Masalla icon theme by hayder majid (hayder ctee) Theme inspired by the latest flat design trend. The name of project is inspired from Obelisk name in arabic language (like Obelisk of Hammurabi in History of Iraq) . This project is part from URUK project , all icons are licensed under GPL-3.0+ License
How to install:
NOTE: -You need to install masalla icon theme first.
NOTE: if you use KDE, you should install icons as root
1- Download the .zip file from here:
and extract it.
2- You can simply install masalla icon theme by running "INSTALL" script and follow the instructions.
3- choose "masalla icon theme" from your system setting (tweak tool , unity tweak , lxappearance ,....etc).
4- To remove theme, run "UNINSTALL" script.
NOTE: If you are using KDE desktop then run the following commands too:
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/icons/YOUR_MASALLA_COLOR/index.theme
sudo cp /usr/share/icons/YOUR_MASALLA_COLOR/index.theme.kde /usr/share/icons/YOUR_MASALLA_COLOR/index.theme
and if you want to move back to other gtk+ desktop (gnome, cinnamon, xfce4, lxde, ....), then run the following commands:
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/icons/YOUR_MASALLA_COLOR/index.theme
sudo cp /usr/share/icons/YOUR_MASALLA_COLOR/index.theme.back /usr/share/icons/YOUR_MASALLA_COLOR/index.theme