123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329 |
- #
- # Report generation script generated by Vivado
- #
- proc create_report { reportName command } {
- set status "."
- append status $reportName ".fail"
- if { [file exists $status] } {
- eval file delete [glob $status]
- }
- send_msg_id runtcl-4 info "Executing : $command"
- set retval [eval catch { $command } msg]
- if { $retval != 0 } {
- set fp [open $status w]
- close $fp
- send_msg_id runtcl-5 warning "$msg"
- }
- }
- namespace eval ::optrace {
- variable script "C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.runs/impl_1/basys3top.tcl"
- variable category "vivado_impl"
- }
- # Try to connect to running dispatch if we haven't done so already.
- # This code assumes that the Tcl interpreter is not using threads,
- # since the ::dispatch::connected variable isn't mutex protected.
- if {![info exists ::dispatch::connected]} {
- namespace eval ::dispatch {
- variable connected false
- if {[llength [array get env XILINX_CD_CONNECT_ID]] > 0} {
- set result "true"
- if {[catch {
- if {[lsearch -exact [package names] DispatchTcl] < 0} {
- set result [load librdi_cd_clienttcl[info sharedlibextension]]
- }
- if {$result eq "false"} {
- puts "WARNING: Could not load dispatch client library"
- }
- set connect_id [ ::dispatch::init_client -mode EXISTING_SERVER ]
- if { $connect_id eq "" } {
- puts "WARNING: Could not initialize dispatch client"
- } else {
- puts "INFO: Dispatch client connection id - $connect_id"
- set connected true
- }
- } catch_res]} {
- puts "WARNING: failed to connect to dispatch server - $catch_res"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if {$::dispatch::connected} {
- # Remove the dummy proc if it exists.
- if { [expr {[llength [info procs ::OPTRACE]] > 0}] } {
- rename ::OPTRACE ""
- }
- proc ::OPTRACE { task action {tags {} } } {
- ::vitis_log::op_trace "$task" $action -tags $tags -script $::optrace::script -category $::optrace::category
- }
- # dispatch is generic. We specifically want to attach logging.
- ::vitis_log::connect_client
- } else {
- # Add dummy proc if it doesn't exist.
- if { [expr {[llength [info procs ::OPTRACE]] == 0}] } {
- proc ::OPTRACE {{arg1 \"\" } {arg2 \"\"} {arg3 \"\" } {arg4 \"\"} {arg5 \"\" } {arg6 \"\"}} {
- # Do nothing
- }
- }
- }
- proc start_step { step } {
- set stopFile ".stop.rst"
- if {[file isfile .stop.rst]} {
- puts ""
- puts "*** Halting run - EA reset detected ***"
- puts ""
- puts ""
- return -code error
- }
- set beginFile ".$step.begin.rst"
- set platform "$::tcl_platform(platform)"
- set user "$::tcl_platform(user)"
- set pid [pid]
- set host ""
- if { [string equal $platform unix] } {
- if { [info exist ::env(HOSTNAME)] } {
- set host $::env(HOSTNAME)
- } elseif { [info exist ::env(HOST)] } {
- set host $::env(HOST)
- }
- } else {
- if { [info exist ::env(COMPUTERNAME)] } {
- set host $::env(COMPUTERNAME)
- }
- }
- set ch [open $beginFile w]
- puts $ch "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
- puts $ch "<ProcessHandle Version=\"1\" Minor=\"0\">"
- puts $ch " <Process Command=\".planAhead.\" Owner=\"$user\" Host=\"$host\" Pid=\"$pid\">"
- puts $ch " </Process>"
- puts $ch "</ProcessHandle>"
- close $ch
- }
- proc end_step { step } {
- set endFile ".$step.end.rst"
- set ch [open $endFile w]
- close $ch
- }
- proc step_failed { step } {
- set endFile ".$step.error.rst"
- set ch [open $endFile w]
- close $ch
- OPTRACE "impl_1" END { }
- }
- OPTRACE "impl_1" START { ROLLUP_1 }
- OPTRACE "Phase: Init Design" START { ROLLUP_AUTO }
- start_step init_design
- set ACTIVE_STEP init_design
- set rc [catch {
- create_msg_db init_design.pb
- set_param chipscope.maxJobs 3
- set_param runs.launchOptions { -jobs 12 }
- OPTRACE "create in-memory project" START { }
- create_project -in_memory -part xc7a35tcpg236-1
- set_property design_mode GateLvl [current_fileset]
- set_param project.singleFileAddWarning.threshold 0
- OPTRACE "create in-memory project" END { }
- OPTRACE "set parameters" START { }
- set_property webtalk.parent_dir C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.cache/wt [current_project]
- set_property parent.project_path C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.xpr [current_project]
