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  1. <HEAD>
  2. <TITLE>GNU's Bulletins</TITLE>
  3. </HEAD>
  4. <BODY>
  5. <H1>GNU's Bulletins</H1>
  6. <H2>
  7. The GNU's Bulletin is the semi-annual newsletter of the
  8. Free Software Foundation, bringing you
  9. news about the GNU Project.
  10. </H2>
  11. <P>
  12. The following are ALL the GNU's Bulletins.
  13. <P>
  14. If you would like a hardcopy, send your request to the FSF
  15. (including a small donation to cover copying costs is appreciated, but is not
  16. required). If you live in an area served by the US Post Office, please also
  17. include either: your address on a mailing label and $0.55 in stamps; or a SASE
  18. (Self-Addressed Stamped ($0.78) Number 10 or A5 sized Envelope). If you're
  19. from outside the USA, sending a mailing label rather than an envelope, and
  20. enough International Reply Coupons for a package of about 100 grams is
  21. appreciated but not required. (Including a few extra International Reply
  22. Coupons for copying costs is also appreciated.)
  23. <P>
  24. <!--
  25. Most of the conversions to HTML were done by
  26. <A HREF="../../index.html">me</A> except for two of them given to me
  27. by Sven Rudolph (
  28. Therefore, send corrections to, as they may well be
  29. conversion errors.
  30. <P>
  31. If you want all of the bulletins, I have prepared a
  32. <A HREF="all.tar.gz">tar.gz file of all the txt and html files</A>
  33. (it's about a meg, so I may remove it at some point due to disk space)
  34. -->
  35. <UL>
  36. <LI> <A HREF="21/bull21.txt">January 1996</A> (no html version yet)
  37. <LI> <A HREF="20/bull20.txt">June 1995</A> (no html version yet)
  38. <LI> <A HREF="19/bull19.txt">January 1995</A> (no html version yet)
  39. <LI> <A HREF="18/bull18.txt">June 1994</A> (no html version yet)
  40. <LI> <A HREF="17/gnu_bulletin_9401_toc.html">January 1994</A>
  41. (The <A HREF=17/bull17.txt>ascii version</A> is also available).
  42. <BR>
  43. <!--
  44. <CITE>Towards a New Strategy of OS Design</CITE> -- the paper on the
  45. <A HREF="../hurd.html">GNU Hurd</A>.
  46. -->
  47. <LI> <A HREF="16/gnu_bulletin_toc.html">June 1993</A>
  48. The <A HREF=16/bull16.txt>ascii version</A> is also available.
  49. <LI> <A HREF="15/bull15.txt">January 1993</A> (no html version yet)
  50. <BR>
  51. Gzip released
  52. <LI> <A HREF="14/bull14_toc.html">Mystery Issue</A>
  53. What is this one?? It claims to be
  54. both June 1992 and January 1993 (it ain't the latter)
  55. I suspect it was a slight update on the June 1992 edition.
  56. <LI> <A HREF="13/bull13_toc.html">June 1992</A>
  57. (The <A HREF=13/bull13.txt>ascii version</A> is also available).
  58. <BR>
  59. Hurd news,
  60. Another Free Software Support Business, GNU in Japan.
  61. <LI> <A HREF="12/bull12_toc.html">January 1992</A>
  62. (The <A HREF=12/bull12.txt>ascii version</A> is also available).
  63. <BR>
  64. LPF Ends Ashton-Tate Boycott,
  65. GNU Helps Science (big and small).
  66. <LI> <A HREF="11a/bull11a_toc.html">November 1991</A><BR>
  67. June issue revised to include X11r5.
  68. <LI> <A HREF="11/bull11_toc.html">June 1991</A>
  69. (The <A HREF=11/bull11.txt>ascii version</A> is also available).
  70. <BR>
  71. AT&#38;T Threatens Users of X Windows,
  72. Copyrighted Programming Languages.
  73. <LI> <A HREF="10/bull10_toc.html">January 1991</A>
  74. (The <A HREF=10/bull10.txt>ascii version</A> is also available).
  75. <BR>
  76. Protect Your Freedom to Write Programs,
  77. Help Keep Government Software Free,
  78. GNUish MS-DOS project
  79. <LI> <A HREF="09/bull9_toc.html">June 1990</A>
  80. (The <A HREF=09/bull9.txt>ascii version</A> is also available).
  81. <BR>
  82. Possible New Terms for GNU Libraries,
  83. Emacs Lisp Reference Manual released,
  84. GNU Smalltalk
  85. <LI> <A HREF="08/bull8_toc.html">January 1990</A>
  86. (The <A HREF=08/bull8.txt>ascii version</A> is also available).
  87. <BR>
  88. Boycott Apple; Defend Apple, League for Programming Freedom,
  89. Online Book Initiative, Common Knowledge's Universal Index,
  90. Freemacs.
  91. <LI> <A HREF="07/bull7_toc.html">June-1989</A><BR>
  92. More donations, NeXT using GCC, Interface copyrights,
  93. Common Knowledge, GCC compiles BSD,
  94. Parts of BSD freed.
  95. <LI> <A HREF="06/bull6_toc.html">Jan-1989</A><BR>
  96. GPL changes, HP donation, Bison manual, Ghostscript in beta test,
  97. NeXT using GNU, Gawk, Bash
  98. <LI> <A HREF="05/bull5_toc.html">June-1988</A><BR>
  99. Apple's New Look and Feel, GNU in Japan, Termcap manual,
  100. Hardware donations
  101. <LI> <A HREF="04/bull4_toc.html">Feb-1988</A><BR>
  102. GNU C++, Bash development begins, GDB song, GNU Make,
  103. Parts of BSD becoming free.
  104. <LI> <A HREF="03/bull3_toc.html">June-1987</A><BR>
  105. Audio Copy Protection, Gnu Chess improved,
  106. Why Was Copyright Invented?
  107. <LI> <A HREF="02/nb_toc.html">Jan-1987</A>
  108. (The <A HREF=02/bull2.txt>ascii version</A> is also available).
  109. <BR>
  110. Emacs18,
  111. Gnu C still in development, gdb, bison, assembler.
  112. <LI> <A HREF="01/bull01.txt">Feb-1986</A> (no html version yet)
  113. <BR>
  114. <STRONG>Collector's Item -- First issue!</STRONG>
  115. Emacs 17 features,
  116. Portable C compiler being rewritten in C, Texinfo,
  117. Some Arguments for GNU's Goals.
  118. </UL>
  119. <HR>
  120. <!--
  121. <ADDRESS><A HREF="../../home.html">trent...</A></ADDRESS>
  122. -->
  123. </BODY>