gd.json 21 KB

  1. {
  2. "404.description": "Thoir sùil air an URL ann am bàr an t-seòlaidh is feuch ris a-rithist",
  3. "404.go_back_home": "Dhachaigh",
  4. "404.title": "Cha deach an duilleag a lorg",
  5. "": "An-asgaidh",
  6. "apps.lead": "Airson toiseach-tòiseachaidh le Mastodon, mholamaid na h-aplacaidean oifigeil againn airson iOS agus Android ach tha iomadh aplacaid treas-phàrtaidh ri fhaighinn gu h-ìosal.",
  7. "apps.paid": "Air airgead",
  8. "apps.title": "Aplacaidean",
  9. "browse_apps.all": "Na h-uile",
  10. "": "Android",
  11. "browse_apps.api_docs": "Docamaideadh an API",
  12. "browse_apps.desktop": "Desktop",
  13. "browse_apps.get_started": "Tòisich air an-diugh",
  14. "browse_apps.ios": "iOS",
  15. "browse_apps.make_your_own": "Tha bun-tùs fosgailte agus API innealta aig Mastodon le deagh dhocamaideadh a tha ri làimh dhan a h-uile duine. Dèan an aplacaid agad fhèin no cleachd gin de phailteas nan aplacaidean treas-phàrtaidh a rinn luchd-leasachaidh eile!",
  16. "browse_apps.open_api": "API fosgailte",
  17. "browse_apps.page_description": "Brabhsaich na h-aplacaidean oifigeil is threas-phàrtaidhean airson an lìonra sòisealta sgaoilte Mastodon",
  18. "browse_apps.page_title": "Faigh aplacaid airson Mastodon",
  19. "browse_apps.progressive_web_app": "Aplacaid-lìn cheumnach",
  20. "browse_apps.pwa_feature.cta": "Faigh ballrachd ann an coimhearsnachd",
  21. "browse_apps.retro": "Seann-choimpiutaireachd",
  22. "browse_apps.title2": "Rùraich sna h-aplacaidean treas-phàrtaidh",
  23. "browse_apps.web": "Lìon",
  24. "browse_apps.you_can_use_it_from_desktop": "’S urrainn dhut Mastodon a chleachdadh on bhrabhsair air an desktop no fòn agad uair sam bith! Gabhaidh a chur ris an sgrìn-dhachaigh agad agus cuiridh cuid a bhrabhsairean taic ri brathan putaidh mar a rinneadh aplacaid thùsail!",
  25. "covenant.learn_more": "Tha dealas aig a h-uile frithealaiche air an liosta seo dhan <link>Mastodon Server Covenant</link>.",
  26. "footer.follow_us_on_mastodon": "Lean sinn air Mastodon",
  27. "footer.quip": "Ùrlar meadhain shòisealta sgaoilte a tha saor ’s an-asgaidh.",
  28. "gold_sponsor": "Gold sponsor",
  29. "home.additional_support_from": "Gheibh thu barrachd taic o",
  30. "home.create_account": "Cruthaich cunntas",
  31. "home.features.audience.body": "Bheir Mastodon comas sònraichte dhut gun stiùirich thu d’ èisteachd gun eadar-mheadhanaich. Ma ruitheas tu Mastodon air a’ bhun-structar agad fhèin, ’s urrainn dhut frithealaiche Mastodon sam bith a leantainn air loidhne ’s an caochladh agus cha bhi smachd aig duine sam bith air ach agad fhèin.",
  32. "home.features.audience.title": "Stèidhich d’ èisteachd le misneachd",
  33. "home.features.button.find_a_server": "Lorg frithealaiche",
  34. "home.features.button.learn_more": "Barrachd fiosrachaidh",
  35. "home.features.moderation.body": "Cuiridh Mastodon na co-dhùnaidhean ’nad làmhan fhèin. Cruthaichidh gach frithealaiche na riaghailtean aige fhèin a thèid a chur an gnìomh gu h-ionadail seach on àirde mar a thachras air meadhanan sòisealta corporra agus mar sin dheth, ’s urrainnear freagairt gu sùbailte do dh’fheumalachdan choimhearsnachdan eadar-dhealaichte. Faigh ballrachd air frithealaiche far a bheil thu ag aontachadh ris na riaghailtean ann no òstaich fear agad fhèin.",
  36. "home.features.moderation.title": "Maorsainneachd mar gu chòir",