- set_property ip_output_repo C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.cache/ip [current_project]
- set_property ip_cache_permissions {read write} [current_project]
- OPTRACE "set parameters" END { }
- OPTRACE "add files" START { }
- add_files -quiet C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.runs/synth_1/basys3top.dcp
- OPTRACE "read constraints: implementation" START { }
- read_xdc C:/Users/misspapaya/projects/cpu32/riscv/riscv_rtl/riscv_rtl.srcs/constrs_1/new/basys3.xdc
- OPTRACE "read constraints: implementation" END { }
- OPTRACE "add files" END { }
- OPTRACE "link_design" START { }
- link_design -top basys3top -part xc7a35tcpg236-1
- OPTRACE "link_design" END { }
- OPTRACE "gray box cells" START { }
- OPTRACE "gray box cells" END { }
- OPTRACE "init_design_reports" START { REPORT }
- OPTRACE "init_design_reports" END { }
- OPTRACE "init_design_write_hwdef" START { }
- OPTRACE "init_design_write_hwdef" END { }
- close_msg_db -file init_design.pb
- if {$rc} {
- step_failed init_design
- return -code error $RESULT
- } else {
- end_step init_design
- }
- OPTRACE "Phase: Init Design" END { }
- OPTRACE "Phase: Opt Design" START { ROLLUP_AUTO }
- start_step opt_design
- set ACTIVE_STEP opt_design
- set rc [catch {
- create_msg_db opt_design.pb
- OPTRACE "read constraints: opt_design" START { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: opt_design" END { }
- OPTRACE "opt_design" START { }
- opt_design
- OPTRACE "opt_design" END { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: opt_design_post" START { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: opt_design_post" END { }
- OPTRACE "opt_design reports" START { REPORT }
- create_report "impl_1_opt_report_drc_0" "report_drc -file basys3top_drc_opted.rpt -pb basys3top_drc_opted.pb -rpx basys3top_drc_opted.rpx"
- OPTRACE "opt_design reports" END { }
- OPTRACE "Opt Design: write_checkpoint" START { CHECKPOINT }
- write_checkpoint -force basys3top_opt.dcp
- OPTRACE "Opt Design: write_checkpoint" END { }
- close_msg_db -file opt_design.pb
- if {$rc} {
- step_failed opt_design
- return -code error $RESULT
- } else {
- end_step opt_design
- }
- OPTRACE "Phase: Opt Design" END { }
- OPTRACE "Phase: Place Design" START { ROLLUP_AUTO }
- start_step place_design
- set ACTIVE_STEP place_design
- set rc [catch {
- create_msg_db place_design.pb
- OPTRACE "read constraints: place_design" START { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: place_design" END { }
- if { [llength [get_debug_cores -quiet] ] > 0 } {
- OPTRACE "implement_debug_core" START { }
- implement_debug_core
- OPTRACE "implement_debug_core" END { }
- }
- OPTRACE "place_design" START { }
- place_design
- OPTRACE "place_design" END { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: place_design_post" START { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: place_design_post" END { }
- OPTRACE "place_design reports" START { REPORT }
- create_report "impl_1_place_report_io_0" "report_io -file basys3top_io_placed.rpt"
- create_report "impl_1_place_report_utilization_0" "report_utilization -file basys3top_utilization_placed.rpt -pb basys3top_utilization_placed.pb"
- create_report "impl_1_place_report_control_sets_0" "report_control_sets -verbose -file basys3top_control_sets_placed.rpt"
- OPTRACE "place_design reports" END { }
- OPTRACE "Place Design: write_checkpoint" START { CHECKPOINT }
- write_checkpoint -force basys3top_placed.dcp
- OPTRACE "Place Design: write_checkpoint" END { }
- close_msg_db -file place_design.pb
- if {$rc} {
- step_failed place_design
- return -code error $RESULT
- } else {
- end_step place_design
- }
- OPTRACE "Phase: Place Design" END { }
- OPTRACE "Phase: Physical Opt Design" START { ROLLUP_AUTO }
- start_step phys_opt_design
- set ACTIVE_STEP phys_opt_design
- set rc [catch {
- create_msg_db phys_opt_design.pb
- OPTRACE "read constraints: phys_opt_design" START { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: phys_opt_design" END { }
- OPTRACE "phys_opt_design" START { }
- phys_opt_design
- OPTRACE "phys_opt_design" END { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: phys_opt_design_post" START { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: phys_opt_design_post" END { }
