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- <TITLE>Untitled Document - The Text Software Initiative</TITLE>
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- <H1><A NAME="SEC16" HREF="gnu_bulletin_toc.html#SEC16">The Text Software Initiative</A></H1>
- <P>
- The Text Software Initiative (TSI) is an international effort to promote
- the development and use of free software for all kinds of text analysis
- and manipulation, including markup of physical and logical text
- features, linguistic analysis and annotation, browsing and retrieval,
- statistical analysis, and other text-related tasks in research in
- computational linguistics, humanities computing, terminology and
- lexicography, speech, etc. A central component of TSI is the
- development of guidelines and standards for text software, in order to
- ensure compatibility, extendability, and reusability.
- <P>
- TSI borrows from the principles of FSF, by promoting distributed
- software development on a voluntary basis and protecting the freedom to
- copy, redistribute, and modify software.
- <P>
- For more information, contact the project coordinators, who are Nancy
- Ide, <CODE>ide@cs.vassar.edu</CODE> and Jean Veronis,
- <CODE>veronis@grtc.cnrs-mrs.fr</CODE>.
- <P>
- <P>Go to the <A HREF="gnu_bulletin_13.html">previous</A>, <A HREF="gnu_bulletin_15.html">next</A> section.<P>