runme.log 17 KB

  1. *** Running vivado
  2. with args -log basys3top.vds -m64 -product Vivado -mode batch -messageDb vivado.pb -notrace -source basys3top.tcl
  3. ECHO is off.
  4. ECHO is off.
  5. ****** Vivado v2023.1 (64-bit)
  6. **** SW Build 3865809 on Sun May 7 15:05:29 MDT 2023
  7. **** IP Build 3864474 on Sun May 7 20:36:21 MDT 2023
  8. **** SharedData Build 3865790 on Sun May 07 13:33:03 MDT 2023
  9. ** Copyright 1986-2022 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  10. ** Copyright 2022-2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  11. source basys3top.tcl -notrace
  12. Command: read_checkpoint -auto_incremental -incremental C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/basys3top.dcp
  13. INFO: [Vivado 12-5825] Read reference checkpoint from C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/basys3top.dcp for incremental synthesis
  14. INFO: [Vivado 12-7989] Please ensure there are no constraint changes
  15. Command: synth_design -top basys3top -part xc7a35tcpg236-1
  16. Starting synth_design
  17. Attempting to get a license for feature 'Synthesis' and/or device 'xc7a35t'
  18. INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Synthesis' and/or device 'xc7a35t'
  19. INFO: [Device 21-403] Loading part xc7a35tcpg236-1
  20. INFO: [Designutils 20-5440] No compile time benefit to using incremental synthesis; A full resynthesis will be run
  21. INFO: [Designutils 20-4379] Flow is switching to default flow due to incremental criteria not met. If you would like to alter this behaviour and have the flow terminate instead, please set the following parameter config_implementation {autoIncr.Synth.RejectBehavior Terminate}
  22. INFO: [Synth 8-7079] Multithreading enabled for synth_design using a maximum of 2 processes.
  23. INFO: [Synth 8-7078] Launching helper process for spawning children vivado processes
  24. INFO: [Synth 8-7075] Helper process launched with PID 3452
  25. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. Starting RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:03 ; elapsed = 00:00:04 . Memory (MB): peak = 1253.184 ; gain = 411.832
  27. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. INFO: [Synth 8-638] synthesizing module 'basys3top' [C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.srcs/sources_1/new/basys3top.vhd:40]
  29. INFO: [Synth 8-3491] module 'seven_seg' declared at 'C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.srcs/sources_1/new/seven_seg.vhd:34' bound to instance 'sseg' of component 'seven_seg' [C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.srcs/sources_1/new/basys3top.vhd:44]
  30. INFO: [Synth 8-638] synthesizing module 'seven_seg' [C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.srcs/sources_1/new/seven_seg.vhd:41]
  31. INFO: [Synth 8-256] done synthesizing module 'seven_seg' (0#1) [C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.srcs/sources_1/new/seven_seg.vhd:41]
  32. INFO: [Synth 8-256] done synthesizing module 'basys3top' (0#1) [C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.srcs/sources_1/new/basys3top.vhd:40]
  33. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. Finished RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:04 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 1343.922 ; gain = 502.570
  35. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. Start Handling Custom Attributes
  38. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. Finished Handling Custom Attributes : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:04 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 1343.922 ; gain = 502.570
  41. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. Finished RTL Optimization Phase 1 : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:04 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 1343.922 ; gain = 502.570
  44. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.002 . Memory (MB): peak = 1343.922 ; gain = 0.000
  46. INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization
  47. Processing XDC Constraints
  48. Initializing timing engine
  49. Parsing XDC File [C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.srcs/constrs_1/new/basys3.xdc]
  50. Finished Parsing XDC File [C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.srcs/constrs_1/new/basys3.xdc]
  51. INFO: [Project 1-236] Implementation specific constraints were found while reading constraint file [C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.srcs/constrs_1/new/basys3.xdc]. These constraints will be ignored for synthesis but will be used in implementation. Impacted constraints are listed in the file [.Xil/basys3top_propImpl.xdc].
  52. Resolution: To avoid this warning, move constraints listed in [.Xil/basys3top_propImpl.xdc] to another XDC file and exclude this new file from synthesis with the used_in_synthesis property (File Properties dialog in GUI) and re-run elaboration/synthesis.
