123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817 |
- # Razer device QT configuration tool
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Michael Buesch <m@bues.ch>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- import sys
- from PyQt5.QtCore import *
- from PyQt5.QtGui import *
- from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
- Signal = pyqtSignal
- from functools import partial
- from pyrazer import *
- try:
- except:
- print("ERROR: Found an old 'pyrazer' module.")
- print("You should uninstall razercfg from the system (see README)")
- print("and re-install it properly.")
- sys.exit(1)
- razer = None
- class Wrapper(object):
- def __init__(self, obj):
- self.obj = obj
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self.obj == other.obj
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return self.obj != other.obj
- class WrappedComboBox(QComboBox):
- def addItem(self, text, dataObj=None):
- QComboBox.addItem(self, text, Wrapper(dataObj))
- def itemData(self, index):
- return QComboBox.itemData(self, index).obj
- def findData(self, dataObj):
- for i in range(0, self.count()):
- if self.itemData(i) == dataObj:
- return i
- return -1
- class OneButtonConfig(QWidget):
- def __init__(self, id, name, supportedFunctions, buttonConfWidget):
- QWidget.__init__(self, buttonConfWidget)
- self.setContentsMargins(QMargins())
- self.buttonConfWidget = buttonConfWidget
- self.id = id
- self.name = name
- self.setLayout(QHBoxLayout(self))
- self.layout().setContentsMargins(QMargins())
- self.nameLabel = QLabel(name, self)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.nameLabel)
- self.layout().addStretch()
- l = QLabel(self.tr("button is assigned to function"), self)
- self.layout().addWidget(l)
- self.funcCombo = WrappedComboBox(self)
- for func in supportedFunctions:
- self.funcCombo.addItem(func[1], func[0])
- curFunc = razer.getButtonFunction(buttonConfWidget.profileWidget.mouseWidget.mouse,
- buttonConfWidget.profileWidget.profileId,
- id)
- self.initialFunc = curFunc[0]
- index = self.funcCombo.findData(curFunc[0])
- if index >= 0:
- self.funcCombo.setCurrentIndex(index)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.funcCombo)
- def getId(self):
- return self.id
- def getSelectedFunction(self):
- index = self.funcCombo.currentIndex()
- return self.funcCombo.itemData(index)
- def getInitialFunction(self):
- return self.initialFunc
- class ButtonConfDialog(QDialog):
- def __init__(self, profileWidget):
- QDialog.__init__(self, profileWidget)
- self.profileWidget = profileWidget
- self.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Configure buttons"))
- self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout(self))
- h = QHBoxLayout()
- l = QLabel(self.tr("Physical button"), self)
- h.addWidget(l)
- h.addStretch()
- l = QLabel(self.tr("Assigned function"), self)
- h.addWidget(l)
- self.layout().addLayout(h)
- funcs = razer.getSupportedButtonFunctions(profileWidget.mouseWidget.mouse)
- self.buttons = []
- for b in razer.getSupportedButtons(profileWidget.mouseWidget.mouse):
- button = OneButtonConfig(b[0], b[1], funcs, self)
- self.layout().addWidget(button)
- self.buttons.append(button)
- h = QHBoxLayout()
- self.applyButton = QPushButton(self.tr("Apply"), self)
- self.applyButton.clicked.connect(self.apply)
- h.addWidget(self.applyButton)
- self.cancelButton = QPushButton(self.tr("Cancel"), self)
- self.cancelButton.clicked.connect(self.cancel)
- h.addWidget(self.cancelButton)
- self.layout().addLayout(h)
- def cancel(self):
- self.done(0)
- def apply(self):
- for button in self.buttons:
- func = button.getSelectedFunction()
- if func != button.getInitialFunction():
- razer.setButtonFunction(self.profileWidget.mouseWidget.mouse,
