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  1. <!-- This HTML file has been created by texi2html 1.30
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  3. <TITLE>GNU's Bulletin, vol. 1 no. 5</TITLE>
  4. <H1>GNU's Bulletin, vol. 1 no. 5</H1>
  5. <HR>
  6. <H1><A NAME="SEC1" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC1">GNU's Bulletin June, 1988</A></H1>
  7. <P>
  8. GNU's Bulletin is the sporadically published newsletter of the <BR>
  9. Free Software Foundation, bringing you news about the GNU project.
  10. <P>
  11. <B>Please note:</B> we have moved to a new address as of late 1987: <BR>
  12. Free Software Foundation, Inc.<BR>
  13. 675 Massachusetts Avenue<BR>
  14. Cambridge, MA 02139 USA<BR>
  15. Telephone: (617) 876-3296 <BR>
  16. Electronic mail: gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu <BR>
  17. <P>
  18. <HR>
  19. <P>
  20. <H1><A NAME="SEC3" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC3">GNU's Who</A></H1>
  21. <P>
  22. A lot of new people have recently arrived at the GNU project. <B>Nobuyuki</B>
  23. and <B>Mieko</B> <B>Hikichi</B> are on loan to us from Software Research
  24. Associates in Tokyo, where Nobu works as a programmer and Mieko as a
  25. technical writer. At FSF, Nobu is extending GDB with a C interpreter that
  26. he is writing. Mieko is helping user-test GNU documentation and is
  27. translating some of it into Japanese. <B>Diane Barlow Close</B>, our first
  28. full time technical writer, is preparing a manual for Gawk (GNU's `awk'
  29. interpreter). <B>Mike Haertel</B> and <B>Pete TerMaat</B> have joined us for the
  30. summer from St. Olaf College in Minnesota. Mike's first project for us is
  31. writing a new `egrep' program using sophisticated algorithms that he has
  32. developed. Pete is working on other utilities.
  33. <P>
  34. Meanwhile, <B>Brian Fox</B> has moved to UC Santa Barbara until at least the
  35. end of this year, but is still working for us. He recently completed the
  36. Bourne Again Shell (a `sh' imitation) and is extending it to be like the
  37. Korn Shell. <B>Jay Fenlason</B> is adding features for remote dumping to the
  38. GNU tar program, and maintains other utilities including the GNU assembler.
  39. <P>
  40. <B>Opus Goldstein</B> is our jack-of-all-trades office staff. If you call our
  41. office, she is the one who answers. She fills the orders, and handles the
  42. day-to-day operations of the Foundation. <B>Robert Chassell</B> is our
  43. Treasurer and deals with corporate issues not related to programming. In
  44. addition, he recently rewrote and expanded the Texinfo manual and has just
  45. started an Emacs Lisp Programmers Manual.
  46. <P>
  47. <B>Richard Stallman</B> continues to do countless tasks, including refining
  48. the C compiler, GDB, GNU Emacs, etc. and their documentation. <B>Paul
  49. Rubin</B> has made it his life's ambition to graduate UC Berkeley before
  50. turning 100, but is also writing a graphic editing extension for GNU Emacs.
  51. Finally, <B>Len Tower</B> continues to handle electronic administrivia
  52. (mailing lists, information requests, and system mothering).
  53. <P>
  54. <HR>
  55. <P>
  56. <H3><A NAME="SEC4" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC4">GNU's Bulletin</A></H3>
  57. <P>
  58. Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  59. <P>
  60. Written by: Leonard H. Tower Jr., Paul Rubin, Robert Chassell, Richard
  61. Stallman and Opus Goldstein
  62. <P>
  63. Illustrations: Etienne Suvasa
  64. <P>
  66. Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim
  67. copies of this document as received, in any medium, provided that
  68. the copyright notice and permission notice are preserved, and
  69. that the distributor grants the recipient permission for further
  70. redistribution as permitted by this notice.
  72. <P>
  73. <H1><A NAME="SEC5" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC5">What Is the Free Software Foundation?</A></H1>
  74. <P>
  75. The Free Software Foundation is dedicated to eliminating restrictions
  76. on copying, redistribution, understanding and modification of computer
  77. programs. We do this by promoting the development and use of free
  78. software in all areas of computer use. Specifically, we are putting
  79. together a complete integrated software system called "GNU" (GNU's
  80. Not Unix) that will be upward compatible with Unix. Some large parts
  81. of this system are already working and we are distributing them now.
  82. <P>
  83. The word "free" in our name refers to two specific freedoms: first, the
  84. freedom to copy a program and give it away to your friends and co-workers;
  85. second, the freedom to change a program as you wish, by having full access
  86. to source code. Furthermore, you can study the source and learn how such
  87. programs are written. You may then be able to port it, improve it, and
  88. share your changes with others.
  89. <P>
  90. There are other organizations which distribute whatever free software
  91. happens to be available. By contrast, the FSF concentrates on development
  92. of new free software, building toward a GNU system complete enough to
  93. eliminate the need to purchase a proprietary system.
  94. <P>
  95. Besides developing GNU, the Foundation has secondary functions: producing
  96. tapes and printed manuals of GNU software, carrying out distribution, and
  97. accepting gifts to support GNU development. We are tax exempt; you can
  98. deduct donations to us on your tax returns. Our development effort is
  99. funded partly from donations and partly from distribution fees. Note that
  100. the distribution fees are for exactly the service of distribution: you
  101. never have to pay anyone license fees to use GNU software, and you always
  102. have the freedom to make your copy from a friend's computer at no charge
  103. (provided your friend is willing).
  104. <P>
  105. The Foundation also maintains a Service Directory: a list of people who offer
  106. service for pay to individual users of GNU programs and systems. Service can
  107. mean answering questions for new users, customizing programs, porting to new
  108. systems, or anything else. Contact us if you want to be listed.
  109. <P>
  110. After we create our programs, we continually update and improve them. We
  111. release between 2 and 20 updates a year, for various programs. Doing this
  112. while developing new programs takes a lot of work, so any donations of
  113. pertinent source code and documentation, machines, labor or money are always
  114. appreciated.