  53. Completed Processing XDC Constraints
  54. Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 0.000
  55. INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary:
  56. No Unisim elements were transformed.
  57. Constraint Validation Runtime : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.002 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 0.000
  58. INFO: [Designutils 20-5440] No compile time benefit to using incremental synthesis; A full resynthesis will be run
  59. INFO: [Designutils 20-4379] Flow is switching to default flow due to incremental criteria not met. If you would like to alter this behaviour and have the flow terminate instead, please set the following parameter config_implementation {autoIncr.Synth.RejectBehavior Terminate}
  60. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. Finished Constraint Validation : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:09 ; elapsed = 00:00:11 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  62. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. Start Loading Part and Timing Information
  65. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. Loading part: xc7a35tcpg236-1
  67. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. Finished Loading Part and Timing Information : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:09 ; elapsed = 00:00:11 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  69. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. Start Applying 'set_property' XDC Constraints
  72. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. Finished applying 'set_property' XDC Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:09 ; elapsed = 00:00:11 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  75. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. Finished RTL Optimization Phase 2 : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:10 ; elapsed = 00:00:11 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  78. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. Start RTL Component Statistics
  81. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. Detailed RTL Component Info :
  83. +---Muxes :
  84. 5 Input 4 Bit Muxes := 2
  85. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. Finished RTL Component Statistics
  87. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. Start Part Resource Summary
  90. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. Part Resources:
  92. DSPs: 90 (col length:60)
  93. BRAMs: 100 (col length: RAMB18 60 RAMB36 30)
  94. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. Finished Part Resource Summary
  96. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. Start Cross Boundary and Area Optimization
  99. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. WARNING: [Synth 8-7080] Parallel synthesis criteria is not met
  101. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. Finished Cross Boundary and Area Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:11 ; elapsed = 00:00:12 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  103. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. Start Applying XDC Timing Constraints
  106. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. Finished Applying XDC Timing Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:16 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  109. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. Start Timing Optimization
  112. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. Finished Timing Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:16 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  115. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  117. Start Technology Mapping
  118. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. Finished Technology Mapping : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:16 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  121. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  122. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. Start IO Insertion
  124. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. Start Flattening Before IO Insertion
  127. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. Finished Flattening Before IO Insertion
  130. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  132. Start Final Netlist Cleanup
  133. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  135. Finished Final Netlist Cleanup
  136. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. Finished IO Insertion : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:20 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  139. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. Start Renaming Generated Instances
  142. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  143. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. Finished Renaming Generated Instances : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:20 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  145. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  146. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  147. Start Rebuilding User Hierarchy
  148. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  149. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. Finished Rebuilding User Hierarchy : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:20 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  151. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  153. Start Renaming Generated Ports
  154. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. Finished Renaming Generated Ports : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:20 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  157. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  158. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. Start Handling Custom Attributes
  160. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  161. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  162. Finished Handling Custom Attributes : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:20 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  163. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. Start Renaming Generated Nets
  166. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  167. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. Finished Renaming Generated Nets : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:20 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  169. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  171. Start Writing Synthesis Report
  172. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. Report BlackBoxes:
  174. +-+--------------+----------+
  175. | |BlackBox name |Instances |
  176. +-+--------------+----------+
  177. +-+--------------+----------+
  178. Report Cell Usage:
  179. +------+-------+------+
  180. | |Cell |Count |
  181. +------+-------+------+
  182. |1 |BUFG | 1|
  183. |2 |CARRY4 | 4|
  184. |3 |LUT1 | 3|
  185. |4 |LUT3 | 6|
  186. |5 |FDRE | 13|
  187. |6 |IBUF | 1|
  188. |7 |OBUF | 12|
  189. +------+-------+------+
  190. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. Finished Writing Synthesis Report : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:20 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  192. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  193. Synthesis finished with 0 errors, 0 critical warnings and 1 warnings.
  194. Synthesis Optimization Runtime : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:12 ; elapsed = 00:00:18 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 502.570
  195. Synthesis Optimization Complete : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:20 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 595.504
  196. INFO: [Project 1-571] Translating synthesized netlist
  197. Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 0.000
  198. INFO: [Netlist 29-17] Analyzing 4 Unisim elements for replacement
  199. INFO: [Netlist 29-28] Unisim Transformation completed in 0 CPU seconds
  200. INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization
  201. INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s).
  202. Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 0.000
  203. INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary:
  204. No Unisim elements were transformed.
  205. Synth Design complete | Checksum: 4dde06ef
  206. INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Synthesis
  207. 26 Infos, 1 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered.
  208. synth_design completed successfully
  209. synth_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:22 ; elapsed = 00:00:27 . Memory (MB): peak = 1436.855 ; gain = 974.078
  210. INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.runs/synth_1/basys3top.dcp' has been generated.
  211. INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_utilization -file basys3top_utilization_synth.rpt -pb basys3top_utilization_synth.pb
  212. INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Thu Jun 8 10:53:38 2023...