one-week-left-on-campaign.html 5.6 KB

  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <title>One week left of the MediaGoblin campaign; three ways to support a better media future!</title>
  4. <meta name="date" contents="2014-04-11 13:40" />
  5. <meta name="author" contents="Christopher Allan Webber" />
  6. <meta name="tags" contents="mediagoblin, campaign, sintel, gooseberry, pitivi, youtube, takedowns" />
  7. </head>
  8. <body>
  9. <!-- MediaGoblin banner here -->
  10. <p class="blog_image">
  11. <a href="/pages/campaign.html"
  12. ><img src="/blog_images/last_week_of_campaign.jpg"
  13. alt="Last week of the MediaGoblin campaign!" /></a>
  14. </p>
  15. <p>
  16. Just one week left of the <a href="/pages/campaign.html">MediaGoblin campaign</a>!
  17. Next Friday, the 18th of April, will be the last day of the campaign.
  18. </p>
  19. <p>There's also never been clearer reason for why we need MediaGoblin
  20. (and the whole intersections of free culture and free software at
  21. that!) to succeed. As you may have seen,
  22. <a href="">Sony did a takedown of the Blender Open Movie project, Sintel, from YouTube</a>. It's not the first time either... there was also a <a href="">takedown of a Elephants Dream and Sintel</a> remix done by <a href="">Pitivi</a> contributor Jean-François Fortin Tam.
  23. In both of these examples, the materials were 100% free culture,
  24. Creative Commons Attribution licensed films. There was no
  25. infringement. But the takedowns happened anyway.</p>
  26. <p class="centered">
  27. <a href=""
  28. ><img src=""
  29. alt="Sintel takedown :(" /></a>
  30. </p>
  31. <p>This is a symptom of a world where we leave the production and
  32. publication of media in the hands of large corporate silos. It
  33. doesn't look pretty.</p>
  34. <p>Luckily, a better world is possible, and you can help make it
  35. happen! Here are three great ways you can vote with your pocketbook
  36. for a better media future in areas of content authorship, editing, and
  37. publication:</p>
  38. <p class="centered">
  39. <a href=""
  40. ><img src="/blog_images/support_gooseberry2.jpg"
  41. alt="Support Gooseberry!!" /></a>
  42. </p>
  43. <p>Donate to the <a href="">Gooseberry campaign</a>
  44. by the wonderful <a href="">Blender</a> folks!
  45. After all, it's thanks to the Blender people that we have Sintel,
  46. Elephants Dream and friends. We need more of these projects. Support
  47. free culture film production with free software tooling! Not to
  48. mention that Gooseberry looks like it's going to produce a really cute
  49. and creative feature length film, so that's enough reasons for me to
  50. shut up so you can give them your money. They also wrote a nice writeup on
  51. <a href="">Why Gooseberry Matters</a> on the Gooseberry blog.</p>
  52. <p class="centered">
  53. <a href=""
  54. ><img src=""
  55. alt="Support Pitivi!" /></a>
  56. </p>
  57. <p>Next up, there's the <a href="">Pitivi
  58. video editor</a>, which is also running a fundraiser right now. You
  59. may have noticed that video editing in free software is, er, not
  60. exactly easy right now. Luckily for us, the Pitivi editor provides a
  61. great opportunity to bring user-friendly, beautifully written video
  62. editor software to the free software desktop. The Pitivi folks are
  63. good friends, and familiar allies. Not only do we see eye to eye on
  64. the issues at stake, we use pretty similar technology... we both make
  65. extensive use of Python and GStreamer!</p>
  66. <p class="blog_image">
  67. <a href="/pages/campaign.html"
  68. ><img src="/blog_images/to_the_people-banner.png"
  69. alt="MediaGoblin campaign launch" /></a>
  70. </p>
  71. <p>And last of all, of course we ask that you
  72. <a href="/pages/campaign.html">donate to MediaGoblin</a>! Once you
  73. have awesome media, you need a way to get it out to your audience. As
  74. we've seen above, we just can't rely on corporate controlled silos to
  75. act in our best interests. This is why we're building MediaGoblin so
  76. that it is software that acts for <i>you and your needs</i>...
  77. software not controlled by any one group, but out
  78. there, decentralized on the net, the way things are supposed to be.</p>
  79. <p class="centered">
  80. <a href="/pages/campaign.html"
  81. ><img src="/images/campaign/milestone_characters/unlock_characters-first_milestone_unlocked.png"
  82. alt="First milestone (35k) unlocked!" /></a>
  83. </p>
  84. <p>While we're on that subject, this is a good time to remind you that
  85. if you've been considering donating but you haven't yet, now is such a
  86. great time to do so. We've got a <a href="">active 10k matching grant</a>
  87. which means that donations are being doubled! We've passed our first
  88. funding milestone, but we're even closer than we look on reaching our
  89. second... as soon as we hit 46k, the 10k matching takes effect like
  90. magic, and we're at 56k... which puts us right near the edge of our
  91. second goal!</p>
  92. <p>So what are you waiting for? There's more clear reasons than ever
  93. to <a href="/pages/campaign.html">join our goblin force</a> and help
  94. us build a better internet for everyone!</p>
  95. <p class="centered">
  96. <a href="/pages/campaign.html"
  97. ><img src="/blog_images/goblin_force_badge-campaign.png"
  98. alt="goblin force badge for campaign"></a>
  99. </p>
  100. </body>
  101. </html>