  37. "home.features.self_expression.body": "Cuiridh Mastodon taic ri postaichean le faidhlichean fuaime, videothan is dealbhan, tuairisgeulan so-ruigsinneachd, cunntasan-bheachd, rabhaidhean susbainte, avataran beòthaichte, emojis gnàthaichte, smachd air bearradh nan dealbhagan is mòran a bharrachd ach an cuir thu do bheachdan an cèill air loidhne. Ge b’ e a bheil thu a’ foillseachadh an obair-ealain, an ceòl no am pod-chraoladh agad, tha Mastodon ri làimh dhut.",
  38. "home.features.self_expression.title": "Cho cruthachail ’s a ghabhas",
  39. "home.features.timeline.body": "Chan eil duine sam bith nas eòlaiche air na bu mhiann leat fhaicinn air do dhachaigh na thu fhèin. Cha chaith algairim no sanasachd d’ ùine. Lean duine sam bith air frithealaiche Mastodon sam bith on aon chunntas agus faigh na postaichean aca ann an òrdugh na h-ama agus cuir dreach nas pearsanta air an oisean agad-sa dhen eadar-lìon.",
  40. "home.features.timeline.title": "Cùm smachd air an loidhne-ama agad",
  41. "home.get_the_app": "Faigh an aplacaid",
  42. "home.hero.body": "Bu chòir na tha cudromach dhut-sa nochdadh ’nad dhachaigh seach na tha corporaid dhen bheachd gum bu chòir dhut fhaicinn. Seo meadhanan sòisealta gu tur diofraichte, air ais ann an làmhan an t-sluaigh.",
  43. "home.hero.headline": "Lìonra sòisealta nach gabh a reic",
  44. "home.join_now": "Faigh ballrachd aig {domain}",
  45. "home.page_description": "Faigh barrachd fiosrachaidh mu Mastodon, an ùrlar meadhain shòisealta sgaoilte a tha diofraichte, saor ’s an-asgaidh.",
  46. "home.page_title": "Lìonra sòisealta sgaoilte",
  47. "home.pick_another_server": "Tagh frithealaiche eile",
  48. "home.slider.go_to_slide": "Rach dhan t-sleamhnag",
  49. "home.sponsors.body": "’S e bathar-bog saor ’s an-asgaidh a tha ’ga leasachadh le buidheann neo-phrothaideach a th’ ann am Mastodon. Cumaidh taic phoblach suas an leasachadh ’s dealbhadh.",
  50. "home.sponsors.title": "Neo-eisimeileach gu bràth",
  51. "home.testimonials.title": "Na tha ar luchd-cleachdaidh ag ràdh",
  52. "home.why.decentralized.copy": "Tha conaltradh eadar-nàiseanta gun dàil ro chudromach ach am biodh e a’ buntainn ri aon chompanaidh a-mhàin. ’S e nì fa leth ’s neo-eisimeileach a th’ anns gach frithealaiche Mastodon le comas eadar-obrachaidh le càch airson aon lìonra sòisealta uile-choitcheann a chruthachadh.",
  53. "home.why.decentralized.title": "Sgaoilte",
  54. "home.why.interoperability.copy": "On a tha e stèidhichte air pròtacalan-lìn fosgailte, ’s urrainn do Mhastodon conaltradh le ùrlar sam bith eile a bheir ActivityPub gu buil. Le aon chunntas a-mhàin, gheibh thu cothrom air saoghal mòr de dh’aplacaidean sòisealta – seo an co-shaoghal.",
  55. "home.why.interoperability.title": "Eadar-obrachalachd",
  56. "home.why.not_for_sale.copy": "Tha suim againn dha do dhèanadachd. Is tu fhèin a thaghas is a chruthaicheas do dhachaigh. Cha spàrr sinn sanasachd no pròifilean ort idir. Is ciall dha seo gu bheil smachd agad fhèin air d’ ùine is air an dàta agad is chan eil aig duine sam bith eile.",
  57. "home.why.not_for_sale.title": "Chan eil e ri reic",
  58. "home.why.opensource.copy": "Tha Mastodon ’na bhathar-bog saor le bun-tùs fosgailte. Tha sinn dhen bheachd gu bheil còir agad gun cleachd thu Mastodon, gun dèan thu lethbhreac dheth, gun dèan thu sgrùdadh air is gun atharraich thu mar a thogras tu agus gheibh sinne buannachd à tabhartasan na coimhearsnachd.",
