123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539 |
- (define-module (guix serialization)
- #:use-module (guix combinators)
- #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
- #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
- #:use-module ((ice-9 rdelim) #:prefix rdelim:)
- #:use-module (ice-9 match)
- #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
- #:use-module (system foreign)
- #:export (write-int read-int
- write-long-long read-long-long
- write-padding
- write-bytevector write-string
- read-string read-latin1-string read-maybe-utf8-string
- write-string-list read-string-list
- write-string-pairs read-string-pairs
- write-store-path read-store-path
- write-store-path-list read-store-path-list
- (dump . dump-port*)
- &nar-error
- nar-error?
- nar-error-port
- nar-error-file
- &nar-read-error
- nar-read-error?
- nar-read-error-token
- write-file
- write-file-tree
- fold-archive
- restore-file
- dump-file))
- (define-condition-type &nar-error &error
- nar-error?
- (file nar-error-file)
- (port nar-error-port))
- (define currently-restored-file
- (make-parameter #f))
- (define (get-bytevector-n* port count)
- (let ((bv (get-bytevector-n port count)))
- (when (or (eof-object? bv)
- (< (bytevector-length bv) count))
- (raise (condition (&nar-error
- (file (currently-restored-file))
- (port port)))))
- bv))
- (define (sub-bytevector bv len)
- "Return a bytevector that aliases the first LEN bytes of BV."
- (define max (bytevector-length bv))
- (cond ((= len max) bv)
- ((< len max)
- (pointer->bytevector (bytevector->pointer bv) len))
- (else
- (error "sub-bytevector called to get a super bytevector"))))
- (define (write-int n p)
- (let ((b (make-bytevector 8 0)))
- (bytevector-u32-set! b 0 n (endianness little))
- (put-bytevector p b)))
- (define (read-int p)
- (let ((b (get-bytevector-n* p 8)))
- (bytevector-u32-ref b 0 (endianness little))))
- (define (write-long-long n p)
- (let ((b (make-bytevector 8 0)))
- (bytevector-u64-set! b 0 n (endianness little))
- (put-bytevector p b)))
- (define (read-long-long p)
- (let ((b (get-bytevector-n* p 8)))
- (bytevector-u64-ref b 0 (endianness little))))
- (define write-padding
- (let ((zero (make-bytevector 8 0)))
- (lambda (n p)
- (let ((m (modulo n 8)))
- (or (zero? m)
- (put-bytevector p zero 0 (- 8 m)))))))
- (define* (write-bytevector s p
- #:optional (l (bytevector-length s)))
- (let* ((m (modulo l 8))
- (b (make-bytevector (+ 8 l (if (zero? m) 0 (- 8 m))))))
- (bytevector-u32-set! b 0 l (endianness little))
- (bytevector-copy! s 0 b 8 l)
- (put-bytevector p b)))
- (define (write-string s p)
- (write-bytevector (string->utf8 s) p))
- (define (read-byte-string p)
- (let* ((len (read-int p))
- (m (modulo len 8))
- (pad (if (zero? m) 0 (- 8 m)))
- (bv (get-bytevector-n* p (+ len pad))))
- (sub-bytevector bv len)))
- (define (read-string p)
- (utf8->string (read-byte-string p)))
- (define (read-latin1-string p)
- "Read an ISO-8859-1 string from P."
- (let ((bv (read-byte-string p)))
- (list->string (map integer->char (bytevector->u8-list bv)))))
- (define (read-maybe-utf8-string p)
- "Read a serialized string from port P. Attempt to decode it as UTF-8 and
- substitute invalid byte sequences with question marks. This is a
- \"permissive\" UTF-8 decoder."
- (let* ((bv (read-byte-string p))
- (port (open-bytevector-input-port bv)))
- (set-port-encoding! port "UTF-8")
- (set-port-conversion-strategy! port 'substitute)
- (rdelim:read-string port)))
- (define (write-string-list l p)
- (write-int (length l) p)
- (for-each (cut write-string <> p) l))
- (define (read-string-list p)
- (let ((len (read-int p)))
- (unfold (cut >= <> len)
- (lambda (i)
- (read-string p))
- 1+
- 0)))
- (define (write-string-pairs l p)
- (write-int (length l) p)
- (for-each (match-lambda
- ((first . second)
- (write-string first p)
- (write-string second p)))
- l))
- (define (read-string-pairs p)
- (let ((len (read-int p)))
- (unfold (cut >= <> len)
- (lambda (i)
- (cons (read-string p) (read-string p)))
- 1+
- 0)))
- (define (write-store-path f p)
- (write-string f p))
- (define (read-store-path p)
- (read-string p))
- (define write-store-path-list write-string-list)
- (define read-store-path-list read-string-list)
- (define-syntax write-literal-strings
- (lambda (s)
- "Write the given literal strings to PORT in an optimized fashion, without
- any run-time allocations or computations."
