such programs are written. You may then be able to port it,
  127. improve it, and share your changes with others. If you redistribute GNU
  128. software you may charge a distribution fee or give it away, so long as you
  129. include the source code and the GPL; see ``What Is Copyleft?'', for
  130. details.
  131. Other organizations distribute whatever free software happens to be
  132. available. By contrast, the Free Software Foundation concentrates on the
  133. development of new free software, working towards a GNU system complete
  134. enough to eliminate the need to purchase a proprietary system.
  135. Besides developing GNU, the FSF distributes GNU software and manuals for a
  136. distribution fee and accepts gifts (tax-deductible in the U.S.) to support
  137. GNU development. Most of the FSF's funds come from this distribution service.
  138. The Board of the Foundation is: Richard M. Stallman, President;
  139. Robert J. Chassell, Secretary/Treasurer; Gerald J. Sussman, Harold Abelson,
  140. and Leonard H. Tower Jr., Directors.
  141. What Is Copyleft?
  142. *****************
  143. The simplest way to make a program free is to put it in the public domain,
  144. uncopyrighted. But this permits proprietary modifications, denying others
  145. the freedom to use and redistribute improvements; it is contrary to the
  146. intent of increasing the total amount of free software. To prevent this,
  147. "copyleft" uses copyrights in a novel manner. Typically copyrights take away
  148. freedoms; copyleft preserves them. It is a legal instrument that requires
  149. those who pass on a program to include the rights to use, modify, and
  150. redistribute the code; the code and rights become legally inseparable.
  151. The copyleft used by the GNU Project is made from the combination of a
  152. regular copyright notice and the "GNU General Public License" (GPL). The GPL
  153. is a copying license which basically says that you have the aforementioned
  154. freedoms. An alternate form, the "GNU Library General Public License"
  155. (LGPL), applies to a few GNU libraries. This license permits linking the
  156. libraries into proprietary executables under certain conditions. The
  157. appropriate license is included in all GNU source code distributions and many
  158. manuals. Printed copies are available upon request.
  159. We strongly encourage you to copyleft your programs and documentation, and we
  160. have made it as simple as possible for you to do so. The details on how to
  161. apply either license appear at the end of each license.
  162. What Is GNU?
  163. ************
  164. GNU is to be a complete integrated computational environment: everything you
  165. need to work with a computer, either as a programmer or as a person in an
  166. office or home. The core is an operating system, which consists of a central
  167. program called a kernel that runs the other programs on the computer, and a
  168. large number of ancillary programs for handling files, etc. The FSF is
  169. developing an advanced kernel called the Hurd (see ``What Is the Hurd?''.).
  170. A complete system has tools for programmers, such as compilers and debuggers.
  171. It also has editors, sketchpads, calendars, calculators, spreadsheets,
  172. databases, electronic mail readers, and Internet navigators. The FSF already
  173. distributes most of the programs used in an operating system, all the tools
  174. regularly used by programmers, and much more.
  175. Already, you can set yourself up as an entrepreneur to sell your services
  176. teaching, installing, improving, and modifying this software for others.
  177. Already, you can set yourself up as a programmer or writer who works on a
  178. 80386 or 80486 based computer and use only software that is freely
  179. redistributable. Already, all the tools you need as a programmer for
  180. editing, compiling, and debugging are free; all the tools you need as a
  181. writer for editing, revising, and typesetting a book are free; many tools you
  182. need for calculations or mathematics are free; and many games and other
  183. applications are free. Tools for electronic communications are free.
  184. Not only are these tools useful to you, they are useful institutionally.
  185. Since distribution is free, you can pass on copies to other people in your
  186. company or organization without hindrance. No paperwork. As a teacher, you
  187. can give programs to your students without fearing that you are breaking the
  188. law. As a student, you can copy programs for your friends, and do good by
  189. doing so. If you are poor, you can copy and use the same software used by
  190. the rich; and if you are rich, you can contribute your improvements to the
  191. common heritage. If you are ignorant, you can learn. If you know a great
  192. deal, you can help others.
  193. What Is the Hurd?
  194. *****************
  195. The Hurd will be the foundation of the whole GNU system. It is built on top
  196. of the Mach 3.0 kernel, a free message-passing kernel developed by CMU.
  197. Mach's virtual memory management and message-passing facilities are
  198. extensively used by the Hurd. The GNU C Library will provide the Unix system
  199. call interface, and will call the Hurd for needed services it can't provide
  200. itself.
  201. One goal of the Hurd is to establish a framework for shared development and
  202. maintenance. The Hurd is like GNU Emacs in that it will allow a broad range
  203. of users to create and share useful projects without knowing much about the
  204. internal workings of the system--projects that might never have been
  205. attempted without freely available source, a well-designed interface, and a
  206. multiserver-based design.
  207. Currently there are free ports of the Mach kernel to the 386 PC, the DEC PMAX
  208. workstation, the Luna 88k, and several other machines, with more in progress,
  209. including the Amiga and DEC Alpha-3000 machines. Contact CMU c/o
  210. `mach@cs.cmu.edu', if you want to help with one of these or start your own.
  211. Porting the GNU Hurd and GNU C Library is easy (easier than porting GNU
  212. Emacs, certainly easier than porting GCC) once a Mach port to a particular
  213. platform exists.
  214. Important progress has been made recently; see ``GNUs Flashes''.
  215. There are significant projects relating to the Hurd for which we need
  216. volunteers. Experienced system programmers who are interested should send
  217. mail to `gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu'. Porting the Mach kernel or the GNU C Library
  218. to new systems is another way to help development of the Hurd.
  219. Free Software Redistributors Donate
  220. ***********************************
  221. by Richard Stallman
  222. Austin Code Works, a redistributor of free software, has agreed to support
  223. free software development by giving the FSF 20% of the selling price for the
  224. GNU software packages they produce and sell.
  225. The Sun Users Group Deutschland has agreed to add a donation to the FSF to
  226. the price of their next CD-ROM of GNU software. Potential purchasers will
  227. know precisely how much is for the FSF and how much is for SUGD.
  228. In the long run, the success of free software depends on how much new free
  229. software people develop. Free software distribution offers an opportunity to
  230. raise funds for such development in an ethical way. These two redistributors
  231. have made use of the opportunity. Many others let it go to waste.
  232. You can help promote free software development by convincing for-a-fee
  233. redistributors to contribute--either by doing development themselves, or by
  234. donating to development organizations (the FSF and others).
  235. The way to convince distributors to contribute is to demand and expect this
  236. of them. This means choosing among distributors partly by how much they give
  237. to free software development. Then you can show distributors they must
  238. compete to be the one who gives the most.
  239. To make this work, you must insist on numbers that you can compare, such as,
  240. "We will give ten dollars to the Foobar project for each disk sold." A vague
  241. commitment, such as "A portion of the profits are donated", doesn't give you
  242. a basis for comparison. Even a precise fraction "of the profits from this
  243. disk" is not very meaningful, since creative accounting and unrelated
  244. business decisions can greatly alter what fraction of the sales price counts
  245. as profit.
  246. Also, press developers for firm information about what kind of development
  247. they do or support. Some kinds make much more long-term difference than
  248. others. For example, maintaining a separate version of a GNU program
  249. contributes very little; maintaining a program on behalf of the GNU project
  250. contributes much. Easy new ports contribute little, since someone else would
  251. surely do them; difficult ports such as adding a new CPU to the GNU compiler
  252. contribute more; major new features and programs contribute the most.
  253. By establishing the idea that supporting further development is "the proper
  254. thing to do" when distributing free software for a fee, we can assure a
  255. steady flow of resources for making more free software.
  256. Help from Free Software Companies
  257. *********************************
  258. When choosing a free software business, ask those you are considering how
  259. much they do to assist free software development, e.g., by contributing money
  260. to free software development or by writing free software improvements
  261. themselves for general use. By basing your decision partially on this
  262. factor, you can help encourage those who profit from free software to
  263. contribute to its growth.
  264. These free software support companies regularly donate a part of their income
  265. to the Free Software Foundation to support the development of new GNU
  266. programs. Listing them here is our way of thanking them. Also see
  267. ``Cygnus Matches Donations!''.
  268. Contributed Software GbR
  269. Graefestr. 76
  270. D-10967 Berlin
  271. Germany
  272. Telephone: (+49-30) 694-69-07
  273. Fax: (+49-30) 694-68-09
  274. Electronic-Mail: `info@contrib.de'
  275. BBS & no-charge free software archive:
  276. Dialins: (+49-30) 693-40-51 (eight USR DS's)
  277. (+49-30) 694-60-55 (five ZyXELs)
  278. Telnet: `uropax.contrib.de' []
  279. FTP: `ftp.contrib.de'
  280. WWW: `http://www.contrib.de/'
  281. Hundred Acre Consulting
  282. 5301 Longley Lane, Suite D-144
  283. Reno, NV 89511
  284. USA
  285. Telephone: 702-829-9700
  286. +1-800-245-2885
  287. Fax: 702-829-9926
  288. Electronic-Mail: `info@pooh.com'
  289. FTP: `ftp.pooh.com'
  290. WWW: `http://www.pooh.com/'
  291. Gopher: `gopher.pooh.com'
  292. Free Software Support
  293. *********************
  294. The Free Software Foundation does not provide any technical support.
  295. Although we create software, we leave it to others to earn a living providing
  296. support. We see programmers as providing a service, much as doctors and
  297. lawyers now do; both medical and legal knowledge are freely redistributable
  298. entities for which the practitioners charge a distribution and service fee.
  299. The GNU Service Directory is a list of people who offer support and other
  300. consulting services. It is in the file `etc/SERVICE' in the GNU Emacs
  301. distribution, `SERVICE' in the GCC distribution and `/pub/gnu/GNUinfo/SERVICE'
  302. on GNU's FTP host `prep.ai.mit.edu'. Contact us if you would like a copy or
  303. wish to be listed in it. Those companies who share their income with the FSF
  304. are listed in ``Help from Free Software Companies''.
  305. If you find a deficiency in any GNU software, we want to know. We have many
  306. Internet mailing lists for bug reports, announcements and questions. They
  307. are also gatewayed into USENET news as the `gnu.*' newsgroups. You can
  308. request a list of the mailing lists from either address on the front cover.
  309. When we receive a bug report, we usually try to fix the problem. While our
  310. bug fixes may seem like individual assistance, they are not. Our task is so
  311. large that we must focus on that which helps the community as a whole; we do
  312. not have the resources to help individuals. We may send you a patch for a
  313. bug so that you can help us test the fix and ensure its quality. If your bug
  314. report does not evoke a solution from us, you may still get one from another
  315. user who reads our bug report mailing lists. Otherwise, use the Service
  316. Directory.
  317. Please do not ask us to help you install software or figure out how to use
  318. it--but do tell us how an installation script does not work or where
  319. documentation is unclear.
  320. If you have no Internet access, you can get mail and USENET news via UUCP.
  321. Contact a local UUCP site, or a commercial UUCP site such as:
  322. UUNET Communications Services
  323. 3110 Fairview Park Drive -- Suite 570
  324. Falls Church, VA 22042
  325. USA
  326. Telephone: +1-800-4UUNET4
  327. +1-703-204-8000
  328. Fax: +1-703-204-8001
  329. Electronic-Mail: `info@uunet.uu.net'
  330. A list of commercial UUCP and Internet service providers is posted
  331. periodically to USENET in the newsgroup `news.announce.newusers' with
  332. `Subject: How to become a USENET site'. You can also get it via anonymous
  333. FTP from `rtfm.mit.edu' in the file `How_to_become_a_USENET_site', in the
  334. directory `/pub/usenet-by-group/news.announce.newusers'.
  335. When choosing a service provider, ask those you are considering how much they
  336. do to assist free software development, e.g., by contributing money to free
  337. software development or by writing free software improvements themselves for
  338. general use. By basing your decision partially on this factor, you can help
  339. encourage those who profit from free software to contribute to its growth.
  340. What Is the LPF?
  341. ****************
  342. The League for Programming Freedom (LPF) aims to protect the freedom to write
  343. software. This freedom is threatened by "look-and-feel" interface copyright
  344. lawsuits and by software patents. The LPF does not endorse free software or
  345. the FSF.
  346. The League's members include programmers, entrepreneurs, students,
  347. professors, and even software companies.
  348. >From the League membership form:
  349. The League for Programming Freedom is a grass-roots organization of
  350. professors, students, business people, programmers, and users
  351. dedicated to bringing back the freedom to write programs. The League
  352. is not opposed to the legal system that Congress intended--copyright
  353. on individual programs. Our aim is to reverse the recent changes made
  354. by judges in response to special interests.
  355. Membership dues in the League are $42 per year for programmers,
  356. managers and professionals; $10.50 for students; $21 for others.
  357. To join, please send a check and the following information:
  358. * Your name and phone numbers (home, work, or both).
  359. * The address to use for League mailings, a few each year (please
  360. indicate whether it is your home address or your work address).
  361. * The company you work for, and your position.
  362. * Your email address, so the League can contact you for political
  363. action. (If you don't want to be contacted for this, please say
  364. so, but please provide your email address anyway.)
  365. * Please mention anything about you which would enable your
  366. endorsement of LPF to impress the public.
  367. * Please say whether you would like to help with LPF activities.
  368. The League is not connected with the Free Software Foundation and is not
  369. itself a free software organization. The FSF supports the LPF because, like
  370. any software developer smaller than IBM, it is endangered by software
  371. patents. You are in danger too! It would be easy to ignore the problem
  372. until you or your employer is sued, but it is more prudent to organize before
  373. that happens.
  374. If you haven't made up your mind yet, write to LPF for more information:
  375. League for Programming Freedom
  376. 1 Kendall Square - #143
  377. P.O. Box 9171
  378. Cambridge, MA 02139
  379. USA
  380. Telephone: +1-617-243-4091
  381. Electronic-Mail: `lpf@uunet.uu.net'
  382. GNU and Other Free Software in Japan
  383. ************************************
  384. Mieko (`h-mieko@sra.co.jp') and Nobuyuki Hikichi (`hikichi@sra.co.jp')
  385. continue to volunteer for the GNU Project in Japan. They translate each
  386. issue of this Bulletin into Japanese and distribute it widely, along with
  387. their translation of the GNU General Public License Version 2. This
  388. translation of the GPL is authorized by the FSF and is available by anonymous
  389. FTP from `srawgw.sra.co.jp' in `/pub/gnu/local-fix/GPL2-j'. They are working
  390. on a formal translation of the GNU Library General Public License. They also
  391. solicit donations and offer GNU software consulting.
  392. `nepoch' (the Japanese versions of Epoch) and MULE are available and widely
  393. used in Japan. MULE (the MULtilingual Enhancement of GNU Emacs) can handle
  394. many character sets at once. Eventually its features will be merged into the
  395. FSF's version of Emacs. The FSF does not distribute `nepoch', but MULE is
  396. available on the ``Source Code CD-ROM''. You can also FTP it from
  397. `sh.wide.ad.jp' in `/JAPAN/mule' or `etlport.etl.go.jp' in `/pub/mule'.
  398. See ``GNU Software'', for more information about MULE.
  399. The Village Center, Inc. prints a Japanese translation of the `GNU Emacs Lisp
  400. Reference Manual' and uploads the Texinfo source to various bulletin boards.
  401. They have also published a copylefted book, Nobuyuki's and Mieko's `Think
  402. GNU'. This appears to be the first non-FSF copylefted publication in Japan.
  403. Part of the profits are donated to the FSF. Their address is:
  404. Village Center, Inc.
  405. 3-2 Kanda Jinbo-cho, Chiyoda-ku
  406. Tokyo 101, Japan
  407. Telephone: 03-3221-3520
  408. Addison-Wesley Publishers Japan Ltd. has printed a Japanese translation of
  409. the `GNU Make Manual' and `GAWK Manual'. Their address is:
  410. Addison-Wesley Publishers Japan Ltd.
  411. Nichibou Bldg. 2F
  412. 1-2-2 Sarugaku-cho, Chiyoda-ku
  413. Tokyo 101, Japan
  414. Telephone: 03-3291-4581
  415. GNU manuals (in English), T-shirts and CD-ROMs are available from both:
  416. Shosen Book Tower
  417. 1-11-6 Kanda Sakuma-cho, Chiyoda-ku
  418. Tokyo 101, Japan
  419. Telephone: 03-5296-0051
  420. Shosen Grande
  421. 1-3 Kanda Jinbo-cho, Chiyoda-ku
  422. Tokyo 101, Japan
  423. Telephone: 03-3295-0011
  424. The Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, ICOT, has released the
  425. "ICOT Free Software (IFS)" distribution. The famous Fifth Generation
  426. Computing System project produced this distribution, which includes over 80
  427. systems for symbol processing, knowledge processing, problem solving,
  428. inference, and natural language processing. Many of them are based on
  429. parallel logic programming. For details, contact `ifs@icot.or.jp'.
  430. There is a mailing list in Japan to discuss both hardware and software which
  431. is under the GNU General Public License. This list provides information
  432. about making your own computer system. The main language used on the list is
  433. Japanese. If you are interested in getting information or having discussions
  434. in English, contact `mka@apricot.juice.or.jp' or
  435. `ishiz@muraoka.info.waseda.ac.jp'.
  436. Many groups in Japan now distribute GNU software. They include JUG, a PC
  437. user group; ASCII, a periodical and book publisher; the Fujitsu FM Towns
  438. users group; and SRA's special GNU support group, called Wingnut, who also
  439. purchased the first Deluxe package in Japan. (Since then, there have been
  440. several other purchases of the Deluxe package in Japan.)
  441. Anonymous UUCP is available until the end of December, 1994. After that it
  442. will be canceled due to a lack of disk space, time and the ease with which
  443. GNU software can be obtained via FTP and on CD-ROM and other media. Since
  444. the service was started 5 years ago, over 300 tapes have been made, and over
  445. 600 hosts have made more than 20,000 calls to the UUCP server to get GNU and
  446. other free software. For more information, contact `toku@dit.co.jp'.
  447. It is easy to place an order directly with the FSF from Japan, thus funding
  448. new code. To get an FSF Order Form written in Japanese, ask
  449. `japan-fsf-orders@prep.ai.mit.edu'. There are also two toll-free Fax numbers
  450. for use in Japan (see page 1). We encourage you to buy software on tapes or
  451. CDs: for example, every 150 tape orders allows FSF to hire a programmer for a
  452. year to write more free software.
  453. Announcing the Dictionary Project
  454. *********************************
  455. The FSF has a copy of the `Century Dictionary', an unabridged dictionary now
  456. in the public domain, and we are planning to put it online. We tried OCR,
  457. but it wasn't reliable enough. So we're looking for volunteers to type it
  458. in--20 pages per volunteer. We estimate that takes around 45 hours if you
  459. type reasonably fast, including proofreading.
  460. If you'd like to volunteer, please send mail to `dictionary@gnu.ai.mit.edu'.
  461. We'll send you 20 xeroxed pages plus the description of the online dictionary
  462. format. (Be *very* careful to follow the format.)
  463. This project provides a way for people without programming skills or money to
  464. contribute to the GNU Project.
  465. GNUs Flashes
  466. ************
  467. * Hurd (Also see ``What Is the Hurd?''.)
  468. The Hurd runs GNU Hello! The Hurd has successfully bootstrapped, which
  469. means that it loads the core servers and it can run simple utilities. At
  470. press time, it ran a simple shell, a simple `ps', most of the shellutils,
  471. most of the textutils and all of the fileutils. Progress is being made
  472. so rapidly that by the time you read this it probably does much more.
  473. For a complete non-network system, we still need to finish the support
  474. for signals (although some simple test programs that use signals already
  475. work), the terminal driver, and the local sockets code (at least for
  476. pipes). We have a mailing list to distribute announcements about
  477. progress; send mail to `hurd-ann-request@prep.ai.mit.edu' to be added to
  478. it.
  479. * FSF Now Distributing X11R6, as well as X11R5
  480. FSF updated the ``X11 Tapes'' and the ``May 1994 Source Code CD-ROM'' to
  481. the just-released X11R6. This is the first major update since X11R5 was
  482. released in September, 1991. We will distribute X11R5 on tape until
  483. X11R6 is stable, and on the ``November 1993 Source Code CD-ROM'',
  484. while supplies last.
  485. * 4.4BSD-Lite (Also see ``4.4BSD-Lite Tape''.)
  486. The FSF has begun distributing 4.4BSD-Lite and dropped the old Berkeley
  487. Networking 2 tape. The "Lite" refers to the omittance of some
  488. proprietary files that still remain in the full 4.4BSD distribution.
  489. However, 4.4BSD-Lite is considerably more complete than the previous
  490. Networking 2 release.
  491. * Common Lisp Freed!
  492. GNU Common Lisp (GCL) has been added. Previously, GCL had distribution
  493. terms under which each user had to have a signed paper contract on file.
  494. However, the authors recently decided to switch to the GPL. See ``GNU
  495. Software'', and ``Emacs Tape'', for more information.
  496. * Manual Updated since Last Bulletin
  497. The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual has been updated. The new edition
  498. includes bug fixes and additional information. See ``GNU Documentation''.
  499. * New Program on the Languages Tape
  500. Octave has been added. See ``GNU Software'' and ``Languages Tape'',
  501. for more information.
  502. * New Programs on the Utilities Tape
  503. `ed' has been added. `elvis' has been replaced by `nvi'. See ``GNU
  504. Software'' and ``Utilities Tape'', for more information.
  505. * New Programs on the Source Code CD-ROM
  506. This CD-ROM has all the new programs and changes on the tapes. X11R6 has
  507. also replaced X11R5. See ``Source Code CD-ROM'', for details.
  508. * New GNU Column in New Linux Magazine
  509. Arnold Robbins, `arnold@gnu.ai.mit.edu', a long-time volunteer for the
  510. GNU project, is the author of "What's GNU?", a regular column in the new
  511. monthly magazine `Linux Journal'. The column discusses the GNU project,
  512. its software and other interesting free software. It is available from
  513. the publishers of `Linux Journal'. Contact Arnold or Phil Hughes,
  514. `phil@fylz.com', the publisher of `Linux Journal' for more information.
  515. * Experimental Tape Takes a Recess
  516. We are not currently distributing the Experimental Tape because most of
  517. the programs that were on it are now stable. GCC, GAS, Binutils, libg++,
  518. and the C Library are now on the ``Languages Tape'', replacing prior
  519. releases. Oleo & GNU Graphics are now on the ``Utilities Tape''.