- self.profileWidget.profileId,
- button.getId(),
- func)
- self.done(1)
- class OneLedConfig(QWidget):
- def __init__(self, ledsWidget, led):
- QWidget.__init__(self, ledsWidget)
- self.setContentsMargins(QMargins())
- self.ledsWidget = ledsWidget
- self.led = led
- self.setLayout(QGridLayout(self))
- self.layout().setContentsMargins(QMargins())
- self.stateCb = QCheckBox(led.name + " LED", self)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.stateCb, 0, 0)
- self.stateCb.setCheckState(Qt.Checked if led.state else Qt.Unchecked)
- if led.supported_modes:
- self.modeComBox = WrappedComboBox(self)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.modeComBox, 0, 1)
- for mode in led.supported_modes:
- self.modeComBox.addItem(mode.toString(), mode.val)
- self.modeComBox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.modeChanged)
- index = self.modeComBox.findData(led.mode.val)
- if index >= 0:
- self.modeComBox.setCurrentIndex(index)
- if led.color is not None and led.canChangeColor:
- self.colorPb = QPushButton(self.tr("change color..."), self)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.colorPb, 0, 2)
- self.colorPb.released.connect(self.colorChangePressed)
- self.stateCb.stateChanged.connect(self.toggled)
- def toggled(self, state):
- self.led.state = bool(state)
- razer.setLed(self.ledsWidget.mouseWidget.mouse, self.led)
- def colorChangePressed(self):
- c = QColor(self.led.color.r, self.led.color.g, self.led.color.b)
- c = QColorDialog.getColor(c, self, self.led.name + self.tr(" color"))
- if not c.isValid():
- return
- self.led.color.r = c.red()
- self.led.color.g = c.green()
- self.led.color.b = c.blue()
- razer.setLed(self.ledsWidget.mouseWidget.mouse, self.led)
- def modeChanged(self, currentIndex):
- self.led.mode.val = self.modeComBox.itemData(currentIndex)
- razer.setLed(self.ledsWidget.mouseWidget.mouse, self.led)
- class LedsWidget(QGroupBox):
- def __init__(self, parent, mouseWidget):
- QGroupBox.__init__(self, "LEDs", parent)
- self.mouseWidget = mouseWidget
- self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout(self))
- self.leds = []
- def clear(self):
- for led in self.leds:
- led.deleteLater()
- self.leds = []
- self.setEnabled(False)
- self.hide()
- def add(self, led):
- oneLed = OneLedConfig(self, led)
- self.layout().addWidget(oneLed)
- self.leds.append(oneLed)
- self.setEnabled(True)
- self.show()
- def updateContent(self, profileId=Razer.PROFILE_INVALID):
- for led in razer.getLeds(self.mouseWidget.mouse, profileId):
- self.add(led)
- self.show()
- #TODO profile name
- class MouseProfileWidget(QWidget):
- def __init__(self, mouseWidget, profileId):
- QWidget.__init__(self, mouseWidget)
- self.mouseWidget = mouseWidget
- self.profileId = profileId
- minfo = razer.getMouseInfo(mouseWidget.mouse)
- self.setLayout(QGridLayout(self))
- yoff = 0
- self.profileActive = QRadioButton(self.tr("Profile active"), self)
- self.profileActive.toggled.connect(self.activeChanged)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.profileActive, yoff, 0)
- yoff += 1
- self.freqSel = None
- self.freqSel = MouseScanFreqWidget(self, mouseWidget, profileId)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.freqSel, yoff, 0, 1, 2)
- yoff += 1
- self.resSel = []
- axes = self.__getIndependentAxes()
- for axis in axes:
- axisName = axis[1] + " " if axis[1] else ""
- self.layout().addWidget(QLabel(self.tr("%sScan resolution:" % axisName), self), yoff, 0)
- resSel = WrappedComboBox(self)
- resSel.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.resChanged)
- self.layout().addWidget(resSel, yoff, 1)
- self.resSel.append(resSel)
- yoff += 1
- self.resIndependent = QCheckBox(self.tr("Independent resolutions"), self)
