project.godot 3.3 KB

  1. ; Engine configuration file.
  2. ; It's best edited using the editor UI and not directly,
  3. ; since the parameters that go here are not all obvious.
  4. ;
  5. ; Format:
  6. ; [section] ; section goes between []
  7. ; param=value ; assign values to parameters
  8. config_version=4
  9. _global_script_classes=[ {
  10. "base": "Node",
  11. "class": "AsyncHelper",
  12. "language": "GDScript",
  13. "path": "res://src/utils/async_helper/"
  14. }, {
  15. "base": "PanelContainer",
  16. "class": "ButtonContainer",
  17. "language": "GDScript",
  18. "path": "res://src/scenes/button_container/"
  19. }, {
  20. "base": "HBoxContainer",
  21. "class": "ChannelCard",
  22. "language": "GDScript",
  23. "path": "res://src/scenes/channel_card/"
  24. }, {
  25. "base": "MarginContainer",
  26. "class": "ChannelWindow",
  27. "language": "GDScript",
  28. "path": "res://src/scenes/channel_window/"
  29. }, {
  30. "base": "HBoxContainer",
  31. "class": "Comment",
  32. "language": "GDScript",
  33. "path": "res://src/scenes/comments/comment/"
  34. }, {
  35. "base": "GridContainer",
  36. "class": "DynamicGridContainer",
  37. "language": "GDScript",
  38. "path": "res://src/scenes/dynamic_grid_container/"
  39. }, {
  40. "base": "Reference",
  41. "class": "Helpers",
  42. "language": "GDScript",
  43. "path": "res://src/utils/helpers/"
  44. }, {
  45. "base": "HBoxContainer",
  46. "class": "MainRegion",
  47. "language": "GDScript",
  48. "path": "res://src/scenes/main/main_region/"
  49. }, {
  50. "base": "PanelContainer",
  51. "class": "MediaListItem",
  52. "language": "GDScript",
  53. "path": "res://src/scenes/media_list_item/"
  54. }, {
  55. "base": "VSplitContainer",
  56. "class": "MediaWindow",
  57. "language": "GDScript",
  58. "path": "res://src/scenes/media_window/"
  59. }, {
  60. "base": "ConfirmationDialog",
  61. "class": "OpenWithNode",
  62. "language": "GDScript",
  63. "path": "res://src/scenes/open_with_node/"
  64. }, {
  65. "base": "Button",
  66. "class": "SectionButton",
  67. "language": "GDScript",
  68. "path": "res://src/scenes/sections_list/section_button/"
  69. } ]
  70. _global_script_class_icons={
  71. "AsyncHelper": "",
  72. "ButtonContainer": "",
  73. "ChannelCard": "",
  74. "ChannelWindow": "",
  75. "Comment": "",
  76. "DynamicGridContainer": "",
  77. "Helpers": "",
  78. "MainRegion": "",
  79. "MediaListItem": "",
  80. "MediaWindow": "",
  81. "OpenWithNode": "",
  82. "SectionButton": ""
  83. }
  84. [application]
  85. config/name="Freem"
  86. run/main_scene="res://src/scenes/main/main.tscn"
  87. config/use_custom_user_dir=true
  88. config/custom_user_dir_name="freem"
  89. config/icon="res://icon.png"
  90. config/auto_accept_quit=false
  91. [autoload]
  92. Cache="*res://src/utils/cache/cache.tscn"
  93. SDK="*res://src/utils/sdk/sdk.tscn"
  94. Data="*res://src/utils/io/data/data.tscn"
  95. LbrynetConfig="*res://src/utils/io/lbrynet_config/"
  96. Extensions="*res://src/utils/io/extensions/extensions.tscn"
  97. Cmdline="*res://src/utils/cmdline/"
  98. MediaHandler="*res://src/utils/media_handler/media_handler.tscn"
  99. Requests="*res://src/utils/requests/requests.tscn"
  100. LBRYActions="*res://src/utils/lbry_actions/lbry_actions.tscn"
  101. DownloadManager="*res://src/utils/download_manager/download_manager.tscn"
  102. ThreadPool="*res://src/utils/thread_pool/thread_pool.tscn"
  103. [debug]
  104. gdscript/warnings/return_value_discarded=false
  105. [global]
  106. main=false
  107. use_custom=false
  108. exit=false
  109. cmd=false
  110. [gui]
  111. theme/custom_font="res://assets/fonts/dejavu_sans_mono.tres"
  112. [physics]
  113. common/enable_pause_aware_picking=true
  114. [rendering]
  115. environment/default_environment="res://default_env.tres"