  520. * Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM
  521. We now have a CD-ROM that contains executables for the GNU compiler tools
  522. for some systems that don't normally come with a compiler. This allows
  523. users of those systems to compile GNU and other free software without
  524. having to buy a proprietary compiler. See ``Compiler Tools Binaries
  525. CD-ROM'', for more details, including which platforms are supported.
  526. We hope to include more systems with each update of this CD-ROM. If you
  527. can help build binaries for new systems, or have a system to suggest,
  528. please contact us at either address on the front cover.
  529. * Source CD-ROM Subscriptions
  530. We are now offering a subscription service for the Source Code CD-ROM in
  531. addition to our tape subscription service. For the price of 3 CD-ROMs
  532. (plus any shipping costs) you get the next 4 that we make. Presently we
  533. make two updates a year, but we may go to more frequent updates. See
  534. ``Tape & CD-ROM Subscription Service''.
  535. * FSF Accepts Orders and Donations via Fax
  536. You can now send orders and donations to FSF by fax. Please fax in a
  537. completed ``Free Software Foundation Order Form'', including credit card
  538. information, since orders must be prepaid. We do *not* accept purchase
  539. orders. The number is +1-617-492-9057 in the U.S. and everywhere else
  540. except Japan. In Japan, the fax numbers are toll-free: 0031-13-2473
  541. (KDD) and 0066-3382-0158 (IDC).
  542. * FSF T-shirts Improved!
  543. We have added a copy of the GNU General Public License to the back of our
  544. T-shirt, which used to be blank. See ``FSF T-shirt''.
  545. * Informal "GCC Consortium"
  546. A group of companies including Intel, Motorola, Texas Instruments and
  547. Analog Devices have pooled funds to support central maintenance of
  548. GNU CC, which is now done by Richard Kenner of New York University.
  549. This task is to take responsibility for fixing bugs, integrating and
  550. cleaning up contributions, making releases and writing high priority
  551. improvements.
  552. Forthcoming GNUs
  553. ****************
  554. Information about the current status of released GNU programs can be found in
  555. ``GNU Software''. Here is some news of future plans.
  556. * `makeinfo' and the World Wide Web (Also see ``GNU Software''.)
  557. `makeinfo' is being modified to translate Texinfo source files into HTML
  558. documents that can be displayed from the Internet's World Wide Web.
  559. * GNU Common Lisp (For current status, see ``GNU Software''.)
  560. Planned development for GNU Common Lisp (GCL) includes moving to the ANSI
  561. standard, adding a byte compiler with source level debugging, and adding
  562. a windowing interface. A new compiler is being tested; it will make all
  563. functions pass arguments on the C stack and return values in a standard
  564. register with additional locations when necessary. This will speed up
  565. other function calls and funcalling (critical for object oriented work).
  566. Contributors to any of these areas would be helpful; contact
  567. `schelter@math.utexas.edu'.
  568. * GNU Emacs (For current status, see ``GNU Software''.)
  569. Emacs is the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time
  570. display editor. Features planned for future releases of Emacs include:
  571. different visibility conditions for regions and for multiple windows
  572. showing the same buffer; incrementally saving the undo history in a
  573. file, so that you can undo older changes in the history; support for
  574. variable-width fonts; and support for wide character sets including all
  575. the world's major languages.
  576. * C Interpreter
  577. The FSF is adding interpreter facilities to the GNU compiler and
  578. debugger. This task is partly finished. GCC now generates byte code
  579. (for all supported languages: C, C++ and Objective-C) and another package
  580. interprets it.
  581. To make this work usable, we need to add features to GDB to load the byte
  582. code dynamically. We also would like C compiler support for compiling
  583. just a specified few functions in a file. Due to limited resources, the
  584. FSF cannot fund this. Interested volunteers should contact
  585. `gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu'.
  586. * GAS (For current status, see ``GNU Software''.)
  587. The GNU assembler is in the process of being rewritten to fully use the
  588. BFD library. Currently BFD is used only on some platforms. When this
  589. work is finished, porting the entire compiler support suite (GAS and
  590. Binutils) to new platforms should be easier. Forthcoming versions will
  591. include support for the HP-PA, DEC Alpha (running OSF/1), RS/6000 and
  592. PowerPC processors.
  593. * GCC (For current status, see ``GNU Software''.)
  594. New front ends for GCC are being developed, but they are not yet part of
  595. GCC. A front end for Fortran is now in alpha test and is approaching
  596. completion, and a front end for Ada (GNAT: The GNU Ada Translator) is
  597. available via anonymous FTP from `cs.nyu.edu' in `/pub/gnat', though it
  598. is not yet stable. News about GNAT is posted to the USENET newsgroup
  599. `comp.lang.ada'. Volunteers are also developing a Pascal front end.
  600. * GNU Fortran (For info on `f2c' & GCC, see ``GNU Software''.)
  601. GNU Fortran (`g77') is in "private" alpha test (testing by a small group
  602. of experts) and is not yet publicly released. Until `g77' is fully
  603. released to the public, we ask people to use `f2c' (a Fortran-to-C
  604. translator) with GCC. As `g77' uses a lot of these tools (the `f2c'
  605. libraries and the GCC back end), using them and reporting any problems
  606. you find will help speed the release of `g77'.
  607. The primary focus of the alpha test is to test the `g77' front end,
  608. since that has most of the new code. The secondary focus of the alpha
  609. test is to test the integration between the front end and the back end.
  610. Currently, this is where most of the bugs seem to be. The tertiary focus
  611. is the quality of code generated by the GNU back end for Fortran.
  612. We hope to have a `g77' beta release in summer 1994, as part of the
  613. regular compiler distribution. A mailing list exists for announcements
  614. about `g77'. To subscribe, ask
  615. `info-gnu-fortran-request@prep.ai.mit.edu'. To contact the author and
  616. maintainer of `g77', write to `fortran@prep.ai.mit.edu'.
  617. * Ghostscript (For current status, see ``GNU Software''.)
  618. Ghostscript 2.6.2, consisting of version 2.6.1 with bug fixes, will be
  619. released and distributed by FSF sometime in late 1994. Ghostscript 3.0
  620. will be released and distributed by FSF in the second quarter of 1995; a
  621. future GNU's Bulletin will have a more definite date. It will implement
  622. the full PostScript Level 2 language except for LZW compression, which
  623. can't be freely implemented because of software patents. (Prohibitions
  624. like this on programming are what the League for Programming Freedom is
  625. fighting. See ``What Is the LPF?'', for details.)
  626. * GSview for Windows and OS/2 (Also see ``GNU Software''.)
  627. A new version of Russell Lang's Ghostview for Windows will be released
  628. during the second quarter of 1994. The name has been changed to "GSview
  629. for Windows" in order to avoid confusion with Tim Theisen's Ghostview.
  630. An OS/2 port called "PM GSview" will be released at the same time. For
  631. more information, contact Russell at `rjl@monu1.cc.monash.edu.au'.
  632. * `gmp' (For current status, see ``GNU Software''.)
  633. The GNU mp library, version 2.0, (due out soon) has arbitrary precision
  634. floating point arithmetic, is more portable, and is up to 4 times faster
  635. than previous versions.
  636. * Oleo (For current status, see ``GNU Software''.)
  637. Volunteers are writing an Oleo manual and extensions to the Oleo
  638. interface.
  639. * rx, a faster regular expression library
  640. Tom Lord has written a new regular expression library which is faster
  641. than the current library we use. Currently it is only being distributed
  642. with `sed'; eventually we will distribute it as a separate package as
  643. well. This new library is nearly a drop-in replacement for the current
  644. regex library used by the GNU Project, but it needs a few more features
  645. before it can be used in Emacs.
  646. * Smalltalk (For current status, see ``GNU Software''.)
  647. Future versions will contain significant performance improvements,
  648. ability to use the Smalltalk interpreter as a subroutine, better
  649. interfaces to the MIT X Window System, ability to represent and
  650. manipulate C data structures in Smalltalk, conditional compilation
  651. facilities, large integer support, exceptions, and weak references &
  652. finalization support.
  653. Freely Available Texts
  654. **********************
  655. Freely redistributable information isn't just software. Here are a few
  656. groups providing various books, historical documents, and more. Please let
  657. either address on the front cover know of additional entries. You can FTP a
  658. more complete list in file `/pub/gnu/FreelyAvailableTexts' from
  659. `prep.ai.mit.edu'.
  660. * FreeLore
  661. A goal of the FreeLore Project is to do "serious" book-length writing,
  662. and give it away for free. John Goodwin is now concentrating on writing
  663. freelore and to show what it is by example (not unlike the FSF). You can
  664. FTP his results from `world.std.com' in `/obi/Networking/John.Goodwin'.
  665. To volunteer, contact `jgoodwin@delphi.fnal.gov'.
  666. * The Online Book Initiative (OBI)
  667. OBI focuses on freely redistributable books, reference material,
  668. conference proceedings, catalogues, etc. OBI has about 400MB of (mostly
  669. compressed) text online, ranging from poetry to standards documents to
  670. novels. You may anonymous FTP texts from `obi.std.com' in `/obi'. You
  671. can also dial `world.std.com' with a modem (617-739-9753, 8N1) and
  672. create an account to access this information (login as `new'). Accounts
  673. on `world' are charged for their connect time (ask `info@world.std.com'
  674. for details).
  675. * Project Gutenberg
  676. Project Gutenberg is the brainchild of Michael Hart. Professor Hart's
  677. hope for success derives from the nature of what he calls `Replicator
  678. Technology'. Once anything is stored in a computer, it can be reproduced
  679. indefinitely, making it available to all who want it. Texts from
  680. Project Gutenberg are available at a number of FTP sites, including
  681. `mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu' in file `/etext' and `oes.orst.edu' in file
  682. `/pub/almanac/etext'. To find out how to obtain text via e-mail, send
  683. the word `HELP' in the body of a message to
  684. `BITFTP%PUCC.BITNET@mitvma.mit.edu'. Or look at
  685. `bit.listserv.gutnberg', a USENET newsgroup. For more information,
  686. write to `dircompg@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu'.
  687. * Project Runeberg
  688. Project Runeberg publishes works of literature and art which meet three
  689. criteria: they are machine-readable; in a Scandinavian language (such as
  690. Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic and Faroese) or created by an
  691. artist from a Nordic country; and free for duplication and distribution
  692. by anyone and for any purpose. Project Runeberg was founded in March
  693. 1993, inspired by Project Gutenberg. Coordinated by Lars Aronsson,
  694. Project Runeberg is an activity of Lysator, a student computer club at
  695. Linkoping University in Linkoping, Sweden.
  696. FTP from host `ftp.lysator.liu.se' in `/pub/runeberg/README'. Access
  697. Gopher via type 1 host `gopher.lysator.liu.se' path `/project-runeberg'.
  698. `http://www.lysator.liu.se:7500/runeberg/Main.html' is the URL on the
  699. World Wide Web. For more information or to join the mailing list, ask
  700. `runeberg-list-request@lysator.liu.se', or send postal mail to: Lysator,
  701. Universitetet, S-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden. 2
  702. * Literary Works Available on the WWW
  703. The locations below are URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) on the
  704. Internet's World Wide Web (WWW). This list was compiled by
  705. Michael Larsen.
  706. Project Bartleby is one of the few initiatives which appears to enter
  707. texts by hand, including the complete poems of Wordsworth, Their texts
  708. are at `gopher://gopher.cc.columbia.edu:71/11/miscellaneous/cubooks'.
  709. CopticNet has Coptic scriptural materials at `ftp://pharos.bu.edu/CN'.
  710. The Quartz archive has a few texts not available at other locations at
  711. `ftp://quartz.rutgers.edu/pub/etext/misc'. The Libellus Project has
  712. Latin texts at `ftp://ftp.u.washington.edu/public/libellus/texts'. The
  713. Oxford Text Archive's large collection is at `ftp://ota.ox.ac.uk/ota'.
  714. The English Server at CMU is at `http://english-server.hss.cmu.edu/'
  715. with some poems at `http://english-server.hss.cmu.edu/Poetry.html'. The
  716. Sardinia Research Center has a few Italian classics, including La Divina
  717. Commedia at `http://www.crs4.it/HTML/homecrs4.html'. The University of
  718. Toronto has some James Joyce at `gopher://gopher.epas.utoronto.ca'.
  719. Wiretap is similar to Project Gutenberg in focus and scope and is it
  720. located at URL `ftp://wiretap.spies.com/Library'. The Women's Studies
  721. program at Maryland has some poems by women, especially Emily Dickinson,
  722. at URL
  723. `gopher://info.umd.edu:901/11/inforM/Educational_Resources/WomensStudies'.
  724. GNU Documentation
  725. *****************
  726. GNU is dedicated to having quality, easy-to-use online and printed
  727. documentation. GNU manuals are intended to explain the underlying concepts,
  728. describe how to use all the features of each program, and give examples of
  729. command use. GNU manuals are distributed as Texinfo source files, which
  730. yield both typeset hardcopy via the TeX document formatting system, and online
  731. hypertext-like display via the menu-driven Info system. Source for these
  732. manuals comes with our software, and they are available in hardcopy; see the
  733. ``Free Software Foundation Order Form''.
  734. Most GNU manuals are bound as soft cover books with "lay-flat" bindings.
  735. This allows you to open them so they lie flat on a table without creasing the
  736. binding. Each book has an inner cloth spine and an outer cardboard cover
  737. that will not break or crease as an ordinary paperback will. Currently, the
  738. `Emacs', `GDB', `Emacs Lisp Reference', `GAWK', `Make', `Flex', `Bison', and
  739. `Texinfo' manuals have this binding. The other GNU manuals are also bound so
  740. they lie flat when opened, using a GBC binding. All of our manuals are 7in
  741. by 9.25in except the `Calc' manual, which is 8.5in by 11in.
  742. The edition number of the manual and version number of the program listed
  743. after each manual's name were current at the time this Bulletin was published.
  744. The `Emacs Manual' (9th Edition for Version 19) describes editing with GNU
  745. Emacs. It explains advanced features, including outline mode and regular
  746. expression search, how to use special modes for programming in languages like
  747. C++ and TeX, how to use the `tags' utility, how to compile and correct code,
  748. how to make your own keybindings, and other elementary customizations.
  749. `Debugging with GDB' (Edition 4.09 for Version 4.9) tells how to use the GNU
  750. Debugger, run your program under debugger control, examine and alter data,
  751. modify a program's flow of control, and use GDB through GNU Emacs.
  752. The `GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual' (Edition 2.3 for Version 19.23) covers
  753. this programming language in depth, including data types, control structures,
  754. functions, macros, syntax tables, searching/matching, modes, windows,
  755. keymaps, byte compilation, and the operating system interface.
  756. The `GAWK Manual' (Edition 0.16 for Version 2.16) tells how to use the GNU
  757. implementation of `awk'. It is written for those who have never used `awk'
  758. and describes the features of this powerful string and record manipulation
  759. language.
  760. The `Make Manual' (Edition 0.43 for Version 3.68) describes GNU `make', a
  761. program used to rebuild parts of other programs. The manual tells how to
  762. write "makefiles", which specify how a program is to be compiled and how its
  763. files depend on each other. Included are an introductory chapter for novice
  764. users and a section about automatically generated dependencies.
  765. The `Flex Manual' (Edition 1.03 for Version 2.3.7) tells you how to write a
  766. lexical scanner definition for the `flex' program to create a C++ or C-coded
  767. scanner that will recognize the patterns described. You need no prior
  768. knowledge of scanner generators.
  769. The `Bison Manual' (December 1993 Edition for Version 1.23) teaches you how
  770. to write context-free grammars for the Bison program that convert into
  771. C-coded parsers. You need no prior knowledge of parser generators.
  772. `Using and Porting GNU CC' (October 1993 Edition for Version 2.5) explains
  773. how to run, install, and port the GNU C Compiler to new systems. It
  774. describes new features and incompatibilities of the compiler, but people not
  775. familiar with C will also need a good reference on the C programming
  776. language. This manual also covers G++.
  777. The `Texinfo Manual' (Edition 2.19 for Version 3) explains the markup
  778. language used to generate both the online Info documentation and typeset
  779. hardcopies. It tells you how to make tables, lists, chapters, nodes,
  780. indexes, cross references, how to use Texinfo mode in GNU Emacs, and how to
  781. catch mistakes. This second edition describes over 50 new commands.
  782. The `Termcap Manual' (2nd Edition for Version 1.2), often described as "twice
  783. as much as you ever wanted to know about termcap," details the format of the
  784. termcap database, the definitions of terminal capabilities, and the process
  785. of interrogating a terminal description. This manual is primarily for
  786. programmers.
  787. The `C Library Reference Manual' (June 1993 Edition for Version 1.07)
  788. describes most of the facilities of the GNU C library, including both what
  789. Unix calls "library functions" and "system calls." We are doing limited
  790. copier runs of this manual until it becomes more stable. It is new, and
  791. needs corrections and improvements. Please send them to
  792. `bug-glibc-manual@prep.ai.mit.edu'.
  793. The `Emacs Calc Manual' (Edition 2.02 for Version 2.02) includes both a
  794. tutorial and a reference manual for Calc. It describes how to do ordinary
  795. arithmetic, how to use Calc for algebra, calculus, and other forms of
  796. mathematics, and how to extend Calc.
  797. GNU Software
  798. ************
  799. All our software is available via anonymous FTP; see ``How to Get GNU
  800. Software''. In addition we offer software on various media and printed
  801. documentation:
  802. * see ``CD-ROMs''.
  803. * see ``Tapes''.
  804. * see ``MS-DOS Diskettes''.
  805. * see ``GNU Documentation'', which include manuals and reference cards.
  806. We welcome all bug reports sent to the appropriate electronic mailing list
  807. (see ``Free Software Support'').
  808. In the articles describing the contents of each medium, the version number
  809. listed after each program name was current when we published this Bulletin.
  810. When you order a distribution tape or diskette, some of the programs may be
  811. newer, and therefore the version number higher.
  812. Key to cross reference:
  813. BinCD
  814. Binaries CD-ROM
  815. DjgppD
  816. Djgpp Diskettes
  817. EmcsD
  818. Emacs Diskettes
  819. EmcsT
  820. Emacs Tape
  821. LangT
  822. Language Tape
  823. LiteT
  824. 4.4BSD-Lite Tape
  825. SchmT
  826. Scheme Tape
  827. SrcCD
  828. Source CD-ROM
  829. UtilD
  830. Selected Utilities Diskettes
  831. UtilT
  832. Utilities Tape
  833. VMSCompT
  834. VMS Compiler Tape
  835. VMSEmcsT
  836. VMS Emacs Tape
  837. WdwsD
  838. Windows Diskette
  839. X11OptT
  840. X11 Optional Tape
  841. X11ReqT
  842. X11 Required Tape
  843. Configuring GNU Software:
  844. We are using a uniform scheme for configuring GNU software packages in order
  845. to compile them, which uses the `autoconf' program. All GNU software
  846. supports the same alternatives for naming machine and system types. This
  847. makes it possible to configure any and all GNU software in the same manner.
  848. The configuration scheme also supports configuring a directory containing
  849. several GNU packages with one command. When the GNU system is complete it
  850. will be possible to configure and build the entire system at once,
  851. eliminating the need to separately configure each individual package.
  852. The configuration scheme can also specify both the host and target system, so
  853. you can easily configure and build cross-compilation tools.
  854. GNU software currently available:
  855. (For new features and coming programs, see ``Forthcoming GNUs''.)
  856. * `acm' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  857. `acm' is a LAN-oriented, multiplayer aerial combat simulation that runs
  858. under the MIT X Window System. Players engage in air to air combat
  859. against one another using heat seeking missiles and cannons. Eventually
  860. we hope to turn this into a more general purpose flight simulator.
  861. * Autoconf (SrcCD, UtilT)
  862. Autoconf produces shell scripts which automatically configure source code
  863. packages. These scripts adapt the packages to many kinds of Unix-like
  864. systems without manual user intervention. Autoconf creates a script for
  865. a package from a template file which lists the operating system features
  866. which the package can use, in the form of `m4' macro calls. Autoconf
  867. requires GNU `m4' to operate, but the resulting configure scripts it
  868. generates do not.
  869. Most GNU programs now use Autoconf-generated configure scripts.
  870. * BASH (SrcCD, UtilT)
  871. The GNU shell, BASH (Bourne Again SHell), is compatible with the Unix
  872. `sh' and offers many extensions found in `csh' and `ksh'. BASH has job
  873. control, `csh'-style command history, and command-line editing (with
  874. Emacs and `vi' modes built-in, and the ability to rebind keys) via the
  875. readline library. BASH conforms to the POSIX 1003.2 shell specification.
  876. * `bc' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  877. `bc' is an interactive algebraic language with arbitrary precision. GNU
  878. `bc' follows the POSIX 1003.2 draft standard, with several extensions
  879. including multi-character variable names, an `else' statement and full
  880. Boolean expressions. GNU `bc' does not require the separate `dc'
  881. program.
  882. * BFD (BinCD, LangT, SrcCD)
  883. The Binary File Descriptor library allows a program which operates on
  884. object files (e.g. `ld' or GDB) to support many different formats in a
  885. clean way. BFD provides a portable interface, so that only BFD needs to
  886. know the details of a particular format. One result is that all
  887. programs using BFD will support formats such as a.out, COFF, ELF &
  888. OSF-Rose. BFD comes with source for Texinfo documentation (not yet
  889. published on paper).
  890. Presently BFD is not distributed separately because it is not yet
  891. completely stable; however, it is included with packages that use it.
  892. * Binutils (BinCD, LangT, SrcCD)
  893. Binutils includes the programs: `ar', `c++filt', `demangle', `gprof',
  894. `ld', `nlmconv', `nm', `objcopy', `objdump', `ranlib', `size', `strings',
  895. & `strip'.
  896. Binutils Version 2 is completely rewritten to use the BFD library. The
  897. GNU linker `ld' emits source-line numbered error messages for
  898. multiply-defined symbols and undefined references. It interprets a
  899. superset of the AT&T Linker Command Language, which gives general control
  900. over where segments are placed in memory. `nlmconv' converts object
  901. files into Novell NetWare Loadable Modules. The `objdump' program can
  902. disassemble code for a29k, ALPHA, H8/300, H8/500, HP-PA, i386, i960,
  903. m68k, m88k, MIPS, SH, SPARC, & Z8000 processors, and can display other
  904. data such as symbols and relocations from any file format understood by
  905. BFD.
  906. * Bison (BinCD, LangT, SrcCD, VMSCompT)
  907. Bison is an upwardly compatible replacement for the parser generator
  908. `yacc'. Texinfo source for the `Bison Manual' and reference card are
  909. included. See ``GNU Documentation''.