  115. <P>
  116. <H1><A NAME="SEC6" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC6">What is Copyleft?</A></H1>
  117. <P>
  118. In the article "What Is The Free Software Foundation", we
  119. state that "you never have to pay anyone license fees to use GNU
  120. software, and you always have the freedom to make your copy from a
  121. friend's computer at no charge." What exactly do we mean by this,
  122. and how do we make sure that it stays true?
  123. <P>
  124. The simplest way to make a program free is to put it in the public domain.
  125. Then people who get it from sharers can share it with others. But bad
  126. citizens can also do what they like to do: sell binary-only versions under
  127. typical don't-share-with-your-neighbor licenses. They would thus enjoy the
  128. benefits of the freeness of the original program while withholding these
  129. benefits from the users. It could easily come about that most users get
  130. the program this way, and our goal of making the program free for
  131. <EM>all</EM> users would have been undermined.
  132. <P>
  133. To prevent this from happening, we don't normally place GNU programs in the
  134. public domain. Instead, we protect them by what we call <DFN>copylefts</DFN>.
  135. A copyleft is a legal instrument that makes everybody free to copy a
  136. program as long as the person getting the copy gets with it the freedom to
  137. distribute further copies, and the freedom to modify their copy (which
  138. means that they must get access to the source code). Typical software
  139. companies use copyrights to take away these freedoms; now we software
  140. sharers use copylefts to preserve these freedoms.
  141. <P>
  142. The copyleft used by the GNU project is made from a combination of a
  143. copyright notice and the <DFN>GNU General Public License</DFN>. The
  144. copyright notice is the usual kind. The General Public License is a
  145. copying license which basically says that you have the freedoms we
  146. want you to have and that you can't take these freedoms away from
  147. anyone else. (The actual document consists of several pages of rather
  148. complicated legalbol that our lawyer said we needed.) A copy of the
  149. complete license is included in all GNU source code distributions and
  150. many manuals, and we will send you a printed copy on request.
  151. <P>
  152. <H2><A NAME="SEC7" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC7">Open Software Foundation</A></H2>
  153. <P>
  154. We were saddened to read recently that a group of large computer companies
  155. has started a well-funded organization called the "Open Software
  156. Foundation". Due to the similarity of names, some of the public think
  157. that they must be working on a free imitation of Unix similar to GNU, and
  158. are curious whether we and they can work together. Some people said that
  159. they thought the Open Software Foundation was connected with us already.
  160. <P>
  161. Unfortunately, the Open Software Foundation plans to develop yet another
  162. proprietary operating system, which makes cooperation unlikely. They are
  163. not doing anything to hinder us, but we are sad that they did not choose to
  164. join us. However, the Open Software Foundation is just being organized and
  165. we hope that the founders will decide to adopt more sensible and
  166. far-sighted policies, at least for parts of the system.
  167. <P>
  168. <H1><A NAME="SEC8" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC8">GNU's Flashes (11 June 1988)</A></H1>
  169. <P>
  170. <UL>
  171. <LI>
  172. <B>Some parts of BSD are becoming free</B>
  173. <P>
  174. After years of urging from us and others, the people who maintain
  175. Berkeley Unix have decided to release various parts of it (those which
  176. don't contain AT&#38;T code) separately as free software. This includes
  177. substantial programs which we hope to use in GNU, such as TCP/IP
  178. support and possibly the C-shell.
  179. <P>
  180. Also, the next release of Berkeley Unix may contain Make, AWK and SH from
  181. the GNU project instead of those from Unix. The reason is that they would
  182. like to have improvements in these programs like those in system V.3; but
  183. they find the new restrictions on V.3 licenses unpalatable. Both we and
  184. they hope they never get a V.3 license. We may help them avoid it by
  185. providing alternative software.
  186. <P>
  187. GNU Make already supports the system V features; David Trueman is now
  188. nearly done writing the extensions for Gawk, and Brian Fox is writing
  189. the shell extensions.
  190. <P>
  191. <LI>
  192. <B>People are giving us machines</B>
  193. <P>
  194. We expect this month to receive five computers as donations and long-term
  195. loans. Software Research Associates of Tokyo is donating a 68020
  196. workstation. SONY is lending another of them. The MACH project at CMU has
  197. lent a Sun 3/60. And, most interestingly, AT&#38;T Bell Laboratories is
  198. lending us two 68010 boxes for technical writing.
  199. <P>
  200. <LI>
  201. <B>Termcap Manual is here</B>
  202. <P>
  203. The Foundation recently published a manual on how to write display-oriented
  204. programs using the Termcap library. Both Unix Termcap and the extended GNU
  205. version are described. The manual was written by Richard Stallman after
  206. his experiences using Termcap in GNU Emacs and is a more thorough
  207. programmer's reference than any previously existing Termcap manual.
  208. Texinfo source is included in the GNU Emacs distribution as of version
  209. 18.51, or you can order a printed copy using the order form on the inside
  210. back cover of this bulletin.
  211. <P>
  212. <LI>
  213. <B>A manual for Bison is coming</B>
  214. <P>
  215. Dick Karpinski of UCSF offered a prize of $1000 for a usable draft of a
  216. manual for Bison (our imitation of yacc). Chuck Donnelly responded with a
  217. draft which we are now turning into a final version.
  218. <P>
  219. <LI>
  220. <B>Ghostscript status</B>
  221. <P>
  222. Ghostscript, the free Postscript for GNU, is about to be handed over
  223. to us. However, it does not include support for X windows. We will
  224. be working on implementing such support this summer.
  225. <P>
  226. <LI>
  227. <B>Information about 80386 Floppies Available after August 1</B>
  228. <P>
  229. After August 1, information will be available from the Free Software
  230. Foundation office about floppy diskettes for Unix or Unix-clone 80386
  231. machines. The information will not be ready before then. Please be
  232. patient and hold off your requests.
  233. <P>
  234. <LI>
  235. <B>Changes in General Public License</B>
  236. <P>
  237. In March, 1988, we changed the GNU Public License for GNU Emacs, GDB, GCC
  238. and other GNU programs. (The article "What is Copyleft?", on p. 4,
  239. describes the ideas behind the General Public License.) The changes
  240. consist of a clarification and some relaxations:
  241. <P>
  242. <UL>
  243. <LI>
  244. You can distribute GNU software and proprietary software on the same
  245. tape or disk. (This was always intended to be permitted, but some people
  246. weren't sure from the old wording.)
