123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427 |
- (define-module (guix cve)
- #:use-module (guix utils)
- #:use-module (guix http-client)
- #:use-module (guix i18n)
- #:use-module ((guix diagnostics) #:select (formatted-message))
- #:use-module (json)
- #:use-module (web uri)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
- #:use-module (ice-9 match)
- #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
- #:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
- #:export (json->cve-items
- cve-item?
- cve-item-cve
- cve-item-configurations
- cve-item-published-date
- cve-item-last-modified-date
- cve?
- cve-id
- cve-data-type
- cve-data-format
- cve-references
- cve-reference?
- cve-reference-url
- cve-reference-tags
- vulnerability?
- vulnerability-id
- vulnerability-packages
- json->vulnerabilities
- current-vulnerabilities
- vulnerabilities->lookup-proc))
- (define (string->date* str)
- (string->date str "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M~z"))
- (define-json-mapping <cve-item> cve-item cve-item?
- json->cve-item
- (cve cve-item-cve "cve" json->cve)
- (configurations cve-item-configurations
- "configurations" configuration-data->cve-configurations)
- (published-date cve-item-published-date
- "publishedDate" string->date*)
- (last-modified-date cve-item-last-modified-date
- "lastModifiedDate" string->date*))
- (define-json-mapping <cve> cve cve?
- json->cve
- (id cve-id "CVE_data_meta"
- (cut assoc-ref <> "ID"))
- (data-type cve-data-type
- "data_type" string->symbol)
- (data-format cve-data-format
- "data_format" string->symbol)
- (references cve-references
- "references" reference-data->cve-references))
- (define-json-mapping <cve-reference> cve-reference cve-reference?
- json->cve-reference
- (url cve-reference-url)
- (tags cve-reference-tags
- "tags" vector->list))
- (define (reference-data->cve-references alist)
- (map json->cve-reference
- (vector->list (assoc-ref alist "reference_data"))))
- (define %cpe-package-rx
- (make-regexp "^cpe:2\\.3:a:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):"))
- (define (cpe->package-name cpe)
- "Converts the Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) string CPE to a package
- name, in a very naive way. Return two values: the package name, and its
- version string. Return #f and #f if CPE does not look like an application CPE
- string."
- (cond ((regexp-exec %cpe-package-rx cpe)
- =>
- (lambda (matches)
- (values (match:substring matches 2)
- (match (match:substring matches 3)
- ("*" '_)
- (version
- (string-append version
- (match (match:substring matches 4)
- ("" "")
- (patch-level
- (string-drop patch-level 1)))))))))
- (else
- (values #f #f))))
- (define (cpe-match->cve-configuration alist)
- "Convert ALIST, a \"cpe_match\" alist, into an sexp representing the package
- and versions matched. Return #f if ALIST doesn't correspond to an application
- package."
- (let ((cpe (assoc-ref alist "cpe23Uri"))
- (starti (assoc-ref alist "versionStartIncluding"))
- (starte (assoc-ref alist "versionStartExcluding"))
- (endi (assoc-ref alist "versionEndIncluding"))
- (ende (assoc-ref alist "versionEndExcluding")))
- (let-values (((package version) (cpe->package-name cpe)))
- (and package
- `(,package
- ,(cond ((and (or starti starte) (or endi ende))
- `(and ,(if starti `(>= ,starti) `(> ,starte))
- ,(if endi `(<= ,endi) `(< ,ende))))
- (starti `(>= ,starti))
- (starte `(> ,starte))
- (endi `(<= ,endi))
- (ende `(< ,ende))
- (else version)))))))
- (define (configuration-data->cve-configurations alist)
- "Given ALIST, a JSON dictionary for the baroque \"configurations\"
- element found in CVEs, return an sexp such as (\"binutils\" (<
- \"2.31\")) that represents matching configurations."
- (define string->operator
- (match-lambda
- ("OR" 'or)
- ("AND" 'and)))
- (define (node->configuration node)
- (let ((operator (string->operator (assoc-ref node "operator"))))
- (cond
- ((assoc-ref node "cpe_match")
- =>
- (lambda (matches)
- (let ((matches (vector->list matches)))
- (match (filter-map cpe-match->cve-configuration
- matches)
- (() #f)
- ((one) one)
- (lst (cons operator lst))))))
- ((assoc-ref node "children")
- =>
- (lambda (children)
- (match (filter-map node->configuration (vector->list children))
- (() #f)
- ((one) one)
- (lst (cons operator lst)))))
- (else
- #f))))
- (let ((nodes (vector->list (assoc-ref alist "nodes"))))
- (filter-map node->configuration nodes)))
- (define (json->cve-items json)
- "Parse JSON, an input port or a string, and return a list of <cve-item>
- records."
- (let* ((alist (json->scm json))
- (type (assoc-ref alist "CVE_data_type"))
- (format (assoc-ref alist "CVE_data_format"))
- (version (assoc-ref alist "CVE_data_version")))
- (unless (equal? type "CVE")
- (raise (condition (&message
- (message "invalid CVE feed")))))
- (unless (equal? format "MITRE")
- (raise (formatted-message (G_ "unsupported CVE format: '~a'")
- format)))
- (unless (equal? version "4.0")
- (raise (formatted-message (G_ "unsupported CVE data version: '~a'")
- version)))
- (map json->cve-item
- (vector->list (assoc-ref alist "CVE_Items")))))
- (define (version-matches? version sexp)
- "Return true if VERSION, a string, matches SEXP."
- (match sexp
- ('_
- #t)
- ((? string? expected)
- (version-prefix? expected version))
- (('or sexps ...)
- (any (cut version-matches? version <>) sexps))
- (('and sexps ...)
