title: Bug bounties and responsible disclosure description: What to do if you found a serious bug menu: docs:
weight: 9999
parent: dev
If you believe you've identified a security vulnerability in Mastodon (a bug that allows something to happen that shouldn't be possible), you should send the report to hello@joinmastodon.org. We will gladly reward such reports in proportion to the severity of the issue through our OpenCollective fund.
You should not report such issues on GitHub or in other public spaces to give us time to publish a fix for the issue without exposing Mastodon's users to increased risk.
{{< hint style="info" >}} A "vulnerability in Mastodon" is a vulnerability in the code distributed through our main source code repository on GitHub. Vulnerabilities that are specific to a given installation (e.g. misconfiguration) should be reported to the owner of that installation and not us. {{< /hint >}}