trademark.tsx 7.3 KB

  1. import BasicPage from "../components/BasicPage"
  2. import Head from "next/head"
  3. import Hero from "../components/Hero"
  4. import { withDefaultStaticProps } from "../utils/defaultStaticProps"
  5. import Layout from "../components/Layout"
  6. /** This page does not require translations */
  7. const Trademark = () => (
  8. <Layout>
  9. <div dir="ltr" className="[unicode-bidi:plaintext]">
  10. <Hero homepage>
  11. <h1 className="h2 mb-8 pt-16 text-center">Trademark Policy</h1>
  12. <p className="sh1 text-center">Last updated December 21, 2022</p>
  13. </Hero>
  14. <BasicPage>
  15. <p className="b1 mb-4">
  16. The Mastodon name and logos are trademarks of Mastodon gGmbH. As such,
  17. their use is restricted and protected by intellectual property law.
  18. While the software we create is available under a free and open source
  19. software license, the copyright license does not include an implied
  20. right or license to use our trademarks.
  21. </p>
  22. <p className="b1 mb-4">
  23. The role of trademarks is to prevent the exploitation of the good name
  24. and reputation of Mastodon by other people and organizations, and to
  25. provide assurance about the quality of the products and services
  26. associated with it.
  27. </p>
  28. <p className="b1 mb-4">
  29. To use our trademarks beyond what is considered &quot;fair&quot; or
  30. &quot;nominative&quot; use, you must follow these guidelines. By
  31. making use of our trademarks, you agree to abide by the following
  32. terms and conditions. You further agree that any dispute arising in
  33. connection with your use of our trademarks or under these terms and
  34. conditions shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and
  35. federal courts of New York in the United States of America and that
  36. the state and federal courts of New York shall have personal
  37. jurisdiction over you for the purposes of adjudicating any dispute
  38. concerning the use of our trademarks or these terms and conditions.
  39. </p>
  40. <p className="b1 mb-4">
  41. You agree to defend and indemnify Mastodon gGmbH from and against any
  42. and all claims and losses brought by a third party in connection with
  43. your use of the Mastodon trademarks.
  44. </p>
  45. <p className="b1 mb-4">
  46. To request the use of the Mastodon name and logos in a way not covered
  47. in these guidelines, or to report violations, please contact us at 
  48. <a
  49. href=""
  50. className="text-blurple-500 hover:underline"
  51. >
  53. </a>
  54. . In the event that we do not approve such use of the Mastodon name
  55. and logos within ten (10) business days, your request shall be deemed
  56. denied.
  57. </p>
  58. <h2 className="h5 mt-12 mb-6">General guidelines</h2>
  59. <p className="b1 mb-4">In general:</p>
  60. <ul className="b1 list-disc space-y-4 pl-5">
  61. <li>
  62. Only use the Mastodon marks to accurately identify those goods or
  63. services that are built using the Mastodon software.
  64. </li>
  65. <li>
  66. Do not use the Mastodon marks in any way that could mistakenly imply
  67. that Mastodon GmbH has reviewed, approved, or guaranteed your goods
  68. or services.
  69. </li>
  70. <li>
  71. Do not use or register, in whole or in part, the Mastodon marks as
  72. part of your own or any other trademark, service mark, domain name,
  73. company name, trade name, product name, or service name.
  74. </li>
  75. <li>
  76. Do not use the Mastodon marks in a manner that disparages or defames
  77. the marks, Mastodon gGmbH, or Mastodon’s products.
  78. </li>
  79. <li>
  80. Do not use the Mastodon marks in connection with any illegal
  81. activity.
  82. </li>
  83. <li>
  84. You may use the Mastodon word mark in referential phrases such as
  85. &quot;for&quot;, &quot;for use with&quot;, or &quot;compatible
  86. with&quot;.
  87. </li>
  88. <li>
  89. You may use the Mastodon marks when embedding or otherwise
  90. displaying user generated content published using the Mastodon
  91. software.
  92. </li>
  93. <li>Do not change or modify the Mastodon marks.</li>
  94. <li>
  95. Any all use of the Mastodon marks, and any goodwill accrued as a
  96. result of that use, belongs entirely to, and shall inure for the
  97. benefit of, Mastodon gGmbH.
  98. </li>
  99. </ul>
  100. <h2 className="h5 mt-12 mb-6">Server guidelines</h2>
  101. <p className="b1 mb-4">
  102. If you run your own Mastodon server using the Mastodon software,
  103. including modified Mastodon software on the condition that the
  104. modifications are limited to switching on or off features already
  105. included in the software, minor tweaks in visual appearance,
  106. translations into other languages, and bug fixes:
  107. </p>
  108. <ul className="b1 list-disc space-y-4 pl-5">
  109. <li>
  110. You may not use the Mastodon word mark, or any similar mark, in your
  111. domain name, unless you have written permission from Mastodon gGmbH.
  112. </li>
  113. <li>
  114. As long as you abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement,
  115. you may use the Mastodon marks included in the Mastodon server
  116. software for the purposes of running the server.
  117. </li>
  118. </ul>
  119. <h2 className="h5 mt-12 mb-6">Open source project guidelines</h2>
  120. <p className="b1 mb-4">
  121. If you choose to build on or modify Mastodon&apos;s open-source code,
  122. beyond modifications limited to switching on or off features already
  123. included in the software, minor tweaks in visual appearance,
  124. translations into other languages, and bug fixes:
  125. </p>
  126. <ul className="b1 list-disc space-y-4 pl-5">
  127. <li>
  128. You must choose your own branding, logos, and trademarks that denote
  129. your unique identity so as to clearly signal to users that there is
  130. no affiliation with or endorsement by Mastodon gGmbH.
  131. </li>
  132. <li>
  133. You may use word marks, but not our logos, in truthful statements
  134. that describe the relationship between your software and ours, for
  135. example &quot;this software is derived from the source code of the
  136. Mastodon software&quot;.
  137. </li>
  138. </ul>
  139. <h2 className="h5 mt-12 mb-6">Social media guidelines</h2>
  140. <p className="b1 mb-4">
  141. The name and handle of your social media account and any and all pages
  142. cannot begin with a Mastodon word mark, or a similar mark (e.g.
  143. &quot;mastodoon&quot;, &quot;mast0don&quot;, &quot;mstdn&quot;). In
  144. addition, Mastodon logos cannot be used in a way that might suggest
  145. affiliation with or endorsement by Mastodon.
  146. </p>
  147. </BasicPage>
  148. <Head>
  149. <title>Trademark Policy - Mastodon</title>
  150. <meta property="og:title" content="Trademark Policy of Mastodon" />
  151. </Head>
  152. </div>
  153. </Layout>
  154. )
  155. export const getStaticProps = withDefaultStaticProps()
  156. export default Trademark