  247. <P>
  248. <LI>
  249. If you distribute binaries without sources, your written offer to
  250. distribute the corresponding sources at a later date now needs to be valid
  251. only for three years.
  252. <P>
  253. <LI>
  254. If you receive binaries without sources, and you redistribute the binaries
  255. noncommercially, you don't have to pass on a copy of the written offer to
  256. get sources; it's enough to pass on the information of who made the offer.
  257. This is so you can redistribute the binaries electronically without paper.
  258. <P>
  259. <LI>
  260. You can distribute an executable linked with system libraries even if you
  261. can't distribute the source for those system libraries. (Everyone is
  262. already doing this, and it seems like a reasonable thing to do.)
  263. <P>
  264. </UL>
  265. <P>
  266. Please see the actual document if you want more details.
  267. <P>
  268. Sometimes people ask us for permission to copy the GNU copying terms for
  269. software they are writing. They ask because they see that the
  270. <TT>`COPYING'</TT> file is copyrighted.
  271. <P>
  272. Please go ahead and do it. As far as we are concerned, the more people who
  273. use these terms or similar terms, the better. The reason for copyrighting
  274. the <TT>`COPYING'</TT> file is because we don't want people modifying it and
  275. making altered versions that purport to be the copying terms <I>for GNU
  276. software</I>.
  277. <P>
  278. </UL>
  279. <P>
  280. <H2><A NAME="SEC9" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC9">GNU Wish List</A></H2>
  281. <P>
  282. Wishes for this issue are for:
  283. <P>
  284. <UL>
  285. <P>
  286. <LI>
  287. Money, as always. Please remember, donations are tax-deductible. With the
  288. latest donations, we have been able to expand our staff. Sizeable
  289. donations will make you a "Friend of GNU"; ask us for more information.
  290. <P>
  291. One way to give us a small amount of money is to order a distribution tape
  292. or two. This may not count as a donation for tax purposes, but for many
  293. people it can qualify as a business expense.
  294. <P>
  295. <LI>
  296. Volunteers to help write utilities and documentation. One important
  297. programming project is porting the GNU assembler to the 80386;
  298. documentation particularly needed includes manuals for `sh' and `csh'. For
  299. other projects, ask for a copy of our task list.
  300. <P>
  301. </UL>
  302. <P>
  303. <H1><A NAME="SEC10" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC10">Special Report: Apple's New Look and Feel</A></H1>
  304. <P>
  305. You might have read about the new look-and-feel copyright lawsuit,
  306. Apple vs. Hewlett Packard and Microsoft. Apple claims the power to
  307. stop people from writing any program that works even vaguely like a
  308. Macintosh. If they and other look-and-feel plaintiffs triumph, they
  309. will use this new power over the public to put an end to free software
  310. that could substitute for commercial software.
  311. <P>
  312. In the weeks after the suit was filed, USENET reverberated with
  313. condemnation for Apple. GNU supporters Richard Stallman, John Gilmore, and
  314. Paul Rubin decided to take action against Apple's no-longer-deserved
  315. reputation as a force for progress. Apple's reputation comes from having
  316. made better computers; but now, Apple is working to make all non-Apple
  317. computers worse. If this deprives the public of the future work of many
  318. companies, the harm done would be many times the good that any one company
  319. does. Our hope was that if the user community realizes how destructive
  320. Apple's present actions are, Apple would lose customers and have more
  321. trouble finding employees.
  322. <P>
  323. Our method of action was to print 5000 buttons that say "Keep Your Lawyers
  324. Off My Computer" and hand them out at the West Coast Computer Faire. The
  325. center of the button shows the rainbow-apple logo with a Gigeresque mouth
  326. full of ferocious teeth. The picture was drawn by Etienne Suvasa, who also
  327. drew the cover for the GNU Emacs manual. We call the picture "Apple's New
  328. Look and Feel".
  329. <P>
  330. We gave out nearly 4000 buttons at the show (saving the rest for
  331. afterwards). The result was a great success: the extent of anger at Apple
  332. was apparent to everyone at the show. Many of the invited speakers at the
  333. show wore our buttons, spoke about them, or even waved them from the
  334. podium. The press noticed this: at least one Macintosh user's magazine
  335. carried a photo of the button afterwards.
  336. <P>
  337. Some of you may be considering using, buying, or recommending Macintoshes;
  338. you might even be writing programs for them or thinking about it. Please
  339. think twice and look for an alternative. Doing those things means more
  340. success for Apple, and this could encourage Apple to persist in its
  341. aggression. It also encourages other companies to try similar
  342. obstructionism.
  343. <P>
  344. You might think that your current project "needs" a Macintosh now. If
  345. you find yourself thinking this way, consider the far future. You probably
  346. plan to be alive a year or two from now, and working on some other project.
  347. You will want to get good computers for that, too. But an Apple monopoly
  348. could easily make the price of such computers at that time several times
  349. what it would otherwise be. Your decision to use some other kind of
  350. machine, or to defer your purchases now, might make sure that the machines
  351. your next project needs are affordable when you need them.
  352. <P>
  353. Newspapers report that Macintosh clones will be available soon. If
  354. you must buy a Macintosh-like machine, buy a clone. Don't feed the
  355. lawyers!
  356. <P>
  357. <H1><A NAME="SEC11" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC11">GNU in Japan</A></H1>
  358. by Mieko Hikichi
  359. <P>
  360. [Editor's Note: this is condensed from a talk Mieko will give at
  361. the GNU BOF at the San Francisco USENIX conference].
  362. <P>
  363. My name is Mieko Hikichi. I have stayed in Boston since March with my
  364. husband, Nobuyuki Hikichi, who is working on the GNU C Interpreter.
  365. SRA has sent both of us to visit the Free Software Foundation for six
  366. months or maybe a year. Naturally, all our expenses are paid by our
  367. company including salary, apartment rent, and so on because our work
  368. is charitable.
