@@ -4,6 +4,21 @@ set -o errexit #>Exit when a command fails (returns non-zero)
set -o pipefail #>Exit when a command within a pipeline fail (returns non-zero)
set -o nounset #>Forbid to use unse
+declare -A Paths
+if [[ ! -t 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "Pipe detected!"
+ echo "Please don't pipe the script. Run it like that:"
+ echo "* bash <(curl -s "${Paths[url]}")"
+ echo "* curl -s ${Paths[url]} > /tmp/lncr.sh && bash /tmp/lncr.sh"
+ echo "* bash lognconf-report.sh"
+ echo "* chmod +x lognconf-report.sh && ./lognconf-report.sh"
+ exit
export LANG=C
declare -A BootConfigs
@@ -21,10 +36,6 @@ declare -A BootLogs
-declare -A Paths
function GetINXI ()
@@ -169,20 +180,17 @@ InPut="$(GetSystemJournals current)"
InPut="$(GetSystemJournals previous)"
[[ -n "${InPut}" ]] && Logs+="\n\n#### Previous System Journals\n\n~~~\n${InPut}\n~~~\n\n"
-while true; do
- read -p "Would you like to view [v] the content? (View[v]/No[n]) " vn
- case $vn in
- [Vv]) echo -e "${OutPut}""${Logs}" | less ;;
- [Nn]) break ;;
- *) continue ;;
- esac
-while true; do
- read -p "Would you like to upload [u] the content or write it to a file [s]? Save[s]/Upload[u] " us
- case $us in
- [Uu]) upload && exit ;;
- [Ss]) save && exit ;;
- *) continue ;;
- esac
+read -p "Would you like to view [v] the content? (View[V]/No[n]) " vn
+case $vn in
+ [Vv]) less -f <(echo -e "${OutPut}${Logs}") ;;
+ [Nn]) echo -n "" ;;
+ *) less -f <(echo -e "${OutPut}${Logs}") ;;
+read -p "Would you like to upload [u] the content or write it to a file [s]? Save[s]/Upload[U]" us
+case $us in
+ [Uu]) upload ;;
+ [Ss]) save ;;
+ *) upload ;;