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  1. <TITLE> GNU's Bulletin, June, 1993</TITLE>
  2. <H1>GNU's Bulletin, June, 1993</H1>
  3. <P>
  4. <HR>
  5. <P>
  6. <UL>
  7. <LI><A NAME="SEC1" HREF="gnu_bulletin_1.html#SEC1">GNU's Who</A>
  8. <LI><A NAME="SEC2" HREF="gnu_bulletin_2.html#SEC2">GNU's Bulletin</A>
  9. <LI><A NAME="SEC3" HREF="gnu_bulletin_3.html#SEC3">What is the Free Software Foundation?</A>
  10. <LI><A NAME="SEC4" HREF="gnu_bulletin_4.html#SEC4">What Is Copyleft?</A>
  11. <LI><A NAME="SEC5" HREF="gnu_bulletin_5.html#SEC5">Free Software Support</A>
  12. <UL>
  13. <LI><A NAME="SEC6" HREF="gnu_bulletin_5.html#SEC6">Hundred Acre Consulting Expands</A>
  14. </UL>
  15. <LI><A NAME="SEC7" HREF="gnu_bulletin_6.html#SEC7">Donations Translate Into Free Software</A>
  16. <UL>
  17. <LI><A NAME="SEC8" HREF="gnu_bulletin_6.html#SEC8">Cygnus Matches Donations!</A>
  18. </UL>
  19. <LI><A NAME="SEC9" HREF="gnu_bulletin_7.html#SEC9">OCEAN Integrated-Circuit Design System</A>
  20. <LI><A NAME="SEC10" HREF="gnu_bulletin_8.html#SEC10">Informal "GCC Consortium"</A>
  21. <LI><A NAME="SEC11" HREF="gnu_bulletin_9.html#SEC11">GNUs Flashes</A>
  22. <LI><A NAME="SEC12" HREF="gnu_bulletin_10.html#SEC12">Moscow Free Software Conference</A>
  23. <LI><A NAME="SEC13" HREF="gnu_bulletin_11.html#SEC13">LPF Files Amicus Brief</A>
  24. <LI><A NAME="SEC14" HREF="gnu_bulletin_12.html#SEC14">What is the LPF?</A>
  25. <LI><A NAME="SEC15" HREF="gnu_bulletin_13.html#SEC15">Project GNU Wish List</A>
  26. <LI><A NAME="SEC16" HREF="gnu_bulletin_14.html#SEC16">The Text Software Initiative</A>
  27. <LI><A NAME="SEC17" HREF="gnu_bulletin_15.html#SEC17">Free Information Sources</A>
  28. <LI><A NAME="SEC18" HREF="gnu_bulletin_16.html#SEC18">Free Software and GNU in Japan</A>
  29. <LI><A NAME="SEC19" HREF="gnu_bulletin_17.html#SEC19">Project GNU Status Report</A>
  30. <LI><A NAME="SEC20" HREF="gnu_bulletin_18.html#SEC20">GNU Documentation</A>
  31. <LI><A NAME="SEC21" HREF="gnu_bulletin_19.html#SEC21">GNU Software Available Now</A>
  32. <UL>
  33. <LI><A NAME="SEC22" HREF="gnu_bulletin_19.html#SEC22">Contents of the Emacs Tape</A>
  34. <LI><A NAME="SEC23" HREF="gnu_bulletin_19.html#SEC23">Contents of the Scheme Tape</A>
  35. <LI><A NAME="SEC24" HREF="gnu_bulletin_19.html#SEC24">Contents of the Languages Tape</A>
  36. <LI><A NAME="SEC25" HREF="gnu_bulletin_19.html#SEC25">Contents of the Utilities Tape</A>
  37. <LI><A NAME="SEC26" HREF="gnu_bulletin_19.html#SEC26">Contents of the Experimental Tape</A>
  38. <LI><A NAME="SEC27" HREF="gnu_bulletin_19.html#SEC27">Contents of the X11 Tapes</A>
  39. <LI><A NAME="SEC28" HREF="gnu_bulletin_19.html#SEC28">Berkeley Networking 2 Tape</A>
  40. <LI><A NAME="SEC29" HREF="gnu_bulletin_19.html#SEC29">VMS Emacs and Compiler Tapes</A>
  41. </UL>
  42. <LI><A NAME="SEC30" HREF="gnu_bulletin_20.html#SEC30">Tape Subscription Service</A>
  43. <LI><A NAME="SEC31" HREF="gnu_bulletin_21.html#SEC31">How to Get GNU Software</A>
  44. <LI><A NAME="SEC32" HREF="gnu_bulletin_22.html#SEC32">GNU Source Code CD-ROM</A>
  45. <LI><A NAME="SEC33" HREF="gnu_bulletin_23.html#SEC33">The Deluxe Distribution</A>
  46. <LI><A NAME="SEC34" HREF="gnu_bulletin_24.html#SEC34">MS-DOS Distribution</A>
  47. <UL>
  48. <LI><A NAME="SEC35" HREF="gnu_bulletin_24.html#SEC35">Contents of the Demacs diskettes</A>
  49. <LI><A NAME="SEC36" HREF="gnu_bulletin_24.html#SEC36">Contents of the DJGPP diskettes</A>
  50. <LI><A NAME="SEC37" HREF="gnu_bulletin_24.html#SEC37">Contents of the Selected Utilities diskettes</A>
  51. <LI><A NAME="SEC38" HREF="gnu_bulletin_24.html#SEC38">Contents of the Windows diskette</A>
  52. </UL>
  53. <LI><A NAME="SEC39" HREF="gnu_bulletin_25.html#SEC39">Free Software for Microcomputers</A>
  54. <LI><A NAME="SEC40" HREF="gnu_bulletin_26.html#SEC40">FSF T-shirt</A>
  55. <LI><A NAME="SEC41" HREF="gnu_bulletin_27.html#SEC41">Thank GNUs</A>
  56. <LI><A NAME="SEC42" HREF="gnu_bulletin_28.html#SEC42">Free Software Foundation Order Form</A>
  57. </UL>
  58. <HR>
  59. <P>
  60. Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  61. <P>
  62. Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies of
  63. this document, in any medium, provided that the copyright notice and
  64. permission notice are preserved, and that the distributor grants the
  65. recipient permission for further redistribution as permitted by this
  66. notice.
  67. <P>