  369. <P>
  370. At the Foundation, I am helping make the GNU project better known
  371. among Japanese users by translating documentation into Japanese and
  372. acting as a HOT LINE between GNU and Japan. Another thing I do is
  373. translate information about GNU software releases and broadcast it to
  374. Japan.
  375. <P>
  376. <B>Use of GNU Software in Japan</B>
  377. <P>
  378. To learn how GNU software is being used in Japan, I recently posted a
  379. questionnaire to news there. I believe that it produced important
  380. information about users' opinions, so I plan to send more
  381. questionnaires regularly and will post the results to news. It asked
  382. users where they had heard about GNU, which GNU programs they were
  383. using, what they thought of the manuals, what they had done to improve
  384. GNU software, and what they would like to see done next.
  385. <P>
  386. Many had heard about GNU from friends and colleagues;
  387. others, at the Japan Unix Society Symposium, on JUNET news,
  388. from "books in the field of computing society", and "from having
  389. used TOPS-20 Emacs." Every respondent used GNU Emacs, but
  390. unexpectedly only a few used GCC and GDB. A few also used Hack,
  391. Bison, and GNU Chess.
  392. <P>
  393. Regarding manuals, there seemed to be two kinds of users. One kind
  394. likes to study manuals carefully, learning in detail how to use the
  395. programs. The other likes to start using the program immediately
  396. making minimal use of the manual. The latter kind are unsatisfied
  397. with the current (English) manuals; they definitely need manuals in
  398. Japanese. Also, Texinfo gave some people trouble because they don't
  399. have TeX, or because Info is too slow to use on their
  400. heavily-loaded machines.
  401. <P>
  402. Two Japanese versions of GNU Emacs have been made: Nemacs, by
  403. Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL), and SX/A Emacs, by Pana Facom Usac
  404. (PFU). 71% of the respondents use one of these versions. They hope
  405. that official releases of GNU programs will support Japanese
  406. characters.
  407. <P>
  408. What would they like to see done next? They are mainly interested in
  409. the development of the basic software, and also the software
  410. environment, which must have a sense of balance and a well thought out
  411. user interface. There is a high level of interest in a GNU kernel.
  412. <P>
  413. Thus, I think of the following as my homework: to announce my
  414. availability as a pipe between GNU, U.S.A. and Japan, and to encourage
  415. volunteers from Japan to help with GNU.
  416. <P>
  417. <H1><A NAME="SEC12" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC12">GNU Project Status Report</A></H1>
  418. Last updated 11 June 1988<BR>
  419. <P>
  420. This article gives the current status of most of major GNU programs. For
  421. other news about the project, see the "GNU's Flashes" section on p. 5.
  422. <P>
  423. <H3><A NAME="SEC13" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC13">GNU Emacs</A></H3>
  424. <P>
  425. GNU Emacs 18 is now being distributed. It is in wide use on several
  426. kinds of BSD 4.2 systems and on system V, VMS and Apollo Domain.
  427. Version 18.51, the current version, adds support for the 80386, the
  428. Sun 4, the Convex, the IRIS 4d and the HP 9000 series 800; also
  429. support for system V.3. A few bugs that remain will be fixed in
  430. 18.52, available soon. RMS has started merging new features into
  431. version 19, which may be released late this year.
  432. <P>
  433. Berkeley is distributing GNU Emacs with the 4.3 distribution, and several
  434. computer manufacturers are distributing it with Unix systems.
  435. <P>
  436. <H3><A NAME="SEC14" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC14">Shells</A></H3>
  437. <P>
  438. Brian Fox has now completed the Bourne Again shell, an imitation of
  439. the Unix `sh'. His next project is to extend it to an imitation of the
  440. Korn shell.
  441. <P>
  442. There is a good chance that the csh from BSD will be declared free
  443. software by Berkeley, so we won't need to write that.
  444. <P>
  445. <H3><A NAME="SEC15" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC15">Kernel</A></H3>
  446. <P>
  447. We hope to use the MACH message-passing kernel being developed at CMU. The
  448. current version of MACH is not free, and cannot be, because it contains a
  449. lot of AT&#38;T Unix code. However, the MACH developers say that all this will
  450. be replaced with free code and that MACH will be free then.
  451. <P>
  452. The MACH people say that in a month or two certain new features (call-outs
  453. from the kernel to user code) should be ready that will enable us to start
  454. working on replacing some of these parts with new code.
  455. <P>
  456. If MACH does not become available, then we will probably develop the GNU
  457. kernel starting with either MIT's TRIX kernel or Berkeley's Sprite system.
  458. TRIX is a remote procedure call kernel which runs and supports basic Unix
  459. compatibility at about the level of version 7. So it needs a lot of
  460. additional features. Sprite is mostly at the architectural level of BSD
  461. Unix, but with a fancy distributed file system and process migration.
  462. <P>
  463. One thing we are considering is adapting the file system from Berkeley's
  464. Sprite kernel for use in MACH. This file system was designed from the
  465. beginning to work in a distributed manner. The file system is the largest
  466. part of MACH that needs replacement, now that the Berkeley TCP/IP code,
  467. also used in MACH, has been declared free.
  468. <P>
  469. <H3><A NAME="SEC16" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC16">Debugger</A></H3>
  470. <P>
  471. The GNU source-level C debugger, GDB, is now being distributed along with
  472. Emacs version 18. The current release is version 2.6, which runs under BSD
  473. 4.2 and 4.3 on Vaxes, Suns, and some 32000 systems. It can also run
  474. stand-alone so we can use it to debug the kernel. An over-the-ethernet
  475. debugging mode may be added. Work is being done on debugging of multiple
  476. process parallel programs. GDB can also read COFF format executables, at
  477. least on Encore systems; but it seems to have trouble with COFF on actual
  478. system V.
  479. <P>
  480. In general, support for COFF isn't important for the GNU project, since we
  481. are going to use the BSD object file format in GNU.
  482. <P>
  483. <H3><A NAME="SEC17" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC17">C Compiler</A></H3>
  484. <P>
  485. The GNU C compiler GCC is now nearly reliable. It supports the May 1988
  486. draft of ANSI C and produces considerably better code than commercial
  487. optimizing compilers we have compared it with. Enough internal
  488. documentation is included for people interested in retargeting the compiler
  489. to other CPUs to do so.
