123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- {% extends "base.html" %}
- {% block content_title %}{% endblock %}
- {% block content %}
- <div class="grid_16">
- {% if articles %}
- {% for article in articles_page.object_list %}
- {% if loop.length > 0 %}
- {% if loop.first %}
- <section>
- <ol id="posts-list" class="hfeed" start="{{ articles_paginator.per_page -1 }}">
- {% endif %}
- <article>
- <header>
- <h1 class="entry-title">
- <a href="/{{ article.url }}"
- rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to {{ article.title|striptags }}">
- {{ article.title }}
- </a>
- </h1>
- </header>
- <div class="entry-content">
- {% include 'article_infos.html' %}
- {{ article.content }}
- </div><!-- /.entry-content -->
- <hr/>
- </article>
- {% if loop.last %}
- </ol><!-- /#posts-list -->
- {% if loop.last and (articles_page.has_previous()
- or not articles_page.has_previous() and loop.length > 1) %}
- {% include 'pagination.html' %}
- {% endif %}
- </section><!-- /#content -->
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% else %}
- <section>
- <h2>Pages</h2>
- {% for page in PAGES %}
- <li><a href="/{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></li>
- {% endfor %}
- </section>
- {% endif %}
- </div>
- {% endblock content %}