about.tsx 15 KB

  1. import BasicPage from "../components/BasicPage"
  2. import Head from "next/head"
  3. import Hero from "../components/Hero"
  4. import { withDefaultStaticProps } from "../utils/defaultStaticProps"
  5. import Layout from "../components/Layout"
  6. import heroImage from "../public/illustrations/apps_hero_desktop.png"
  7. import Image from "next/legacy/image"
  8. import { FormattedDate, FormattedMessage } from "react-intl"
  9. import Link from "next/link"
  10. import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query"
  11. import Statistic from "../components/Statistic"
  12. import { Day } from "../types/api"
  13. import team from "../data/team"
  14. import interviews from "../data/interviews"
  15. import press from "../data/press"
  16. import LinkWithArrow from "../components/LinkWithArrow"
  17. import PressArticle from "../components/PressArticle"
  18. import PersonIcon from "../public/ui/person.svg?inline"
  19. import FiltersIcon from "../public/ui/filters.svg?inline"
  20. import LogoWhite from "../public/logos/logo-white.svg?inline"
  21. const About = () => (
  22. <Layout>
  23. <div dir="ltr" className="[unicode-bidi:plaintext]">
  24. <Hero desktopImage={heroImage} mobileImage={heroImage}>
  25. <h1 className="h1 mb-8 pt-16">We develop Mastodon</h1>
  26. <p className="sh1">Free, open-source decentralized social media</p>
  27. </Hero>
  28. <div className="full-width-bg">
  29. <div className="full-width-bg__inner">
  30. <div className="grid grid-cols-12 gap-y-24 py-20 md:gap-x-12">
  31. <div className="col-span-12 md:col-span-6">
  32. <h2 className="h3 mb-6">Our story</h2>
  33. <p className="b1 mb-4">
  34. <strong>
  35. Mastodon gGmbH is a non-profit from Germany that develops the
  36. Mastodon software.
  37. </strong>{" "}
  38. Mastodon started in 2016 as an open-source project by Eugen
  39. Rochko, who, as an avid user since 2008, was dissatisfied with
  40. the state and direction of Twitter.
  41. </p>
  42. <p className="b1 mb-4">
  43. Believing that instant global communications were too crucial
  44. for modern society to belong to a single commercial company, he
  45. sought to build a user-friendly microblogging product that would
  46. not belong to any central authority, but remain practical for
  47. everyday use.
  48. </p>
  49. <p className="b1 mb-4">
  50. The first public launch occurred in October 2016. The initial
  51. support the project received through Patreon ensured that Eugen
  52. could begin working on the project full-time post-graduation. In
  53. April 2017 it received its first big break and garnered
  54. world-wide attention and press coverage.
  55. </p>
  56. <p className="b1 mb-6">
  57. The project was officially incorporated as a gGmbH (a German
  58. form of non-profit LLC) in 2021.
  59. </p>
  60. <ul className="b1 space-y-4">
  61. <li>
  62. <LinkWithArrow href="/branding">Branding</LinkWithArrow>
  63. </li>
  64. <li>
  65. <LinkWithArrow href="/trademark">
  66. Trademark Policy
  67. </LinkWithArrow>
  68. </li>
  69. </ul>
  70. </div>
  71. <div className="col-span-12 md:col-span-6">
  72. <h2 className="h3 mb-6" id="team">
  73. Meet the team
  74. </h2>
  75. <p className="b1 mb-6">
  76. <LinkWithArrow href="/careers">Join the team</LinkWithArrow>
  77. </p>
  78. <div className="grid grid-cols-12 gap-gutter">
  79. {team.map((member) => (
  80. <div
  81. key={member.name}
  82. className="col-span-12 sm:col-span-6 lg:col-span-4"
  83. >
  84. <div className="relative mb-4 aspect-video w-full overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-blurple-gradient shadow">
  85. {member.image && (
  86. <Image
  87. src={member.image}
  88. layout="fill"
  89. objectFit="cover"
  90. objectPosition="50% 50%"
  91. alt=""
  92. className="grayscale"
  93. />
  94. )}
  95. </div>
  96. <span className="b2 block !font-bold">{member.name}</span>
  97. <div className="flex items-center">