  490. <P>
  491. People are still reporting bugs, but they also say they think there are
  492. fewer bugs than in commercial compilers. New test releases appear about
  493. once a month; these are announced on the <CODE>info-gcc</CODE> electronic mailing
  494. list. Send mail to <CODE>mit-eddie!prep.ai.mit.edu!info-gcc-request</CODE> if
  495. you want to join this list.
  496. <P>
  497. A review comparing GCC with two commercial C compilers appeared in the
  498. March, 1988 issue of Unix Review magazine.
  499. <P>
  500. Several features have recently been added which allow GNU C to support
  501. many RISC chips. This was done on commission from the University
  502. of California, where the team designing the SPUR chip wanted a good
  503. compiler. The SPUR machine description is now in the distribution.
  504. <P>
  505. Since then, work has been done on porting to several other RISC chips.
  506. A port to the SPARC (Sun 4) is nearly completed. Work is also being
  507. done on a Gould machine (don't ask me which), the Motorola 88000 and
  508. perhaps others.
  509. <P>
  510. Several other ports of GNU C are done or are in progress:
  511. <P>
  512. <UL>
  513. <LI>
  514. <B>80386</B>
  515. <P>
  516. An 80386 port has been written, and is now being cleaned up. It should be
  517. available within a month. (Please don't ask about it; just watch for an
  518. announcement.)
  519. <P>
  520. <LI>
  521. <B>VAX/VMS</B>
  522. <P>
  523. Fed up with the deficiencies of the VMS C compiler, David Kashtan
  524. from SRI decided to spend a couple of weeks and make GNU C run on
  525. VMS. After making considerable changes to satisfy the VMS C compiler,
  526. he got it running and was able to take most of the changes out.
  527. The VMS support code is now part of the regular compiler distribution.
  528. <P>
  529. The ordinary VMS C compiler (even if you have it) has bugs and cannot
  530. compile GNU C: you need an executable of GNU C. We now offer mag tapes
  531. containing VMS binaries of GNU C (as well as sources) so you can get
  532. started.
  533. <P>
  534. Please don't ask us to devote more effort to VMS support.
  535. See the "Machines and Systems" section of this article.
  536. <P>
  537. <LI>
  538. <B>IBM 370 and RT/PC</B>
  539. <P>
  540. Work is going on for the IBM 370 and the RT/PC, but these machines have
  541. troublesome architectures and it isn't yet certain whether GNU C can handle
  542. them fully without significant new features.
  543. <P>
  544. </UL>
  545. <P>
  546. <H3><A NAME="SEC18" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC18">Compiler-related programs</A></H3>
  547. <P>
  548. The following programs related or used with the compiler are also
  549. now in distribution:
  550. <P>
  551. <UL>
  552. <LI>
  553. <B>GNU C<CODE>++</CODE></B>
  554. <P>
  555. Michael Tiemann of MCC has written a C<CODE>++</CODE> compiler (sometimes called
  556. "G<CODE>++</CODE>") as an extension of GNU C. This is the first compiler that
  557. compiles C<CODE>++</CODE> directly instead of preprocessing it into C.
  558. <P>
  559. G<CODE>++</CODE> comes with GDB<CODE>+</CODE>, a version of GDB that supports
  560. C<CODE>++</CODE> class operations in its expression evaluator. When GDB<CODE>+</CODE>
  561. is more stable, it will be merged with regular GDB.
  562. <P>
  563. G<CODE>++</CODE> can be ftp'd over the Arpanet and is being tested at several
  564. sites. It now appears to be approaching reliability. We plan to merge it
  565. into the C compiler distribution in June.
  566. <P>
  567. <LI>
  568. <B>C library</B>
  569. <P>
  570. Roland McGrath, who contributed a great deal to GNU Make, has a nearly
  571. complete set of ANSI C library functions. These join the GNU malloc,
  572. regexp and termcap libraries that have existed for some time.
  573. Meanwhile, Steve Moshier has contributed a full series of mathematical
  574. library functions.
  575. <P>
  576. <LI>
  577. <B>Extended GNU Make</B>
  578. <P>
  579. We have been distributing the GNU `make' utility for several months.
  580. An extended version which includes more text-processing capabilities
  581. and static rules will be released soon.
  582. <P>
  583. Here is how a GNU Makefile can say that the file `foo' is linked
  584. from the object files of all C source files in the current directory:
  585. <P>
  586. <PRE>
  587. objects:=$(subst .c,.o,$(wildcard *.c))
  588. foo: $(objects)
  589. $(CC) -o foo $(objects) $(LDFLAGS)
  590. </PRE>
  591. <P>
  592. <LI>
  593. <B>Assembler</B>
  594. <P>
  595. We have a partially-portable one pass assembler that is almost twice as
  596. fast as the Unix assembler. It now works for Vaxes and the 68000/68020.
  597. <P>
  598. <LI>
  599. <B>Object file utilities</B>
  600. <P>
  601. The GNU replacements for `ld', `nm', `size', and `strip' were recently
  602. released for testing as part of the GCC test distribution. The GNU linker
  603. `ld' runs significantly faster than the BSD version.
  604. <P>
  605. <LI>
  606. <B>Gprof replacement</B>
  607. <P>
  608. Foundation staffer Jay Fenlason has recently completed a profiler to
  609. go with GNU C, compatible with `gprof' from Berkeley Unix. We hope it
  610. will be distributed with GNU C soon.
  611. <P>
  612. </UL>
  613. <P>
  614. <H3><A NAME="SEC19" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC19">Utility Programs</A></H3>
  615. <P>
  616. <UL>
  617. <LI>
  618. <B>GNU mailer being done</B>
  619. <P>
  620. Landon Noll and Ronald Karr of Amdahl are writing a mail queueing and
  621. delivery system, called Smail. This project will be a supported part
  622. of the Amdahl UTS system--and it will be available on exactly the same
  623. terms as GNU Emacs!
