404.tsx 1.4 KB

  1. import Head from "next/head"
  2. import BasicPage from "../components/BasicPage"
  3. import Hero from "../components/Hero"
  4. import { withDefaultStaticProps } from "../utils/defaultStaticProps"
  5. import LinkButton from "../components/LinkButton"
  6. import { FormattedMessage, useIntl } from "react-intl"
  7. import Layout from "../components/Layout"
  8. import heroImage from "../public/illustrations/apps_hero_desktop.png"
  9. const NotFoundPage = () => (
  10. <Layout>
  11. <Hero homepage desktopImage={heroImage} mobileImage={heroImage}>
  12. {" "}
  13. </Hero>
  14. <BasicPage>
  15. <div className="flex justify-center pt-24">
  16. <div className="h2 px-12 font-bold text-blurple-500">404</div>
  17. <div className="border-l-2 border-gray-4 px-12">
  18. <h1 className="h2">
  19. <FormattedMessage id="404.title" defaultMessage="Page not found" />
  20. </h1>
  21. <p className="sh1 mt-4 mb-8 text-gray-1">
  22. <FormattedMessage
  23. id="404.description"
  24. defaultMessage="Please check the URL in the address bar and try again."
  25. />
  26. </p>
  27. <LinkButton href="/" size="medium">
  28. <FormattedMessage
  29. id="404.go_back_home"
  30. defaultMessage="Go back home"
  31. />
  32. </LinkButton>
  33. </div>
  34. </div>
  35. </BasicPage>
  36. </Layout>
  37. )
  38. export const getStaticProps = withDefaultStaticProps()
  39. export default NotFoundPage