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- Here are the optionnal deps which you can choose to install or not:
- - file: for determining file types
- - The python module chardet, in case of encoding detection problems
- - "sudo" to use the "run as root"-feature
- - w3m for previewing images in "true color".
- And, for enhanced file previews (with "scope.sh"):
- - img2txt (from caca-utils) for previewing images in ASCII-art
- - highlight for syntax highlighting of code
- - atool for previews of archives
- - lynx, w3m or elinks for previews of html pages
- - pdftotext for pdf previews
- - transmission-show for viewing bit-torrent information
- - mediainfo or exiftool for viewing information about media files
- Note: previewing images in "true color" is disabled by default. To enable it,
- first make sure you have w3m installed, then check that your terminal supports it.
- It was successfully tested with urxvt and xterm, while it did not work with
- gnome-terminal and st. Currently it does not work with tmux but with screen.
- Finally, add this line to your ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf and restart ranger:
- set preview_images true
- Note: to use custom file previews, you need ranger 1.3.1 or later, and a script
- that creates previews. Use the default script by typing:
- ranger --copy-config=scope