- OPTRACE "phys_opt_design report" START { REPORT }
- OPTRACE "phys_opt_design report" END { }
- OPTRACE "Post-Place Phys Opt Design: write_checkpoint" START { CHECKPOINT }
- write_checkpoint -force basys3top_physopt.dcp
- OPTRACE "Post-Place Phys Opt Design: write_checkpoint" END { }
- close_msg_db -file phys_opt_design.pb
- if {$rc} {
- step_failed phys_opt_design
- return -code error $RESULT
- } else {
- end_step phys_opt_design
- }
- OPTRACE "Phase: Physical Opt Design" END { }
- OPTRACE "Phase: Route Design" START { ROLLUP_AUTO }
- start_step route_design
- set ACTIVE_STEP route_design
- set rc [catch {
- create_msg_db route_design.pb
- OPTRACE "read constraints: route_design" START { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: route_design" END { }
- OPTRACE "route_design" START { }
- route_design
- OPTRACE "route_design" END { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: route_design_post" START { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: route_design_post" END { }
- OPTRACE "route_design reports" START { REPORT }
- create_report "impl_1_route_report_drc_0" "report_drc -file basys3top_drc_routed.rpt -pb basys3top_drc_routed.pb -rpx basys3top_drc_routed.rpx"
- create_report "impl_1_route_report_methodology_0" "report_methodology -file basys3top_methodology_drc_routed.rpt -pb basys3top_methodology_drc_routed.pb -rpx basys3top_methodology_drc_routed.rpx"
- create_report "impl_1_route_report_power_0" "report_power -file basys3top_power_routed.rpt -pb basys3top_power_summary_routed.pb -rpx basys3top_power_routed.rpx"
- create_report "impl_1_route_report_route_status_0" "report_route_status -file basys3top_route_status.rpt -pb basys3top_route_status.pb"
- create_report "impl_1_route_report_timing_summary_0" "report_timing_summary -max_paths 10 -report_unconstrained -file basys3top_timing_summary_routed.rpt -pb basys3top_timing_summary_routed.pb -rpx basys3top_timing_summary_routed.rpx -warn_on_violation "
- create_report "impl_1_route_report_incremental_reuse_0" "report_incremental_reuse -file basys3top_incremental_reuse_routed.rpt"
- create_report "impl_1_route_report_clock_utilization_0" "report_clock_utilization -file basys3top_clock_utilization_routed.rpt"
- create_report "impl_1_route_report_bus_skew_0" "report_bus_skew -warn_on_violation -file basys3top_bus_skew_routed.rpt -pb basys3top_bus_skew_routed.pb -rpx basys3top_bus_skew_routed.rpx"
- OPTRACE "route_design reports" END { }
- OPTRACE "Route Design: write_checkpoint" START { CHECKPOINT }
- write_checkpoint -force basys3top_routed.dcp
- OPTRACE "Route Design: write_checkpoint" END { }
- OPTRACE "route_design misc" START { }
- close_msg_db -file route_design.pb
- if {$rc} {
- OPTRACE "route_design write_checkpoint" START { CHECKPOINT }
- OPTRACE "route_design write_checkpoint" END { }
- write_checkpoint -force basys3top_routed_error.dcp
- step_failed route_design
- return -code error $RESULT
- } else {
- end_step route_design
- }
- OPTRACE "route_design misc" END { }
- OPTRACE "Phase: Route Design" END { }
- OPTRACE "Phase: Write Bitstream" START { ROLLUP_AUTO }
- OPTRACE "write_bitstream setup" START { }
- start_step write_bitstream
- set ACTIVE_STEP write_bitstream
- set rc [catch {
- create_msg_db write_bitstream.pb
- OPTRACE "read constraints: write_bitstream" START { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: write_bitstream" END { }
- catch { write_mem_info -force -no_partial_mmi basys3top.mmi }
- OPTRACE "write_bitstream setup" END { }
- OPTRACE "write_bitstream" START { }
- write_bitstream -force basys3top.bit -bin_file
- OPTRACE "write_bitstream" END { }
- OPTRACE "write_bitstream misc" START { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: write_bitstream_post" START { }
- OPTRACE "read constraints: write_bitstream_post" END { }
- catch {write_debug_probes -quiet -force basys3top}
- catch {file copy -force basys3top.ltx debug_nets.ltx}
- close_msg_db -file write_bitstream.pb
- if {$rc} {
- step_failed write_bitstream
- return -code error $RESULT
- } else {
- end_step write_bitstream
- }
- OPTRACE "write_bitstream misc" END { }
- OPTRACE "Phase: Write Bitstream" END { }
- OPTRACE "impl_1" END { }