_config.yml 13 KB

  1. plugins:
  2. - jekyll-optional-front-matter
  3. - jekyll-titles-from-headings
  4. - jekyll-sitemap
  5. exclude: ["public/"]
  6. defaults:
  7. -
  8. scope: { path: "" }
  9. values:
  10. layout: "page"
  11. keywords: igp,babel,ospf,world wide,wireguard,fastd,tunneling,slaac,radv
  12. -
  13. scope: { path: "docs/index.md" }
  14. values:
  15. title: "What is it?"
  16. descr: What is CRXN? How does CRXN work? What are the goals of CRXN? Where can I find more information?
  17. keywords: crxn,crxn howto,what is crxn,crxn community,crxn abbreviation,crxn explanation
  18. -
  19. scope: { path: "docs/getting-started/index.md" }
  20. values:
  21. descr: This document contains instructions on how to connect to the CRXN network - from registration to software setup.
  22. keywords: getting started,how to,connect to
  23. -
  24. scope: { path: "docs/getting-started/index.md" }
  25. values:
  26. descr: This document contains instructions on how to connect to the CRXN network - from registration to software setup.
  27. keywords: getting started,how to,connect to
  28. -
  29. scope: { path: "docs/getting-started/rules.md" }
  30. values:
  31. descr: There are a few rules in CRXN. Here they are.
  32. keywords: rules,policy
  33. -
  34. scope: { path: "docs/getting-started/requirements.md" }
  35. values:
  36. descr: Minimum requirements that the CRXN routers should meet.
  37. keywords: hardware requirements,software requirements,bandwidth requirements
  38. -
  39. scope: { path: "docs/getting-started/registration.md" }
  40. values:
  41. descr: Instructions on how to register in the CRXN entitydb and how to globally mark your prefix as used.
  42. keywords: prefix registration,ula registration,ungleich ula registry,entitydb registration
  43. -
  44. scope: { path: "docs/entitydb/index.md" }
  45. values:
  46. descr: entitydb menu entries.
  47. keywords: entitydb,entitydb schema,entitydb scripts,entitydb license,entitydb attributes,entitydb security
  48. -
  49. scope: { path: "docs/entitydb/format-rules.md" }
  50. values:
  51. descr: Summary of best practices for entitydb - allowed characters, indentation, validation of entries, and more.
  52. keywords: entitydb,allowed characters,indentation,json schema,entitydb schema,entitydb scripts,squash commits,entitydb license
  53. -
  54. scope: { path: "docs/entitydb/security-in-git.md" }
  55. values:
  56. descr: Summary of best practices for working securely with Git - two factor authentication for Codeberg, SSH fingerprinting and signing commits.
  57. keywords: two-factor authentication,ssh fingerprints,sign commits
  58. -
  59. scope: { path: "docs/entitydb/maxlen.md" }
  60. values:
  61. descr: Summary of best practices for working securely with Git - two factor authentication for Codeberg, SSH fingerprinting and signing commits.
  62. keywords: two-factor authentication,ssh fingerprints,sign commits
  63. -
  64. scope: { path: "docs/routing/index.md" }
  65. values:
  66. descr: Various instructions, examples and tutorials on how to configure CRXN with appropriate routing software.
  67. keywords: routing,setup crxn,routing examples,how to linux routing
  68. -
  69. scope: { path: "docs/routing/forwarding.md" }
  70. values:
  71. descr: Instructions on how to enable IPv6 forwarding on Linux-based systems.
  72. keywords: linux kernel ip forwarding,sysctl forwarding,ipv6 forwarding,forwarding,linux ip forwarding,kernel forwarding
  73. -
  74. scope: { path: "docs/routing/create-dummy-interface.md" }
  75. values:
  76. descr: Instructions on how to create a dummy interface on Linux so you can use your CRXN source IP address.
  77. keywords: dummy interface,linux dummay,debian dummy,ifupdown dummy,ip dummy
  78. -
  79. scope: { path: "docs/routing/bird/bird.md" }
  80. values:
  81. descr: Example with explanation of how to configure Bird so that it can connect to the CRXN network. Utility functions, import/export filters are created and different protocols are used.
  82. keywords: bird configuration,connect to crxn example,bird utility functions,bird filter,bird protocol
  83. -
  84. scope: { path: "docs/routing/bird/maxlen-filter.md" }
  85. values:
  86. descr: Short tutorial on how to implement a max-len filter in bird and use it to defend against various attacks.
  87. keywords: bird configure filter,bird maxlen,maxlen filter,max-len filter
  88. -
  89. scope: { path: "docs/routing/babeld/babeld.md" }
  90. values:
  91. descr: Example with explanations how to configure babeld.