  624. <P>
  625. We may use this mailer for the GNU system, or another mailer, Zmailer, that
  626. Rayan Zachariasen is writing, whichever turns out best.
  627. <P>
  628. <LI>
  629. <B>Window system</B>
  630. <P>
  631. We plan to use the X window system written at MIT. This system is
  632. already available free.
  633. <P>
  634. <LI>
  635. <B>Documentation system</B>
  636. <P>
  637. GNU documentation is written in `Texinfo' format, which produces both
  638. printed manuals and structured, on-line documentation. We are shipping
  639. printed manuals made from the Texinfo documents for GNU Emacs, GDB, Termcap
  640. and Texinfo itself. Texinfo documents for some other programs are included
  641. with the programs, and we will be offering a few more printed manuals soon.
  642. Documentation files are still needed for many utilities.
  643. <P>
  644. <LI>
  645. <B>Other utilities</B>
  646. <P>
  647. The GNU `ls', `grep', `awk', `make' and `ld' are in regular use.
  648. Nearly all the other standard Unix utilities have also been written.
  649. Some of these programs are being distributed with GNU Emacs or with
  650. GCC; others are waiting until we have a complete system with kernel
  651. to distribute.
  652. <P>
  653. </UL>
  654. <H3><A NAME="SEC20" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC20">Machines and Systems</A></H3>
  655. <P>
  656. <UL>
  657. <LI>
  658. <B>GNU Software Under VAX/VMS--Please, no more VMS stuff!</B>
  659. <P>
  660. In addition to the C compiler, GNU programs currently working on VMS
  661. include GNU Emacs, Gas, and Bison.
  662. <P>
  663. Please don't ask us to devote effort to additional VMS support,
  664. because it is peripheral to the GNU project. We merge in and support
  665. VMS ports that users do, because it is hard to refuse to pass on work
  666. that other people have done. But even when the changes are clean,
  667. this drains considerable effort from our real goal, which is to
  668. produce a complete integrated system. (When they aren't clean, we
  669. summon up the courage to ignore them.) Merging VMS GNU Emacs and
  670. reorganizing the changes to ease future maintenance consumed several
  671. weeks even though the "real work" was done by others. We hope we have
  672. learned not to let this happen again.
  673. <P>
  674. <LI>
  675. <B>Possible target machines</B>
  676. <P>
  677. GNU will require a cpu that uses 32-bit addresses and integers and
  678. addresses to the 8-bit byte. 1 meg of core should be enough, though 2 meg
  679. would probably make a noticeable improvement in performance. We do not
  680. expect that virtual memory will be required, but it is VERY desirable in
  681. any case.
  682. <P>
  683. GNU Emacs requires more than a meg of addressable memory in the system,
  684. although a meg of physical memory is probably enough if there is
  685. virtual memory.
  686. <P>
  687. A hard disk will be essential; at least 20 meg will be needed to hold the
  688. system plus the source code plus the manual plus swapping space. Plus more
  689. space for the user's files, of course. We recommend 80meg for a personal
  690. GNU system.
  691. <P>
  692. This is not to say that it will be impossible to adapt some or all
  693. of GNU for other kinds of machines; but it may be difficult, and
  694. we don't consider it part of our job to try to reduce that difficulty.
  695. <P>
  696. We have nothing to say about any specific models of microcomputer,
  697. as we do not follow hardware products.
  698. <P>
  699. <LI>
  700. <B>GNU Mailing Lists and USENET Newgroups</B>
  701. <P>
  702. Project GNU maintains a number of internet mailing lists. They are easily
  703. reachable from the NSF/MIL/ARPA Internet, UUCP, and BITNET. The lists have
  704. just started to be carried as newsgroups on a large part of USENET. If
  705. your site doesn't get the gnu.all newsgroups, try and get them, before
  706. directly subscribing to the mailing lists. For a fuller description of the
  707. lists ask the address: <CODE>gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu</CODE>.
  708. <P>
  709. <LI>
  710. <B>Porting</B>
  711. <P>
  712. It is too early to inquire about porting GNU (except GNU Emacs and GNU C).
  713. First, we have to finish it.
  714. <P>
  715. </UL>
  716. <P>
  717. <H1><A NAME="SEC21" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC21">How To Get GNU Software</A></H1>
  718. <P>
  719. All the software and publications from the Free Software Foundation are
  720. distributed with permission to copy and redistribute. The easiest way to
  721. get a copy of GNU software is from someone else who has it. Just copy it
  722. from them.
  723. <P>
  724. If you have access to the Internet, you can get the latest software from
  725. the host <TT>`prep.ai.mit.edu'</TT>. For more information, read the file
  726. <TT>`/u2/emacs/GETTING.GNU.SOFTWARE'</TT> on that host.
  727. <P>
  728. If you cannot get the software from a friend or over the net, or if you
  729. would feel more confident getting copies straight from us, or if you would
  730. like to contribute some funds to our efforts, the Free Software Foundation
  731. distributes tapes for a copying and distribution fee. See the order form
  732. on the inside back cover.
  733. <P>
  734. If you do not have net access, and your computers cannot use either of the
  735. two media we distribute on, you must get our software from third party
  736. groups--people and organizations that do not work with us, but have our
  737. software in other forms. For your convenience, other groups that are
  738. helping to spread GNU software are listed below. Please note that the Free
  739. Software Foundation is <I>not</I> affiliated with them in any way, and is not
  740. responsible for either the currency of their versions or the swiftness of
  741. their responses.
  742. <P>
  743. These Internet sites have some GNU programs available for anonymous FTP:
  744. <P>
  745. <PRE>
  746. louie.udel.edu, nic.nyser.net, bu-it.bu.edu,
  747. scam.berkeley.edu, uunet.uu.net, spam.istc.sri.com,
  748. and simtel20.arpa (under <TT>`PD:&#60;UNIX.GNU&#62;'</TT>).
  749. </PRE>
  750. <P>
  751. Those on the SPAN network can ask <TT>rdss::corbet</TT>.
  752. <P>
  753. Information on how to uucp some GNU programs is available via electronic
  754. mail from:
  755. <P>
  756. <PRE>
  757. arnold@skeeve.UUCP, ihnp4!hutch!barber, hqda-ai!merlin,
  758. gatech!uflorida!codas!killer!wisner,
  759. mit-eddie!bloom-beacon!ht!spt!gz, or
  760. postmaster@uunet.uu.net.
