campaign-pycon-giveaway.html 3.1 KB

  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <title>Donate to MediaGoblin, get a chance at free PyCon tickets!</title>
  4. <meta name="date" content="2012-11-05 09:00" />
  5. <meta name="author" content="Christopher Allan Webber" />
  6. </head>
  7. <body>
  8. <p class="centered">
  9. <a href="/pages/campaign.html"
  10. ><img src="/blog_images/pycon_gavroche.png"
  11. alt="Gavroche, set to go to PyCon" /></a>
  12. </p>
  13. <p>Heya all! We've got an exciting announcement to make this
  14. morning! We got a generous promotion/sponsorship from the
  15. <a href="">Python Software Foundation</a>...
  16. the next 25 people who donate $200.00 or more will get a chance to get
  17. free tickets to <a href="">PyCon US</a>!
  18. </p>
  19. <p>If you're into programming, and especially Python, PyCon is a
  20. conference that's not to be missed. I can say from experience: I've
  21. attended every US PyCon since 2008, and it is honestly the highest
  22. quality programming-oriented conference I've ever gone to. (I've even
  23. <a href="">spoken
  24. there before</a> and Deb, Will and I ran
  25. a <a href="">poster
  26. session on PyCon</a> in the past as well!) And this is a great deal:
  27. the individual rate for PyCon is $350 at regular rate, and $300 at
  28. early bird rate. Given that we're giving out two tickets to 25
  29. people, that's a 1 in 12.5 chance you'll be chosen. Those are good
  30. odds!</p>
  31. <p>And of course, either way you're already helping out a good cause
  32. by donating to MediaGoblin. You're helping the dream of decentralized
  33. media publishing come true. And, as it turns out, you're helping
  34. prove that Python web applications can help save the world. What more
  35. could you ask for?</p>
  36. <p>Well, you could maybe ask for more rewards... at $200 you've
  37. already passed the $100 level:</p>
  38. <p class="centered">
  39. <a href="/pages/campaign.html"
  40. ><img src="/blog_images/campaign_shirt_icon-enlarged.png"
  41. alt="Shert rewards" /></a>
  42. </p>
  43. <p>That means that in addition to a chance to get a free trip to
  44. PyCon, you already get a t-shirt, a postcard, a sponsored commit, a
  45. virtual hug, and stickers! But if you're really generous, you could
  46. go up just $150 more:</p>
  47. <p class="centered">
  48. <a href="/pages/campaign.html"
  49. ><img src="/blog_images/campaign_plain_goblin_icon-enlarged.png"
  50. alt="Figurine rewards" /></a>
  51. </p>
  52. <p>At that point you get a 3d printed figurine of our mascot,
  53. Gavroche... plus a t-shirt, a postcard, a sponsored commit, a virtual
  54. hug, stickers... and of course your chance at a ticket to PyCon!</p>
  55. <p>So what are you waiting for?
  56. <a href="/pages/campaign.html">Support MediaGoblin</a> and help
  57. make the future of free and open source, python-based, decentralized
  58. media hosting come true... and get a chance to go to the world's
  59. greatest programming conference in the process!</p>
  60. <p class="centered">
  61. <a href="/pages/campaign.html">
  62. <img src="/blog_images/support_mediagoblin-blagpost.png"
  63. alt="Gavroche imploring you to support MediaGoblin!" />
  64. </a>
  65. </p>
  66. </body>
  67. </html>