  910. * GNU C Library (LangT, SrcCD)
  911. The GNU C library supports ANSI C-1989 and POSIX 1003.1-1990 and has most
  912. of the functions specified in POSIX 1003.2-1992. It is upwardly
  913. compatible with 4.4BSD and includes many System V functions, plus GNU
  914. extensions.
  915. The C Library will perform many functions of the Unix system calls in
  916. the Hurd. Mike Haertel has written a fast `malloc' which wastes less
  917. memory than the old GNU version. The GNU regular-expression functions
  918. (regex) now nearly conform to the POSIX 1003.2 standard.
  919. GNU `stdio' lets you define new kinds of streams, just by writing a few
  920. C functions. The `fmemopen' function uses this to open a stream on a
  921. string, which can grow as necessary. You can define your own `printf'
  922. formats to use a C function you have written. For example, you can
  923. safely use format strings from user input to implement a `printf'-like
  924. function for another programming language. Extended `getopt' functions
  925. are already used to parse options, including long options, in many GNU
  926. utilities.
  927. Version 1.08 has just been released, adding support for Sun RPC, `mmap'
  928. and friends, and compatibility with several more traditional Unix
  929. functions. It runs on Sun-3 (SunOS 4.1), Sun-4 (SunOS 4.1 or Solaris 2),
  930. HP 9000/300 (4.3BSD), SONY News 800 (NewsOS 3 or 4), MIPS DECstation
  931. (Ultrix 4), DEC Alpha (OSF/1), i386/i486 (System V, SVR4, BSD, SCO 3.2 &
  932. SCO ODT 2.0), Sequent Symmetry i386 (Dynix 3) & SGI (Irix 4). Texinfo
  933. source for the `GNU C Library Reference Manual' is included (see
  934. ``GNU Documentation''.); the manual still needs updating.
  935. * GNU C++ Library (BinCD, LangT, SrcCD)
  936. The GNU C++ library (libg++) is an extensive collection of C++ `forest'
  937. classes, a new IOStream library for input/output routines, and support
  938. tools for use with G++. Among the classes supported are Obstacks,
  939. multiple-precision Integers and Rationals, Complex numbers, arbitrary
  940. length Strings, BitSets and BitStrings. There is also a set of
  941. pseudo-generic prototype files for generating common container classes.
  942. Texinfo source for partial documentation is included (not yet published
  943. on paper).
  944. * Calc (EmcsT, SrcCD)
  945. Calc (written by Dave Gillespie in Emacs Lisp) is an extensible, advanced
  946. desk calculator and mathematical tool that runs as part of GNU Emacs. If
  947. you wish, you can use Calc just as a simple four-function calculator, but
  948. it provides additional features including choice of algebraic or RPN
  949. (stack-based) entry, logarithmic functions, trigonometric and financial
  950. functions, arbitrary precision, complex numbers, vectors, matrices,
  951. dates, times, infinities, sets, algebraic simplification,
  952. differentiation, and integration. It also outputs to `gnuplot'. Calc
  953. comes with Texinfo source for a reference card and the `Calc Manual',
  954. which serves as a tutorial and reference. See ``GNU Documentation''.
  955. * GNU Chess (SrcCD, UtilT)
  956. GNU Chess lets the computer play a full game of chess with you. It runs
  957. on most platforms and has dumb terminal, "curses", and X terminal
  958. interfaces.
  959. GNU Chess implements many specialized features including the null move
  960. heuristic, a hash table with aging, the history heuristic (another form
  961. of the earlier killer heuristic), caching of static evaluations, and a
  962. database which lets it play the first several moves in the game quickly.
  963. Recent improvements include better heuristics, faster evaluation,
  964. thinking on opponent's time, Swedish and German language support, support
  965. for more book formats, a rudimentary Bobby Fischer clock, and bug fixes.
  966. GNU Chess is primarily supported by Stuart Cracraft, Mike McGann, Chua
  967. Kong Sian, and Tim Mann on behalf of the FSF.
  968. Stuart Cracraft
  969. 25682 Cresta Loma
  970. Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
  971. USA
  972. Telephone: +1-714-347-8107
  973. Electronic-Mail: `cracraft@ai.mit.edu'
  974. * CLISP (EmcsT, SrcCD)
  975. CLISP is a Common Lisp implementation (CLtL1 + parts of CLtL2) by Bruno
  976. Haible and Michael Stoll. It mostly supports the Lisp described by
  977. `Common LISP: The Language (1st edition)'. CLISP includes an
  978. interpreter, a byte-compiler, a subset of CLOS and, for some machines, a
  979. screen editor. It has user interfaces in English & German (& French
  980. soon), chooseable at compile time. Major packages that run in CLISP
  981. include PCL and, on Unix machines, CLX & Garnet. CLISP needs only 1.5
  982. MB of memory and runs on many microcomputers (including the Atari ST,
  983. Amiga 500-4000, most MS-DOS systems & OS/2) & some Unix workstations
  984. (Linux, Sun4, Sun386, HP9000/800, SGI, Sun3 and others).
  985. * GNU Common Lisp (EmcsT, SrcCD)
  986. GNU Common Lisp (GCL) has a compiler and interpreter for Common Lisp.
  987. It is very portable and extremely efficient on a wide class of
  988. applications. It compares favorably in performance with commercial Lisps
  989. on several large theorem prover and symbolic algebra systems. It
  990. supports the CLtL1 specification but is moving towards the proposed ANSI
  991. definition. It is based on AKCL and KCL. KCL was written by Taiichi
  992. Yuasa and Masami Hagiya in 1984, and AKCL has been developed by William
  993. Schelter since 1987.
  994. GCL compiles to C and then uses the native optimizing C compilers (e.g.
  995. GCC). A function with a fixed number of args and one value turns into a
  996. C function of the same number of args and returning 1 value, so it cannot
  997. really be any more efficient on such calls. It has a conservative GC
  998. which allows great freedom for the C compiler to put Lisp values in
  999. arbitrary registers. It has a source level Lisp debugger for
  1000. interpreted code, with display of source code in the other Emacs window.
  1001. It has profiling tools based on the C profiling tools, which count
  1002. function calls and percentage of time. CLX works with GCL. There is an
  1003. Xlib interface via C. PCL worked with earlier versions. See
  1004. ``Forthcoming GNUs'', for plans for about GCL.
  1005. GCL version 1.0 is being released under the GNU Library General Public
  1006. License. (FTP `/pub/gnu/gcl.README' on `prep.ai.mit.edu'.) Get source
  1007. from `ftp.cli.com'. For details ask `schelter@math.utexas.edu'.
  1008. * `cpio' (SrcCD, UtilD, UtilT)
  1009. `cpio' is an alternative archive program with all the features of SVR4
  1010. `cpio', including support for the final POSIX 1003.1 `ustar' standard.
  1011. `mt', a program to position magnetic tapes, is included with `cpio'.
  1012. * CVS (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1013. CVS, the Concurrent Version System, manages software revision and release
  1014. control in a multi-developer, multi-directory, multi-group environment.
  1015. It works best in conjunction with RCS versions 4 and above, but will
  1016. parse older RCS formats with the loss of CVS's fancier features. See
  1017. Berliner, Brian, "CVS-II: Parallelizing Software Development,"
  1018. `Proceedings of the Winter 1990 USENIX Association Conference'. To find
  1019. out how to get a copy of this report, ask `office@usenix.org'.
  1020. * `dc' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1021. `dc' is an RPN calculator. GNU `bc' does not require a separate `dc'
  1022. program to run. This version of `dc' will eventually be merged with GNU
  1023. `bc'.
  1024. * DejaGnu (LangT, SrcCD)
  1025. DejaGnu is a framework for testing other programs that provides a single
  1026. front end for all tests. The framework's flexibility and consistency
  1027. make it easy to write tests for any program. DejaGnu comes with
  1028. `expect', which runs scripts to conduct dialogs with programs; and Tcl,
  1029. which is an embeddable scripting language. The FSF hopes to replace Tcl
  1030. with a cleaner programming language someday.
  1031. * Demacs, GNU Emacs for MS-DOS (EmcsD)
  1032. Manabu Higashida and Hirano Satoshi have released Demacs, a GNU Emacs
  1033. port for 386/486 based MS-DOS machines. It is compatible with XMS
  1034. memory managers and VCPI, but not yet with Microsoft Windows extended
  1035. mode or other DPMI managers. Anonymous FTP it from `oak.oakland.edu' in
  1036. `/pub/msdos/demacs' (USA) & `utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp' in `/GNU/demacs'
  1037. (Japan). For an FTP site list and the current status of Demacs, email to
  1038. `demacs@sigmath.osaka-u.ac.jp'. For details, FTP the `README' file.
  1039. The FSF is offering Demacs on diskette. We will replace it with GNU
  1040. Emacs 19, as soon as the MS-DOS port is ready. See ``Emacs Diskettes''.
  1041. * Diffutils (SrcCD, UtilD, UtilT)
  1042. GNU `diff' compares files showing line-by-line changes in several
  1043. flexible formats. It is much faster than traditional Unix versions. The
  1044. Diffutils package contains `diff', `diff3', `sdiff', and `cmp'.
  1045. These improvements have recently been made to Diffutils: A new heuristic
  1046. for `diff' greatly reduces the time needed to compare large input files
  1047. that contain many differences, and produces output that is usually
  1048. smaller rather than larger. New `diff' options give detailed control
  1049. over output format, e.g. to provide if-then-else output for programming
  1050. languages other than C. Message wordings and the definition of "white
  1051. space" have been revised for compatibility with the POSIX.2 standard
  1052. (ISO/IEC 9945-2:1993).
  1053. * DJGPP (BinCD, DjgppD)
  1054. DJ Delorie has ported GCC/G++ 2.5.7 (see the GCC item in this section) to
  1055. the i386 MS-DOS platform. The DJGPP package also contains a 32-bit 80386
  1056. DOS extender with symbolic debugger; development libraries; and ports of
  1057. Bison, `flex', GAS, and the GNU Binutils. Full source code is provided.
  1058. It requires at least 5MB of hard disk space to install and 512K of RAM to
  1059. use. It supports SVGA (up to 1024x768), XMS & VDISK memory allocation,
  1060. `himem.sys', VCPI (e.g. QEMM, DESQview, & 386MAX), and DPMI (e.g. Windows
  1061. 3.x, OS/2, QEMM, & QDPMI). The FSF offers it on the ``DJGPP Diskettes'',
  1062. and on the ``Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM''. Or FTP file
  1063. `/pub/msdos/djgpp' from `oak.oakland.edu' (or another SimTel mirror
  1064. site). Ask `djgpp-request@sun.soe.clarkson.edu' to join a mailing list
  1065. for DJGPP users.
  1066. * `dld' (LangT, SrcCD)
  1067. `dld' is a dynamic linker written by W. Wilson Ho. Linking your program
  1068. with the `dld' library allows you to dynamically load object files into
  1069. the running binary. Currently supported are VAX (Ultrix), Sun 3 (SunOS
  1070. 3.4 & 4.0), SPARC (SunOS 4.0), Sequent Symmetry (Dynix), & Atari ST.
  1071. * `doschk' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1072. This program is intended as a utility to help software developers ensure
  1073. that their source file names are distinguishable on System V platforms
  1074. with 14-character filenames and on MS-DOS with 8+3 character filenames.
  1075. * `ecc' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1076. `ecc' is a Reed-Solomon error correction checking program, which can
  1077. correct three byte errors in a block of 255 bytes and detect more severe
  1078. errors. Contact `paulf@Stanford.EDU' for more information.
  1079. * `ed' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1080. Ed is the standard text editor.
  1081. * Elib (EmcsT, SrcCD)
  1082. This is a small library of Emacs Lisp functions, including routines for
  1083. using AVL trees and doubly-linked lists.
  1084. * GNU Emacs
  1085. In 1975, Richard Stallman developed the first Emacs, an extensible,
  1086. customizable real-time display editor. GNU Emacs is his second
  1087. implementation. It offers true Lisp--smoothly integrated into the
  1088. editor--for writing extensions, and provides an interface to the MIT X
  1089. Window System. In addition to its powerful native command set,
  1090. extensions which emulate other popular editors are distributed: vi, EDT
  1091. (DEC's VMS editor) and Gosling (aka Unipress) Emacs. It has many other
  1092. features which make it a full computing support environment. Source for
  1093. the `GNU Emacs Manual', the `GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual', and a
  1094. reference card come with the software. See ``GNU Documentation''.
  1095. * GNU Emacs 18 (EmcsD, EmcsT, SrcCD, VMSEmcsT)
  1096. GNU Emacs 18.59 runs on many Unix systems. In hardware order: Alliant
  1097. FX/80 & FX/2800, Altos 3068, Amdahl (UTS), Apollo, AT&T (3Bs & 7300 PC),
  1098. DG Aviion, Bull DPX/2 (2nn & 3nn) CCI 5/32 & 6/32, Celerity, Convex,
  1099. Digital (DECstation 3100 & 5000 (PMAXes), Mips, VAX (BSD, SysV & VMS)),
  1100. Motorola Delta 147 & 187 Dual, Elxsi 6400, Encore (DPC, APC & XPC),
  1101. Gould, HP (9000 series 200, 300, 700 & 800, but not 500), HLH Orion
  1102. (original & 1/05), IBM (RS/6000 (AIX), RT/PC (4.2 & AIX) & PS/2 (AIX (386
  1103. only))), ISI (Optimum V, 80386), Intel 860 & 80386 (BSD, Esix, SVR3,
  1104. SVR4, SCO, ISC, IX, AIX & others (see ``MS-DOS Diskettes''. & ``Free
  1105. Software for Microcomputers'')), Iris (2500, 2500 Turbo & 4D), Masscomp,
  1106. MIPS, National Semiconductor 32000, NeXT (Mach), NCR Tower 32 (SVR2 &
  1107. SVR3), Nixdorf Targon 31, Nu (TI & LMI), pfa50, Plexus, Prime EXL,
  1108. Pyramid (original & MIPS), Sequent (Balance & Symmetry), SONY News (m68k
  1109. & MIPS), Stride (system release 2), all Suns including 386i (all SunOS &
  1110. some Solaris vers.), Tadpole, Tahoe, Tandem Integrity S2, Tektronix
  1111. (16000 & 4300), Triton 88, Ustation E30 (SS5E), Whitechapel (MG1) &
  1112. Wicat.
  1113. In operating system order: AIX (RS/6000, RT/PC, 386-PS/2), BSD (vers.
  1114. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3), DomainOS, Esix (386), HP-UX (HP 9000 series 200, 300,
  1115. 700, 800 but not 500), ISC (386), IX (386), Mach, Microport, NewsOS
  1116. (Sony m68k & MIPS) SCO (386), SVR0 (Vax, AT&T 3Bs), SVR2, SVR3, SVR4,
  1117. Solaris 2.0, SunOS, UTS (Amdahl), Ultrix (vers. 3.0, 4,1), Uniplus 5.2
  1118. (Dual machines), VMS (vers. 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, 5.5) & Xenix (386).
  1119. * GNU Emacs 19 (EmcsT, SrcCD)
  1120. New features in Emacs 19 include: multiple X windows ("frames" to
  1121. Emacs), with either a separate X window for the minibuffer or a
  1122. minibuffer attached to each X window; property lists associated with
  1123. regions of text in a buffer; multiple fonts and colors defined by those
  1124. properties; simplified and improved processing of function keys, mouse
  1125. clicks and mouse movement; X selection processing, including clipboard
  1126. selections; hooks to be run if point or mouse moves outside a certain
  1127. range; menu bars and popup menus defined by keymaps; scrollbars; before
  1128. and after change hooks; source-level debugging of Emacs Lisp programs;
  1129. European character sets support; floating point numbers; improved buffer
  1130. allocation, using a new mechanism capable of returning storage to the
  1131. system when a buffer is killed; interfacing with the X resource manager;
  1132. GNU configuration scheme support; good RCS support; & many updated
  1133. libraries.
  1134. New features in Emacs 19.23 include X toolkit support, dialog boxes,
  1135. operation on MS-DOS, much faster text properties, keyboard equivalents
  1136. shown automatically in menus, and text that highlights when you move the
  1137. mouse over it.
  1138. Unlike some other recent derivations of Emacs, Emacs 19 from the Free
  1139. Software Foundation continues to work on character-only terminals as
  1140. well as under the MIT X Window System.
  1141. Emacs 19.23 is known to work on, in hardware order: Bull DPX/2 2nn & 3nn
  1142. (SVR3) & sps7 (SVR2); Clipper; Cubix QBx (SysV); Data General Aviion
  1143. (DGUX); DEC MIPS (Ultrix 4.2 & OSF/1, not VMS); Elxsi 6400 (SysV); Gould
  1144. Power Node & NP1 (4.2 & 4.3BSD); Harris Night Hawk 1200 and 3000, 4000
  1145. and 5000 (cxux); Honeywell XPS100 (SysV); HP 9000 series 200, 300, 700,
  1146. 800 (4.3BSD or HP-UX 7, 8, 9); Intel i386 & i486 (386BSD, AIX, BSDI/386,
  1147. FreeBSD, Esix, ISC, Linux, MS-DOS, NetBSD, SCO3.2v4 with ODT, SysV,
  1148. Xenix); IBM RS6000 (AIX 3.2); IBM RT/PC (AIX or BSD); Motorola Delta 147
  1149. & 187 (SVR3, SVR4, & m88kbcs); National Semiconductor 32K (Genix); NeXT
  1150. (BSD or Mach 2 w/ NeXTStep 3.0); Prime EXL (SysV); Pyramid (BSD);
  1151. Sequent Symmetry (BSD); SGI Iris 4D (Irix 4.x & 5.x); Sony News/RISC
  1152. (NewsOS); Sun 3 & 4, SPARC 1, 1+, 2, 10 & Classic (SunOS 4.0, 4.1,
  1153. Solaris 2.0-2.3); Tadpole 68k (SysV); Tektronix XD88 (SVR3) & 4300
  1154. (BSD); & Titan P2 & P3 (SysV).
  1155. In operating system order: AIX (i386, RS6000, RT/PC); 4.1, 4.2, 4.3BSD
  1156. (i386, Gould Power Node & NP1, HP9000 series 300, NeXT, Pyramid,
  1157. Symmetry, Tektronix 4300, RT/PC); DG/UX (Aviion); Esix (i386); FreeBSD
  1158. (i386); Genix (ns32k); HP-UX 7, 8, 9 (HP 9000 series 200, 300, 700, 800,
  1159. but not 500); Irix 4 & 5 (Iris 4D); ISC (i386); Linux (i386); NetBSD
  1160. (i386, HP9000 series 300); Mach 2 & 3 (i386, NeXT); SCO 3.2v4 (i386);
  1161. SVR2 (Bull sps7); SVR3 (Bull DPX/2 2nn & 3nn, Motorola Delta 147 & 187,
  1162. Tektronix XD88); SVR4 (Motorola Delta 147 & 187); Solaris 2 (SPARC 1,
  1163. 1+, 2, 10, Classic); SunOS 4.0, 4.1 (Sun 3 & 4, SPARC 1, 1+, 2, 10 &
  1164. Classic); Ultrix 4.2 (DEC MIPS); & Xenix (i386).
  1165. Other configurations supported by Emacs 18 should work with few changes
  1166. in Emacs 19; as users tell us more about their experiences with different
  1167. systems, we will augment the list. Also see ``Forthcoming GNUs''.
  1168. * `es' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1169. `es' is an extensible shell based on `rc' that has first class functions,
  1170. lexical scope, an exception system, and rich return values (i.e.
  1171. functions can return values other than just numbers). Like `rc', it is
  1172. great for both interactive use and for scripting, particularly because
  1173. its quoting rules are much less baroque than the C or Bourne shells.
  1174. * `f2c' (LangT, SrcCD)
  1175. `f2c' converts Fortran-77 source files into C or C++, which can be
  1176. compiled with GCC. You can get bug fixes via FTP from `netlib.att.com'
  1177. in the file `/netlib/f2c/changes.Z' or by email from
  1178. `netlib@research.att.com'. See ``Forthcoming GNUs'', for information
  1179. about GNU Fortran.
  1180. * NetFax (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1181. NetFax is a freely-available fax spooling system originally developed in
  1182. the MIT AI Lab. It provides Group 3 fax transmission and reception
  1183. services for a networked Unix system. It requires a faxmodem which
  1184. accepts Class 2 fax commands. Contact `bug-fax@prep.ai.mit.edu' for
  1185. more information.
  1186. * Fileutils (SrcCD, UtilD, UtilT)
  1187. The fileutils work on files: `chgrp', `chmod', `chown', `cp', `dd', `df',
  1188. `dir', `du', `install', `ln', `ls', `mkdir', `mkfifo', `mknod', `mv',
  1189. `mvdir', `rm', `rmdir', `touch', & `vdir'. Only some of these are on the
  1190. ``Selected Utilities Diskettes''.
  1191. * `find' (SrcCD, UtilD, UtilT)
  1192. `find' is frequently used both interactively and in shell scripts to
  1193. find files which match certain criteria and perform arbitrary operations
  1194. on them. Also included are `xargs', which applies a command to a list
  1195. of files, and `locate', which scans a database for file names that match
  1196. a pattern.
  1197. * Finger (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1198. GNU Finger has more features than other finger programs. For sites with
  1199. many hosts, a single host may be designated as the finger "server" host.
  1200. This host collects information about who is logged in to other hosts at
  1201. that site. If a user at site A wants to know about users logged on at
  1202. site B, a single query to any machine at the site will return complete
  1203. information.
  1204. * `flex' (LangT, SrcCD, UtilD)
  1205. `flex' is a replacement for the `lex' scanner generator. `flex' was
  1206. written by Vern Paxson of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and generates
  1207. far more efficient scanners than `lex' does. Texinfo source for the
  1208. `Flex Manual' and reference card are included. See ``GNU Documentation''.
  1209. * Fontutils (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1210. The fontutils create fonts for use with Ghostscript or TeX, starting
  1211. with a scanned type image and converting the bitmaps to outlines. They
  1212. also contain general conversion programs and other utilities.
  1213. Fontutils programs include: `bpltobzr', `bzrto', `charspace',
  1214. `fontconvert', `gsrenderfont', `imageto', `imgrotate', `limn', and
  1215. `xbfe'.
