ru-ru.yml 3.0 KB

  1. # ____ _ _ _____ _ _ ____
  2. #| _ \ | | | | / ____| | (_) |___ \
  3. #| |_) | ___| |_| |_ ___ _ _| (___ | | ___ ___ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ ____) |
  4. #| _ < / _ \ __| __/ _ \ '__\___ \| |/ _ \/ _ \ '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | \ \ / /__ <
  5. #| |_) | __/ |_| || __/ | ____) | | __/ __/ |_) | | | | | (_| | \ V /___) |
  6. #|____/ \___|\__|\__\___|_| |_____/|_|\___|\___| .__/|_|_| |_|\__, | \_/|____/
  7. # | | __/ |
  8. # |_| |___/
  9. # МАТЫ ЭТО ПЛОХО!!!!!!!
  10. # ----------------- #
  11. # Sleeping messages |
  12. # ----------------- #
  13. # A player receives this message when entering their bed
  14. bed_enter_message: "Спокойной ночи, <user> (<num_sleeping>/<needed_sleeping>)"
  15. # All players in the same world get this message when someone enters their bed
  16. bed_enter_broadcast: "<player> лёг спать. <remaining_sleeping> игроков требуется для пропуска ночи"
  17. # When not enough people are sleeping due to someone leaving their bed
  18. skipping_canceled: "Кто-то проснулся, ночь не попущена. Нужно ещё <remaining_sleeping> спящих игроков"
  19. # This message is sent to all players in a world where enough players are sleeping
  20. enough_sleeping: "Ночь скоро закончится"
  21. # Players receive this message in the morning
  22. morning_message: "Доброе утро, <user>. До новых синяков!"
  23. # Players that try to enter their bed too quickly after getting out of it
  24. sleep_spam: "Тебе нужно подождать ешё <time> секунд до того, как сможешь заснуть"
  25. # This message is sent one minute before players can go to bed due to nighttime (disabled by default)
  26. sleep_possible_soon: ""
  27. # This message is sent when sleeping is possible due to a thunderstorm or nighttime (disabled by default)
  28. sleep_possible_now: ""
  29. # --------------- #
  30. # Buffs & debuffs |
  31. # --------------- #
  32. # Players who slept AND receive buffs will get this message
  33. buff_received: "Ты чувстуешь решимость"
  34. # Players who did not sleep AND receive debuffs will get this message
  35. debuff_received: "Решимость покидает тебя"
  36. # -------------------- #
  37. # Commands/Permissions |
  38. # -------------------- #
  39. # The message a player gets when they don't have access to a command
  40. no_permission: "&cАх*уел?"
  41. # The message that will be sent to the admin that does a reload
  42. message_reloaded: "&2Перезагружено."
  43. # This message is sent when a player tries to sleep but they have got a bypass permission
  44. # Permissions include:
  45. # - Having the node bettersleeping.bypass OR essentials.sleepingignored
  46. # - Being in a bypassed gamemode
  47. # - Being afk / vanished
  48. bypass_message: "&cТы на спидах, <user>. Ты полон решимости"