- self.resIndependent.stateChanged.connect(self.resIndependentChanged)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.resIndependent, yoff, 1)
- yoff += 1
- if len(axes) <= 1:
- self.resIndependent.hide()
- funcs = razer.getSupportedButtonFunctions(self.mouseWidget.mouse)
- if funcs:
- self.buttonConf = QPushButton(self.tr("Configure buttons"), self)
- self.buttonConf.clicked.connect(self.showButtonConf)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.buttonConf, yoff, 0, 1, 2)
- yoff += 1
- self.buttonName = QPushButton(self.tr("Change profile name"), self)
- self.buttonName.clicked.connect(self.nameChange)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.buttonName, yoff, 0, 1, 2)
- yoff += 1
- self.dpimappings = MouseDpiMappingsWidget(self, mouseWidget)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.dpimappings, yoff, 0, 1, 2)
- yoff += 1
- self.leds = LedsWidget(self, mouseWidget)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.leds, yoff, 0, 1, 2)
- yoff += 1
- def __getIndependentAxes(self):
- axes = razer.getSupportedAxes(self.mouseWidget.mouse)
- axes = [axis for axis in axes if (axis[2] & Razer.RAZER_AXIS_INDEPENDENT_DPIMAPPING)]
- if not axes:
- axes = [ (0, "", 0) ]
- return axes
- def reload(self):
- # Refetch the data from the daemon
- self.mouseWidget.recurseProtect += 1
- # Frequency selection (if any)
- if self.freqSel:
- self.freqSel.updateContent()
- # Resolution selection
- for resSel in self.resSel:
- resSel.clear()
- supportedMappings = razer.getSupportedDpiMappings(self.mouseWidget.mouse)
- supportedMappings = [m for m in supportedMappings if (m.profileMask == 0) or\
- (m.profileMask & (1 << self.profileId))]
- axisMappings = []
- for axis in self.__getIndependentAxes():
- axisMappings.append(razer.getDpiMapping(self.mouseWidget.mouse,
- self.profileId,
- axis[0]))
- for i, resSel in enumerate(self.resSel):
- resSel.addItem(self.tr("Unknown mapping"), 0xFFFFFFFF)
- for mapping in supportedMappings:
- r = [ r for r in mapping.res if r is not None ]
- r = [ ("%u" % x) if x else self.tr("Unknown") for x in r]
- rStr = "/".join(r)
- resSel.addItem(self.tr("Scan resolution %u (%s DPI)" %\
- (mapping.id + 1, rStr)),
- mapping.id)
- index = resSel.findData(axisMappings[i])
- if index >= 0:
- resSel.setCurrentIndex(index)
- independent = bool([x for x in axisMappings if x != axisMappings[0]])
- if independent:
- self.resIndependent.setCheckState(Qt.Checked)
- else:
- self.resIndependent.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked)
- self.resIndependentChanged(self.resIndependent.checkState())
- # Profile selection
- activeProf = razer.getActiveProfile(self.mouseWidget.mouse)
- self.profileActive.setChecked(activeProf == self.profileId)
- # Per-profile DPI mappings (if any)
- self.dpimappings.clear()
- self.dpimappings.updateContent(self.profileId)
- # Per-profile LEDs (if any)
- self.leds.clear()
- self.leds.updateContent(self.profileId)
- self.mouseWidget.recurseProtect -= 1
- def activeChanged(self, checked):
- if self.mouseWidget.recurseProtect:
- return
- if not checked:
- # Cannot disable
- self.mouseWidget.recurseProtect += 1
- self.profileActive.setChecked(1)
- self.mouseWidget.recurseProtect -= 1
- return
- razer.setActiveProfile(self.mouseWidget.mouse, self.profileId)
- self.mouseWidget.reloadProfiles()
- def resChanged(self, unused=None):
- if self.mouseWidget.recurseProtect:
- return
- if self.resIndependent.checkState() == Qt.Checked:
- axisId = 0
- for resSel in self.resSel:
- index = resSel.currentIndex()
- res = resSel.itemData(index)
- razer.setDpiMapping(self.mouseWidget.mouse, self.profileId,
- res, axisId)
- axisId += 1
- else:
- index = self.resSel[0].currentIndex()
- res = self.resSel[0].itemData(index)