  1216. * GAS (BinCD, LangT, SrcCD)
  1217. GAS is the GNU assembler. Native assembly works for many systems,
  1218. including: Sun 3, 4, & SPARC (SunOS 4.1 or Solaris 2); i386 (AIX,
  1219. 386BSD, BSDI/386, Linux, SCO, Unixware); m68k (BSD, HP-UX, Convergent
  1220. Technologies SysV); MIPS (Ultrix, Irix); Hitachi H8/300 and H8/500; &
  1221. VAX (BSD, Ultrix, VMS). Cross assembling can be done for most of the
  1222. above systems, plus: i386 (SCO, go32 MS-DOS/DJGPP); ebmon29k; Hitachi
  1223. H8/300; i960 (b.out, COFF); MIPS ECOFF (Ultrix, Iris, MIPS Magnum);
  1224. Nindy 960; vxworks (68k or 960); & Zilog Z8000. See ``Forthcoming
  1225. GNUs'', for plans for future releases of GAS.
  1226. * GAWK (LangT, SrcCD)
  1227. GAWK is upwardly compatible with the System V Release 4 and POSIX
  1228. versions of `awk'. It also provides several useful extensions not found
  1229. in other `awk' implementations. Texinfo source for the `GAWK Manual'
  1230. comes with the software. See ``GNU Documentation''.
  1231. * GCC (BinCD, DjgppD, LangT, SrcCD, VMSCompT)
  1232. Version 2 of the GNU C Compiler supports three languages: C, C++ and
  1233. Objective-C; the source file name suffix or a compiler option selects the
  1234. language. The front end support for Objective-C was donated by NeXT.
  1235. The runtime support needed to run Objective-C programs is now
  1236. distributed with GCC (this does not include any Objective-C classes
  1237. aside from `object'). As much as possible, G++ is kept compatible with
  1238. the evolving draft ANSI standard, but not with `cfront' (AT&T's
  1239. compiler), which has been diverging from ANSI.
  1240. The GNU C Compiler is a fairly portable optimizing compiler which
  1241. performs automatic register allocation, common sub-expression
  1242. elimination, invariant code motion from loops, induction variable
  1243. optimizations, constant propagation and copy propagation, delayed
  1244. popping of function call arguments, tail recursion elimination,
  1245. integration of inline functions and frame pointer elimination,
  1246. instruction scheduling, loop unrolling, filling of delay slots, leaf
  1247. function optimization, optimized multiplication by constants, a certain
  1248. amount of common subexpression elimination (CSE) between basic blocks
  1249. (though not all of the supported machine descriptions provide for
  1250. scheduling or delay slots), a feature for assigning attributes to
  1251. instructions, and many local optimizations that are automatically
  1252. deduced from the machine description. Function-wide CSE has been
  1253. written, but needs to be cleaned up before it can be installed.
  1254. Position-independent code is supported on the 68k, i386, Hitachi Slt,
  1255. Hitachi H8/300, Clipper, 88k, SPARC & SPARClite.
  1256. GCC can open-code most arithmetic on 64-bit values (type `long long
  1257. int'). It supports extended floating point (type `long double') on the
  1258. 68k; other machines will follow.
  1259. GCC supports full ANSI C, traditional C and GNU C extensions. GNU C has
  1260. been extended to support nested functions, nonlocal gotos, and taking the
  1261. address of a label.
  1262. GCC can generate a.out, COFF, ELF & OSF-Rose files when used with a
  1263. suitable assembler. It can produce debugging information in these
  1264. formats: BSD stabs, COFF, ECOFF, ECOFF with stabs & DWARF.
  1265. GCC generates code for many CPUs, including: a29k, Alpha, ARM, Convex cN,
  1266. Clipper, Elxsi, H8300, HP-PA (1.0 and 1.1) i370, i386, i486, i860, i960,
  1267. m68k, m68020, m88k, MIPS, ns32k, Pyramid, ROMP, RS6000, SH, SPARC,
  1268. SPARClite, VAX, and we32k.
  1269. Operating systems supported include: AIX, ACIS, AOS, BSD, Clix, Ctix,
  1270. DG/UX, Dynix, Genix, HP-UX, ISC, Irix, Linux, Luna, LynxOS, Mach, Minix,
  1271. NewsOS, OSF, OSF-Rose, RISCOS, SCO, Solaris 2, SunOS 4, SysV, Ultrix,
  1272. Unos, & VMS.
  1273. The old (version 1) machine descriptions for the Alliant, Tahoe and Spur
  1274. (as well as a new port for the Tron) do not work, but are still included
  1275. in the distribution in case someone wants to work on them.
  1276. Using the configuration scheme for GCC, building a cross-compiler is as
  1277. easy as building a compiler for the same target machine. Version 2
  1278. supports more general calling conventions: it can pass arguments "by
  1279. reference" and can preallocate the space for stack arguments. GCC 2 on
  1280. the SPARC uses the SPARC conventions for structure arguments and return
  1281. values.
  1282. We no longer distribute or maintain version 1 of GCC, G++, or libg++.
  1283. Texinfo source for the GCC manual, `Using and Porting GNU CC', is
  1284. included with the compiler.
  1285. See ``Forthcoming GNUs'', for plans for later releases of GCC.
  1286. * GDB (BinCD, LangT, SrcCD)
  1287. In GDB, object files and symbol tables are now read via the BFD library,
  1288. which allows a single copy of GDB to debug programs of multiple object
  1289. file formats such as a.out and COFF. Other new features include command
  1290. language improvements, remote debugging over serial lines or TCP/IP, and
  1291. watchpoints (breakpoints triggered when the value of an expression
  1292. changes). Exception handling, SunOS shared libraries and C++ multiple
  1293. inheritance are only supported when used with GCC version 2.
  1294. GDB comes with a command line user interface; GNU Emacs is distributed
  1295. with a GDB mode, and `xxgdb' provides an X interface (but it is not
  1296. distributed or maintained by the FSF; it is available for anonymous FTP
  1297. from `ftp.x.org' in the `/contrib' directory).
  1298. GDB uses a standard remote interface to a simulator library which (so
  1299. far) has simulators for the Zilog Z8001/2, Hitachi H8/300, H8/500 &
  1300. Super-H.
  1301. GDB can perform cross-debugging. To say that GDB *targets* a platform
  1302. means that it can perform native or cross-debugging for it. To say that
  1303. GDB can *host* a given platform means that it can be built on it, but
  1304. cannot necessarily debug native programs. GDB can:
  1305. * *target* & *host*: DEC Alpha (OSF/1), Amiga 3000 (Amix), DECstation
  1306. 3100 & 5000 (Ultrix), HP 9000/300 (BSD), IBM RS/6000 (AIX), i386
  1307. (BSD, SCO, Linux, LynxOS), Motorola Delta m88k (System V), NCR 3000
  1308. (SVR4), SGI Iris (MIPS running Irix V3 & V4), SONY News (NewsOS
  1309. 3.x), Sun-3 & SPARC (SunOS 4.1, Solaris 2.0) & Ultracomputer (29K
  1310. running Sym1).
  1311. * *target*, but not *host*: i960 Nindy, AMD 29000 (COFF & a.out),
  1312. Fujitsu SPARClite, Hitachi H8/300, m68k & m68332.
  1313. * *host*, but not *target*: Intel 386 (Mach), IBM RT/PC (AIX) &
  1314. HP/Apollo 68k (BSD).
  1315. GDB can use the symbol tables emitted by the compilers supplied by most
  1316. vendors of MIPS-based machines, including DEC. (These tables are in a
  1317. format which almost nobody else uses.) Texinfo source for the manual
  1318. `Debugging with GDB' and a reference card are included. See
  1319. ``GNU Documentation''.
  1320. * `gdbm' (LangT, SrcCD, UtilD)
  1321. The `gdbm' library is the GNU replacement for the traditional `dbm' and
  1322. `ndbm' libraries. It implements a database using quick lookup by
  1323. hashing. `gdbm' does not need sparse file formats (unlike its Unix
  1324. counterparts).
  1325. * Ghostscript (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1326. Ghostscript is GNU's graphics language which is almost fully compatible
  1327. with Postscript (see ``Forthcoming GNUs'').
  1328. The current version of Ghostscript is 2.6.1. Features include the
  1329. ability to use the fonts provided by the platform on which Ghostscript
  1330. runs (MIT X Window System and Microsoft Windows), resulting in much
  1331. better-looking screen displays; improved text file printing (like
  1332. `enscript'); a utility to extract the text from a Postscript document; a
  1333. much more reliable (and faster) Microsoft Windows implementation;
  1334. support for Microsoft C/C++ 7.0; drivers for many new printers,
  1335. including the SPARCprinter, and for TIFF/F (fax) file format; many more
  1336. Postscript Level 2 facilities, including most of the color space
  1337. facilities (but not patterns), and the ability to switch between Level 1
  1338. and Level 2 dynamically.
  1339. Ghostscript accepts commands in Postscript and executes them by writing
  1340. directly to a printer, drawing on an X window, or writing to a file that
  1341. you can print later (or to a bitmap file that you can manipulate with
  1342. other graphics programs).
  1343. Ghostscript includes a C-callable graphics library (for client programs
  1344. that do not want to deal with the Postscript language). It also supports
  1345. IBM PCs and compatibles with EGA, VGA, or SuperVGA graphics (but please
  1346. do *not* ask the FSF staff any questions about this; we do not use PCs).
  1347. See ``Forthcoming GNUs'', for plans for later releases of Ghostscript.
  1348. * Ghostview (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1349. Tim Theisen, `ghostview@cs.wisc.edu', has created Ghostview, a previewer
  1350. for multi-page files that runs on top of Ghostscript. Ghostview provides
  1351. an X11 user interface for the Ghostscript interpreter. Ghostview and
  1352. Ghostscript function as two cooperating programs; Ghostview creates a
  1353. viewing window and Ghostscript draws in it. There is a port for
  1354. Ghostview to MS-Windows called "GSview for Windows". For information
  1355. about future releases of this program, see ``Forthcoming GNUs''.
  1356. * `gmp' (LangT, SrcCD)
  1357. GNU mp is a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic on signed integers
  1358. and rational numbers. It has a rich set of functions with a regular
  1359. interface.
  1360. See ``Forthcoming GNUs'', for the plans for later releases of `gmp'.
  1361. * GNATS (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1362. GNATS (GNats: A Tracking System, not to be confused with GNAT, The GNU
  1363. Ada Translator) is a bug-tracking system. It is based upon the paradigm
  1364. of a central site or organization which receives problem reports and
  1365. negotiates their resolution by electronic mail. Although it has been
  1366. used primarily as a software bug-tracking system so far, it is
  1367. sufficiently generalized so that it could be used for handling system
  1368. administration issues, project management or any number of other
  1369. applications.
  1370. * `gnuplot' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1371. `gnuplot' is an interactive program for plotting mathematical
  1372. expressions and data. It handles both curves (2 dimensions) and surfaces
  1373. (3 dimensions). Curiously, the program was neither written nor named for
  1374. the GNU Project; the name is a coincidence.
  1375. * GnuGo (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1376. GnuGo plays the game of Go (Wei-Chi); it is not yet very sophisticated.
  1377. * `gperf' (LangT, SrcCD)
  1378. `gperf' is a "perfect" hash-table generation utility. There are
  1379. actually two implementations of `gperf', one written in C and one in
  1380. C++. Both will produce hash functions in either C or C++.
  1381. * GNU Graphics (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1382. GNU Graphics is a set of programs which produce plots from ASCII or
  1383. binary data. It supports output to Tektronix 4010, Postscript & the MIT
  1384. X Window System or compatible devices. Features include support for
  1385. output in ln03 and TekniCAD TDA file formats; a replacement for the
  1386. `spline' program; examples of shell scripts using `graph' and `plot'; & a
  1387. statistics toolkit.
  1388. Existing ports need retesting. Contact Rich Murphey, `Rich@rice.edu',
  1389. if you can help test/port it to anything beyond a SPARCstation.
  1390. * grep (SrcCD, UtilD, UtilT)
  1391. This package contains GNU `grep', `egrep', and `fgrep'. They are much
  1392. faster than the traditional Unix versions.
  1393. * Groff (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1394. Groff is a document formatting system, which includes drivers for
  1395. Postscript, TeX `dvi' format, and typewriter-like devices, as well as
  1396. implementations of `eqn', `nroff', `pic', `refer', `tbl', `troff', and
  1397. the `man', `ms', and `mm' macros. Groff's `mm' macro package is almost
  1398. compatible with the DWB `mm' macros and has several extensions. Also
  1399. included is a modified version of the Berkeley `me' macros and an
  1400. enhanced version of the X11 `xditview' previewer. Written in C++, these
  1401. programs can be compiled with GNU C++ Version 2.5 or later.
  1402. Groff users are encouraged to contribute enhancements. Most needed are
  1403. complete Texinfo documentation, a `grap' emulation (a `pic' preprocessor
  1404. for typesetting graphs), a page-makeup postprocessor similar to `pm'
  1405. (see `Computing Systems', Vol. 2, No. 2; ask `office@usenix.org' for
  1406. information on obtaining a copy) and an ASCII output class for `pic' so
  1407. that `pic' can be integrated with Texinfo. Questions and bug reports
  1408. from users who have read the documentation that is provided with the
  1409. distribution can be sent to `bug-groff@prep.ai.mit.edu'.
  1410. * `gzip' (DjgppD, EmcsT, LangT, SrcCD, UtilT)
  1411. Some of the contents of our tape and FTP distributions are compressed.
  1412. We have software on our tapes and FTP sites to uncompress these files.
  1413. Due to patent troubles with `compress', we have switched to another
  1414. compression program, `gzip'. `gzip' can expand LZW-compressed files but
  1415. uses a different algorithm for compression which generally produces
  1416. better results. It also uncompresses files compressed with System V's
  1417. `pack' program.
  1418. * `hello' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1419. The GNU `hello' program produces a familiar, friendly greeting. It
  1420. allows non-programmers to use a classic computer science tool which would
  1421. otherwise be unavailable to them. Because it is protected by the GNU
  1422. General Public License, users are free to share and change it.
  1423. Like any truly useful program, `hello' provides a built-in mail reader.
  1424. * `hp2xx' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1425. GNU `hp2xx' reads HP-GL files, decomposes all drawing commands into
  1426. elementary vectors, and converts them into a variety of vector and raster
  1427. output formats. It is also an HP-GL previewer. Currently supported
  1428. vector formats include encapsulated Postscript, Uniplex RGIP, Metafont
  1429. and various special TeX-related formats, and simplified HP-GL (line
  1430. drawing only) for imports. Raster formats supported include IMG, PBM,
  1431. PCX, & HP-PCL (including Deskjet & DJ5xxC support). Previewers work
  1432. under X11 (Unix), OS/2 (PM & full screen), MS-DOS (SVGA, VGA, & HGC).
  1433. * `indent' (SrcCD, UtilD, UtilT)
  1434. GNU `indent' is a revision of the BSD version. By default, it formats C
  1435. source according to the GNU coding standards. The BSD default, K&R and
  1436. other formats are available as options. It is also possible to define
  1437. your own format. GNU `indent' is more robust and provides more
  1438. functionality than other versions, e.g., it handles C++ comments.
  1439. * Ispell (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1440. Ispell is an interactive spell checker that suggests "near misses" as
  1441. replacements for unrecognized words. System and user-maintained
  1442. dictionaries can be used. Standalone and GNU Emacs interfaces are
  1443. available.
  1444. * JACAL *Not available from the FSF*
  1445. JACAL is a symbolic mathematics system for the manipulation and
  1446. simplification of equations and single and multiple-valued algebraic
  1447. expressions constructed of numbers, variables, radicals, and algebraic
  1448. functions, differential operators and holonomic functions. In addition,
  1449. vectors, matrices, and tensors of the above objects are included.
  1450. JACAL was written in Scheme by Aubrey Jaffer. It comes with SCM, an IEEE
  1451. P1178 and R4RS compliant version of Scheme written in C. SCM runs on
  1452. Amiga, Atari-ST, MS-DOS, OS/2, NOS/VE, Unicos, VMS, Unix, and similar
  1453. systems. SLIB is a portable Scheme library used by JACAL. Get JACAL,
  1454. SLIB and SCM sources via anonymous FTP from either `ftp.maths.tcd.ie' in
  1455. `/pub/bosullvn/jacal', `altdorf.ai.mit.edu' in `/archive/scm', or
  1456. `prep.ai.mit.edu' in `/pub/gnu/jacal'.
  1457. The FSF is not distributing JACAL on any media. To receive an IBM PC
  1458. floppy disk with the source and executable files, send $99.00 to:
  1459. Aubrey Jaffer
  1460. 84 Pleasant Street
  1461. Wakefield, MA 01880
  1462. USA
  1463. * `m4' (SrcCD, UtilD, UtilT)
  1464. GNU `m4' is an implementation of the traditional Unix macro processor.
  1465. It is mostly SVR4 compatible, although it has some extensions (for
  1466. example, handling more than 9 positional parameters to macros). `m4'
  1467. also has built-in functions for including files, running shell commands,
  1468. doing arithmetic, etc.
  1469. * `make' (BinCD, EmcsT, LangT, SrcCD, UtilD, UtilT)
  1470. GNU `make' supports POSIX 1003.2 and has all but a few obscure features
  1471. of the BSD and System V versions of `make', as well as many of our own
  1472. extensions. GNU extensions include long options, parallel compilation,
  1473. flexible implicit pattern rules, conditional execution and powerful text
  1474. manipulation functions. Recent versions have improved error reporting
  1475. and added support for the popular `+=' syntax to append more text to a
  1476. variable's definition. Texinfo source for the `Make Manual' comes with
  1477. the program. See ``GNU Documentation''.
  1478. GNU `make' is on several of our tapes because some system vendors supply
  1479. no `make' utility at all, and some native `make' programs lack the
  1480. `VPATH' feature essential for using the GNU configure system to its full
  1481. extent. The GNU `make' sources have a shell script to build `make'
  1482. itself on such systems.
  1483. * MandelSpawn (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1484. A parallel Mandelbrot generation program for the MIT X Window System.
  1485. * mtools (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1486. mtools is a set of public domain programs to allow Unix systems to read,
  1487. write and manipulate files on an MS-DOS file system (usually a diskette).
  1488. * MULE (SrcCD)
  1489. MULE is a MULtilingual Enhancement to GNU Emacs 18. It can handle many
  1490. character sets at once including Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese,
  1491. Thai, Greek, the ISO Latin-1 through Latin-5 character sets, Ukrainian,
  1492. Russian, and other Cyrillic alphabets. A text buffer in MULE can
  1493. contain a mixture of characters from these languages. To input any of
  1494. these characters, you can use various input methods provided by MULE
  1495. itself. In addition, if you use MULE under some terminal emulators
  1496. (kterm, cxterm, or exterm), you can use its input methods. See ``GNU
  1497. and Other Free Software in Japan'', for more information about MULE.
  1498. * NetHack (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1499. NetHack is a display-oriented adventure game similar to Rogue. Both
  1500. ASCII and X displays are supported.
  1501. * NIH Class Library (LangT, SrcCD)
  1502. The NIH Class Library (formerly known as "OOPS", Object-Oriented Program
  1503. Support) is a portable collection of C++ classes, similar to those in
  1504. Smalltalk-80, which has been developed by Keith Gorlen of the National
  1505. Institutes of Health (NIH), using the C++ programming language.
  1506. * `nvi' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1507. `nvi' is a free implementation of the `vi'/`ex' Unix editor. It has
  1508. most of the functionality of the original `vi'/`ex', except "open" mode
  1509. & the `lisp' option, which will be added. Enhancements over `vi'/`ex'
  1510. include split screens with multiple buffers, ability to handle 8-bit
  1511. data, infinite file & line lengths, tag stacks, infinite undo & extended
  1512. regular expressions. It runs under BSD, Linux, NetBSD, FreeBSD, BSDI,
  1513. AIX, HP-UX, DGUX, IRIX, PSF, PTX, Solaris, SunOS, Ultrix, Unixware &
  1514. should port easily to many other systems.
  1515. * Octave (LangT, SrcCD)
  1516. Octave is a high-level language that is primarily intended for numerical
  1517. computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for
  1518. solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically.
  1519. Octave does arithmetic for real and complex scalars and matrices, solve
  1520. sets of nonlinear algebraic equations, integrate functions over finite
  1521. and infinite intervals, and integrate systems of ordinary differential
  1522. and differential-algebraic equations. Send queries and bug reports to:
  1523. `bug-octave@che.utexas.edu'.
  1524. Octave is available via anonymous ftp from `ftp.che.utexas.edu' in the
  1525. directory `/pub/octave'. The files are in gzipped `tar' format (see the
  1526. file `/pub/gnu/README' on `prep.ai.mit.edu'). Source is included for a
  1527. 150+ page Texinfo manual, which is not yet published by the FSF.
  1528. * Oleo (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1529. Oleo is a spreadsheet program (better for you than the more expensive
  1530. spreadsheets). It supports the MIT X Window System and character-based
  1531. terminals, and can output Embedded Postscript renditions of spreadsheets.
  1532. Keybindings should be familiar to Emacs users and are configurable.
  1533. Under X and in Postscript output, Oleo supports multiple, variable width
  1534. fonts. See ``Forthcoming GNUs'', for the plans for later releases of
  1535. Oleo.
  1536. * `p2c' (LangT, SrcCD)
  1537. `p2c' is a Pascal-to-C translator written by Dave Gillespie. It
  1538. recognizes many Pascal dialects including Turbo, HP, VAX, and ISO, and
  1539. produces readable, maintainable, portable C.
  1540. * `patch' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1541. `patch' is our version of Larry Wall's program to take `diff''s output
  1542. and apply those differences to an original file to generate the modified
  1543. version.
  1544. * PCL (EmcsT, SrcCD)
  1545. PCL is a free implementation of a large subset of CLOS, the Common Lisp
  1546. Object System. It runs under CLISP, mentioned above.
  1547. * `perl' (LangT, SrcCD)
  1548. Larry Wall's `perl' combines the features and capabilities of `sed',
  1549. `awk', `sh' and C, as well as interfaces to all the system calls and
  1550. many C library routines. A perl mode for editing `perl' code comes with
  1551. GNU Emacs 19.
  1552. * `ptx' (SrcCD, UtilD, UtilT)
  1553. GNU `ptx' is the GNU version of the traditional permuted index
  1554. generator. It can handle multiple input files at once, produce TeX
  1555. compatible output, and produce readable "KWIC" (KeyWords In Context)
  1556. indexes without needing to use `nroff'. This version does not handle
  1557. input files that do not fit in memory all at once.
  1558. * `rc' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1559. `rc' is a shell that features a C-like syntax (much more so than `csh')
  1560. and far cleaner quoting rules than the C or Bourne shells. It's
  1561. intended to be used interactively, but is also great for writing
  1562. scripts. It inspired the shell `es'.
