talimat 677 B

  1. # Tanım: Minimalist bir arayüzü olan güçlü medya oynatıcı
  2. # URL: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Snappy
  3. # Paketçi: Cihan_Alkan
  4. # Gerekler: gstreamer-plugins-base clutter-gst clutter-gtk
  5. # Grup: medya
  6. isim=snappy-player
  7. surum=1.0
  8. devir=1
  9. kaynak=(https://download.gnome.org/sources/snappy/$surum/snappy-$surum.tar.xz
  10. 0001-Set-windowing-backend-to-X11.patch
  11. clutter-gst3.patch)
  12. derle() {
  13. cd snappy-$surum
  14. # Fix compatibility with Clutter 1.22
  15. patch -Np1 -i ../0001-Set-windowing-backend-to-X11.patch
  16. # Port to clutter-gst 3.0
  17. patch -Np1 -i ../clutter-gst3.patch
  18. autoreconf -fi
  19. ./configure --prefix=/usr
  20. make
  21. make DESTDIR=$PKG install
  22. }