Thank you for considering contributing to the Mastodon project website 🦣
You may want to contribute in the following ways:
[!NOTE] This is not the repository for contributions to the code that runs (ie the Mastodon server instance run by the core Mastodon team).
Go back up to the top level Mastodon organisation.
Bug reports and feature suggestions must use descriptive and concise titles, and be submitted to GitHub Issues. Please use the search function to make sure that you are not submitting duplicates, and that a similar report or request has not already been resolved or rejected.
You can submit translations for the website via Crowdin. They are periodically merged into the codebase. Translations should cover a reasonable amount of the content, and in particular at least the whole of the main landing page, before they will be merged. See the README for more information.
The idea of the third party apps section is to provide a showcase for apps built for the Mastodon platform. Inclusion in the list is not an endorsement, and is also not guaranteed - this is not intended to be an exhaustive list.
In an effort to offer choice but to limit confusion, there are a number of considerations:
the Mastodon team may not be able to test all apps that are submitted, and do not endorse third party apps simply based on their inclusion on the website. There is no fixed schedule for pull requests to be reviewed - in most cases, other code maintenance tasks have a higher priority.
Apps should be current and maintained; please submit issues or pull requests to remove Apps that are known to have been deprecated or retired. We will periodically remove apps that appear to no longer be maintained or usable, but feel free to notify us if this happens in error.
Apps must be generally available
Apps that are forks of other apps may in future be labelled as such / filtered in some way. This is to keep the main list at a manageable size for most users to browse and to reduce confusion between similar user experiences.
Please use clear and concise titles for your pull requests.
The smaller the set of changes in the pull request is, the quicker it can be reviewed and merged. Splitting tasks into multiple smaller pull requests is often preferable. One PR to add an app is preferred.
fork the repository and create a branch for your app addition
add the icon (under public/apps
) and the corresponding information to the file that generates the page (in data/apps.ts
if the app is multiplatform, only one icon should appear in the All apps view. This means that you must add hidden_from_all: true,
to all except one of the entries in the list. We suggest that if the app has a web version, that should be the version that is not hidden (as it will be clickable directly from the All apps list)
please ensure that the correct value for paid: true|false
is specified for the app entry.
submit a PR to the mastodon/joinmastodon
repository, and please be patient 👍🏻️