123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118 |
- const { locales, defaultLocale } = require("./data/locales.js")
- function notIfProduction(param) {
- if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") return ""
- else return param
- }
- /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
- const nextConfig = {
- reactStrictMode: true,
- i18n: {
- locales: locales.map((l) => l.code),
- defaultLocale,
- },
- images: {
- remotePatterns: [
- { hostname: "proxy.joinmastodon.org" },
- { hostname: "c8.patreon.com" },
- { hostname: "c10.patreonusercontent.com" },
- ],
- },
- async headers() {
- // These static files are references with hardcoded URLs and need proper Cache-Control headers
- return [
- "/fonts/:all*(ttf|otf|woff|woff2)",
- "/favicon-:all*(png)",
- "/app-icon.png",
- "/preview.png",
- ]
- .map((source) => ({
- source,
- headers: [
- {
- key: "Cache-control",
- value: "max-age=3600, stale-while-revalidate",
- },
- ],
- }))
- .concat({
- source: "/(.*)?",
- headers: [
- {
- key: "X-Content-Type-Options",
- value: "nosniff",
- },
- {
- key: "Permissions-Policy",
- value:
- "camera=(), microphone=(), geolocation=(), browsing-topics=()",
- },
- {
- key: "Referrer-Policy",
- value: "origin-when-cross-origin",
- },
- {
- key: "Content-Security-Policy",
- value: `default-src 'self'; child-src 'none'; object-src 'none'; img-src 'self' proxy.joinmastodon.org blob: data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' ${notIfProduction("'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'")}; connect-src 'self' api.joinmastodon.org; block-all-mixed-content`,
- },
- ],
- })
- },
- async redirects() {
- return [
- {
- source: "/communities",
- destination: "/servers",
- permanent: true,
- },
- {
- source: "/imprint",
- destination: "/about#impressum",
- permanent: true,
- },
- {
- source: "/impressum",
- destination: "/about#impressum",
- permanent: true,
- },
- ]
- },
- webpack(config, { isServer, isdev }) {
- // Grab the existing rule that handles SVG imports
- const fileLoaderRule = config.module.rules.find(
- (rule) => rule.test && rule.test.test?.(".svg")
- )
- config.module.rules.push({
- oneOf: [
- // warning: do not specify `issuer` key here, it is broken with dynamic require
- // see https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/9309
- // https://github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/15437
- {
- test: /\.svg$/i,
- resourceQuery: /inline/, // Only for *.svg?inline
- use: [{ loader: "@svgr/webpack", options: { svgo: false } }],
- },
- // we need to add this, as the previous rule disabled the default SVG loader
- {
- ...fileLoaderRule,
- test: /\.svg$/i,
- resourceQuery: { not: [/inline/] },
- },
- ],
- })
- // Modify the file loader rule to ignore *.svg, since we have it handled now.
- fileLoaderRule.exclude = /\.svg$/i
- return config
- },
- poweredByHeader: false,
- output: "standalone",
- }
- module.exports = nextConfig