  761. </PRE>
  762. <P>
  763. Ohio State also uucps GNU programs. They post their instructions monthly
  764. to newsgroup <CODE>comp.sources.d</CODE> on USENET. Current details from Karl
  765. Kleinpaste <CODE>karl@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu</CODE> or
  766. <CODE>karl@ohio-state.arpa</CODE> or <CODE>...!osu-cis!karl</CODE>; or Bob Sutterfield
  767. (substitute <CODE>bob</CODE> for <CODE>karl</CODE> in the above addresses).
  768. <P>
  769. Information on obtaining floppy disks of GNU Emacs for the AT&#38;T Unix PC
  770. (aka 3B1 or PC7300) is available via electronic mail from:
  771. <CODE>brant@manta.uucp</CODE>.
  772. <P>
  773. <H1><A NAME="SEC22" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC22">GNU Software Available Now</A></H1>
  774. <P>
  775. We now offer two Unix software source distribution tapes, plus VMS tapes of
  776. GNU Emacs and GNU C which include sources and VMS executables. The first
  777. Unix tape (sometimes called the "Emacs tape") contains GNU Emacs as well
  778. as various other well-tested programs that we consider reliable. The
  779. second ("Beta test" or "Compiler") tape contains the GNU C compiler and
  780. related utilities, and other new programs that are less thoroughly tested.
  781. See the order form for details about media, etc.
  782. <P>
  783. <H3><A NAME="SEC23" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC23">Contents of Emacs tape</A></H3>
  784. <P>
  785. <UL>
  786. <LI>
  787. <B>GNU Emacs</B>
  788. <P>
  789. In 1975, Richard Stallman developed the first Emacs: the extensible,
  790. customizable real-time display editor. GNU Emacs is his second
  791. implementation of Emacs. It's the first Emacs available on Unix systems
  792. which offers true Lisp, smoothly integrated into the editor, for writing
  793. extensions. It also provides a special interface to MIT's free X window
  794. system, versions 10 and 11, which makes redisplay very fast.
  795. <P>
  796. GNU Emacs has been in widespread use since 1985 and often displaces
  797. proprietary implementations of Emacs because of its greater reliability as
  798. well as its good features and easier extensibility.
  799. <P>
  800. GNU Emacs (as of version 18.51) has run on many kinds of Unix systems:
  801. those made by Alliant (system releases 1 to 4), Altos 3068, Amdahl (UTS),
  802. Apollo, AT&#38;T (3b machines and 7300 pc), CCI 5/32 and 6/32, Celerity,
  803. Convex, Cydra 5, Digital (Vax, not PDP-11; BSD, and SysV), Dual, Elxsi
  804. 6400, Encore (DPC and APC), GEC 93, Gould, HP (9000 series 200, 300 or 800
  805. (Spectrum) but not series 500), IBM (RT/PC running 4.2 and AIX), Integrated
  806. Solutions (Optimum V with 68020 and VMEbus), Intel 80386 (BSD, SysV, and
  807. Xenix), Iris (2500, 2500 Turbo and 4D), LMI (Nu), Masscomp, Megatest, MIPS,
  808. NCR (Tower 32), Nixdorf Targon 31, Plexus, Pyramid, Sequent Balance, Stride
  809. (system release 2), Sun (any kind), Tahoe, Tektronix (NS16000 system),
  810. Texas Instruments (Nu), Whitechapel (MG1), and Wicat. It also runs on
  811. VAX/VMS.
  812. <P>
  813. GNU Emacs use is described by the GNU Emacs Manual, which comes as a
  814. Texinfo file with the software. You can read it on-line in Info form or
  815. print out your own copy. Typeset manuals are also available from the Free
  816. Software Foundation.
  817. <P>
  818. <LI>
  819. <B>Texinfo</B>
  820. <P>
  821. Texinfo is the documentation system used for all GNU manuals. Documents
  822. are written in a simple formatting language that can produce either printed
  823. manuals using a special set of TeX macros, or on-line structured
  824. documentation that can be read using the Info browser. Included with
  825. Texinfo is a newly expanded tutorial manual on how to write documents using
  826. Texinfo.
  827. <P>
  828. <LI>
  829. <B>GDB</B>
  830. <P>
  831. GDB is the source-level C debugger written for the GNU project in 1986. It
  832. offers many features not usually found in debuggers on Unix, such as a
  833. history that records all values examined within the debugger for concise
  834. later reference, multi-line user-defined commands, and a strong
  835. self-documentation capability. It currently runs on VAXen under 4.2 and
  836. 4.3bsd, on Suns (systems version 2 and 3), and on some 32000 systems.
  837. <P>
  838. On-line help and a users' manual for GDB comes with the software; the
  839. printed version of the manual is also available from the Foundation.
  840. <P>
  841. <LI>
  842. <B>Bison</B>
  843. <P>
  844. Bison is an upward-compatible replacement for YACC, with additional
  845. as-yet-undocumented features. It has been in use for several years. Bison
  846. is used for compiling GNU C, so it is also included on the GNU CC tape.
  847. <P>
  848. <LI>
  849. <B>X Window System</B>
  850. <P>
  851. X is a portable, network transparent window system for bitmap displays
  852. written at MIT and DEC. It runs Sun, DEC VAXstation, and various other
  853. current bitmap displays. X supports overlapping windows and fully
  854. recursive subwindows, and provides hooks for several different styles of
  855. user interface. Applications provided include a terminal emulator, bitmap
  856. editor, several window managers, clock, window dump and undump programs,
  857. and several typesetting previewers.
  858. <P>
  859. Version 10 of X Windows is distributed on the GNU Emacs tape; version 11
  860. (which is totally incompatible) is distributed on the GCC tape. Emacs
  861. version 18.51 supports both versions 10 and 11.
  862. <P>
  863. <LI>
  864. <B>MIT Scheme</B>
  865. <P>
  866. Scheme is a simplified, lexically scoped dialect of Lisp, designed at MIT
  867. and other universities for two purposes: teaching students of programming,
  868. and researching new parallel programming constructs and compilation
  869. techniques. MIT Scheme is written in C and runs on many kinds of Unix
  870. systems.
