This document describes Display API. Display API allows to add a dynamic display on a node. Display API limits node rotations. For wallmounted, only vertical positionning is available. For facedir, only first four position are availabel (those with default axis).
This method triggers entities update for the display node at pos. Actual entity update is made by on_display_update
callback associated to the entity.
: Position of the node
This is a helper to register entities used for display.
: Name of the entity to register.
display_api.on_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
node callback implementation. Display nodes should have this callback (avoid placement of horizontal display node).
node callback implementation. Display nodes should have this callback (creates, places and updates display entities on node construction).
node callback implementation. Display nodes should have this callback (removes display entities on node destruction).
display_api.on_rotate(pos, node, user, mode, new_param2)
node callback implementation. Display nodes should have this callback (restricts rotations and rotates display entities associated with node).
display_api.on_activate(entity, staticdata)
entity callback implementation for display entities. No need of this method if display entities have been registered using register_display_entity
(callback is already set).
Register display entities with register_display_entity
Register node with :
, on_construct
, on_destruct
and on_rotate
callbacks using display_api callbacks.\display_api
group. This will make this node have their entities updated as soon as the mapblock is loaded (Useful after /clearobjects).\display_entities
field in node definition containing a entity name indexed table. See below for description of each display_entities fields.\on_display_update
is a callback in charge of setting up entity texture. If not set, entity will have no texture and will be displayed as unknown item.\
, right
and top
: Entity position regarding to node facedir/wallmounted main axis.\
Values for these fields can be any number between -1.5 and 1.5 (default value is 0). Position 0,0,0 is the center of the node.\
goes from front (-0.5) to rear (0.5), top
goes from bottom (-0.5) to top (0.5) and right
goes from left (-0.5) to right (0.5).\
: Entity yaw in radians, regarding to main axis. Default is 0, aligned to node face.
In order to avoid flickering text, it's better to have text a little behind node surface. A good spacing value is given by display_api.entity_spacing
function my_display_update1(pos, objref)
objref:set_properties({ textures= {"mytexture1.png"},
visual_size = {x=1, y=1} })
function my_display_update2(pos, objref)
objref:set_properties({ textures= {"mytexture2.png"},
visual_size = {x=1, y=1} })
minetest.register_node("mymod:test_display_node", {
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = { display_api = 1, ... },
display_entities = {
["mymod:entity1"] = {
depth = 0.3,
on_display_update = my_display_update1 },
["mymod:entity1"] = {
depth = 0.2, top = 0.1,
on_display_update = my_display_update2 },
on_place = display_api.on_place,
on_construct = display_api.on_construct,
on_destruct = display_api.on_destruct,
on_rotate = display_api.on_rotate,