- razer.setDpiMapping(self.mouseWidget.mouse, self.profileId, res)
- for resSel in self.resSel[1:]:
- self.mouseWidget.recurseProtect += 1
- resSel.setCurrentIndex(index)
- self.mouseWidget.recurseProtect -= 1
- def resIndependentChanged(self, newState):
- if newState == Qt.Checked:
- for resSel in self.resSel[1:]:
- resSel.setEnabled(True)
- else:
- for resSel in self.resSel[1:]:
- resSel.setEnabled(False)
- self.resChanged()
- def showButtonConf(self, checked):
- bconf = ButtonConfDialog(self)
- bconf.exec_()
- def nameChange(self, unused):
- name = razer.getProfileName(self.mouseWidget.mouse, self.profileId)
- (newName, ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self, self.tr("New profile name"),
- self.tr("New profile name:"),
- QLineEdit.Normal,
- name)
- if not ok:
- return
- razer.setProfileName(self.mouseWidget.mouse, self.profileId, newName)
- self.mouseWidget.reloadProfiles()
- class OneDpiMapping(QWidget):
- def __init__(self, dpiMappingsWidget, dpimapping):
- QWidget.__init__(self, dpiMappingsWidget)
- self.setContentsMargins(QMargins())
- self.dpiMappingsWidget = dpiMappingsWidget
- self.dpimapping = dpimapping
- self.setLayout(QHBoxLayout(self))
- self.layout().setContentsMargins(QMargins())
- self.layout().addWidget(QLabel(self.tr("Scan resolution %u:" % (dpimapping.id + 1)),
- self))
- supportedRes = razer.getSupportedRes(self.dpiMappingsWidget.mouseWidget.mouse)
- haveMultipleDims = len([r for r in dpimapping.res if r is not None]) > 1
- dimNames = ( "X", "Y", "Z" )
- changeSlots = ( self.changedDim0, self.changedDim1, self.changedDim2 )
- for dimIdx, thisRes in enumerate([r for r in dpimapping.res if r is not None]):
- self.mappingSel = WrappedComboBox(self)
- name = self.tr("Unknown DPI")
- if haveMultipleDims:
- name = dimNames[dimIdx] + ": " + name
- self.mappingSel.addItem(name, 0)
- for res in supportedRes:
- name = self.tr("%u DPI" % res)
- if haveMultipleDims:
- name = dimNames[dimIdx] + ": " + name
- self.mappingSel.addItem(name, res)
- index = self.mappingSel.findData(thisRes)
- if index >= 0:
- self.mappingSel.setCurrentIndex(index)
- self.mappingSel.currentIndexChanged.connect(changeSlots[dimIdx])
- self.mappingSel.setEnabled(dpimapping.mutable)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.mappingSel)
- self.layout().addStretch()
- def changedDim0(self, index):
- self.changed(index, 0)
- def changedDim1(self, index):
- self.changed(index, 1)
- def changedDim2(self, index):
- self.changed(index, 2)
- def changed(self, index, dimIdx):
- if index <= 0:
- return
- resolution = self.mappingSel.itemData(index)
- razer.changeDpiMapping(self.dpiMappingsWidget.mouseWidget.mouse,
- self.dpimapping.id,
- dimIdx,
- resolution)
- self.dpiMappingsWidget.mouseWidget.reloadProfiles()
- class MouseDpiMappingsWidget(QGroupBox):
- def __init__(self, parent, mouseWidget):
- QGroupBox.__init__(self, parent.tr("Possible scan resolutions"), parent)
- self.mouseWidget = mouseWidget
- self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout(self))
- self.mappings = []
- self.clear()
- def clear(self):
- for mapping in self.mappings:
- mapping.deleteLater()
- self.mappings = []
- self.setEnabled(False)
- self.hide()
- def add(self, dpimapping):
- mapping = OneDpiMapping(self, dpimapping)
- self.mappings.append(mapping)
- self.layout().addWidget(mapping)
- if dpimapping.mutable:
- self.setEnabled(True)
- self.show()
- def updateContent(self, profileId=Razer.PROFILE_INVALID):
- for dpimapping in razer.getSupportedDpiMappings(self.mouseWidget.mouse):
- if (profileId == Razer.PROFILE_INVALID and dpimapping.profileMask == 0) or\
- (profileId != Razer.PROFILE_INVALID and dpimapping.profileMask & (1 << profileId)):
- self.add(dpimapping)
- class MouseScanFreqWidget(QWidget):