  1563. * RCS (SrcCD, UtilD, UtilT)
  1564. The Revision Control System, RCS, is used for version control and
  1565. management of software projects. When used with GNU `diff', RCS can
  1566. handle binary files (executables, object files, 8-bit data, etc). Also
  1567. see the item about CVS in this article.
  1568. * `recode' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1569. GNU `recode' converts files between character sets and usages. When
  1570. exact transliterations are not possible, it may get rid of the offending
  1571. characters or fall back on approximations. This program recognizes or
  1572. produces nearly 150 different character sets and is able to
  1573. transliterate files between almost any pair. Most RFC 1345 character
  1574. sets are supported.
  1575. * regex (LangT, SrcCD)
  1576. The GNU regular expression library supports POSIX.2, except for
  1577. internationalization features. In the past, it has been included in many
  1578. GNU programs which use regex routines. Now it is finally available
  1579. separately. A faster version of this library comes with `sed'.
  1580. * Scheme (SchmT)
  1581. For information about Scheme, see ``Scheme Tape''.
  1582. * `screen' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1583. `screen' is a terminal multiplexer that runs several separate "screens"
  1584. (ttys) on a single physical character-based terminal. Each virtual
  1585. terminal emulates a DEC VT100 plus several ANSI X3.64 and ISO 2022
  1586. functions. `screen' sessions can be detached and resumed later on a
  1587. different terminal type.
  1588. * `sed' (SrcCD, UtilD, UtilT)
  1589. `sed' is a stream-oriented version of `ed'. It is used copiously in
  1590. shell scripts. GNU `sed' comes with the rx library, which is a faster
  1591. version of regex (see ``Forthcoming GNUs'').
  1592. * Shellutils (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1593. Use shellutils interactively or in shell scripts: `basename', `date',
  1594. `dirname', `echo', `env', `expr', `false', `groups', `id', `nice',
  1595. `nohup', `printenv', `printf', `sleep', `stty', `su', `tee', `test',
  1596. `true', `tty', `uname', `who', `whoami', and `yes'.
  1597. * GNU Shogi (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1598. Shogi is a Japanese game similar to Chess; a major difference is that
  1599. captured pieces can be returned into play.
  1600. GNU Shogi has been created by modifying GNU Chess; GNU Shogi implements
  1601. the same features as GNU Chess and uses similar heuristics. As a new
  1602. feature, sequences of partial board patterns can be introduced in order
  1603. to help the program play a good order of moves towards specific opening
  1604. patterns. There are both character and X display interfaces.
  1605. GNU Shogi is primarily supported by Matthias Mutz on behalf of the FSF.
  1606. Matthias Mutz
  1607. Universitaet Passau, FMI
  1608. 94030 Passau
  1609. Germany
  1610. Electronic-mail: `mutz@fmi.uni-passau.de'
  1611. * Smalltalk (LangT, SrcCD)
  1612. GNU Smalltalk is an interpreted object-oriented programming language
  1613. system written in highly portable C. It has been successfully ported to
  1614. many Unix and some other platforms, including DOS (but these non-Unix
  1615. ports are not available from the FSF). Current features include a
  1616. binary image save capability, the ability to invoke user-written C code
  1617. and pass parameters to it, a GNU Emacs editing mode, a version of the X
  1618. protocol invocable from Smalltalk, optional byte-code compilation
  1619. tracing and byte-code execution tracing, and automatically loaded
  1620. per-user initialization files. It implements all of the classes and
  1621. protocol in the Smalltalk-80 book "Smalltalk-80: The Language", except
  1622. for the graphic user interface (`GUI') related classes.
  1623. See ``Forthcoming GNUs'', for plans for later releases of Smalltalk.
  1624. * Superopt (LangT, SrcCD)
  1625. Superopt is a function sequence generator that uses an exhaustive
  1626. generate-and-test approach to find the shortest instruction sequence for
  1627. a given function. You provide the GNU superoptimizer, `gso', a
  1628. function, a CPU to generate code for, and how many instructions you can
  1629. accept. Its application in GCC is described in the `ACM SIGPLAN
  1630. PLDI'92' proceedings. Superopt supports: SPARC, m68k, m68020, m88k, IBM
  1631. RS/6000, AMD 29000, Intel 80x86, Pyramid, DEC Alpha, & HP-PA.
  1632. * `tar' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1633. GNU `tar' includes multivolume support, the ability to archive sparse
  1634. files, automatic archive compression/decompression, remote archives and
  1635. special features that allow `tar' to be used for incremental and full
  1636. backups. Unfortunately, GNU `tar' implements an early draft of the
  1637. POSIX 1003.1 `ustar' standard which is different from the final
  1638. standard. Adding support for the new changes in a backward-compatible
  1639. fashion is not trivial.
  1640. * Termcap Library (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1641. The GNU Termcap library is a drop-in replacement for `libtermcap.a' on
  1642. any system. It does not place an arbitrary limit on the size of Termcap
  1643. entries, unlike most other Termcap libraries. Included is source for the
  1644. `Termcap Manual' in Texinfo format. See ``GNU Documentation''.
  1645. * TeX (SrcCD)
  1646. TeX is a document formatting system that handles complicated
  1647. typesetting, including mathematics. It is GNU's standard text formatter.
  1648. You can obtain TeX from the University of Washington, which maintains and
  1649. supports a tape distribution of TeX for Unix systems. The core material
  1650. consists of Karl Berry's `web2c' TeX package, the sources for which are
  1651. available via anonymous ftp; retrieval instructions are in
  1652. `pub/tex/FTP.nwc' on `ftp.cs.umb.edu'. If you receive any installation
  1653. support from the University of Washington, please consider sending them
  1654. a donation.
  1655. To order a full distribution written in `tar' on either a 1/4inch
  1656. 4-track QIC-24 cartridge or a 4mm DAT cartridge, send $210.00 to:
  1657. Northwest Computing Support Center
  1658. DR-10, Thomson Hall 35
  1659. University of Washington
  1660. Seattle, WA 98195
  1661. USA
  1662. Electronic-Mail: `unixtex@u.washington.edu'
  1663. Telephone: +1-206-543-6259
  1664. Please make checks payable to the University of Washington. Checks must
  1665. be in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank. Prepaid orders are preferred
  1666. but purchase orders are acceptable; however, they carry an extra charge
  1667. of $10.00 to pay for invoice processing. Overseas sites: please add to
  1668. the base cost $20.00 for shipment via air parcel post, or $30.00 for
  1669. shipment via courier. Please check with the above for current prices
  1670. and formats.
  1671. * Texinfo (EmcsT, LangT, SrcCD, UtilD, UtilT)
  1672. Texinfo is a set of utilities which generate both printed manuals and
  1673. online hypertext-style documentation (called "Info"). There are also
  1674. programs for reading online Info documents. Version 3 has both GNU Emacs
  1675. Lisp and standalone programs written in C or shell script. Texinfo mode
  1676. for GNU Emacs enables easy editing and updating of Texinfo files.
  1677. Programs provided include `makeinfo', `info', `texi2dvi', `texindex',
  1678. `tex2patch', and `fixfonts'. Source for the `Texinfo Manual' is
  1679. included. See ``GNU Documentation''.
  1680. * Textutils (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1681. The Textutils programs manipulate textual data. They include: `cat',
  1682. `cksum', `comm', `csplit', `cut', `expand', `fold', `head', `join', `nl',
  1683. `od', `paste', `pr', `sort', `split', `sum', `tac', `tail', `tr',
  1684. `unexpand', `uniq', and `wc'.
  1685. * Tile Forth (LangT, SrcCD)
  1686. Tile Forth is a 32-bit implementation of the Forth-83 standard written in
  1687. C, allowing it to be easily moved between different computers.
  1688. (Traditionally, Forth implementations are written in assembler to use
  1689. the underlying hardware as optimally as possible, but this also makes
  1690. them less portable.)
  1691. * `time' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1692. `time' is used to report statistics (usually from a shell) about the
  1693. amount of user, system and real time used by a process. On some systems
  1694. it also reports memory usage, page faults, and other statistics.
  1695. * `tput' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1696. `tput' is a portable way for shell scripts to use special terminal
  1697. capabilities. Our `tput' uses the Termcap database, instead of Terminfo
  1698. as most others do.
  1699. * UUCP (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1700. This version of UUCP was written by Ian Lance Taylor, and is GNU's
  1701. standard UUCP system. It supports the `f', `g' and `v' (in all window
  1702. and packet sizes), `G', `t', `e', Zmodem and two new bidirectional (`i'
  1703. and `j') protocols. If you have a Berkeley sockets library, it can make
  1704. TCP connections. If you have TLI libraries, it can make TLI
  1705. connections. Source is included for a Texinfo manual, which is not yet
  1706. published by the FSF.
  1707. * `uuencode' and `uudecode' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1708. `uuencode' and `uudecode' are used to transmit binary files over
  1709. transmission mediums that support only simple ASCII data.
  1710. * `wdiff' (SrcCD, UtilT)
  1711. `wdiff' is a front-end to GNU `diff'. It compares two files, finding
  1712. which words have been deleted or added to the first in order to create
  1713. the second. It has many output formats and interacts well with
  1714. terminals and pagers. `wdiff' is particularly useful when two texts
  1715. differ only by a few words and paragraphs have been refilled.
  1716. Program/Package Cross Reference
  1717. *******************************
  1718. Here is a list of what package each GNU program or library is in. Programs
  1719. on the two X11 tapes and the 4.4BSD-Lite tapes are not included, due to lack
  1720. of space in this Bulletin. You can anonymous FTP a full list from
  1721. `prep.ai.mit.edu' in the file `/pub/gnu/ProgramIndex'.
  1722. a2p perl
  1723. acm acm
  1724. acms acm
  1725. addftinfo Groff
  1726. afm2tfm TeX
  1727. ar Binutils
  1728. autoconf Autoconf
  1729. autoheader Autoconf
  1730. b2m Emacs
  1731. basename Shellutils
  1732. bash BASH
  1733. bc bc
  1734. bdftops Ghostscript
  1735. bibtex TeX
  1736. bison Bison
  1737. bms MandelSpawn
  1738. bpltobzr Fontutils
  1739. build ispell
  1740. bzrto Fontutils
  1741. c++ GCC
  1742. c++filt Binutils
  1743. c2ph perl
  1744. cat Textutils
  1745. cbars wdiff
  1746. cc GCC
  1747. cc1 GCC
  1748. cc1obj GCC
  1749. cc1plus GCC
  1750. cccp GCC
  1751. charspace Fontutils
  1752. chgrp Fileutils
  1753. chmod Fileutils
  1754. chown Fileutils
  1755. ci RCS
  1756. cksum Textutils
  1757. clisp CLISP
  1758. cmail xboard
  1759. cmmf TeX
  1760. cmp Diffutils
  1761. co RCS
  1762. comm Textutils
  1763. cp Fileutils
  1764. cpio cpio
  1765. cpp GCC
  1766. cppstdin perl
  1767. csplit Textutils
  1768. ctags Emacs
  1769. cu UUCP
  1770. cut Textutils
  1771. cvs CVS
  1772. cvscheck CVS
  1773. cvtmail Emacs
  1774. d Fileutils
  1775. date Shellutils
  1776. dc dc
  1777. dd Fileutils
  1778. delatex TeX
  1779. demangle Binutils
  1780. descend CVS
  1781. detex TeX
  1782. df Fileutils
  1783. diff Diffutils
  1784. diff3 Diffutils
  1785. digest-doc Emacs
  1786. dir Fileutils
  1787. dirname Shellutils
  1788. dld dld
  1789. doschk doschk
  1790. du Fileutils
  1791. dvi2tty TeX
  1792. dvicopy TeX
  1793. dvips TeX
  1794. dvitype TeX
  1795. ecc ecc
  1796. echo Shellutils
  1797. ed ed
  1798. edit-pr GNATS
  1799. egrep grep
  1800. emacs Emacs
  1801. emacsclient Emacs
  1802. emacsserver Emacs
  1803. emacstool Emacs
  1804. env Shellutils
  1805. eqn Groff
  1806. es es
  1807. esdebug es
  1808. etags Emacs
  1809. ex nvi
  1810. expand Textutils
  1811. expect DejaGnu
  1812. expr Shellutils
  1813. f2c f2c
  1814. fakemail Emacs
  1815. false Shellutils
  1816. fax NetFax
  1817. faxenq NetFax
  1818. faxmail NetFax
  1819. faxps NetFax
  1820. faxq NetFax
  1821. faxrm NetFax
  1822. faxsend NetFax
  1823. faxspooler NetFax
  1824. fc f2c
  1825. fgrep grep
  1826. find find
  1827. find2perl perl
  1828. finger finger
  1829. fingerd finger
  1830. fixfonts Texinfo
  1831. fixinc.svr4 GCC
  1832. fixincludes GCC
  1833. flex flex
  1834. fold Textutils
  1835. font2c Ghostscript
  1836. fontconvert Fontutils
  1837. forth Tile Forth
  1838. forthicon Tile Forth
  1839. forthtool Tile Forth
  1840. freq ispell
  1841. freqtbl ispell
  1842. g++ GCC
  1843. gas GAS
  1844. gawk Gawk
  1845. gcc GCC
  1846. gdb GDB
  1847. genclass libg++
  1848. gftodvi TeX
  1849. gftopk TeX
  1850. gftype TeX
  1851. ghostview Ghostview
  1852. gnats GNATS
  1853. gnuchess Chess
  1854. gnuchessc Chess
  1855. gnuchessn Chess
  1856. gnuchessr Chess
  1857. gnuchessx Chess
  1858. gnupdisp Shogi
  1859. gnuplot gnuplot
  1860. gnuplot_x11 gnuplot
  1861. gnushogi Shogi
  1862. gnushogir Shogi
  1863. gnushogix Shogi
  1864. go GnuGo
  1865. gperf gperf
  1866. gperf libg++
  1867. gprof Binutils
  1868. graph Graphics
  1869. grep grep
  1870. grodvi Groff
  1871. groff Groff
  1872. grops Groff
  1873. grotty Groff
  1874. groups Shellutils
  1875. gs Ghostscript
  1876. gsbj Ghostscript
  1877. gsdj Ghostscript
  1878. gslj Ghostscript
  1879. gslp Ghostscript
  1880. gsnd Ghostscript
  1881. gsrenderfont Fontutils
  1882. gunzip gzip
  1883. gzexe gzip
  1884. gzip gzip
  1885. h2ph perl
  1886. h2pl perl
  1887. head Textutils
  1888. hello hello
  1889. hexl Emacs
  1890. hp2xx hp2xx
  1891. id Shellutils
  1892. ident RCS
  1893. imageto Fontutils
  1894. imgrotate Fontutils
  1895. indent indent
  1896. indxbib Groff
  1897. info Texinfo
  1898. inimf TeX
  1899. initex TeX
  1900. install Fileutils
  1901. ispell ispell
  1902. join Textutils
  1903. lasergnu gnuplot
  1904. latex TeX
  1905. ld Binutils
  1906. less less
  1907. lesskey less
  1908. libbfd.a Binutils
  1909. libbfd.a GAS
  1910. libbfd.a GDB
  1911. libbzr.a Fontutils
  1912. libc.a C Library
  1913. libcurses.a nvi
  1914. libF77.a f2c
  1915. libg++.a libg++
  1916. libgdbm.a gdbm
  1917. libgf.a Fontutils
  1918. libgmp.a gmp
  1919. libI77.a f2c
  1920. libnihcl.a NIHCL
  1921. libnihclmi.a NIHCL
  1922. libnihclvec.a NIHCL
  1923. liboctave.a Octave
  1924. libpbm.a Fontutils
  1925. libpk.a Fontutils
  1926. libtcl.a DejaGnu
  1927. libtermcap.a Termcap
  1928. libtfm.a Fontutils
  1929. libwidgets.a Fontutils
  1930. limn Fontutils
  1931. lkbib Groff
  1932. ln Fileutils
  1933. locate find
  1934. look ispell
  1935. lookbib Groff
  1936. ls Fileutils
  1937. m4 m4
  1938. make Make
  1939. make-docfile Emacs
  1940. make-path Emacs
  1941. makeindex TeX
  1942. makeinfo Texinfo
  1943. MakeTeXPK TeX
  1944. man-macros Groff
  1945. mattrib mtools
  1946. mcd mtools
  1947. mcopy mtools
  1948. mdel mtools
  1949. mdir mtools
  1950. me-macros Groff
  1951. merge RCS
  1952. mf TeX
  1953. mformat mtools
  1954. mft TeX
  1955. mkdir Fileutils
  1956. mkfifo Fileutils
  1957. mkmanifest mtools
  1958. mkmodules CVS
  1959. mknod Fileutils
  1960. mlabel mtools
  1961. mm-macros Groff
  1962. mmd mtools
  1963. movemail Emacs
  1964. mrd mtools
  1965. mread mtools
  1966. mren mtools
  1967. ms-macros Groff
  1968. mslaved MandelSpawn
  1969. mt cpio
  1970. mtype mtools
  1971. mv Fileutils
  1972. mvdir Fileutils
  1973. mwrite mtools
  1974. nethack Nethack
  1975. nice Shellutils
  1976. nl Textutils
  1977. nlmconv Binutils
  1978. nm Binutils
  1979. nohup Shellutils
  1980. nroff Groff
  1981. objc GCC
  1982. objcopy Binutils
  1983. objdump Binutils
  1984. objective-c GCC
  1985. octave Octave
  1986. od Textutils
  1987. oleo Oleo
  1988. p2c p2c
  1989. paste Textutils
  1990. patch patch
  1991. patgen TeX
  1992. pathchk Shellutils
  1993. perl perl
  1994. pfbtops Groff
  1995. pic Groff
  1996. pktogf TeX
  1997. pktype TeX
  1998. plot2fig Graphics
  1999. plot2plot Graphics
  2000. plot2ps Graphics
  2001. plot2tek Graphics
  2002. pltotf TeX
  2003. pooltype TeX
  2004. pr Textutils
  2005. pr-addr GNATS
  2006. pr-edit GNATS
  2007. printenv Shellutils
  2008. printf Shellutils
  2009. protoize GCC
  2010. ps2ascii Ghostscript
  2011. ps2epsi Ghostscript
  2012. psbb Groff
  2013. ptx ptx
  2014. query-pr GNATS
  2015. ranlib Binutils
  2016. rc rc
  2017. rcs RCS
  2018. rcs-to-cvs CVS
  2019. rcs2log Emacs
  2020. rcsdiff RCS
  2021. rcsfreeze RCS
  2022. rcsmerge RCS
  2023. recode recode
  2024. refer Groff
  2025. rlog RCS
  2026. rm Fileutils
  2027. rmdir Fileutils
  2028. rmt cpio
  2029. rmt tar
  2030. runtest DejaGnu
  2031. runtest.exp DejaGnu
  2032. s2p perl
  2033. sccs2rcs CVS
  2034. screen screen
  2035. sdiff Diffutils
  2036. sed sed
  2037. send-pr GNATS
  2038. shogi Shogi
  2039. size Binutils
  2040. sleep Shellutils
  2041. soelim Groff
  2042. sort Textutils
  2043. split Textutils
  2044. strings Binutils
  2045. strip Binutils
  2046. stty Shellutils
  2047. su Shellutils
  2048. sum Textutils
  2049. superopt Superopt
  2050. tac Textutils
  2051. tail Textutils
  2052. taintperl perl
  2053. tangle TeX
  2054. tar tar
  2055. tbl Groff
  2056. tcp Emacs
  2057. tee Shellutils
  2058. tek2plot Graphics
  2059. test Shellutils
  2060. test-g++ DejaGnu
  2061. test-tool DejaGnu
  2062. tex TeX
  2063. tex3patch Texinfo
  2064. texi2dvi Texinfo
  2065. texindex Texinfo
  2066. texspell TeX
  2067. tfmtodit Groff
  2068. tftopl TeX
  2069. tgrind TeX
  2070. time time
  2071. timer Emacs
  2072. touch Fileutils
  2073. tput tput
  2074. tr Textutils
  2075. troff Groff
  2076. true Shellutils
  2077. tty Shellutils
  2078. uname Shellutils
  2079. uncompress gzip
  2080. unexpand Textutils
  2081. uniq Textutils
  2082. unprotoize GCC
  2083. uuchk UUCP
  2084. uucico UUCP
  2085. uuconv UUCP
  2086. uucp UUCP
  2087. uudecode uuencode
  2088. uudir UUCP
  2089. uuencode uuencode
  2090. uulog UUCP
  2091. uuname UUCP
  2092. uupick UUCP
  2093. uurate UUCP
  2094. uusched UUCP
  2095. uustat UUCP
  2096. uuto UUCP
  2097. uux UUCP
  2098. uuxqt UUCP
  2099. v Fileutils
  2100. vcdiff Emacs
  2101. vdir Fileutils
  2102. vftovp TeX
  2103. vi nvi
  2104. virmf TeX
  2105. virtex TeX
  2106. vptovf TeX
  2107. wakeup Emacs
  2108. wc Textutils
  2109. wdiff wdiff
  2110. weave TeX
  2111. who Shellutils
  2112. whoami Shellutils
  2113. x2p perl
  2114. xargs find
  2115. xbfe Fontutils
  2116. xboard xboard
  2117. xditview Groff
  2118. xdvi TeX
  2119. xms MandelSpawn
  2120. xplot Graphics
  2121. xshogi xshogi
  2122. yes Shellutils
  2123. yow Emacs
  2124. zcat gzip
  2125. zcmp gzip
  2126. zdiff gzip
  2127. zforce gzip
  2128. zgrep gzip
  2129. zmore gzip
  2130. znew gzip
  2131. [ Shellutils
  2132. Tapes
  2133. *****
  2134. We offer Unix source code on tapes in `tar' format on these media:
  2135. * 4mm DAT cartridges
  2136. * 8mm Exabyte cartridges
  2137. * Sun DC300XLP QIC-24 1/4in cartridges (readable on some other systems)
  2138. * Hewlett-Packard 16-track DC600HC 1/4in cartridges
  2139. * IBM RS/6000 QIC-150 1/4in cartridges (readable on some other systems)
  2140. * 1600bpi 9-track 1/2in reel tape
  2141. The contents of the reel and various cartridge tapes for Unix systems are the
  2142. same (except for the RS/6000 Emacs tape, which also has executables for
  2143. Emacs); only the media are different. For pricing information, see the ``Free
  2144. Software Foundation Order Form''. Source code for the manuals is included, in
  2145. Texinfo format. See ``GNU Documentation''.
  2146. Some of the files on the tapes may be compressed with `gzip' to make them
  2147. fit. Refer to the top-level `README' file at the beginning of each tape for
  2148. instructions on uncompressing them. `uncompress' and `unpack' *do not work*!