  59. "home.why.opensource.title": "Bun-tùs fosgailte",
  60. "home.why.title": "Carson a chleachdainn Mastodon?",
  61. "": "Luchdaich a-nuas na h-aplacaidean",
  62. "nav.about_us.description": "Read about our story, the team, and recent media coverage",
  63. "nav.about_us.title": "Mu ar dèidhinn",
  64. "nav.apps.title": "Aplacaidean",
  65. "": "Faigh na naidheachdan as ùire mun ùrlar",
  66. "": "Bloga",
  67. "nav.branding.description": "Luchdaich a-nuas na suaicheantasan againn is faigh fiosrachadh air mar a chleachdas tu iad",
  68. "nav.branding.title": "Branndadh",
  69. "nav.code.action": "Brabhsaich an còd",
  70. "nav.code.description": "Tha Mastodon ’na bhathar-bog saor le bun-tùs fosgailte",
  71. "nav.code.title": "Còd",
  72. "": "Companaidh",
  73. "": "Get in touch for press, business, legal and other inquiries",
  74. "": "Contact",
  75. "": "Fiosraich mar a dh’obraicheas Mastodon gu mionaideach",
  76. "": "Docamaideadh",
  77. "nav.impressum.title": "Notaichean laghail",
  78. "nav.merch.title": "Merch",
  79. "": "New",
  80. "nav.privacy_policy.title": "Poileasaidh prìobhaideachd",
  81. "nav.product.title": "Bathar",
  82. "nav.resources.title": "Goireasan",
  83. "nav.roadmap.title": "Mapa-rathaid",
  84. "nav.servers.title": "Frithealaichean",
  85. "nav.sponsors.title": "Thoir tabhartas dhuinn",
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  87. "": "Faigh cobhair no mol gleus air GitHub",
  88. "": "Taic ",
  89. "nav.toggle": "Toglaich an clàr-taice",
  90. "nav.trademark_policy.title": "Poileasaidh a’ chomharra-lìn",
  91. "nav.verification.description": "Learn about verified profile links on Mastodon",
  92. "nav.verification.title": "Dearbhadh",
  93. "roadmap.all": "Na h-uile",
  94. "": "Android",
  95. "roadmap.ios": "iOS",
  96. "roadmap.lead": "Seo sùil bheag air na tha sinn ag obair air is na tha fa-near dhuinn.",
  97. "roadmap.mastodon": "Lìon / API",
  98. "roadmap.page_description": "Fiosraich na tha sinn ag obair air ann am Mastodon",
  99. "roadmap.page_title": "Mapa-rathaid poblach",
  100. "roadmap.state.backlog": "’Ga rannsachadh",
  101. "roadmap.state.completed": "Air a choileanadh o chionn goirid",
  102. "roadmap.state.started": "’Ga dhèanamh",
  103. "roadmap.state.unstarted": "Fa-near dhuinn",
  104. "roadmap.suggest_a_feature": "Mol gleus",
  105. "roadmap.title": "Mapa-rathaid",
  106. "server.category.academia": "Academia",
  107. "server.category.activism": "Activism",
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  110. "server.category.books": "Books",
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  113. "server.category.gaming": "Gaming",
  114. "server.category.general": "General",
  115. "server.category.humor": "Humour",
  116. "server.category.journalism": "Journalism",
  117. "": "LGBTQ+",
  118. "": "Music",
  119. "server.category.regional": "Regional",
  120. "server.category.religion": "Religion",
  121. "server.category.sports": "Sports",
  122. "": "Technology",
  123. "server.filter_by.category": "Cuspair",
  124. "server.filter_by.category.lead": "Tha cuid a sholaraichean ag amas air cunntasan òstadh do choimhearsnachdan sònraichte.",
  125. "server.filter_by.region": "Roinn-dùthcha",
  126. "server.filter_by.region.lead": "Far a bheil an solaraiche stèidhichte fon lagh.",