- def __init__(self, parent, mouseWidget, profileId=Razer.PROFILE_INVALID):
- QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
- self.setContentsMargins(QMargins())
- self.mouseWidget = mouseWidget
- self.profileId = profileId
- self.setLayout(QGridLayout(self))
- self.layout().setContentsMargins(QMargins())
- self.layout().addWidget(QLabel(self.tr("Scan frequency:"), self), 0, 0)
- self.freqSel = WrappedComboBox(self)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.freqSel, 0, 1)
- self.freqSel.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.freqChanged)
- def freqChanged(self, index):
- if self.mouseWidget.recurseProtect or index <= 0:
- return
- freq = self.freqSel.itemData(index)
- razer.setFrequency(self.mouseWidget.mouse, self.profileId, freq)
- def updateContent(self):
- self.mouseWidget.recurseProtect += 1
- self.freqSel.clear()
- supportedFreqs = razer.getSupportedFreqs(self.mouseWidget.mouse)
- curFreq = razer.getCurrentFreq(self.mouseWidget.mouse, self.profileId)
- self.freqSel.addItem(self.tr("Unknown Hz"), 0)
- for freq in supportedFreqs:
- self.freqSel.addItem(self.tr("%u Hz" % freq), freq)
- index = self.freqSel.findData(curFreq)
- if index >= 0:
- self.freqSel.setCurrentIndex(index)
- self.mouseWidget.recurseProtect -= 1
- class MouseWidget(QWidget):
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
- self.recurseProtect = 0
- self.mainwnd = parent
- self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout(self))
- self.mousesel = WrappedComboBox(self)
- self.mousesel.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.mouseChanged)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.mousesel)
- self.layout().addSpacing(15)
- self.profiletab = QTabWidget(self)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.profiletab)
- self.profileWidgets = []
- self.freqSel = MouseScanFreqWidget(self, self)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.freqSel)
- self.dpimappings = MouseDpiMappingsWidget(self, self)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.dpimappings)
- self.leds = LedsWidget(self, self)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.leds)
- self.layout().addStretch()
- self.fwVer = QLabel(self)
- self.layout().addWidget(self.fwVer)
- def updateContent(self, mice):
- self.mice = mice
- self.mousesel.clear()
- for mouse in mice:
- id = RazerDevId(mouse)
- self.mousesel.addItem("%s %s-%s %s" % \
- (id.getDevName(), id.getBusType(),
- id.getBusPosition(), id.getDevId()))
- def mouseChanged(self, index):
- self.profiletab.clear()
- self.profileWidgets = []
- self.dpimappings.clear()
- self.leds.clear()
- self.profiletab.setEnabled(index > -1)
- if index == -1:
- self.fwVer.clear()
- return
- self.mouse = self.mice[index]
- minfo = razer.getMouseInfo(self.mouse)
- profileIds = razer.getProfiles(self.mouse)
- activeProfileId = razer.getActiveProfile(self.mouse)
- activeWidget = None
- for profileId in profileIds:
- widget = MouseProfileWidget(self, profileId)
- if profileId == activeProfileId:
- activeWidget = widget
- self.profiletab.addTab(widget, str(profileId + 1))
- self.profileWidgets.append(widget)
- self.reloadProfiles()
- if activeWidget:
- self.profiletab.setCurrentWidget(activeWidget)
- # Update global frequency selection (if any)
- self.freqSel.updateContent()
- self.freqSel.show()
- else:
- self.freqSel.hide()
- # Update global DPI mappings (if any)
- self.dpimappings.updateContent()
- # Update global LEDs (if any)
- self.leds.updateContent()
- ver = razer.getFwVer(self.mouse)
- if (ver[0] == 0xFF and ver[1] == 0xFF) or\
- (ver[0] == 0 and ver[1] == 0):
- self.fwVer.hide()
- else:
- extra = ""
- extra = self.tr("\nDue to known bugs in this firmware version, a "
- "firmware update is STRONGLY suggested!")