  2149. Languages Tape
  2150. --------------
  2151. This tape contains programming tools: compilers, interpreters, and related
  2152. programs (parsers, conversion programs, debuggers, etc.).
  2153. * Binutils 2.3
  2154. * Bison 1.22
  2155. * C Library 1.08
  2156. * DejaGnu 1.2
  2157. * dld 3.2.3
  2158. * ecc 1.2.1
  2159. * f2c 1994.04.14
  2160. * flex 2.4.6
  2161. * GAS 2.2
  2162. * Gawk 2.15.4
  2163. * GCC 2.5.8 (includes G++ & Objective-C)
  2164. * GDB 4.12
  2165. * gdbm 1.7.1
  2166. * gmp 1.3.2
  2167. * gperf 2.1a
  2168. * gzip 1.2.4
  2169. * indent 1.9.1
  2170. * libg++ 2.5.3
  2171. * Make 3.71
  2172. * NIH Class Library 3.0
  2173. * Octave 1.0
  2174. * p2c 1.20
  2175. * perl 4.036
  2176. * regex 0.12
  2177. * Smalltalk 1.1.1
  2178. * Superopt 2.3
  2179. * Texinfo 3.1
  2180. * Tile Forth 2.1
  2181. Utilities Tape
  2182. --------------
  2183. This tape consists mostly of smaller utilities and miscellaneous applications.
  2184. * acm 4.5
  2185. * Autoconf 1.10
  2186. * BASH 1.13.5
  2187. * bc 1.02
  2188. * Chess 4.0.69
  2189. * cpio 2.3
  2190. * CVS 1.3
  2191. * dc 0.2
  2192. * Diffutils 2.6
  2193. * doschk 1.1
  2194. * ed 0.1
  2195. * es 0.84
  2196. * Fileutils 3.9
  2197. * find 3.8
  2198. * finger 1.37
  2199. * Fontutils 0.6
  2200. * Ghostscript 2.6.1
  2201. * Ghostview 1.5
  2202. * Ghostview for Windows 1.0
  2203. * GNATS 3.2
  2204. * GnuGo 1.1
  2205. * gnuplot 3.5
  2206. * Graphics 0.17
  2207. * grep 2.0 (with egrep and fgrep)
  2208. * Groff 1.09
  2209. * gzip 1.2.4
  2210. * hello 1.3
  2211. * hp2xx 3.1.4
  2212. * Ispell 4.0
  2213. * m4 1.1
  2214. * Make 3.71
  2215. * MandelSpawn 0.07
  2216. * mtools 2.0.7
  2217. * NetFax 3.2.1
  2218. * Nethack 3.1.3
  2219. * nvi 1.11
  2220. * Oleo 1.5
  2221. * patch 2.1
  2222. * ptx 0.3
  2223. * rc 1.4
  2224. * RCS
  2225. * recode 3.3
  2226. * screen 3.5.2
  2227. * sed 1.18
  2228. * sed 2.05
  2229. * Shellutils 1.9.4
  2230. * Shogi 1.1.02
  2231. * tar 1.11.2
  2232. * Termcap 1.2
  2233. * Texinfo 3.1
  2234. * Textutils 1.9
  2235. * time 1.6
  2236. * tput 1.0
  2237. * UUCP 1.05
  2238. * uuencode 1.0
  2239. * wdiff 0.04
  2240. * xboard 3.0.9
  2241. * xshogi 1.2.02
  2242. Emacs Tape
  2243. ----------
  2244. This tape has Common Lisp systems and libraries, GNU Emacs, assorted
  2245. extensions that work with GNU Emacs, and a few other important utilities.
  2246. * Calc 2.02c
  2247. * CLISP 1994.01.08
  2248. * GNU Common Lisp 1.0
  2249. * elib 0.06
  2250. * Emacs 18.59
  2251. * Emacs 19.23
  2252. * GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual 2.3
  2253. * gzip 1.2.4
  2254. * Make 3.71
  2255. * PCL 1993.03.18
  2256. * Texinfo 3.1
  2257. Scheme Tape
  2258. -----------
  2259. Scheme is a simplified, lexically-scoped dialect of Lisp. It was designed at
  2260. MIT and other universities to teach students the art of programming, and to
  2261. research new parallel programming constructs and compilation techniques.
  2262. This tape contains MIT Scheme 7.1, which conforms to the "Revised^4 Report On
  2263. the Algorithmic Language Scheme" (MIT AI Lab Memo 848b), for which TeX source
  2264. is included. It is written partly in C, but is presently hard to bootstrap.
  2265. Binaries that can be used to bootstrap Scheme are available for:
  2266. * HP 9000 series 300, 400, 700 & 800 running HP-UX 7.0 or 8.0
  2267. * NeXT running NeXT OS 1.0 or 2.0
  2268. * Sun-3 or Sun-4 running SunOS 4.1
  2269. * DECstation 3100/5100 running Ultrix 4.0
  2270. * Sony NeWS-3250 running NEWS OS 5.01
  2271. * Vax running 4.3BSD
  2272. If your system is not on this list and you don't enjoy the bootstrap
  2273. challenge, see the JACAL item in ``GNU Software''.
  2274. X11 Tapes
  2275. ---------
  2276. The two X11 tapes contain Version 11, Release 6 of the MIT X Window System.
  2277. The first tape contains all of the core software, documentation and some
  2278. contributed clients. We call this the "required" X tape since it is
  2279. necessary for running X or running GNU Emacs under X. The second, "optional"
  2280. tape contains contributed libraries and other toolkits, the Andrew User
  2281. Interface System, games, and other programs.
  2282. The X11 Required tape also contains all fixes and patches released to date.
  2283. We update this tape as new fixes and patches are released for programs on
  2284. both tapes. See ``Tape & CD-ROM Subscription Service''.
  2285. We will distribute X11R5 on tape until X11R6 is stable, and on the
  2286. ``November 1993 Source Code CD-ROM'', while supplies last.
  2287. Berkeley 4.4BSD-Lite Tape
  2288. -------------------------
  2289. The "4.4BSD-Lite" release is the last from the Computer Systems Research
  2290. Group at the University of California at Berkeley. It includes most of the
  2291. BSD software system except for a few proprietary files that still remain in
  2292. the full 4.4BSD distribution.
  2293. VMS Emacs and VMS Compiler Tapes
  2294. --------------------------------
  2295. We offer two VMS tapes. One has just GNU Emacs 18.59 (none of the other
  2296. software on the ``Emacs Tape'', is included). The other has GCC 2.3.3, Bison
  2297. 1.19 (to compile GCC), GAS 1.38 (to assemble GCC's output) and some library
  2298. and include files (none of the other software on the ``Languages Tape'', is
  2299. included). We are not aware of a GDB port for VMS. Both VMS tapes have
  2300. executables from which you can bootstrap, as the DEC VMS C compiler cannot
  2301. compile GCC. Please do not ask us to devote effort to VMS support, because it
  2302. is peripheral to the GNU Project.
  2303. CD-ROMs
  2304. *******
  2305. We currently offer these CD-ROMs:
  2306. * see ``May 1994 Source Code CD-ROM''.
  2307. * see ``November 1993 Source Code CD-ROM''.
  2308. * see ``Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM''.
  2309. Our CD-ROMs are in ISO 9660 format and can be mounted as a read-only file
  2310. system on most operating systems. If your driver supports it you can mount
  2311. each CD-ROM with "Rock Ridge" extensions and it will look just like an
  2312. ordinary Unix file system, rather than one full of truncated and otherwise
  2313. mangled names that fit the vanilla ISO 9660 specifications.
  2314. You can build most of the software without copying the sources off the CD.
  2315. You only need enough disk space for object files and intermediate build
  2316. targets.
  2317. Pricing of the GNU CD-ROMs
  2318. --------------------------
  2319. If a business or organization is ultimately paying, the May 1994 Source CD
  2320. costs $400. It costs $100 if you, an individual, are paying out of your own
  2321. pocket. The Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM costs $240 for a business or
  2322. organization, and $60 for an individual.
  2323. * What do the individual and company prices mean?
  2324. The software on our disk is free; anyone can copy it and anyone can run
  2325. it. What we charge for is the physical disk and the service of
  2326. distribution.
  2327. We charge two different prices depending on who is buying. When a
  2328. company or other organization buys the May 1994 Source CD-ROM, we charge
  2329. $400. When an individual buys the same disk, we charge just $100.
  2330. This distinction is not a matter of who is allowed to use the software.
  2331. In either case, once you have a copy, you can distribute as many copies
  2332. as you wish, and there's no restriction on who can have or run them.
  2333. The price distinction is entirely a matter of what kind of entity pays
  2334. for the CD.
  2335. You, the reader, are certainly an individual, not a company. If you are
  2336. buying a disk "in person", then you are probably doing so as an
  2337. individual. But if you expect to be reimbursed by your employer, then
  2338. the disk is really for the company; so please pay the company price and
  2339. get reimbursed for it. We won't try to check up on you--we use the honor
  2340. system--so please cooperate.
  2341. Buying CDs at the company price is especially helpful for Project GNU;
  2342. just 80 May 1994 Source CDs at that price supports an FSF programmer or
  2343. tech writer for a year.
  2344. * Why is there an individual price?
  2345. In the past, our distribution tapes have been ordered mainly by
  2346. companies. The CD at the price of $400 provides them with all of our
  2347. software for a much lower price than they would previously have paid for
  2348. six different tapes. To lower the price more would cut into the FSF's
  2349. funds very badly, and decrease the software development we can do.
  2350. However, for individuals, $400 is too high a price; hardly anyone could
  2351. afford that. So we decided to make CDs available to individuals at the
  2352. lower price of $100, but not do the same for companies.
  2353. * Is there a maximum price?
  2354. Our stated prices are minimums. Feel free to pay a higher price if you
  2355. wish to support GNU development more. The sky's the limit; we will
  2356. accept as high a price as you can offer. Or simply give a donation
  2357. (tax-deductible in the U.S.) to the Free Software Foundation, a
  2358. tax-exempt public charity.
  2359. May 1994 Source Code CD-ROM
  2360. ---------------------------
  2361. The Free Software Foundation has produced the fourth edition of its Source
  2362. Code CD-ROM. It contains the following:
  2363. * acm 4.5
  2364. * Autoconf 1.10
  2365. * BASH 1.13.5
  2366. * bc 1.02
  2367. * Binutils 2.3
  2368. * Bison 1.22
  2369. * C Library 1.08
  2370. * Calc 2.02c
  2371. * Chess 4.0.69
  2372. * CLISP 1994.01.08
  2373. * cpio 2.3
  2374. * CVS 1.3
  2375. * dc 0.2
  2376. * DejaGnu 1.2
  2377. * Diffutils 2.6
  2378. * dld 3.2.3
  2379. * doschk 1.1
  2380. * ecc 1.2.1
  2381. * ed 0.1
  2382. * elib 0.06
  2383. * Emacs 18.59 & Emacs 19.23
  2384. * es 0.84
  2385. * f2c 1994.04.14
  2386. * Fileutils 3.9
  2387. * find 3.8
  2388. * finger 1.37
  2389. * flex 2.4.6
  2390. * Fontutils 0.6
  2391. * GAS 1.36.utah & GAS 2.2
  2392. * Gawk 2.15.4
  2393. * GCC 2.5.8
  2394. * GCL 1.0
  2395. * GDB 4.12
  2396. * gdbm 1.7.1
  2397. * Ghostscript 2.6.1
  2398. * Ghostview 1.5
  2399. * Ghostview for Windows 1.0
  2400. * gmp 1.3.2
  2401. * GNATS 3.2
  2402. * GnuGo 1.1
  2403. * gnuplot 3.5
  2404. * gperf 2.1a
  2405. * Graphics 0.17
  2406. * grep 2.0
  2407. * Groff 1.09
  2408. * gzip 1.2.4
  2409. * hello 1.3
  2410. * hp2xx 3.1.4
  2411. * indent 1.9.1
  2412. * Ispell 4.0
  2413. * libg++ 2.5.3
  2414. * m4 1.1
  2415. * Make 3.71
  2416. * MandelSpawn 0.07
  2417. * mtools 2.0.7
  2418. * MULE 1.0
  2419. * NetFax 3.2.1
  2420. * Nethack 3.1.3
  2421. * NIHCL 3.0
  2422. * nvi 1.11
  2423. * Octave 1.0
  2424. * Oleo 1.5
  2425. * p2c 1.20
  2426. * patch 2.1
  2427. * PCL 1993.03.18
  2428. * perl 4.036
  2429. * ptx 0.3
  2430. * rc 1.4
  2431. * RCS
  2432. * recode 3.3
  2433. * regex 0.12
  2434. * screen 3.5.2
  2435. * sed 2.05
  2436. * Shellutils 1.9.4
  2437. * Shogi 1.1.02
  2438. * Smalltalk 1.1.1
  2439. * Superopt 2.3
  2440. * tar 1.11.2
  2441. * Termcap 1.2
  2442. * TeX 3.1
  2443. * Texinfo 3.1
  2444. * Textutils 1.9.1
  2445. * Tile Forth 2.1
  2446. * time 1.6
  2447. * tput 1.0
  2448. * UUCP 1.05
  2449. * uuencode 1.0
  2450. * wdiff 0.04
  2451. * X11R6-Required
  2452. * xboard 3.0.9
  2453. * xshogi 1.2.02
  2454. The CD-ROM also contains Texinfo source for the `GNU Emacs Lisp Reference
  2455. Manual' Edition 2.3 for version 19, and other manuals listed in
  2456. ``GNU Documentation''; as well as a snapshot of the Emacs Lisp Archive at Ohio
  2457. State University. (You can get the libraries in this archive by anonymous FTP
  2458. from `archive.cis.ohio-state.edu' in `/pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive'.)
  2459. The contents of the MIT Scheme, X11 Optional and VMS tapes are not included.
  2460. Programs that are only on MS-DOS diskettes and not on the tapes are also not
  2461. included. See ``Tapes'' and ``MS-DOS Diskettes''.
  2462. Except for the Ghostview for Windows executable, there are no precompiled
  2463. programs on this CD. You will need a C compiler. (Programs which need some
  2464. other interpreter or compiler normally provide the C source for a
  2465. bootstrapping program.)
  2466. November 1993 Source Code CD-ROM
  2467. --------------------------------
  2468. The Free Software Foundation is still distributing the third edition of its
  2469. Source Code CD-ROM. We are doing so because it contains X11R5, and we feel
  2470. that people should have a choice between X11R5 and X11R6 until the latter is
  2471. stable. Because the other software on the third edition is older than that
  2472. on the fourth edition, we have reduced the price of the third edition. The
  2473. third edition contains the following:
  2474. * acm 3.1
  2475. * Autoconf 1.7
  2476. * BASH 1.13.4
  2477. * bc 1.02
  2478. * Binutils 1.9 & Binutils 2.3
  2479. * Bison 1.22
  2480. * C Library 1.06.7
  2481. * Calc 2.02b
  2482. * Chess 4.0p62
  2483. * CLISP 1993.11.08
  2484. * cperf 2.1a
  2485. * cpio 2.3
  2486. * CVS 1.3
  2487. * dc 0.2
  2488. * DejaGnu 1.0.1
  2489. * diffutils 2.6
  2490. * dld 3.2.3
  2491. * doschk 1.1
  2492. * ecc 1.2.1
  2493. * elib 0.06
  2494. * Emacs 18.59 & Emacs 19.21
  2495. * es 0.84
  2496. * f2c 1993.04.28
  2497. * NetFax 3.2.1
  2498. * Fileutils 3.9
  2499. * find 3.8
  2500. * finger 1.37
  2501. * flex 2.3.8
  2502. * Fontutils 0.6
  2503. * GAS 1.36.utah, 1.38.1, & 2.2
  2504. * Gawk 2.15.3
  2505. * GCC 2.5.4
  2506. * GDB 4.11
  2507. * gdbm 1.7.1
  2508. * Ghostscript 2.6.1
  2509. * Ghostview 1.5
  2510. * Ghostview for Windows 1.0
  2511. * gmp 1.3.2
  2512. * GNATS 3.01
  2513. * gnuplot 3.5
  2514. * GnuGo 1.1
  2515. * Graphics 0.17
  2516. * grep 2.0 (with egrep and fgrep)
  2517. * Groff 1.08
  2518. * gzip 1.2.4
  2519. * hello 1.3
  2520. * hp2xx 3.1.3a
  2521. * indent 1.8
  2522. * Ispell 4.0
  2523. * less 177
  2524. * libg++ 2.5.1
  2525. * m4 1.1
  2526. * Make 3.69.1
  2527. * MandelSpawn 0.06
  2528. * mtools 2.0.7
  2529. * MULE 1.0
  2530. * Nethack 3.1.3
  2531. * NIHCL 3.0
  2532. * Oleo 1.5
  2533. * p2c 1.20
  2534. * patch 2.1
  2535. * PCL 1993.03.18
  2536. * perl 4.036
  2537. * ptx 0.3
  2538. * rc 1.4
  2539. * RCS
  2540. * recode 3.2.4
  2541. * regex 0.12
  2542. * MIT Scheme 7.2 (for MS-DOS)
  2543. * screen 3.5.2
  2544. * sed 1.18 & sed 2.03
  2545. * Shellutils 1.9.1
  2546. * GNU Shogi 1.1p02
  2547. * Smalltalk 1.1.1
  2548. * Superopt 2.3
  2549. * tar 1.11.2
  2550. * Termcap library 1.2
  2551. * TeX 3.1
  2552. * Texinfo 3.1
  2553. * Textutils 1.9.1
  2554. * Tile Forth 2.1
  2555. * time 1.6
  2556. * tput 1.0
  2557. * UUCP 1.04
  2558. * uuencode 1.0
  2559. * wdiff 0.04
  2560. * X11R5-Required
  2561. The CD-ROM also contains Texinfo source for the `GNU Emacs Lisp Reference
  2562. Manual' Edition 2.02 for version 19, and other manuals listed in
  2563. ``GNU Documentation''; as well as a snapshot of the Emacs Lisp Archive at Ohio
  2564. State University. (You can get the libraries in this archive by anonymous
  2565. FTP from `archive.cis.ohio-state.edu' in `/pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive'.)
  2566. The contents of the MIT Scheme, X11 Optional and VMS tapes are not included.
  2567. Programs that are only on MS-DOS diskettes and not on the tapes are also not
  2568. included. See ``Tapes'' and ``MS-DOS Diskettes''.
  2569. Except for the MIT Scheme binaries for MS-DOS and the Ghostview for Windows
  2570. executable, there are no precompiled programs on this CD. You will need a C
  2571. compiler (programs which need some other interpreter or compiler normally
  2572. provide the C source for a bootstrapping program).
  2573. Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM
  2574. ------------------------------
  2575. We are now offering a CD-ROM that contains executables for GNU compiler tools
  2576. for some systems which lack a compiler. This helps people with 80386 and
  2577. 80486 machines running MS-D0S, not to mention HP-PA machines running HP-UX 9,
  2578. and Sparcs running SunOS 4.1 & Solaris 2.
  2579. This enables the people who use these systems to compile GNU and other free
  2580. software without having to buy a proprietary compiler.
  2581. We hope to have more systems on each update of this CD-ROM. If you can help
  2582. build binaries for new systems (especially those that don't come with a C
  2583. compiler), or have one to suggest, please contact us at the addresses on page
  2584. 1.
  2585. These programs:
  2586. * DJGPP 1.11.m1
  2587. * GCC/G++/Objective-C 2.5.7
  2588. * GDB 4.11
  2589. * GAS 2.2
  2590. * Binutils 2.3
  2591. * Bison 1.22
  2592. * Flex 2.4.5
  2593. * Make 3.70
  2594. * libg++ 2.5.3
  2595. For these platforms:
  2596. * `i386-msdos'
  2597. * `hppa1.1-hp-hpux9'
  2598. * `sparc-sun-solaris2'
  2599. * `sparc-sun-sunos4.1'
  2600. MS-DOS Diskettes
  2601. ****************
  2602. The FSF distributes, on 3.5inch 1.44MB diskettes, some of the GNU software
  2603. ported to MS-DOS. The disks have both sources and executables.
  2604. DJGPP Diskettes
  2605. ---------------
  2606. We offer DJGPP on 21 diskettes. For details, see ``GNU Software''.
  2607. Emacs Diskettes
  2608. ---------------
  2609. Demacs is a version of GNU Emacs. Two versions are included on the six
  2610. diskettes we distribute: one handles 8-bit character sets; the other, based
  2611. on an early version of MULE, handles 16-bit character sets including Kanji.
  2612. We will be replacing Demacs with the MS-DOS port of GNU Emacs 19, as soon as
  2613. the port is ready. The number of diskettes is not yet known. See ``GNU
  2614. Software'', for details about both programs.
  2615. Selected Utilities Diskettes
  2616. ----------------------------
  2617. The GNUish MS-DOS Project releases GNU software ported to PC compatibles. We
  2618. offer these programs on five diskettes. In general, this software will run
  2619. on 8086 and 80286-based machines; an 80386 is not required. Some of these
  2620. utilities are necessarily missing features. Included are: `cpio', `diff',
  2621. `find', `flex', `gdbm', `grep', `indent', `less', `m4', `make', `ptx', RCS,
  2622. `sed', `shar', `sort', & Texinfo.
  2623. Windows Diskette
  2624. ----------------
  2625. We offer GNU Chess and `gnuplot' for Microsoft Windows on a single diskette.
  2626. Tape & CD-ROM Subscription Service
  2627. **********************************
  2628. If you do not have net access, our subscription service enables you to stay
  2629. current with the latest FSF developments. For a one-time cost equivalent to
  2630. three tapes or CD-ROMs (plus shipping in some cases), we will ship you four
  2631. new versions of the tape of your choice or the Source Code CD-ROM. The tapes
  2632. are sent each quarter, the CD-ROMs are sent as they are issued (which is
  2633. currently twice a year, but we may issue it more frequently in the future.)
  2634. Regularly, we will send you a new version of an Emacs, Languages, Utilities,
  2635. or MIT X Window System (X11R6) Required tape or the Source CD-ROM. The MIT
  2636. Scheme and MIT X Window System Optional tapes are not changed often enough to
  2637. warrant quarterly updates. We do not yet know if we will be offering
  2638. subscriptions to the Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM.
  2639. Since Emacs 19 is on the Emacs Tape and the Source CD-ROM, a subscription to
  2640. either is an easy way to keep current with Emacs 19 as it evolves.