  98. <span className="b2 block flex-grow !font-semibold text-gray-1">
  99. {member.position}
  100. </span>
  101. {member.socials && (
  102. <a
  103. href={member.socials.mastodon}
  104. rel="me"
  105. className="b2 ml-2 block flex-shrink-0 text-blurple-600 hover:text-blurple-500"
  106. >
  107. <LogoWhite
  108. className="h-[1em] w-[1em]"
  109. fill="currentColor"
  110. />
  111. </a>
  112. )}
  113. </div>
  114. </div>
  115. ))}
  116. </div>
  117. </div>
  118. <div className="col-span-12 md:col-span-3">
  119. <h2 className="h3 mb-4">Our metrics</h2>
  120. <Metrics />
  121. </div>
  122. <div className="col-span-12 md:col-span-3">
  123. <h2 className="h3 mb-4">Reports</h2>
  124. <ul className="list-disc pl-3">
  125. <li>
  126. <a
  127. href="/reports/Mastodon Annual Report 2022.pdf"
  128. className="b2 block hover:text-blurple-500"
  129. >
  130. <span className="h5 block">2022</span>
  131. <span className="text-gray-2">PDF, 6 MB</span>
  132. </a>
  133. </li>
  134. <li>
  135. <a
  136. href="/reports/Mastodon Annual Report 2021.pdf"
  137. className="b2 block hover:text-blurple-500"
  138. >
  139. <span className="h5 block">2021</span>
  140. <span className="text-gray-2">PDF, 316 KB</span>
  141. </a>
  142. </li>
  143. </ul>
  144. </div>
  145. <div className="col-span-12 md:col-span-6">
  146. <h2 className="h3 mb-4">Podcast interviews</h2>
  147. <div className="space-y-4">
  148. {interviews
  149. .sort((a, b) => a.date.localeCompare(b.date) * -1)
  150. .map((interview) => (
  151. <a
  152. key={interview.url}
  153. href={interview.url}
  154. rel="nofollow noopener"
  155. className="group flex max-w-full items-center hover:text-blurple-500"
  156. >
  157. <div className="relative h-20 w-20 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-md ring-blurple-500 group-hover:ring-2">
  158. <Image
  159. src={interview.icon}
  160. alt=""
  161. layout="fill"
  162. objectFit="contain"
  163. />
  164. </div>
  165. <div className="truncate px-4">
  166. <span className="b1 block truncate !font-bold">
  167. {interview.title}
  168. </span>
  169. <span className="b2 text-gray-1">
  170. <FormattedDate
  171. value={interview.date}
  172. year="numeric"
  173. month="short"
  174. day="2-digit"
  175. />{" "}
  176. <strong>{interview.show}</strong>
  177. </span>
  178. </div>
  179. </a>
  180. ))}
  181. </div>
  182. </div>
  183. <div className="col-span-12">
  184. <h2 className="h3 mb-4">In the press</h2>
  185. <p className="sh1 mb-8 text-gray-2">
  186. What others write about us.
  187. </p>
  188. <div className="grid grid-cols-12 gap-gutter">
  189. {press
  190. .sort((a, b) => a.date.localeCompare(b.date) * -1)
  191. .map((story) => (
  192. <PressArticle key={story.url} story={story} />
  193. ))}
  194. </div>
  195. </div>
  196. <div className="col-span-12 md:col-span-6">
  197. <h2 className="h3 mb-4">Contact us</h2>
  198. <div className="b1 mb-4">
  199. <dt className="font-bold">Press inquiries:</dt>
  200. <dd>
  201. <a
  202. href="mailto:press@joinmastodon.org"
  203. className="text-blurple-500 hover:underline"
  204. >
  205. press@joinmastodon.org
  206. </a>
  207. </dd>
  208. </div>
  209. <div className="b1 mb-4">
  210. <dt className="font-bold">Legal inquiries:</dt>
  211. <dd>
  212. <a
  213. href="mailto:legal@joinmastodon.org"
  214. className="text-blurple-500 hover:underline"
  215. >
  216. legal@joinmastodon.org
  217. </a>
  218. </dd>
  219. </div>
  220. <div className="b1 mb-4">
  221. <dt className="font-bold">Trademark inquiries:</dt>
  222. <dd>
  223. <a
  224. href="mailto:trademark@joinmastodon.org"
  225. className="text-blurple-500 hover:underline"
  226. >
  227. trademark@joinmastodon.org
  228. </a>
  229. </dd>
  230. </div>
  231. <div className="b1 mb-4">
  232. <dt className="font-bold">Security inquiries:</dt>
  233. <dd>
  234. <a
  235. href="mailto:security@joinmastodon.org"