- self.fwVer.setText(self.tr("Firmware version: %u.%02u%s" % (ver[0], ver[1], extra)))
- self.fwVer.show()
- def reloadProfiles(self):
- for prof in self.profileWidgets:
- prof.reload()
- activeProf = razer.getActiveProfile(self.mouse)
- for i in range(0, self.profiletab.count()):
- profileId = self.profiletab.widget(i).profileId
- name = razer.getProfileName(self.mouse, profileId)
- if activeProf == profileId:
- name = ">" + name + "<"
- self.profiletab.setTabText(i, name)
- class StatusBar(QStatusBar):
- def showMessage(self, msg):
- QStatusBar.showMessage(self, msg, 10000)
- class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
- shown = Signal(QWidget)
- hidden = Signal(QWidget)
- def __init__(self, parent = None, enableNotificationPolling = True):
- QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent)
- self.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Razer device configuration"))
- mb = QMenuBar(self)
- rzrmen = QMenu(self.tr("Razer"), mb)
- rzrmen.addAction(self.tr("Scan system for devices"), self.scan)
- rzrmen.addAction(self.tr("Re-apply all hardware settings"), self.reconfig)
- rzrmen.addSeparator()
- rzrmen.addAction(self.tr("Exit"), self.close)
- mb.addMenu(rzrmen)
- helpmen = QMenu(self.tr("Help"), mb)
- helpmen.addAction(self.tr("About"), self.about)
- mb.addMenu(helpmen)
- self.setMenuBar(mb)
- tab = QTabWidget(self)
- self.mousewidget = MouseWidget(self)
- tab.addTab(self.mousewidget, self.tr("Mice"))
- self.setCentralWidget(tab)
- self.setStatusBar(StatusBar())
- self.mice = []
- self.scan()
- if enableNotificationPolling:
- self.__notifyPollTimer = QTimer(self)
- self.__notifyPollTimer.timeout.connect(self.pollNotifications)
- self.__notifyPollTimer.start(300)
- def pollNotifications(self):
- n = razer.pollNotifications()
- if n:
- self.scan()
- # Rescan for new devices
- def scan(self):
- razer.rescanMice()
- mice = razer.getMice()
- if len(mice) != len(self.mice):
- if (len(mice) == 1):
- self.statusBar().showMessage(self.tr("Found one Razer mouse"))
- elif (len(mice) > 1):
- self.statusBar().showMessage(self.tr("Found %d Razer mice" % len(mice)))
- self.mice = mice
- self.mousewidget.updateContent(mice)
- def reconfig(self):
- razer.rescanDevices()
- razer.reconfigureDevices()
- def about(self):
- QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("About"),
- self.tr("Razer device configuration tool\n"
- "Version %s\n"
- "Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Michael Buesch et al."