- (every (cut version-matches? version <>) sexps))
- (('< max)
- (version>? max version))
- (('<= max)
- (version>=? max version))
- (('> min)
- (version>? version min))
- (('>= min)
- (version>=? version min))))
- (define %now
- (current-date))
- (define %current-year
- (date-year %now))
- (define %past-year
- (- %current-year 1))
- (define (yearly-feed-uri year)
- "Return the URI for the CVE feed for YEAR."
- (string->uri
- (string-append "https://nvd.nist.gov/feeds/json/cve/1.1/nvdcve-1.1-"
- (number->string year) ".json.gz")))
- (define %current-year-ttl
- (* 60 30))
- (define %past-year-ttl
- (* 3600 24 (date-month %now)))
- (define-record-type <vulnerability>
- (vulnerability id packages)
- vulnerability?
- (id vulnerability-id)
- (packages vulnerability-packages))
- (define vulnerability->sexp
- (match-lambda
- (($ <vulnerability> id packages)
- `(v ,id ,packages))))
- (define sexp->vulnerability
- (match-lambda
- (('v id (packages ...))
- (vulnerability id packages))))
- (define (cve-configuration->package-list config)
- "Parse CONFIG, a config sexp, and return a list of the form (P SEXP)
- where P is a package name and SEXP expresses constraints on the matching
- versions."
- (let loop ((config config)
- (packages '()))
- (match config
- (('or configs ...)
- (fold loop packages configs))
- (('and config _ ...)
- (loop config packages))
- (((? string? package) '_)
- (cons `(,package _)
- (alist-delete package packages)))
- (((? string? package) sexp)
- (let ((previous (assoc-ref packages package)))
- (if previous
- (cons `(,package (or ,sexp ,@previous))
- (alist-delete package packages))
- (cons `(,package ,sexp) packages)))))))
- (define (merge-package-lists lst)
- "Merge the list in LST, each of which has the form (p sexp), where P
- is the name of a package and SEXP is an sexp that constrains matching
- versions."
- (fold (lambda (plist result)
- (fold (match-lambda*
- (((package version) result)
- (match (assoc-ref result package)
- (#f
- (cons `(,package ,version) result))
- ((previous)
- (cons `(,package (or ,version ,previous))
- (alist-delete package result))))))
- result
- plist))
- '()
- lst))
- (define (cve-item->vulnerability item)
- "Return a <vulnerability> corresponding to ITEM, a <cve-item> record;
- return #f if ITEM does not list any configuration or if it does not list
- any \"a\" (application) configuration."
- (let ((id (cve-id (cve-item-cve item))))
- (match (cve-item-configurations item)
- (()
- #f)
- ((configs ...)
- (vulnerability id
- (merge-package-lists
- (map cve-configuration->package-list configs)))))))
- (define (json->vulnerabilities json)
- "Parse JSON, an input port or a string, and return the list of
- vulnerabilities found therein."
- (filter-map cve-item->vulnerability (json->cve-items json)))
- (define (write-cache input cache)
- "Read vulnerabilities as gzipped JSON from INPUT, and write it as a compact
- sexp to CACHE."
- (call-with-decompressed-port 'gzip input
- (lambda (input)
- (define vulns
- (json->vulnerabilities input))
- (write `(vulnerabilities
- 1
- ,(map vulnerability->sexp vulns))
- cache))))
- (define* (fetch-vulnerabilities year ttl #:key (timeout 10))
- "Return the list of <vulnerability> for YEAR, assuming the on-disk cache has
- the given TTL (fetch from the NIST web site when TTL has expired)."
- (define (cache-miss uri)
- (format (current-error-port) "fetching CVE database for ~a...~%" year))
- (define (read* port)
- (let ((options (read-options)))
- (dynamic-wind
- (lambda ()
- (read-disable 'positions))
- (lambda ()
- (read port))
- (lambda ()
- (read-options options)))))
- (let* ((port (http-fetch/cached (yearly-feed-uri year)
- #:ttl ttl
- #:write-cache write-cache
- #:cache-miss cache-miss
- #:timeout timeout))
- (sexp (read* port)))
- (close-port port)
- (match sexp
- (('vulnerabilities 1 vulns)
- (map sexp->vulnerability vulns)))))
- (define* (current-vulnerabilities #:key (timeout 10))
- "Return the current list of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) as
- published by the US NIST. TIMEOUT specifies the timeout in seconds for
- connection establishment."
- (let ((past-years (unfold (cut > <> 3)
- (lambda (n)
- (- %current-year n))
- 1+
- 1))
- (past-ttls (unfold (cut > <> 3)
- (lambda (n)
- (* n %past-year-ttl))
- 1+
- 1)))
- (append-map (cut fetch-vulnerabilities <> <> #:timeout timeout)
- (cons %current-year past-years)
- (cons %current-year-ttl past-ttls))))
- (define (vulnerabilities->lookup-proc vulnerabilities)
- "Return a lookup procedure built from VULNERABILITIES that takes a package
- name and optionally a version number. When the version is omitted, the lookup
- procedure returns a list of vulnerabilities; otherwise, it returns a list of
- vulnerabilities affecting the given package version."
- (define table
- (fold (lambda (vuln table)
- (match vuln
- (($ <vulnerability> id packages)
- (fold (lambda (package table)
- (match package
- ((name . versions)
- (vhash-cons name (cons vuln versions)
- table))))
- table
- packages))))
- vlist-null
- vulnerabilities))
- (lambda* (package #:optional version)
- (vhash-fold* (if version
- (lambda (pair result)
- (match pair
- ((vuln sexp)
- (if (version-matches? version sexp)
- (cons vuln result)
- result))))
- (lambda (pair result)
- (match pair
- ((vuln . _)
- (cons vuln result)))))
- '()
- package table)))