123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296 |
- #include <cstdint>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <ctime>
- #include <thread>
- #include <vector>
- #include <mutex>
- #include <chrono>
- #include <string>
- #define RANDOM_MASK ((1ULL << 48ULL) - 1ULL)
- #define CHUNK_SEED_BIT_5 ((CHUNK_SEED >> 4ULL) & 1ULL)
- #ifndef FLOOR_LEVEL
- #define FLOOR_LEVEL 63LL
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifndef WORK_UNIT_SIZE
- #define WORK_UNIT_SIZE (1ULL << 23ULL)
- #endif
- #ifndef BLOCK_SIZE
- #define BLOCK_SIZE 256ULL
- #endif
- #ifndef GPU_COUNT
- #define GPU_COUNT 1ULL
- #endif
- #ifndef OFFSET
- #define OFFSET 0
- #endif
- #ifndef END
- #define END (1ULL << 48ULL)
- #endif
- #ifndef CHUNK_SEED
- #define CHUNK_SEED 9567961692053ULL
- #endif
- #ifndef NEIGHBOR1
- #define NEIGHBOR1 856ULL
- #endif
- #ifndef NEIGHBOR2
- #define NEIGHBOR2 344ULL
- #endif
- #ifndef NEIGHBOR3
- #define NEIGHBOR3 840ULL
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- namespace java_random {
- // Random::next(bits)
- __device__ inline uint32_t next(uint64_t *random, int32_t bits) {
- return (uint32_t) (*random >> (48ULL - bits));
- }
- __device__ inline int32_t next_int_unknown(uint64_t *seed, int16_t bound) {
- if ((bound & -bound) == bound) {
- return (int32_t) ((bound * (*seed >> 17ULL)) >> 31ULL);
- }
- int32_t bits, value;
- do {
- bits = *seed >> 17ULL;
- value = bits % bound;
- } while (bits - value + (bound - 1) < 0);
- return value;
- }
- // Random::nextInt(bound)
- __device__ inline uint32_t next_int(uint64_t *random) {
- return java_random::next(random, 31) % 3;
- }
- }
- __global__ __launch_bounds__(256, 2) void crack(uint64_t seed_offset, int32_t *num_seeds, uint64_t *seeds) {
- uint64_t originalSeed = ((blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x + seed_offset) << 4ULL) | CHUNK_SEED_BOTTOM_4;
- uint64_t seed = originalSeed;
- int8_t heightMap[1024];
- #pragma unroll
- for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
- heightMap[i] = 0;
- }
- int32_t currentHighestPos = 0, posMap;
- int16_t initialPosX, initialPosY, initialPosZ, initialPos;
- int16_t posX, posY, posZ;
- int16_t i, a, j;
- int8_t position = -1;
- for (i = -90; i < 0; i += 9) {
- // Keep, most threads finish early this way
- if (heightMap[currentHighestPos] - WANTED_CACTUS_HEIGHT < i)
- return;
- initialPosX = java_random::next(&seed, 4) + 8;
- initialPosZ = java_random::next(&seed, 4) + 8;
- initialPos = initialPosX + initialPosZ * 32;
- if (position == -1) {
- if (initialPos == NEIGHBOR1) {
- position = 0;
- } else if (initialPos == NEIGHBOR2) {
- position = 1;
- } else if (initialPos == NEIGHBOR3) {
- position = 2;
- }
- if (position != -1) {
- uint64_t bit = (originalSeed >> 4ULL) & 1ULL;
- if (position != DIAGONAL_INDEX) {
- if (bit == CHUNK_SEED_BIT_5) return;
- } else {
- if (bit != CHUNK_SEED_BIT_5) return;
- }
- heightMap[initialPos] += CACTUS_HEIGHT;
- if (heightMap[currentHighestPos] < heightMap[initialPos]) {
- currentHighestPos = initialPos;
- }
- }
- }
- initialPosY = java_random::next_int_unknown(&seed, ((heightMap[initialPosX + initialPosZ * 32] + 1) + FLOOR_LEVEL) * 2);
- for (a = 0; a < 10; a++) {
- posX = initialPosX + java_random::next(&seed, 3) - java_random::next(&seed, 3);
- posY = initialPosY + java_random::next(&seed, 2) - java_random::next(&seed, 2);
- posZ = initialPosZ + java_random::next(&seed, 3) - java_random::next(&seed, 3);
- posMap = posX + posZ * 32;
- if (position == -1) {
- if (posMap == NEIGHBOR1) {
- position = 0;
- } else if (posMap == NEIGHBOR2) {
- position = 1;