- def showEvent(self, ev):
- super(MainWindow, self).showEvent(ev)
- self.shown.emit(self)
- def hideEvent(self, ev):
- super(MainWindow, self).hideEvent(ev)
- self.hidden.emit(self)
- class AppletMainWindow(MainWindow):
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- super().__init__(parent, enableNotificationPolling = False)
- def updateContent(self):
- self.mousewidget.reloadProfiles()
- def closeEvent(self, event):
- event.ignore()
- self.hide()
- class RazerApplet(QSystemTrayIcon):
- def __init__(self):
- QSystemTrayIcon.__init__(self)
- self.__contextMenuIsShown = False
- self.__mainwndIsShown = False
- icon = QIcon.fromTheme("razercfg")
- if icon.isNull():
- for prefix in ("/usr/local", "/usr"):
- icon.addFile(prefix + "/share/icons/hicolor/" +\
- "scalable/apps/razercfg.svg")
- icon.addFile("razercfg.svg")
- self.setIcon(icon)
- self.menu = QMenu()
- self.mainwnd = AppletMainWindow()
- self.__pollTimer = QTimer(self)
- self.__pollTimer.setInterval(300)
- self.__pollTimer.stop()
- self.mainwnd.scan()
- self.mice = razer.getMice();
- self.buildMenu()
- self.setContextMenu(self.menu)
- self.__pollTimer.timeout.connect(self.updateContent)
- self.contextMenu().aboutToShow.connect(self.__contextAboutToShow)
- self.contextMenu().aboutToHide.connect(self.__contextAboutToHide)
- self.activated.connect(self.__handleActivate)
- self.mainwnd.shown.connect(self.__mainwndShown)
- self.mainwnd.hidden.connect(self.__mainwndHidden)
- def __handleActivate(self, reason):
- if reason in {QSystemTrayIcon.Trigger,
- QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick,
- QSystemTrayIcon.MiddleClick}:
- self.contextMenu().popup(QCursor.pos())
- def __contextAboutToShow(self):
- self.__contextMenuIsShown = True
- self.__setPolling()
- self.updateContent()
- def __contextAboutToHide(self):
- self.__contextMenuIsShown = False
- self.__setPolling()
- def __mainwndShown(self, widget):
- self.__mainwndIsShown = True
- self.__setPolling()
- self.updateContent()
- def __mainwndHidden(self, widget):
- self.__mainwndIsShown = False
- self.__setPolling()
- def __setPolling(self):
- if self.__contextMenuIsShown or self.__mainwndIsShown:
- if not self.__pollTimer.isActive():
- self.__pollTimer.start()
- else:
- if self.__pollTimer.isActive():
- self.__pollTimer.stop()
- def updateContent(self):
- if razer.pollNotifications():
- self.mainwnd.scan()
- mice = razer.getMice()
- if mice != self.mice:
- self.mice = mice
- self.buildMenu()
- def buildMenu(self):
- # clear the menu
- self.menu.clear()
- # add mices and profiles to menu
- for mouse in self.mice:
- mouse_id = RazerDevId(mouse)
- mouse_menu = self.menu.addMenu("&" + mouse_id.getDevName() + " mouse")
- self.getMouseProfiles(mouse, mouse_menu)
- if not self.mice:
- act = self.menu.addAction("No Razer devices found")
- act.setEnabled(False)
- # add buttons
- self.menu.addSeparator()
- self.menu.addAction("&Open main window...", self.mainwnd.show)
- self.menu.addAction("&Exit", sys.exit)
- def selectProfile(self, mouse, profileId):
- razer.setActiveProfile(mouse, profileId)
- self.mainwnd.updateContent()
- def getMouseProfiles(self, mouse, mouse_menu):
- mouse_menu.clear()
- profileIds = razer.getProfiles(mouse)
- activeProfileId = razer.getActiveProfile(mouse)
- group = QActionGroup(self)
- for profileId in profileIds:
- name = razer.getProfileName(mouse, profileId)
- action = QAction(name, mouse_menu)
- action.setCheckable(True)
- action.triggered.connect( partial(self.selectProfile, mouse, profileId))
- group.addAction(action)
- mouse_menu.addAction(action)
- if profileId == activeProfileId:
- action.setChecked(True)