version-0.0.5--visions-of-the-future.html 5.4 KB

  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <title>Version 0.0.5 - Visions of the Future</title>
  4. <meta name="date" content="2011-09-02 09:00" />
  5. <meta name="author" content="Deb Nicholson" />
  6. </head>
  7. <body>
  8. <p class="centered">
  9. <img src="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_banner.png"
  10. alt="MediaGoblin 0.0.5 banner" />
  11. </p>
  12. <p>The whole world is invited to our vision of the future. You know the
  13. one with decentralized services, open standards and customized media
  14. hosting? In preparation for the whole world, also known as our
  15. imminent public instance, we asked for more contributors, and boy did
  16. we get them! We also managed to further our internal vision a bit by
  17. making great strides on our migration and storage plans. This may have
  18. been our most exciting month yet, especially if you go by the lengthy
  19. list of thank yous!</p>
  20. <p>uchoMay ogressPray!
  21. <a href="">Transifex is fully set up to handle translations</a>
  22. and MediaGoblin has already been translated into 14 languages.* (If you
  23. can help us by translating another, we'd be very grateful!)</p>
  24. <p class="blog_image">
  25. <a href="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_translated_login.png"
  26. ><img src="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_translated_login-scaled.png"
  27. alt="Login screen, translated!" /></a>
  28. </p>
  29. <p>We've started conducting user experience testing -- many thanks to
  30. all the folks who responded to our call for testing! Caleb Davis is
  31. graciously hosting and running MediaGoblin's user experience testing
  32. server. We'll
  33. be <a href="">collecting
  34. new data each month here</a>. Got opinions? We'd absolutely love to
  35. hear them. Please ping us if you want in on the UX testing party.</p>
  36. <p>There are a few new goodies for the users this time around, including
  37. the ability to delete media, and some smaller things (like now if you
  38. submitted an image wider than 640 pixels, clicking on the scaled down
  39. image brings you to the original size).</p>
  40. <p class="blog_image">
  41. <a href="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_delete_media.png"
  42. ><img src="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_delete_media-scaled.png"
  43. alt="Screenshot of deleting media" /></a>
  44. </p>
  45. <p>We're also supporting media attachments as an optional (but not
  46. enabled-by-default for security reasons) feature. Assuming you're on
  47. a site that supports it, you can now attach source files to your
  48. works, etc.</p>
  49. <p class="blog_image">
  50. <a href="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_attachment.png"
  51. ><img src="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_attachment-scaled.png"
  52. alt="Screenshot of downloading an attachment" /></a>
  53. </p>
  54. <p>The internal roadmap also got some nurturing in the form of
  55. media-processing changes, a new site export/import tool as well as
  56. docs and wiki improvements. On the literally visual front, we made
  57. some progress on our logo and there's a new favicon. You can also take
  58. a look at our new tidied up homepage:</p>
  59. <p class="blog_image">
  60. <a href="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_homepage_and_favicon.png"
  61. ><img src="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_homepage_and_favicon-scaled.png"
  62. alt="New welcoming homepage and a favicon" /></a>
  63. </p>
  64. <p>Loads of storage stuff! We're now compatible with
  65. <a href="">OpenStack's "swift" file storage system</a>,
  66. (so you can use
  67. <a href=""
  68. >Rackspace CloudFiles</a>,
  69. for example, or connect to some other instance of the software) and we
  70. worked on an experimental "MountStorage" system for mounting multiple
  71. storage systems at once. (Sorry, there are no pictures of the storage
  72. systems.) You can however take a look at our improved 404 (not found)
  73. and 500 (internal server error) pages when you want something we
  74. haven't stored where you thought we did or something breaks:</p>
  75. <p class="blog_image">
  76. <a href="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_404.png"
  77. ><img src="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_404-scaled.png"
  78. alt="MediaGoblin 404 screenshot" /></a>
  79. </p>
  80. <p class="blog_image">
  81. <a href="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_500.png"
  82. ><img src="/blog_images/mediagoblin_0.0.5_500-scaled.png"
  83. alt="MediaGoblin 500 screenshot" /></a>
  84. </p>
  85. <p>We wouldn't have been able to glimpse the future without all of our
  86. contributors, so a hearty thanks goes out to: Will Kahn-Greene, Deb
  87. Nicholson, Joar Wandborg, Christopher Allan Webber, Jef van Schendel,
  88. Osama Khalid, Elrond of Samba TNG, Alejandro Villanueva, Caleb Davis,
  89. Karen Rustad, Alex Camelio, Thorsten Wilms, Jarred de Beer, Sam
  90. Kleinman, Jim Campbell, Aleksej Serdjukov, Mark Holmquist, Jacobo
  91. Nájera Valdez, Vinzenz Vietzke, Benjamin Lebsanft, Odin Hørthe Omdal,
  92. Jure Repinc, Jan-Christoph Borchardt, Shawn Khan, Justin Mantell,
  93. Jordyn Bonds, Larisa Hoffenbecker, Avery Morrow, and Transifex
  94. usernames: lasconic, osc, harryhow, Arder, gap and aleksejrs.**</p>
  95. <p>Stay tuned, because <i>next month</i> we'll be living <i>this</i> month's
  96. future... and it looks very bright indeed! And if you want us to help
  97. make these dreams a reality, please
  98. <a href="">join us</a>!</p>
  99. <p><i>(*Pig Latin is not one of them.)</i></p>
  100. <p><i>(**Transifex doesn't currently let us easily view translation
  101. history. If we didn't mention you, we're sorry and we still really,
  102. really appreciate your help!
  103. <a href="">Drop in IRC</a> and we'll fix the error.)</i></p>
  104. </body>
  105. </html>