- (define (padding len)
- (let ((m (modulo len 8)))
- (if (zero? m)
- 0
- (- 8 m))))
- (syntax-case s ()
- ((_ port strings ...)
- (let* ((bytes (map string->utf8 (syntax->datum #'(strings ...))))
- (len (fold (lambda (bv size)
- (+ size 8 (bytevector-length bv)
- (padding (bytevector-length bv))))
- 0
- bytes))
- (bv (make-bytevector len))
- (zeros (make-bytevector 8 0)))
- (fold (lambda (str offset)
- (let ((len (bytevector-length str)))
- (bytevector-u32-set! bv offset len (endianness little))
- (bytevector-copy! str 0 bv (+ 8 offset) len)
- (bytevector-copy! zeros 0 bv (+ 8 offset len)
- (padding len))
- (+ offset 8 len (padding len))))
- 0
- bytes)
- #`(put-bytevector port #,bv))))))
- (define-condition-type &nar-read-error &nar-error
- nar-read-error?
- (token nar-read-error-token))
- (define (dump in out size)
- "Copy SIZE bytes from IN to OUT."
- (define buf-size 65536)
- (define buf (make-bytevector buf-size))
- (let loop ((left size))
- (if (<= left 0)
- 0
- (let ((read (get-bytevector-n! in buf 0 (min left buf-size))))
- (if (eof-object? read)
- left
- (begin
- (put-bytevector out buf 0 read)
- (loop (- left read))))))))
- (define (write-contents-from-port input output size)
- "Write SIZE bytes from port INPUT to port OUTPUT."
- (write-string "contents" output)
- (write-long-long size output)
- (if (and (file-port? output) (file-port? input))
- (sendfile output input size 0)
- (dump input output size))
- (write-padding size output))
- (define (read-file-type port)
- "Read the file type tag from PORT, and return either 'regular or
- 'executable."
- (match (read-string port)
- ("contents"
- 'regular)
- ("executable"
- (match (list (read-string port) (read-string port))
- (("" "contents") 'executable)
- (x (raise
- (condition (&message
- (message "unexpected executable file marker"))
- (&nar-read-error (port port)
- (file #f)
- (token x)))))))
- (x
- (raise
- (condition (&message (message "unsupported nar file type"))
- (&nar-read-error (port port) (file #f) (token x)))))))
- (define %archive-version-1
- "nix-archive-1")
- (define* (write-file file port
- #:key (select? (const #t)))
- "Write the contents of FILE to PORT in Nar format, recursing into
- sub-directories of FILE as needed. For each directory entry, call (SELECT?
- FILE STAT), where FILE is the entry's absolute file name and STAT is the
- result of 'lstat'; exclude entries for which SELECT? does not return true."
- (write-file-tree file port
- #:file-type+size
- (lambda (file)
- (let* ((stat (lstat file))
- (size (stat:size stat)))
- (case (stat:type stat)
- ((directory)
- (values 'directory size))
- ((regular)
- (values (if (zero? (logand (stat:mode stat)
- #o100))
- 'regular
- 'executable)
- size))
- (else
- (values (stat:type stat) size)))))
- #:file-port (cut open-file <> "r0b")
- #:symlink-target readlink
- #:directory-entries
- (lambda (directory)
- (define basenames
- (scandir directory (negate (cut member <> '("." "..")))
- string<?))
- (filter-map (lambda (base)
- (let ((file (string-append directory
- "/" base)))
- (and (select? file (lstat file))
- base)))
- basenames))
- #:postprocess-entries identity))
- (define (filter/sort-directory-entries lst)
- "Remove dot and dot-dot entries from LST, and sort it in lexicographical
- order."
- (delete-duplicates
- (sort (remove (cute member <> '("." "..")) lst)
- string<?)
- string=?))
- (define* (write-file-tree file port
- #:key
- file-type+size
- file-port
- symlink-target
- directory-entries
- (postprocess-entries filter/sort-directory-entries))
- "Write the contents of FILE to PORT in Nar format, recursing into
- sub-directories of FILE as needed.
- This procedure does not make any file-system I/O calls. Instead, it calls the
- procedures, which roughly correspond to 'lstat', 'readlink', and 'scandir'.
- POSTPROCESS-ENTRIES ensures that directory entries are valid; leave it as-is
- unless you know that DIRECTORY-ENTRIES provide filtered and sorted entries, in
- which case you can use 'identity'."