  2641. A subscription is also an easy way to keep up with the regular bug fixes to
  2642. the MIT X Window System. We will update the X11R6 Required tape as fixes and
  2643. patches are issued throughout the year. Each new edition of the ``Source
  2644. Code CD-ROM'', also has updated sources for the MIT X Window System.
  2645. Please note: In two cases, you must pay 4 times the normal shipping required
  2646. for a single order when you pay for each subscription. If you're in Alaska,
  2647. Hawaii, or Puerto Rico you must add $20.00 for shipping for each
  2648. subscription. If you're outside of U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico, you have
  2649. to add $120.00 for shipping subscription. See "Unix and VMS Software" &
  2650. "Shipping Instructions" on the ``Free Software Foundation Order Form''.
  2651. The Deluxe Distribution
  2652. ***********************
  2653. The Free Software Foundation has been repeatedly asked to create a package
  2654. that provides executables for all of our software. Normally we offer only
  2655. sources. In addition to providing binaries with the source code, the Deluxe
  2656. Distribution includes a complete set of our printed manuals and reference
  2657. cards.
  2658. The FSF Deluxe Distribution contains the binaries and sources to hundreds of
  2659. different programs including GNU Emacs, the GNU C Compiler, the GNU Debugger,
  2660. the complete MIT X Window System, and all the GNU utilities.
  2661. You may choose one of these machines and operating systems: HP 9000 series
  2662. 300, 700 or 800 (4.3BSD or HP-UX); RS/6000 (AIX); SONY News 68k (4.3BSD or
  2663. NewsOS 4); Sun-3, Sun-4, or SPARC (SunOS 4 or Solaris). If your machine or
  2664. system is not listed, or if a specific program has not been ported to that
  2665. machine, please call the FSF office at the phone number below or send e-mail
  2666. to `gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu' to see what we can do.
  2667. We supply the software on one of these tape formats in Unix `tar' format:
  2668. 1600 or 6250bpi 1/2in reel; Sun DC300XLP 1/4in cartridge, QIC-24;
  2669. Hewlett-Packard 16-track DC600HC 1/4in cartridge; IBM RS/6000 1/4in
  2670. cartridge, QIC-150; Exabyte 8mm cartridge; DAT 4mm cartridge. If your
  2671. computer cannot read any of these, please contact us to see if we can handle
  2672. your format.
  2673. The manuals included are one each of the `Bison', `Calc', `Gawk', `GNU C
  2674. Compiler', `GNU C Library', `GDB', `Flex', `GNU Emacs 19 Lisp Reference',
  2675. `Make', `Texinfo', and `Termcap' manuals; six copies of the `GNU Emacs 19'
  2676. manual; and packets of ten reference cards each for GNU Emacs, Calc, GDB,
  2677. Bison, & Flex. In addition, every Deluxe Distribution includes CD-ROMs (in
  2678. ISO 9660 format with Rock Ridge extensions) that contain sources of our
  2679. software & compiler tool binaries for some systems.
  2680. The price of the Deluxe Distribution is $5000 (shipping included). It is
  2681. designed for people who want to have everything compiled for them. These
  2682. sales provide enormous financial assistance towards helping the FSF develop
  2683. more free software. To order, please fill out the "Deluxe Distribution"
  2684. section on the ``Free Software Foundation Order Form'' and send it to:
  2685. Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  2686. 675 Massachusetts Avenue
  2687. Cambridge, MA 02139--3309
  2688. USA
  2689. Telephone: +1-617-876-3296
  2690. Fax: +1-617-492-9057
  2691. Fax (in Japan):
  2692. 0031-13-2473 (KDD)
  2693. 0066-3382-0158 (IDC)
  2694. Electronic mail: gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
  2695. How to Get GNU Software
  2696. ***********************
  2697. All the software and publications from the Free Software Foundation are
  2698. distributed with permission to copy and redistribute. The easiest way to get
  2699. GNU software is to copy it from someone else who has it. You can get GNU
  2700. software direct from the FSF by ordering diskettes, tapes, or CD-ROMs. Such
  2701. orders provide most of the funds for the FSF staff to develop more free
  2702. software, so please support our work by ordering if you can. See the ``Free
  2703. Software Foundation Order Form''.
  2704. There are also third party groups who distribute our software; they do not
  2705. work with us, but can provide our software in other forms. Some are listed in
  2706. ``Free Software for Microcomputers''. Please note that the Free Software
  2707. Foundation is *not* affiliated with them in any way and is *not* responsible
  2708. for either the currency of their versions or the swiftness of their responses.
  2709. If you decide to do business with one of these distributors, ask them how
  2710. much they do to assist free software development, e.g., by contributing money
  2711. to free software development projects or by writing free software themselves
  2712. for general use. By basing your decision partially on this factor, you can
  2713. help encourage those who profit from free software to contribute to its
  2714. growth.
  2715. Our main FTP host is very busy and only allows a limited number of FTP
  2716. logins. Please use one of these other TCP/IP Internet sites that also
  2717. provide GNU software via anonymous FTP (program: `ftp', user: `anonymous',
  2718. password: YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS, mode: `binary'). If you have FTP access but
  2719. can't reach one of the hosts listed below, you can get the software via FTP
  2720. using the same protocol from GNU's main FTP host, `prep.ai.mit.edu' (IP
  2721. address is `'). For more details, get the file
  2722. `/pub/gnu/GETTING.GNU.SOFTWARE'.
  2723. * Africa: `ftp.sun.ac.za'.
  2724. * Australasia: `archie.au' (`archie.oz' for ACSnet),
  2725. `cair.kaist.ac.kr', `utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp', `ftp.cs.titech.ac.jp'.
  2726. * Canada: `ftp.cs.ubc.ca'.
  2727. * Europe: `ugle.unit.no', `ftp.stacken.kth.se', `isy.liu.se',
  2728. `ftp.luth.se',
  2729. `ftp.stacken.kth.se' (in `/pub/GNU-VMS'), `ftp.mcc.ac.uk',
  2730. `unix.hensa.ac.uk' (get the `README' first), `ftp.win.tue.nl',
  2731. `ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de', `ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de',
  2732. `ftp.funet.fi', `ftp.denet.dk', `ftp.eunet.ch', `nic.switch.ch',
  2733. `irisa.irisa.fr', `ftp.univ-lyon1.fr', `archive.eu.net'.
  2734. * USA: `labrea.stanford.edu', `ftp.kpc.com', `ftp.cs.widener.edu',
  2735. `ftp.digex.net', `ftp.cs.columbia.edu', `vixen.cso.uiuc.edu',
  2736. `mango.rsmas.miami.edu' (VMS GCC), `ftp.hawaii.edu',
  2737. `gatekeeper.dec.com', `ftp.uu.net' (in `/systems/gnu').
  2738. Those on JANET can look under `src.doc.ic.ac.uk' in `/gnu'.
  2739. Those who can UUCP can get UUCP instructions via electronic mail from:
  2740. info@contrib.de (Europe) and toku@dit.co.jp (Japan)
  2741. For those without Internet access, see ``Free Software Support'', for
  2742. information on getting electronic mail and file transfer via UUCP.
  2743. Other GPLed Software
  2744. ********************
  2745. This copylefted software is not presently distributed by the FSF. You can
  2746. FTP a fuller list from host `prep.ai.mit.edu' in file
  2747. `/pub/gnu/GPLedSoftware'. GNU Emacs Lisp Libraries are not listed. FTP from
  2748. `archive.cis.ohio-state.edu' file
  2749. `/pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/LCD-datafile.Z'. Please let either address on
  2750. the front cover know of additional entries.
  2751. * GN, a hybrid Gopher and WWW server
  2752. GN is a hybrid Internet Gopher/WWW (World Wide Web) server, done in C,
  2753. which runs under Unix. GN serves two protocols used by WWW clients:
  2754. gopher0 & HTTP/1.0. For details, see `http://hopf.math.nwu/',
  2755. `gopher://hopf.math.nwu', or contact the author, `john@math.nwu.edu',
  2756. John Franks. FTP it from `ftp.acns.nwu.edu' in `/pub/gn/gn-2.07.tar.gz'
  2757. * SNePS Now Free Software
  2758. The current release, 2.1, of the Semantic Network Processing System
  2759. (SNePS), is publicly available under the terms of the GNU General Public
  2760. License. Previously it was available for a licensing fee.
  2761. SNePS is the implementation of a fully intensional theory of
  2762. propositional knowledge representation and reasoning. SNePS 2.1 runs in
  2763. CLISP on PCs under DOS or Unix. Previous versions ran on AKCL (now
  2764. known as GNU Common Lisp). SNePS can be obtained by anonymous FTP from
  2765. `ftp.cs.buffalo.edu' in `/pub/sneps'. For details, get the `README'
  2766. file.
  2767. * GAMMA: a Magnetic Resonance Simulation Library
  2768. GAMMA is an object oriented package for magnetic resonance simulation by
  2769. numerical density matrix calculation. It is written in C++.
  2770. The package contains definitions for complex data types such as
  2771. matrices, operators or spin systems, and appropriate mathematical
  2772. operations on them. You can write a simulation program in a natural way
  2773. that parallels the abstract formalism used for a theoretical
  2774. description. The simulation environment is fully user expandable. The
  2775. library is currently available via FTP from `hertz.ethz.ch'. For
  2776. further information, please contact:
  2777. Tilo Levante
  2778. Institut fuer physikalische Chemie
  2779. Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule
  2780. ETH-Zentrum
  2781. CH-8092 Zuerich
  2782. Electronic-Mail: tilo@nmr.lpc.ethz.ch
  2783. Telephone: +41-1-632-4367
  2784. Fax: +41-1-632-1021
  2785. * GNU Objective-C Collection Class Library
  2786. Libcoll is a library of Objective-C objects with similar functionality
  2787. to Smalltalk's Collection objects. It includes: Set, Bag, Array,
  2788. CircularArray, GapArray, Queue, Stack, Heap, LinkedList, BinaryTree,
  2789. SplayTree, RBTree, Dictionary, MappedCollector, EltNodeCollector and
  2790. DelegateList. Outside of its main hierarchy, libcoll also includes
  2791. List, HashTable, Storage and StringTable objects compatible with NeXT's
  2792. objects of the same name.
  2793. It is available under the GNU Library General Public License. FTP it
  2794. from `ftp.cs.rochester.edu' in `/pub/objc'. It requires GCC 2.5.8 or
  2795. higher. For details contact R. Andrew McCallum at
  2796. `mccallum@cs.rochester.edu'.
  2797. * GCT, a Test-Coverage Tool based on GCC
  2798. GCT 1.4 is a test-coverage tool based on GCC. (Coverage tools measure
  2799. how thoroughly a test suite exercises a program.) GPLed ports for
  2800. Sun-3, Sun-4, RS/6000, 68k, 88k, HP-PA, IBM 3090, Ultrix, Convex & SCO
  2801. are available from `ftp cs.uiuc.edu' in files
  2802. `/pub/testing/gct.file/ftp.*'. Send discussion list subscriptions to:
  2803. `gct-request@cs.uiuc.edu'. Further details from the author
  2804. Brian Marick, `marick@cs.uiuc.edu'. Telephone: +1-217-351-7228.
  2805. * Moldy, a Molecular Dynamics Simulation Program
  2806. Moldy is a molecular dynamics simulation program written by Keith
  2807. Refson. He says, "... I have a slightly unusual rationale for using the
  2808. GPL ..."
  2809. For the last few hundred years or so there has been a principle
  2810. which forms part of the ethos of scientific endeavour. It is that
  2811. the fruits of one's research should be openly published so that
  2812. others may learn, use and build upon them. Results may be
  2813. independently checked by other researchers, contributing to the
  2814. reliability which distinguishes science from other forms of
  2815. knowledge. And the benefits are available to the general good.
  2816. Of course such a high ethical principle is not always honoured,
  2817. scientists being human and subject to the usual commercial
  2818. pressures. But it remains as an ideal to strive for.
  2819. I have placed my molecular dynamics simulation program, called
  2820. Moldy, under the GPL because I find the copyleft conditions in
  2821. close agreement with this spirit of scientific freedom and
  2822. cooperation. It is a research tool for performing atomistic
  2823. computer simulations of solids and liquids, and therefore not of
  2824. widespread use outside the discipline. I wish to make it available
  2825. to any scientist who wishes to use it, to encourage them to add to
  2826. the program and to ensure that any improvements are as free as the
  2827. original code.
  2828. Moldy comes with a manual in LaTeX or PostScript format; it runs on Unix,
  2829. VMS and MS-DOS systems. FTP the sources from `earth.ox.ac.uk'.
  2830. * Map: the Interactive Network Map
  2831. Map, the Interactive Network Map is a part of a network management
  2832. system. It presents a map of a network and allows point and click
  2833. interrogation of network equipment. It can be used on TCP/IP and
  2834. CHAOSnet protocol stacks and implements basic host polling as well as
  2835. SNMP. Map was written by Michael A. Patton and comes with some
  2836. documentation. Map is available by anonymous FTP from `ftp.lcs.mit.edu'
  2837. in the directory `nets'.
  2838. * SIPP, the SImple Polygon Processor
  2839. SIPP is a library for creating photorealistic renderings of 3D scenes. A
  2840. scene is built up of objects which can be transformed with rotation,
  2841. translation and scaling. The objects form hierarchies where each object
  2842. can have arbitrarily many subobjects and subsurfaces. A surface is a
  2843. number of connected polygons which are rendered with either Phong,
  2844. Gouraud or flat shading. The library supports texture mapping with
  2845. textures in up to 3 dimensions and automatic interpolation of texture
  2846. coordinates. A scene can be illuminated by an arbitrary number of light
  2847. sources. The lights from some of them are capable of casting shadows of
  2848. objects. You can FTP it from `isy.liu.se' ( in file
  2849. `/pub/sipp/sipp-3.1.tar.gz'. For more information, contact the author
  2850. Jonas Yngvesson, `jonas-y@isy.liu.se'
  2851. * Oaklisp 1.2
  2852. Oaklisp 1.2, written by Kevin Lang and Barak Pearlmutter, is a fast
  2853. portable tasty object-oriented scheme with first class types. You can
  2854. FTP it from `ftp.cs.cmu.edu' from directory `/user/bap/oaklisp/' in
  2855. files `oaklisp.tar.gz' and `manuals.{tex,dvi,PS}.tar.gz'. Further
  2856. information from `bap@learning.scr.siemens.com'.
  2857. * SD, a Square Dance Calling Program
  2858. SD is a program for writing advanced and challenging western square dance
  2859. choreography. It is available via anonymous FTP from `ftp.x.org' in
  2860. `misc/sd/sd-30.tar.Z' which contains a compressed archive of the sources
  2861. and build materials. The file `sd300bn.exe' is a self-extracting DOS
  2862. archive containing a pre-built PC executable. For details, write
  2863. `wba@apollo.hp.com'.
  2864. * The Chipmunk VLSI Design System
  2865. The Chipmunk VLSI Design System contains tools for schematic capture,
  2866. netlist creation, and analog and digital simulation (log); IC mask
  2867. layout, extraction, and DRC (wol); simple chip compilation (wolcomp);
  2868. MOSIS fabrication request generation (mosis); netlist comparison
  2869. (netcmp); data plotting (view); and postscript graphics editing (until).
  2870. FTP it from `hobiecat.pcmp.caltech.edu', consult file
  2871. `/pub/chipmunk/README' first. For more information, write John Lazzaro,
  2872. `lazzaro@cs.berkeley.edu'.
  2873. * Paradise Netrek
  2874. Paradise Netrek is a multi-player graphical game using UDP and TCP. FTP
  2875. the file `/pub/netrek.paradise/{server,client}.2.3.tar.gz' from
  2876. `ftp.cis.ufl.edu'. For details, ask `paradise-workers@reed.edu'.
  2877. Free Software for Microcomputers
  2878. ********************************
  2879. We do not provide support for GNU software on microcomputers because it is
  2880. peripheral to the GNU Project. However, we are willing to publish
  2881. information about groups who do support and maintain them. If you are aware
  2882. of any such efforts, please send the details, including postal addresses,
  2883. archive sites and mailing lists, to either address on the front cover.
  2884. See ``MS-DOS Diskettes'' and ``CD-ROMs'', for microcomputer software available
  2885. from the FSF. Please do not ask us about any other software. We do *not*
  2886. maintain any of it and have *no* additional information.
  2887. * GNU Software *not* on Apple computers
  2888. In lawsuits (currently being appealed), Apple claims the power to stop
  2889. people from writing any program that has a user interface that works even
  2890. vaguely like the Macintosh's. If Apple wins in the courts, it will
  2891. create for itself a new power over the public that will enable it to put
  2892. an end to free software. So long as Apple is committed to establishing
  2893. this kind of monopoly, we will not provide any support or software for
  2894. Apple machines. We ask that you too refrain from developing for or
  2895. porting to Apple systems, since any more software adds to their
  2896. business. Don't feed the lawyer that bites you!
  2897. * Boston Computer Society
  2898. The BCS has numerous free programs for microcomputers, including some GNU
  2899. programs. Contact them to see what is available for your machine:
  2900. Boston Computer Society
  2901. 101 First Avenue - Suite 2
  2902. Waltham, MA 02154
  2903. USA
  2904. Telephone: +1-617-290-5700
  2905. Fax: +1-617-290-5744
  2906. Electronic-Mail: `membership@bcs.org'
  2907. * GNU Software on the Amiga
  2908. Get Amiga ports of many GNU programs using anonymous FTP from host
  2909. `ftp.funet.fi' in `/pub/amiga/gnu' (Europe). For info on (or offers to
  2910. help with) the GCC port and related projects, ask Leonard Norrgard,
  2911. `vinsci@nic.funet.fi'. For info on the GNU Emacs port, ask David Gay,
  2912. `dgay@di.epfl.ch', or Mark D. Henning, `henning@stolaf.edu'. Dave
  2913. Gilbert, `dgilbert@gamiga.guelphnet.dweomer.org', will be coordinating
  2914. work on Emacs 19. You can get more info via anonymous FTP from
  2915. `prep.ai.mit.edu' in file `/pub/gnu/MicrosPorts/Amiga'.
  2916. * GNU Software for Atari TOS and Atari Minix
  2917. Get Atari ports by anonymous FTP from `atari.archive.umich.edu', in
  2918. `/atari/Gnustuff', maintained by Howard Chu, `howard@lloyd.com'. See
  2919. USENET newsgroups, such as `comp.sys.atari.st.tech', for discussions.
  2920. The GNU software runs on all Atari 68000 and 68030-based systems; a hard
  2921. drive and 4 MB RAM minimum are recommended for using the compilers.
  2922. * GNU Software for OS/2
  2923. Ports of many other GNU programs are on FTP host `ftp-os2.cdrom.com' in
  2924. `/pub/os2/2_x/unix/'. Two of these are of GNU C/C++/Objective-C
  2925. Compiler to OS/2 2.x, with the GNU assembler, documentation & both
  2926. OS/2-specific BSD C libraries. Eberhard Mattes did the "emx" port,
  2927. which also features GDB and many Unix-related library functions like
  2928. `fork'. Programs compiled by this port also run on a 80386 under DOS.
  2929. To join the mailing list send email to `listserv@eb.ele.tue.nl'
  2930. containing `sub emx-list firstname lastname'. It is in directory
  2931. `/pub/os2/2_x/unix/emx08h'. Michael Johnson did the "gcc2" port, now
  2932. maintained by Colin Jensen. It is in directory
  2933. `/pub/os2/2_x/unix/gcc2_254'. To join the mailing list, ask
  2934. `os2gcc-request@netcom.com'.
  2935. * Linux: a free Unix system for 386 machines
  2936. Linux (named after its main author, Linus Torvalds) is a free Unix clone
  2937. that implements POSIX.1 functionality with SysV and BSD extensions.
  2938. Linux has been written from scratch and contains no proprietary code.
  2939. Many of the utilities and libraries are GNU Project software. Linux
  2940. currently runs only on 386/486/Pentium machines, with ISA/EISA/PCI-bus
  2941. machines, but a port to the m68k family is in early alpha testing (it
  2942. currently only runs on high end Amiga computers). Linux is freely
  2943. re-distributable and available via anonymous FTP from `tsx-11.mit.edu'
  2944. in `/pub/linux' (USA) & `nic.funet.fi' in `/pub/OS/Linux' (Europe).
  2945. Ask `linux-activists-request@niksula.hut.fi' about mailing lists. See
  2946. the USENET newsgroups, such as `comp.os.linux.misc', for discussions.
  2947. * Debian GNU/Linux
  2948. Debian GNU/Linux is a complete, full-featured system based on GNU and
  2949. Linux that is easy to install and configure. It was initially created
  2950. by Ian Murdock and has grown into an open and distributed project in
  2951. which everyone is welcome to directly participate. Debian is available
  2952. from `sunsite.unc.edu' in `/pub/Linux/distributions/debian'. For more
  2953. information about the Debian project and how to get involved, see
  2954. `/pub/Linux/distributions/debian/info'.
  2955. * DJGPP 1.11m1, the GNU C/C++ compiler for MS-DOS
  2956. DJGPP is a GCC/G++ port to the 386/486 MS-DOS platform. See
  2957. ``GNU Software'', for details. The FSF has it on both the
  2958. ``Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM'' and the ``DJGPP Diskettes''.
  2959. * Demacs, GNU Emacs for MS-DOS
  2960. Demacs is a port of GNU Emacs to the 386/486 MS-DOS platform. The FSF
  2961. offers it on the ``Emacs Diskettes'', but will replace it soon with the
  2962. MS-DOS port of GNU Emacs 19. See ``GNU Software''.
  2963. * GNU Software on MS-DOS
  2964. You can ask `info-gnu-msdos-request@sun.soe.clarkson.edu' about MS-DOS
  2965. ports of GNU programs and related mailing lists. Or anonymous FTP files
  2966. `/pub/gnu/MicrosPorts/MSDOS*' from `prep.ai.mit.edu'. The FSF is
  2967. distributing MS-DOS ports of many GNU programs on both the ``Source Code
  2968. CD-ROM'' and the ``MS-DOS Diskettes''.
  2969. FSF T-shirt
  2970. ***********
  2971. We have Free Software Foundation T-shirts, with a drawing by Cambridge artist
  2972. Jamal Hannah. They are available in two colors, Natural and Black. Natural
  2973. is an off-white, unbleached, undyed, environment-friendly cotton, printed
  2974. with black ink, and is great for tye-dyeing or displaying as is. Black is
  2975. printed with white ink and is perfect for late night hacking. All shirts are
  2976. thick 100% cotton, and are available in sizes M, L, XL and XXL.
  2977. The front of the T-shirt has an image of a GNU hacking at a workstation with
  2978. the text "GNU's Not Unix" above and the text "Free Software Foundation" below.