  871. <P>
  872. Sorry, we do not distribute documentation with the the current distribution
  873. version of MIT Scheme. A new standard for Scheme has been designed by the
  874. various labs that work on Scheme, and work is going on at MIT to change MIT
  875. Scheme to fit. Once that is done, the standard will serve as a manual for
  876. MIT Scheme. At that time, we will distribute both the new release of
  877. Scheme and the standard. In the meantime, several books have been
  878. published about Scheme.
  879. <P>
  880. <LI>
  881. <B>T</B>
  882. <P>
  883. A variant of Scheme developed at Yale University, T is intended for
  884. production use in program development. T contains a native-code optimizing
  885. compiler that produces code which runs at speeds comparable to the running
  886. speeds of programs written in conventional languages. It runs on BSD Vaxes
  887. and a few types of 68020 systems. T is written in itself and cannot be
  888. bootstrapped without a binary (included), but it is great if you can use
  889. it. Some documentation files are included in the distribution.
  890. <LI>
  891. <B>Hack</B>
  892. <P>
  893. Hack is a display oriented adventure game similar to Rogue.
  894. <P>
  895. <LI>
  896. <B>GNU Chess</B>
  897. <P>
  898. GNU Chess is a chess program written in C by John Stanback and Stuart
  899. Cracraft. It includes an extensive opening book and was recently rated
  900. by USCF Senior Master IM Larry Kaufman at around USCF 1950 (close to
  901. expert level) when run on a Sun 3 workstation. On a Sun 4, it should
  902. play at nearly master level.
  903. </UL>
  904. <P>
  905. <H3><A NAME="SEC24" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC24">Contents of Beta Test Tape</A></H3>
  906. <P>
  907. The programs on this tape are all recent releases and can be considered
  908. to be at various stages of user testing. As always, we solicit your
  909. comments and bug reports.
  910. <P>
  911. <UL>
  912. <LI>
  913. <B>GNU CC</B>
  914. <P>
  915. The GNU C compiler is a fairly portable optimizing compiler. It generates
  916. good code for the 32000, 68000, 68020 and Vax. It supports full ANSI C as
  917. of the latest draft standard. Included with the compiler are the GNU
  918. assembler `gas', `make', `bison' (also included on the Emacs tape), plus
  919. the object file utilities `ld', `nm', `size' and `strip' and the Texinfo
  920. source of the manual "Internals of GNU CC" (for people interested in
  921. extending or retargeting the compiler).
  922. <LI>
  923. <B>Gawk</B> and <B>Flex</B>
  924. <P>
  925. <B>Gawk</B> is GNU's version of the Unix `awk' utility. <B>Flex</B> is a
  926. mostly-compatible replacement for the Unix `lex' scanner generator written
  927. by Vern Paxson of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Flex generates far more
  928. efficient scanners than lex does.
  929. <P>
  930. <LI>
  931. <B>X Window System, version 11</B>
  932. <P>
  933. The C compiler tape contains Version 11, Release 2 of the MIT/DEC X window
  934. system. X11 is more powerful than, but incompatible with, the
  935. no-longer-supported version 10. MIT no longer labels this software `beta
  936. test' but is still releasing frequent patches and updates. X is described
  937. further in the Emacs Tape section of this article.
  938. <P>
  939. </UL>
  940. <P>
  941. <H3><A NAME="SEC25" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC25">VMS tapes</A></H3>
  942. We offer a VMS backup tape of the GNU Emacs editor, and a separate tape
  943. containing the beta-test GNU C compiler. The VMS compiler tape also
  944. contains Bison (needed to compile the compiler), Gas (needed to assemble
  945. the compiler's output) and some library and include files. Both VMS tapes
  946. include executables that you can bootstrap from.
  947. <P>
  948. <H1><A NAME="SEC26" HREF="bull5_toc.html#SEC26">Thank GNUs</A></H1>
  949. <P>
  950. Thanks to all those mentioned in GNU Flashes and the GNU Project Status
  951. Report.
  952. <P>
  953. Thanks to the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, and its head,
  954. <B>Professor Dertouzos</B>. The LCS has provided FSF with the loan of a
  955. Microvax for program development.
  956. <P>
  957. Thanks to the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory for invaluable
  958. assistance of many kinds.
  959. <P>
  960. Thanks to <B>Dr. T. Smith</B>, <B>Matt Wette</B>, and the CS Department at UCSB
  961. for giving GNU staffer Brian Fox resources and space, and special personal
  962. thanks from Brian to Matt Wette for invaluable aid and support.
  963. <P>
  964. Thanks to Sony Corp. and to Software Research Associates, Inc., both
  965. of Tokyo, for sending us Sony workstations. SRA has also given us a large
  966. cash donation and lent us a full-time staff programmer and tech writer.
  967. <P>
  968. Thanks to NeXT, Inc., for their cash donation.
  969. <P>
  970. Thanks to the Mach Project in the Department of Computer Science at
  971. Carnegie Mellon University, for lending us a Sun 3/60 and 300 MB disk
  972. drive.
  973. <P>
  974. Thanks to <B>Barry Kleinman</B> of Index Technology for copying Sun cartridge
  975. tapes and to <B>David Wurmfeld</B> of Phoenix Technologies Ltd. for copying
  976. mag tapes.
  977. <P>
  978. Thanks to all those who have contributed ports and extensions, as well as
  979. those who have contributed other source code, documentation, and good bug
  980. reports.
  981. <P>
  982. Thanks to those who sent money and offered help. Thanks also to those
  983. who support us by ordering Emacs manuals and distribution tapes.
  984. <P>
  985. The creation of this bulletin is our way of thanking all who have
  986. expressed interest in what we are doing.
  987. <P>
  988. <HR>
  989. <P>
  990. <PRE>
  991. -------
  992. | |
  993. Free Software Foundation, Inc. | stamp |
  994. 675 Massachusetts Avenue | |
  995. Cambridge, MA 02139 USA | here |
  996. | |
  997. -------
  998. </PRE>
  999. <P>
  1000. <HR>