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Known issues

This document contains a list of common problems and solutions. If your problem is not listed here, report it using the issue tracker of this repository.

Game freezes on login

Problem: the game freezes on the login screen if run using WineGE/ProtonGE 8-1

Solution: WineGE/ProtonGE 8-1 are generally unstable. Use any other version of Wine, including both older and newer WineGE/ProtonGE releases.

Game requires logging in again after every restart

Problem: the game does not store your login credentials when run through Flatpak.

Solution: the cause of this issue is unknown, but it does not happen on WineGE 8-2. Either WineGE 8-2, or don't run the game through Flatpak.

High CPU power usage

Problem: the CPU power usage is abnormally high. This is most prominent on devices that rely on a battery, such as the Steam Deck or laptops.

Solution: the cause of this issue has not been identified yet, but it seems like it has something to do with how Wine handles synchronization. Try swithing Esync/Fsync and experimenting with WINEFSYNC_SPINCOUNT.