  236. className="text-blurple-500 hover:underline"
  237. >
  238. security@joinmastodon.org
  239. </a>
  240. </dd>
  241. </div>
  242. <div className="b1 mb-4">
  243. <dt className="font-bold">Other inquiries:</dt>
  244. <dd>
  245. <a
  246. href="mailto:hello@joinmastodon.org"
  247. className="text-blurple-500 hover:underline"
  248. >
  249. hello@joinmastodon.org
  250. </a>
  251. </dd>
  252. </div>
  253. </div>
  254. <div className="col-span-12 md:col-span-6" id="impressum">
  255. <h2 className="h3 mb-4">Impressum</h2>
  256. <dl className="b1 grid grid-cols-12 gap-gutter">
  257. <div className="col-span-6">
  258. <div className="mb-4">
  259. <dt className="font-bold">Firmenname:</dt>
  260. <dd>Mastodon gGmbH</dd>
  261. </div>
  262. <div className="mb-4">
  263. <dt className="font-bold">Anschrift:</dt>
  264. <dd>
  265. <address className="not-italic">
  266. Mühlenstraße 8a
  267. <br />
  268. 14167 Berlin
  269. <br />
  270. Germany
  271. </address>
  272. </dd>
  273. </div>
  274. <div className="mb-4">
  275. <dt className="font-bold">Kontakt:</dt>
  276. <dd>
  277. <a
  278. href="mailto:hello@joinmastodon.org"
  279. className="text-blurple-500 hover:underline"
  280. >
  281. hello@joinmastodon.org
  282. </a>
  283. </dd>
  284. </div>
  285. </div>
  286. <div className="col-span-6">
  287. <div className="mb-4">
  288. <dt className="font-bold">Handelsregister:</dt>
  289. <dd>HRB 230086 B (Amtsgericht Charlottenburg)</dd>
  290. </div>
  291. <div className="mb-4">
  292. <dt className="font-bold">USt-ID:</dt>
  293. <dd>DE344258260</dd>
  294. </div>
  295. </div>
  296. <div className="col-span-12 mb-4">
  297. <dt className="font-bold">Vertretungsberechtigt:</dt>
  298. <dd>Eugen Rochko (Geschäftsführer)</dd>
  299. </div>
  300. </dl>
  301. </div>
  302. </div>
  303. </div>
  304. </div>
  305. <Head>
  306. <title>About - Mastodon</title>
  307. <meta property="og:title" content="The company behind Mastodon" />
  308. <meta
  309. property="og:description"
  310. content="Our story, mission, annual reports, interviews, press releases and more."
  311. />
  312. <meta
  313. property="description"
  314. content="Our story, mission, annual reports, interviews, press releases and more."
  315. />
  316. </Head>
  317. </div>
  318. </Layout>
  319. )
  320. const Metrics = () => {
  321. const days = useQuery({
  322. queryKey: ["statistics"],
  323. queryFn: () =>
  324. fetch("https://api.joinmastodon.org/statistics").then((res) =>
  325. res.json()
  326. ),
  327. gcTime: 30 * 60 * 1000,
  328. })
  329. if (days.isError || days.isLoading) {
  330. return null
  331. }
  332. const currentDay = days.data[days.data.length - 2]
  333. const compareDay = days.data[0]
  334. return (
  335. <>
  336. <div className="space-y-4">
  337. <Statistic
  338. key="mau"
  339. Icon={PersonIcon}
  340. label={
  341. <FormattedMessage
  342. id="stats.monthly_active_users"
  343. defaultMessage="Monthly Active Users"
  344. />
  345. }
  346. currentValue={parseInt(currentDay.active_user_count)}
  347. prevValue={parseInt(compareDay.active_user_count)}
  348. />
  349. <Statistic
  350. key="servers"
  351. Icon={FiltersIcon}
  352. label={
  353. <FormattedMessage id="stats.servers" defaultMessage="Servers Up" />
  354. }
  355. currentValue={parseInt(currentDay.server_count)}
  356. prevValue={parseInt(compareDay.server_count)}
  357. />
  358. </div>
  359. <p className="b3 mt-4 text-gray-2">
  360. <FormattedMessage
  361. id="stats.disclaimer"
  362. defaultMessage="Data collected by crawling all accessible Mastodon servers on {date}."
  363. values={{
  364. date: (
  365. <FormattedDate
  366. value={currentDay.period}
  367. year="numeric"
  368. month="short"
  369. day="2-digit"
  370. />
  371. ),
  372. }}
  373. />
  374. </p>
  375. </>
  376. )
  377. }
  378. export const getStaticProps = withDefaultStaticProps()
  379. export default About