  127. "": "Afraga",
  128. "server.regions.all": "Na h-uile roinn-dùthcha",
  129. "": "Àisia",
  130. "server.regions.europe": "An Roinn-Eòrpa",
  131. "server.regions.north_america": "Aimeireaga a Tuath",
  132. "server.regions.oceania": "Roinn a’ Chuain Sèimh",
  133. "server.regions.south_america": "Aimeireaga a Deas",
  134. "": "Sàbhailteachd",
  135. "servers": "Frithealaichean",
  136. "servers.apply_for_an_account": "Iarr cunntas",
  137. "servers.approval_required": "Lèirmheas a làimh air clàraidhean",
  138. "servers.create_account": "Cruthaich cunntas",
  139. "servers.getting_started.feed.body": "Le cunntas air an fhrithealaiche agad, ’s urrainn dhut neach sam bith a th’ air an lìonra a leantainn, ge b’ e càit a bheil an cunntas aca-san ’ga òstadh. Chì thu na postaichean aca ’nad dhachaigh agus ma leanas iad-san thu, chì iad na postaichean agad ’nan dachaigh fhèin.",
  140. "servers.getting_started.feed.title": "Do dhachaigh fhèin",
  141. "servers.getting_started.flexible.body": "An do lorg thu frithealaiche a b’ fheàrr leat? Le Mastodon, ’s urrainn dhut a’ phròifil agad imrich gu frithealaiche eile gun duilgheadas uair sam bith ’s gun a bhith a’ call luchd-leantainn sam bith. Ma tha thu airson làn-smachd fhaighinn, ’s urrainn dhut frithealaiche a chruthachadh dhut fhèin.",
  142. "servers.getting_started.flexible.title": "Sùbailte",
  143. "servers.getting_started.headline": "Tha toiseach-tòiseachaidh le Mastodon furasta",
  144. "servers.getting_started.safe_for_all.body": "Chan eil smachd againn fhìn air na frithealaichean ach tha smachd againn air na bhrosnaicheas sinn air an duilleag seo. Cha tomh am buidheann seo thu ach gu frithealaichean aig a bheil dealas do mhaorsainneachd an aghaidh gràin-chinnidh, gnèitheachas is oillt thar-ghnèitheach.",
  145. "servers.getting_started.safe_for_all.title": "Sàbhailte dhan a h-uile duine",
  146. "servers.getting_started.servers": "An toiseach, tagh am frithealaiche air am bu mhiann leat an cunntas agad a chruthachadh. Tha gach frithealaiche ’ga ruith le buidheann no neach gu neo-eisimeileach agus tha poileasaidhean maorsainneachd eadar-dhealaichte aca.",
  147. "servers.hero.body": "Chan e aon làrach-lìn a-mhàin a th’ ann am Mastodon. Gus a chleachdadh, feumaidh tu cunntas a chlàradh le solaraiche – ’s e <b>frithealaichean</b> a th’ againn orra – a leigeas leat ceangal a dhèanamh le daoine eile air feadh Mhastodon.",
  148. "servers.page_description": "Lorg far an clàraich thu airson an lìonra sòisealta sgaoilte Mastodon.",
  149. "servers.page_title": "Frithealaichean",
  150. "silver_sponsor": "Sponsair airgid",
  151. "sorting.alphabetical": "A–Z",
  152. "sorting.category": "Roinn-seòrsa",
  153. "": "An-asgaidh",
  154. "": "A-rèir na h-aibidil",
  155. "sorting.recently_added": "Air a chur ris",
  156. "sorting.sort_by": "Seòrsaich",
  157. "sponsor": "Sponsair",
  158. "sponsors": "Sponsairean",
  159. "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Barrachd taing dha",
  160. "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!",
  161. "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web",
  162. "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Aithris bhliadhnail",
  163. "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Cuidich le leasachadh Mastodon",
