123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 |
- [paket]
- tanim = Neighbor Discovery Protokolü kütüphanesi
- paketci = milisarge
- grup = kütüphane
- url = http://www.bluez.org
- [gerek]
- derleme = cups eudev glib libical json-c ell
- calisma =
- [kaynak]
- xz = https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/bluetooth
- dosya = bluetooth.modprobe
- dosya = refresh_adv_manager_for_non-LE_devices.diff
- dosya = bluez-5.50-obexd_without_systemd-1.patch
- [sha256]
- 1 = 5ffcaae18bbb6155f1591be8c24898dc12f062075a40b538b745bfd477481911
- [derle]
- yama = 3
- yama = 4
- betik = autoreconf -fi
- ekconf = --disable-static --with-udevdir=/usr/lib/udev --with-dbusconfdir=/usr/share --disable-systemd --enable-sixaxis --enable-threads --enable-mesh --enable-library
- tip = gnu
- [pakur]
- tip = gnu
- betik = install -dm755 ${PKG}/etc/bluetooth
- betik = install -Dm644 src/main.conf ${PKG}/etc/bluetooth/main.conf
- betik = install -dm755 ${PKG}/usr/lib/modprobe.d
- betik = install -Dm644 ${SRC}/bluetooth.modprobe ${PKG}/usr/lib/modprobe.d/bluetooth-usb.conf
- betik = ln -svf ../libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd $PKG/usr/bin
- betik = echo "# See the rfcomm man page for options" > ${PKG}/etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf
- betik = echo "# See the hciattach man page for options" > ${PKG}/etc/bluetooth/uart.conf