- } else if (posMap == NEIGHBOR3) {
- position = 2;
- }
- if (position != -1) {
- uint64_t bit = (originalSeed >> 4ULL) & 1ULL;
- if (position != DIAGONAL_INDEX) {
- if (bit == CHUNK_SEED_BIT_5) return;
- } else {
- if (bit != CHUNK_SEED_BIT_5) return;
- }
- heightMap[posMap] += CACTUS_HEIGHT;
- if (heightMap[currentHighestPos] < heightMap[posMap]) {
- currentHighestPos = posMap;
- }
- }
- }
- // Keep
- if (posY <= heightMap[posMap] + FLOOR_LEVEL)
- continue;
- for (j = 0; j < 1 + java_random::next_int_unknown(&seed, java_random::next_int(&seed) + 1); j++) {
- if ((posY + j - 1) > heightMap[posMap] + FLOOR_LEVEL || posY < 0) continue;
- if ((posY + j) <= heightMap[(posX + 1) + posZ * 32] + FLOOR_LEVEL) continue;
- if ((posY + j) <= heightMap[posX + (posZ - 1) * 32] + FLOOR_LEVEL) continue;
- if ((posY + j) <= heightMap[(posX - 1) + posZ * 32] + FLOOR_LEVEL) continue;
- if ((posY + j) <= heightMap[posX + (posZ + 1) * 32] + FLOOR_LEVEL) continue;
- heightMap[posMap]++;
- if (heightMap[currentHighestPos] < heightMap[posMap]) {
- currentHighestPos = posMap;
- }
- }
- }
- if (heightMap[currentHighestPos] >= WANTED_CACTUS_HEIGHT) {
- uint64_t addend = 0;
- if (position == 0)
- addend = NEIGHBOR1;
- if (position == 1)
- addend = NEIGHBOR2;
- if (position == 2)
- addend = NEIGHBOR3;
- seeds[atomicAdd(num_seeds, 1)] = (addend << 48ULL) | originalSeed;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- struct GPU_Node {
- int* num_seeds;
- uint64_t* seeds;
- };
- void setup_gpu_node(GPU_Node* node, int32_t gpu) {
- cudaSetDevice(gpu);
- cudaMallocManaged(&node->num_seeds, sizeof(*node->num_seeds));
- cudaMallocManaged(&node->seeds, 1ULL << 10ULL); // approx 1kb
- }
- GPU_Node nodes[GPU_COUNT];
- uint64_t offset = OFFSET;
- uint64_t count = 0;
- std::mutex info_lock;
- void gpu_manager(int32_t gpu_index) {
- std::string fileName = "kaktoos_seeds" + std::to_string(gpu_index) + ".txt";
- FILE *out_file = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "a");
- cudaSetDevice(gpu_index);
- while (offset < END) {
- *nodes[gpu_index].num_seeds = 0;
- crack<<<WORK_UNIT_SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 0>>> (offset, nodes[gpu_index].num_seeds, nodes[gpu_index].seeds);
- info_lock.lock();
- offset += WORK_UNIT_SIZE;
- info_lock.unlock();
- cudaDeviceSynchronize();
- for (int32_t i = 0, e = *nodes[gpu_index].num_seeds; i < e; i++) {
- fprintf(out_file, "%lld\n", (long long int)nodes[gpu_index].seeds[i]);
- printf("Found seed: %lld\n", (long long int)nodes[gpu_index].seeds[i]);
- }
- fflush(out_file);
- info_lock.lock();
- count += *nodes[gpu_index].num_seeds;
- info_lock.unlock();
- }
- fclose(out_file);
- }
- int main() {
- printf("Searching %ld total seeds...\n", END - OFFSET);
- std::thread threads[GPU_COUNT];
- time_t startTime = time(nullptr), currentTime;
- for(int32_t i = 0; i < GPU_COUNT; i++) {
- setup_gpu_node(&nodes[i], i);
- threads[i] = std::thread(gpu_manager, i);
- }
- using namespace std::chrono_literals;
- while (offset < END) {
- time(¤tTime);
- int timeElapsed = (int)(currentTime - startTime);
- double speed = (double)(offset - OFFSET) / (double)timeElapsed / 1000000.0;
- printf("Searched %lld seeds, offset: %lld found %lld matches. Time elapsed: %ds. Speed: %.2fm seeds/s. %f%%\n",
- (long long int)(offset - OFFSET),
- (long long int)offset,
- (long long int)count,
- timeElapsed,
- speed,
- (double)(offset - OFFSET) / (END - OFFSET) * 100);
- std::this_thread::sleep_for(0.5s);
- }
- for (auto &thread : threads) {
- thread.join();
- }
- printf("Done!\n");
- printf("But, verily, it be the nature of dreams to end.\n");
- }