  164. "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!",
  165. "sponsors.donate.corporate_matching.copy": "Does your company provide corporate matching? If so, you can use Benevity to donate!",
  166. "sponsors.donate.corporate_matching.cta": "Donate on Benevity",
  167. "sponsors.donate.corporate_matching.title": "Corporate Matching",
  168. "sponsors.donate.corporate_sponsorship.copy": "We welcome corporate sponsors! Sponsorship includes your company’s logo with a link to your website.",
  169. "sponsors.donate.corporate_sponsorship.cta": "Become a sponsor",
  170. "sponsors.donate.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate Sponsorship",
  171. "sponsors.donate.footer.donor_policy": "To ensure you qualify to make a donation, please refer to our donor policies: <link_mastodon_inc>Mastodon, Inc</link_mastodon_inc> <middot></middot> <link_mastodon_ggmbh>Mastodon gGmbH</link_mastodon_ggmbh>",
  172. "sponsors.donate.github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!",
  173. "sponsors.donate.github.cta": "Donate on GitHub",
  174. "sponsors.donate.github.title": "GitHub",
  175. "sponsors.donate.patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to <emphasis>Mastodon’s Discord</emphasis> for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.",
  176. "sponsors.donate.patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon",
  177. "sponsors.donate.patreon.title": "Patreon",
  178. "sponsors.donate.title": "Thoir tabhartas an-diugh",
  179. "sponsors.donate_direct.givebutter.copy": "Are you an American resident? If so, you can make a tax deductable donation using Givebutter.",
  180. "sponsors.donate_direct.givebutter.cta": "Donate directly",
  181. "sponsors.donate_direct.givebutter.title": "Direct",
  182. "sponsors.donate_direct.stripe.copy": "Direct donations are very welcome and it's easy to do using Stripe. A direct donation also makes for a great gift.",
  183. "sponsors.donate_direct.stripe.cta": "Donate directly",
  184. "sponsors.donate_direct.stripe.title": "Direct",
  185. "sponsors.donate_directly": "Thoir tabhartas gu dìreach",
  186. "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Thoir tabhartas air Patreon",
  187. "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.",
  188. "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Thoir tabhartas dhuinn",
  189. "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Seall na sponsairean againn",
  190. "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse",
  191. "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.",
  192. "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Mar a chleachdas sinn na tabhartasan",
  193. "sponsors.learn_more": "Barrachd fiosrachaidh",
  194. "sponsors.page_description": "Donate or become a sponsor and help us build the social web for everyone!",
  195. "sponsors.page_title": "Thoir tabhartas do Mhastodon",
  196. "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.",
  197. "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.",
  198. "sponsors.support_us.title": "Thoir taic dhuinn",
  199. "sponsors.supported_by": "Taic le",
  200. "stats.disclaimer": "Chaidh an dàta a chruinneachadh le cràladh nam frithealaichean Mastodon uile a ghabh ruigsinn {date}.",
  201. "stats.monthly_active_users": "Cleachdaichean gnìomhach gach mìos",
  202. "": "Slàinte an lìonraidh",
