config.toml 837 B

  1. baseURL = ""
  2. languageCode = "ru-RU"
  3. defaultContentLanguage = "ru"
  4. title = "Max Wiki Site"
  5. # theme = "learn"
  6. theme = "hugo-geekdoc"
  7. # Geekdoc required configuration
  8. pygmentsUseClasses = true
  9. pygmentsCodeFences = true
  10. disablePathToLower = true
  11. [taxonomies]
  12. tag = "tags"
  13. # For search functionality
  14. [outputs]
  15. home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]
  16. [markup]
  17. [markup.goldmark.renderer]
  18. # Needed for mermaid shortcode
  19. unsafe = true
  20. [markup.tableOfContents]
  21. startLevel = 1
  22. endLevel = 9
  23. [params]
  24. author = "Maxim Taran"
  25. # Change default color scheme with a variant one. Can be "red", "blue", "green".
  26. themeVariant = "green"
  27. geekdocTagsToMenu = true
  28. # Because has some issue in geekdoc theme. See
  29. # [minify]
  30. # disableHTML = true