  2979. We have added a copy of the GNU General Public License to the T-shirt's back,
  2980. which used to be blank.
  2981. Use the ``Free Software Foundation Order Form'', to order your shirt, and
  2982. consider getting one as a present for your favorite hacker!
  2983. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2984. *...imagine how little used calculus would have been if a court had
  2985. decided that no one could study, use or do research on it without paying
  2986. a royalty to Newton's designated heirs.*
  2987. - The Independent, October 5, 1992
  2988. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2989. Project GNU Wish List
  2990. *********************
  2991. Wishes for this issue are for:
  2992. * Volunteers to distribute this Bulletin at technical conferences, trade
  2993. shows, local and national user group meetings, etc. Please phone or fax
  2994. the numbers on the front cover, or email `gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu' to make
  2995. arrangements.
  2996. * Boston area volunteers for various tasks in the business and programming
  2997. offices. Contact `gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu' for more information.
  2998. * Volunteers to help write programs and documentation. Send mail to
  2999. `gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu' for the task list and coding standards.
  3000. * Volunteers to type and proofread for the GNU Dictionary Project. See
  3001. ``Announcing the Dictionary Project'', for details.
  3002. * Volunteers to build binaries for systems not yet on the ``Compiler Tools
  3003. Binaries CD-ROM'' (especially for systems that don't come with a C
  3004. compiler). Please contact us at either address on the front cover.
  3005. * Oleo extensions and other free software for business, such as accounting
  3006. and project management programs.
  3007. * 600+ megabyte SCSI disks to give us more space to develop software.
  3008. * 386 or 486 PC compatibles with 200+ MB of disk and Ethernet cards.
  3009. * A Sun SPARCstation and a Sun-3/60 or 4/110.
  3010. * SCSI tape drives for 4mm DAT tapes, 8mm Exabyte tape drives, and 1600 or
  3011. 6250bpi 1/2inch reel to reel tapes.
  3012. * Companies to lend us capable programmers and technical writers for at
  3013. least six months. True wizards may be welcome for shorter periods, but
  3014. we have found that six months is the minimum time for a good programmer
  3015. to finish a worthwhile project.
  3016. * Professors who might be interested in sponsoring or hosting research
  3017. assistants to do GNU development, with FSF support.
  3018. * Speech and character recognition software and systems (if the devices
  3019. aren't too weird), with the device drivers if possible. This would help
  3020. the productivity of partially disabled people (including a few we know).
  3021. * New quotes and ideas for articles in the GNU's Bulletin. We particularly
  3022. like to highlight organizations involved with free information exchanges,
  3023. software that uses the GNU General Public License, and companies
  3024. providing free software support as a primary business.
  3025. * Information about free software or developers of free software that we
  3026. may not know about. Often, we only find out about interesting projects
  3027. because a user writes and asks us why we have not mentioned those
  3028. projects!
  3029. * Copies of newspaper and journal articles mentioning the GNU Project or
  3030. GNU software. Send these to the address on the front cover, or send a
  3031. citation to `gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu'.
  3032. * Money. If you use and appreciate our software, please send a
  3033. contribution. One way to help us defray our costs is to order a
  3034. distribution tape, diskette, or CD-ROM. A way to increase your
  3035. contribution is to order a ``Deluxe Distribution''. This is especially
  3036. helpful if you work for a business where the word "donation" is anathema.
  3037. Because of the value received, the full dollar amount of such donations
  3038. are not tax deductible as charitable contributions; however, they may
  3039. qualify as a business expense.
  3040. Thank GNUs
  3041. **********
  3042. A special thank gnu to Lisa "Opus" Goldstein who ran the FSF Business Office
  3043. for many years, and has also been the FSF Treasurer. We will miss her as she
  3044. moves to China.
  3045. Thanks to all those mentioned elsewhere in this Bulletin!
  3046. Thanks to the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Laboratory for Computer
  3047. Science, and Project Athena at MIT for their invaluable assistance.
  3048. Thanks to the many companies and organizations who have bought our Deluxe
  3049. Distribution package.
  3050. Thanks to Len Kagelmacher and Scott Ewing for helping the FSF coordinate all
  3051. the volunteers in the GNU Project.
  3052. Thanks to the Japan Unix Society for their large grant to support Hurd
  3053. development. For their assistance in Japan, thanks to: Nobuyuki Hikichi,
  3054. Mieko Hikichi, Ken'ichi Handa, Prof. Masayuki Ida, and Yukitoshi Fujimura.
  3055. Thanks to Addison-Wesley Publishers Japan Ltd., A.I. Soft, Village Center,
  3056. Inc., Shosen Book Tower, Shosen Grande, ASCII Corporation and many others in
  3057. Japan, for their continued donations and support.
  3058. Thanks to the Sun Users Group, PCI, and the USENIX Association, for donating
  3059. booths at their conferences. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped the GNU
  3060. Project at these and other conferences. Thanks to Wired Magazine and Barry
  3061. Meikle of the University of Toronto Bookstore for donating ad space in their
  3062. separate publications. Thanks again to the Open Software Foundation for
  3063. their continued support, and to Cygnus Support for assisting Project GNU in
  3064. many ways. Thanks to Warren A. Hunt, Jr. and Computational Logic, Inc. for
  3065. their donation and support. Thanks to Aalborg University for donating a
  3066. part-time programmer.
  3067. Thanks go out to all those who have either lent or donated machines,
  3068. including an anonymous donor for a 4mm DAT cartridge drive; IBM Corp. for an
  3069. Exabyte tape drive and an RS/6000; Hewlett-Packard for two 80486, six 68030
  3070. and four Spectrum computers; Brewster Kahle of Thinking Machines Corp. for a
  3071. Sun-4/110; CMU's Mach Project for a Sun-3/60; Intel Corp. for their 386
  3072. machine; NeXT for their workstation; the MIT Media Laboratory for a
  3073. Hewlett-Packard 68020; SONY Corp. and Software Research Associates, Inc.,
  3074. both of Tokyo, for three SONY News workstations; the MIT Laboratory of
  3075. Computer Science for the DEC MicroVAX; the Open Software Foundation for two
  3076. Compaq 386s; Delta Microsystems for an Exabyte tape drive; an anonymous donor
  3077. for 5 IBM RT/PCs; Liant Software Corp. for 5 VT100s; Jerry Peek for a 386
  3078. machine; NCD Corporation for an X terminal; Interleaf, Inc., for the loan of
  3079. a scanner; and Rocky Bernstein for much IBM RT hardware and manuals.
  3080. Thanks to all who have contributed ports & extensions, as well as all who
  3081. have sent in other source code, documentation, & good bug reports.
  3082. Thanks to all those who sent money and offered other kinds of help.
  3083. Thanks also to all those who support us by ordering manuals, distribution
  3084. tapes, diskettes, and CD-ROMs.
  3085. The creation of this bulletin is our way of thanking all who have expressed
  3086. interest in what we are doing.
  3087. Donations Translate Into Free Software
  3088. **************************************
  3089. If you appreciate Emacs, GNU CC, Ghostscript, and other free software, you
  3090. may wish to help us make sure there is more in the future--remember,
  3091. *donations translate into more free software!*
  3092. Your donation to us is tax-deductible in the United States. We gladly accept
  3093. *any* currency, although the U.S. dollar is the most convenient.
  3094. If your employer has a matching gifts program for charitable donations,
  3095. please arrange to have your donation matched by your employer (or, in some
  3096. cases, by Cygnus Support (see ``Cygnus Matches Donations!''). If you do not
  3097. know, please ask your personnel department. Also try and get the FSF listed
  3098. on the list of organizations for your company's matching gifts program.
  3099. $500 $250 $100 $50 other $________
  3100. Other currency:________
  3101. Circle the amount you are donating, cut out this form, and send it with your
  3102. donation to:
  3103. Free Software Foundation
  3104. 675 Massachusetts Avenue
  3105. Cambridge, MA 02139-3309
  3106. USA
  3107. You can charge a donation to any of Visa, Mastercard, JCB, Diner's Club, or
  3108. Carte Blanche. Charges may also be faxed to +1-617-492-9057; in Japan fax
  3109. to: 0031-13-2473 (KDD) or 0066-3382-0158 (IDC).
  3110. Card type: __________________ Expiration Date: _____________
  3111. Account Number: _____________________________________________
  3112. Your Signature: _____________________________________________
  3113. Cygnus Matches Donations!
  3114. *************************
  3115. To encourage cash donations to the Free Software Foundation, Cygnus Support
  3116. will continue to contribute corporate funds to FSF to accompany gifts by its
  3117. employees, and by its customers and their employees.
  3118. Donations payable to the Free Software Foundation should be sent by eligible
  3119. persons to Cygnus Support, which will add its gifts and forward the total to
  3120. the FSF each quarter. The FSF will provide the contributor with a receipt to
  3121. recognize the contribution (which is tax-deductible on U.S. tax returns).
  3122. For more information, please contact Cygnus at `info@cygnus.com.'
  3123. Cygnus Support
  3124. 1937 Landings Drive
  3125. Mountain View, CA 94043
  3126. USA
  3127. Telephone: 415-903-1400
  3128. +1-800-Cygnus1
  3129. Fax: 415-903-0122
  3130. Electronic-Mail: `info@cygnus.com'
  3131. FTP: `ftp.cygnus.com'
  3132. WWW: `http://www.cygnus.com/'
  3133. Free Software Foundation Order Form
  3134. ***********************************
  3135. All items are distributed with permission to copy and to redistribute.
  3136. Texinfo source for each manual and source for each reference card is on the
  3137. appropriate tape, diskette, or CD-ROM; the prices for these magnetic media do
  3138. not include printed documentation. All items are provided on an "as is"
  3139. basis, with no warranty of any kind. Please allow six weeks for delivery
  3140. (though it won't usually take that long).
  3142. Unix and VMS Software
  3143. ---------------------
  3144. The following tapes in the formats indicated (see "Tapes" for contents):
  3145. Please circle the dollar amount for each tape you order.
  3146. Reel to Sun (1) HP IBM (2) Exabyte DAT
  3147. reel RS/6000
  3148. Unix tar Unix tar Unix tar Unix tar Unix tar Unix tar
  3149. 9-track QIC-24 16-track QIC-150
  3150. 1600 bpi DC300XLP DC600HC DC600A
  3151. 1/2" reel 1/4" c.t. 1/4" c.t. 1/4" c.t. 8mm c.t. 4mm c.t.
  3152. (c.t. = cartridge tape)
  3153. Emacs $200 $210 $230 $215 (3) $205 $225
  3154. Languages $200 $210 $230 $215 $205 $225
  3155. Utilities $200 $210 $230 $215 $205 $225
  3156. 4.4BSD-Lite $200 $210 $230 $215 $205 $225
  3157. Scheme $200 $210 $230 $215 $205 $225
  3158. X11r5-Required $200 $210 $230 $215 $205 $225
  3159. X11r5-Optional $200 $210 $230 $215 $205 $225
  3160. X11r6-Required $200 $210 $230 $215 $205 $225
  3161. X11r6-Optional $200 $210 $230 $215 $205 $225
  3162. (1) Sun tapes can be read on some other Unix systems.
  3163. (2) IBM RS/6000 tapes can be read on some other Unix systems.
  3164. (3) The IBM Emacs tape also has binaries for GNU Emacs.
  3165. Subscriptions, 4 updates for one year (see "Tape & CD-ROM Subscription
  3166. Service"):
  3167. Emacs $600 $630 $690 $645 $615 $675
  3168. Languages $600 $630 $690 $645 $615 $675
  3169. Utilities $600 $630 $690 $645 $615 $675
  3170. X11r6-Required $600 $630 $690 $645 $615 $675
  3171. Subtotal $ ______ Please put total of the above circled amounts here.
  3172. The following, on 1600 bpi reel-to-reel 9 track 1/2" tapes, in VMS BACKUP
  3173. format (aka interchange format) (see "VMS Emacs and VMS Compiler Tapes"):
  3174. ____ @ $195 = $ ______ VMS Emacs, GNU Emacs source & executables only.
  3175. ____ @ $195 = $ ______ VMS Compiler, GCC, GAS, and Bison source and
  3176. executables only.
  3177. FSF Deluxe Distribution (see "The Deluxe Distribution"):
  3178. ____ @ $5000 = $ ______ The Deluxe Distribution, with manuals, etc.
  3179. Machine: _____________________________________________________________________
  3180. Operating system: ____________________________________________________________
  3181. Media type: __________________________________________________________________
  3182. CD-ROM, in ISO 9660 format (see "Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM"):
  3183. ____ @ $240 = $ ______ GNU Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM for
  3184. corporations and other organizations.
  3185. ____ @ $60 = $ ______ GNU Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM for individuals.
  3186. Source Code CD-ROM, in ISO 9660 format (see "May 1994 Source Code CD-ROM"):
  3187. *** NEW !!! ***
  3188. ____ @ $400 = $ ______ GNU Source Code CD-ROM, May 1994 edition with X11r6,
  3189. for corporations and other organizations. NEW !!!
  3190. ____ @ $100 = $ ______ GNU Source Code CD-ROM, May 1994 edition with X11r6,
  3191. for individuals. NEW !!!
  3192. Source Code CD-ROM, in ISO 9660 format (see "November 1993 Source Code
  3193. CD-ROM"):
  3194. *** PRICE REDUCED !!! ***
  3195. ____ @ $260 = $ ______ GNU Source Code CD-ROM, November 1993 edition with
  3196. X11r5, for corporations & other organizations.
  3197. PRICE REDUCED !!!
  3198. ____ @ $65 = $ ______ GNU Source Code CD-ROM, November 1993 edition with
  3199. X11r5, for individuals. PRICE REDUCED !!!
  3200. Subscriptions, next 4 updates, of the Source Code CD-ROM, in ISO 9660 format
  3201. (see "Tape & CD-ROM Subscription Service"):
  3202. ____ @ $1200 = $ ______ Subscription to the GNU Source Code CD-ROM for
  3203. corporations and other organizations.
  3204. ____ @ $300 = $ ______ Subscription to the GNU Source Code CD-ROM for
  3205. individuals.
  3206. MS-DOS Software
  3207. ---------------
  3208. The following source and executables for MS-DOS, on 3.5" 1.44MB diskettes
  3209. (see "MS-DOS Distribution"):
  3210. *** BEING UPDATED !!! ***
  3211. ____ @ $ 90 = $ ______ Emacs diskettes, GNU Emacs, for 80386 and up.
  3212. BEING UPDATED !!!
  3213. ____ @ $ 80 = $ ______ DJGPP diskettes, GCC version 2, for 80386 and up
  3214. (also on the "Compiler Tools Binaries CD-ROM").
  3215. ____ @ $ 85 = $ ______ Selected Utilities diskettes, 8086 and up.
  3216. ____ @ $ 40 = $ ______ Windows diskette, GNU Chess and gnuplot for
  3217. Microsoft Windows.
  3218. Manuals
  3219. -------
  3220. The following manuals (see "GNU Documentation"):
  3221. ____ @ $ 25 = $ ______ GNU Emacs version 19 manual, unit price for 1 to 5
  3222. copies, about 418 pages, new 9th edition with a
  3223. reference card.
  3224. ____ @ $ 17 = $ ______ GNU Emacs version 19 manuals, unit price for 6 or
  3225. more.
  3226. *** UPDATED !!! ***
  3227. ____ @ $ 50 = $ ______ GNU Emacs Lisp Reference version 19 manual, about
  3228. 756 pages in 2 volumes. UPDATED for Emacs 19.23!!
  3229. ____ @ $200 = $ ______ A box of 5 GNU Emacs Lisp Reference version 19
  3230. manuals. UPDATED for Emacs 19.23!!
  3231. *** UPDATED !!! ***
  3232. ____ @ $ 50 = $ ______ Using and Porting GNU CC version 2.5, about 428
  3233. pages. UPDATED !!!
  3234. ____ @ $ 50 = $ ______ GNU C Library Reference Manual, about 670 pages.
  3235. ____ @ $ 50 = $ ______ GNU Emacs Calc manual, about 596 pages, with a
  3236. reference card.
  3237. ____ @ $ 20 = $ ______ Debugging with GDB, about 182 pages, with a reference
  3238. card.
  3239. *** UPDATED !!! ***
  3240. ____ @ $ 20 = $ ______ Texinfo manual, about 248 pages. UPDATED !!!
  3241. ____ @ $ 20 = $ ______ Gawk manual, about 188 pages.
  3242. ____ @ $ 20 = $ ______ Make manual, about 158 pages.
  3243. ____ @ $ 20 = $ ______ Bison manual, about 98 pages, with a reference card.
  3244. ____ @ $ 20 = $ ______ Flex manual, about 124 pages, with a reference card.
  3245. ____ @ $ 15 = $ ______ Termcap manual, 68 pages.
  3246. Older Manuals
  3247. -------------
  3248. ____ @ $ 25 = $ ______ GNU Emacs version 18 manual, unit price for 1 to 5
  3249. copies, about 410 pages, with a reference card.
  3250. ____ @ $ 17 = $ ______ GNU Emacs version 18 manuals, unit price for 6 or
  3251. more.
  3252. ____ @ $ 50 = $ ______ GNU Emacs Lisp Reference version 18 manual, about
  3253. 614 pages in 2 volumes.
  3254. ____ @ $200 = $ ______ A box of 5 GNU Emacs Lisp Reference version 18
  3255. manuals.
  3256. Reference Cards
  3257. ---------------
  3258. The following reference cards, unit price, without the manuals:
  3259. ____ @ $ 2 = $ ______ GNU Emacs version 18 reference card.
  3260. ____ @ $ 2 = $ ______ GNU Emacs version 19 reference card.
  3261. ____ @ $ 2 = $ ______ GNU Emacs Calc reference card.
  3262. ____ @ $ 2 = $ ______ GDB reference card.
  3263. ____ @ $ 2 = $ ______ Bison reference card.
  3264. ____ @ $ 2 = $ ______ Flex reference card.
  3265. The following reference cards, in packets of ten:
  3266. ____ @ $ 10 = $ ______ GNU Emacs version 18 reference cards.
  3267. ____ @ $ 10 = $ ______ GNU Emacs version 19 reference cards.
  3268. ____ @ $ 10 = $ ______ GNU Emacs Calc reference cards.
  3269. ____ @ $ 10 = $ ______ GDB reference cards.
  3270. ____ @ $ 10 = $ ______ Bison reference cards.
  3271. ____ @ $ 10 = $ ______ Flex reference cards.
  3272. T-shirts
  3273. --------
  3274. GNU/FSF T-shirts, thick 100% cotton (see "FSF T-shirt"):
  3275. The back of the t-shirt, which used to be blank, now has a copy of the GNU
  3276. General Public License on it.
  3277. ____ @ $ 15 = $ ______ Size M ____ natural ____ black.
  3278. ____ @ $ 15 = $ ______ Size L ____ natural ____ black.
  3279. ____ @ $ 15 = $ ______ Size XL ____ natural ____ black.
  3280. ____ @ $ 15 = $ ______ Size XXL ____ natural ____ black.
  3281. ------
  3282. Subtotal $ ______
  3283. Tax and Shipping Costs
  3284. ----------------------
  3285. + $ ______ In Massachusetts: add 5% sales tax, or give tax
  3286. exempt number.
  3287. + $ ______ In Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico for shipping:
  3288. for GNU Emacs Lisp Reference and GNU Emacs Calc
  3289. manuals, add $5 each, or $20 per box. For all other
  3290. items, add $5 base charge, then $1 per item except
  3291. reference cards; i.e.,
  3292. shipping for all other items = $5 + $1 * n.
  3293. Add $20 for each tape or CD-ROM subscription.
  3294. + $ ______ Outside of U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico for
  3295. shipping: Add $20 base charge, and then add $10
  3296. more for *each* item (except reference cards) in the
  3297. order; i.e.,
  3298. shipping for all other items = $20 + $10 * n.
  3299. Add $120 for each tape or CD-ROM subscription.
  3300. + $ ______ Optional (tax-deductible in the U.S.) donation.
  3301. ------
  3302. TOTAL $ ______ We pay for shipping via UPS ground transportation in
  3303. the contiguous 48 states and Canada.
  3304. Shipping Information
  3305. --------------------
  3306. Name: ________________________________________________________________________
  3307. Mail Stop/Dept. Name: ________________________________________________________
  3308. Organization: ________________________________________________________________
  3309. Street Address: ______________________________________________________________
  3310. City/State/Province: _________________________________________________________
  3311. Zip Code/Postal Code/Country: ________________________________________________
  3312. Telephone number in case of a problem with your order.
  3313. For international orders, please include a FAX number. _______________________
  3314. Orders filled only upon receipt of check, money order or credit card order in
  3315. U.S. dollars. Unpaid orders will be returned to the sender. We do not have
  3316. the staff to handle the billing of unpaid orders. Please help keep our lives
  3317. simple by including your payment with your order.
  3318. For orders from outside the U.S.:
  3319. Orders must be paid in U.S. dollars. You are responsible for paying all
  3320. duties, tariffs, and taxes. If you refuse to pay the charges, the shipper
  3321. will return or abandon the order.
  3322. Please make checks payable to the "Free Software Foundation".
  3323. For Credit Card Orders:
  3324. The Free Software Foundation takes these credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, JCB,
  3325. Diner's Club, and Carte Blanche. Please note that we are charged about 5% of
  3326. an order's total amount in credit card processing fees. Please consider
  3327. paying by check instead, or adding on a 5% donation to make up the difference.
  3328. To place a credit card order, please give us this information:
  3329. Card type: ___________________________________________________________________
  3330. Account Number: ______________________________________________________________
  3331. Expiration Date: _____________________________________________________________
  3332. Your Signature: ______________________________________________________________
  3333. For wire transfers orders: Call or write us for details.
  3334. Please mail orders to: Free Software Foundation
  3335. 675 Massachusetts Avenue
  3336. Version: June 1994 ASCII to USENET Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
  3337. +1-617-876-3296
  3338. FAX: +1-617-492-9057
  3339. FAX numbers in Japan:
  3341. WITHOUT NOTICE AFTER January 31, 1995. 0066-3382-0158 (IDC)
  3342. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3343. -------
  3344. Free Software Foundation, Inc | |
  3345. Electronic Mail: gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu | stamp |
  3346. 675 Massachusetts Avenue | |
  3347. Cambridge, MA 02139-3309 | here |
  3348. USA | |
  3349. -------
  3350. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3351. enjoy -gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu
  3352. Member of the League for Programming Freedom.
  3353. To find out how software patents will cost you your right to program
  3354. ask <lpf@uunet.uu.net> via e-mail.