  203. "stats.servers": "Frithealaichean ag obair",
  204. "translate_site": "文A, eadar-theangaich an làrach",
  205. "verification.examples.lead": "Anyone can use verification on Mastodon, but here are some of the well-known names that do…",
  206. "verification.examples.title": "Ann an dà-rìribh",
  207. "verification.feature_highlight": "Gleus brosnaichte",
  208. "verification.features.how_to.body": "Cuir ceangal ris a’ phròifil Mastodon agad air an làrach-lìn no duilleag-lìn agad. ’S e a’ phàirt chudromach gum bi buadh <code>rel=\"me\"</code> ris. Deasaich a’ phròifil Mastodon agad an uairsin is cuir seòladh na làraich-lìn no duilleige-lìn agad ann am fear de raointean na pròifil agad. Sàbhail a’ phròifil agad agus sin agad e!",
  209. "verification.features.how_to.title": "Seo mar a nì thu e",
  210. "verification.features.no_badge.body": "Chan e ceist dearbhaidh no diùltaidh a tha san dearbh-aithne. Chan eil mòran ainmean àraidh air an t-saoghal co-dhiù is mar sin dheth, carson a gheibheadh an fheadhainn ainmeil a-mhàin dearbhadh? Aig Mastodon, chan eil sin an eisimeil air ainmean laghail no bràistean gorma. Bidh sinn an urra ri aithneachadh dhaoine a-rèir an làraichean-lìn ’na àite.",
  211. "verification.features.no_badge.title": "Chan eil bràiste gorm ann",
  212. "verification.lead": "Gheibh duine sam bith dearbhadh an aithne air Mastodon. Tha seo stèidhichte air stannardan-lìn fosgailte agus bidh e saor ’s an-asgaidh gu bràth.",
  213. "verification.page_description": "Mar a gheibh thu dearbhadh d’ aithne air Mastodon",
  214. "verification.page_title": "Dearbhadh",
  215. "verification.title": "Dearbhadh d’ aithne air Mastodon",
  216. "verification.why.decentralization.body": "Cha leig thu leas d’ earbsa a chur ann am prìomh-ùghdarras. Gabhaidh dearbhadh d’ aithne a sgrùdadh a làimh uair sam bith.",
  217. "verification.why.decentralization.title": "Sgaoilte",
  218. "verification.why.equality.body": "Cha leig thu leas a bhith cliùiteach mus fhaigh thu dearbhadh d’ aithne. Chan fheum thu ach làrach-lìn no duilleag-lìn.",
  219. "verification.why.equality.title": "Airson a h-uile duine",
  220. "verification.why.privacy.body": "Cha leig thu leas sgrìobhainnean a chur a-null gu àite sam bith is mar sin dheth chan eil cunnart gun dèid am foillseachadh.",
  221. "verification.why.privacy.title": "Math dha do phrìobhaideachd",
  222. "wizard.error": "Ìoc, chaidh rudeigin ceàrr. Feuch is ath-nuadhaich an duilleag.",
  223. "wizard.filter.all_categories": "Na h-uile cuspair",
  224. "wizard.filter.all_languages": "Na h-uile cànan",
  225. "wizard.filter.ownership.all": "Na h-uile",
  226. "wizard.filter.ownership.juridicial": "Buidheann poblach",
  227. "wizard.filter.ownership.natural": "Neach prìobhaideach",
  228. "wizard.filter.sign_up.all": "Na h-uile",
  229. "wizard.filter.sign_up.instant": "Sa bhad",
  230. "wizard.filter.sign_up.manual": "Lèirmheas a làimh",
  231. "wizard.filter_by_language": "Cànan",
  232. "wizard.filter_by_registrations": "Pròiseas a’ chlàraidh",
  233. "wizard.filter_by_structure": "Structar fon lagh",
  234. "wizard.no_results": "Tha colas nach eil frithealaiche an-seo a fhreagras ris na cumhaidhean luirg agad aig an àm seo. Thoir an aire nach seall sinn ach liosta de fhrithealaichean air an do rinn sinn lèirmheas agus a tha a’ gabhail ri clàraidhean ùra an-dràsta."
  235. }