- (define p port)
- (write-string %archive-version-1 p)
- (let dump ((f file))
- (define-values (type size)
- (file-type+size f))
- (write-literal-strings p "(")
- (case type
- ((regular executable)
- (write-literal-strings p "type" "regular")
- (when (eq? 'executable type)
- (write-literal-strings p "executable" ""))
- (let ((input (file-port f)))
- (dynamic-wind
- (const #t)
- (lambda ()
- (write-contents-from-port input p size))
- (lambda ()
- (close-port input)))))
- ((directory)
- (write-literal-strings p "type" "directory")
- (let ((entries (postprocess-entries (directory-entries f))))
- (for-each (lambda (e)
- (let* ((f (string-append f "/" e)))
- (write-literal-strings p "entry" "(" "name")
- (write-string e p)
- (write-literal-strings p "node")
- (dump f)
- (write-literal-strings p ")")))
- entries)))
- ((symlink)
- (write-literal-strings p "type" "symlink" "target")
- (write-string (symlink-target f) p))
- (else
- (raise (condition (&message (message "unsupported file type"))
- (&nar-error (file f) (port port))))))
- (write-literal-strings p ")")))
- (define port-conversion-strategy
- (fluid->parameter %default-port-conversion-strategy))
- (define (fold-archive proc seed port file)
- "Read a file (possibly a directory structure) in Nar format from PORT. Call
- PROC on each file or directory read from PORT using:
- using SEED as the first RESULT. TYPE is a symbol like 'regular, and CONTENTS
- depends on TYPE."
- (parameterize ((currently-restored-file file)
- (port-conversion-strategy 'error))
- (let ((signature (read-string port)))
- (unless (equal? signature %archive-version-1)
- (raise
- (condition (&message (message "invalid nar signature"))
- (&nar-read-error (port port)
- (token signature)
- (file #f))))))
- (let read ((file file)
- (result seed))
- (define (read-eof-marker)
- (match (read-string port)
- (")" #t)
- (x (raise
- (condition
- (&message (message "invalid nar end-of-file marker"))
- (&nar-read-error (port port) (file file) (token x)))))))
- (currently-restored-file file)
- (match (list (read-string port) (read-string port) (read-string port))
- (("(" "type" "regular")
- (let* ((type (read-file-type port))
- (size (read-long-long port))
- (result (proc file type `(,port . ,size) result)))
- (let ((m (modulo size 8)))
- (unless (zero? m)
- (get-bytevector-n* port (- 8 m))))
- (read-eof-marker)
- result))
- (("(" "type" "symlink")
- (match (list (read-string port) (read-string port))
- (("target" target)
- (let ((result (proc file 'symlink target result)))
- (read-eof-marker)
- result))
- (x (raise
- (condition
- (&message (message "invalid symlink tokens"))
- (&nar-read-error (port port) (file file) (token x)))))))
- (("(" "type" "directory")
- (let ((dir file))
- (let loop ((prefix (read-string port))
- (result (proc file 'directory #f result)))
- (match prefix
- ("entry"
- (match (list (read-string port)
- (read-string port) (read-string port)
- (read-string port))
- (("(" "name" file "node")
- (let ((result (read (string-append dir "/" file) result)))
- (match (read-string port)
- (")" #f)
- (x
- (raise
- (condition
- (&message
- (message "unexpected directory entry termination"))
- (&nar-read-error (port port)
- (file file)
- (token x))))))
- (loop (read-string port) result)))))
- (")"
- (proc file 'directory-complete #f result))
- (x
- (raise
- (condition
- (&message (message "unexpected directory inter-entry marker"))
- (&nar-read-error (port port) (file file) (token x)))))))))
- (x
- (raise
- (condition
- (&message (message "unsupported nar entry type"))
- (&nar-read-error (port port) (file file) (token x)))))))))
- (define (dump-file file input size type)
- "Dump SIZE bytes from INPUT to FILE.
- This procedure is suitable for use as the #:dump-file argument to
- 'restore-file'."
- (call-with-output-file file
- (lambda (output)
- (dump input output size))))
- (define* (restore-file port file
- #:key (dump-file dump-file))
- "Read a file (possibly a directory structure) in Nar format from PORT.
- Restore it as FILE with canonical permissions and timestamps. To write a
- regular or executable file, call:
- The default is to dump SIZE bytes from INPUT to FILE, but callers can provide
- a custom procedure, for instance to deduplicate FILE on the fly."
- (fold-archive (lambda (file type content result)
- (match type
- ('directory
- (mkdir file))
- ('directory-complete
- (chmod file #o555)
- (utime file 1 1 0 0))
- ('symlink
- (symlink content file)
- (utime file 1 1 0 0 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW))
- ((or 'regular 'executable)
- (match content
- ((input . size)
- (dump-file file input size type)
- (chmod file (if (eq? type 'executable)
- #o555
- #o444))
- (utime file 1 1 0 0))))))
- #t
- port
- file))