  92. keywords: babeld configuration,babeld example,babeld filter,babeld source ip,setup babel,configure babel
  93. -
  94. scope: { path: "docs/routing/babeld/compile-install.md" }
  95. values:
  96. descr: Instructions on how to compile and install babeld. This is useful for example if babeld is outdated from the package sources.
  97. keywords: babeld compile,babeld install,babeld outdated,setup babeld
  98. -
  99. scope: { path: "docs/routing/babeld/maxlen-filter.md" }
  100. values:
  101. descr: Short tutorial on how to implement a max-len filter in babeld and use it to defend against various attacks.
  102. keywords: babeld configure filter,babeld maxlen,maxlen filter,max-len filter
  103. -
  104. scope: { path: "docs/routing/babeld/babelweb2.md" }
  105. values:
  106. descr: Instructions how to compile and install babelweb2. babelweb2 is a monitoring software for babeld.
  107. keywords: babelweb,babelweb2,babeld monitoring,babel monitoring,babeld monitor,babel monitor,setup babelweb,setup babelweb2,install babelweb,install babelweb2
  108. -
  109. scope: { path: "docs/tunneling/index.md" }
  110. values:
  111. descr: Various instructions, examples and tutorials on how to use tunnel / VPN software.
  112. keywords: fastd,fastd install,fastd compile,wireguard,openvpn,ip tunnel,gre,sit,gretap,vxlan,fou,gue,gre over fou,gre over gue
  113. -
  114. scope: { path: "docs/tunneling/fastd.md" }
  115. values:
  116. descr: Instructions with example how to configure fastd. This includes, the different methods, the MTU, as well as the integration in systemd.
  117. keywords: fastd,fastd mtu,fastd configure,setup fastd,fastd autostart,fastd systemctl,fastd systemd,fastd methods,fastd dynamic peer,fastd modes
  118. -
  119. scope: { path: "docs/tunneling/fastd-compile-install.md" }
  120. values:
  121. descr: Instructions on how to compile and install fastd. This is useful, for example, if you want to activate certain features at compile time or the package from the package sources is outdated.
  122. keywords: fastd,install fastd,compile fastd,fastd outdated,fastd compile time features
  123. -
  124. scope: { path: "docs/tunneling/wireguard.md" }
  125. values:
  126. descr: Instructions with example how to use WireGuard for a peer-to-peer connection. Preshared keys (PSK), wg-quick, integration in Systemd, key generation as well as dynamic and non-reachable peers are covered.
  127. keywords: wireguard,setup wireguard,wireguard peer-to-peer,wireguard p2p,wg-quick,wireguard systend,wireguard routing,wireguard dynamic ip
  128. -
  129. scope: { path: "docs/tunneling/openvpn.md" }
  130. values:
  131. descr: Instructions with example how to configure OpenVPN with static key a peer-to-peer connection. Some tips like MTU and speed optimization as well as the integration in Systemd are covered.
  132. keywords: setup openvpn,openvpn p2p,openvpn mtu,openvpn systemd,openvpn tun-mtu,openvpn get mtu,openvpn float,openvpn dynamic ip
  133. -
  134. scope: { path: "docs/tunneling/iptunnel.md" }
  135. values:
  136. descr: Guide with example how to set up different IP tunnels like GRE, GRETAP, SIT, VXLAN. Furthermore GRE and SIT over UDP (Foo-over-UDP and Generic UDP Encapsulation) is explained with examples.
  137. keywords: ip tunnel,gre,gretap,sit,vxlan,setup,fou,foo-over-udp,fou gue,gue
  138. -
  139. scope: { path: "docs/home-network/index.md" }
  140. values:
  141. descr: Various instructions on how to integrate CRXN into your home network.
  142. keywords: crxn,home network,radv,slaac,dns
  143. -
  144. scope: { path: "docs/home-network/radv.md" }
  145. values:
  146. descr: Instructions with example how to set up radv using bird in home network. Different methods how to integrate CRXN with radv are presented.
  147. keywords: radv,crxn radv,bird radv,bird protocol radv,bird route advertisments
  148. -
  149. scope: { path: "docs/home-network/slaac.md" }
  150. values:
  151. descr: Instructions with pictures how to enable SLAAC in NetworkManager.
  152. keywords: slaac,ipv6 autoconfiguration,nmcli slaac,nm slaac,networkmanager slaac,networkmanager ipv6 configuration
  153. -
  154. scope: { path: "docs/home-network/dns.md" }
  155. values:
  156. descr: Instruction with example how to announce DNS server in radv using bird.
  157. keywords: radv,crxn radv,bird radv,bird protocol radv,bird dns advertisments
  158. -
  159. scope: { path: "docs/additional/index.md" }
  160. values:
  161. descr: Various somewhat more complex topics in CRXN.
  162. keywords: crxn extras,crxn additional,crxn complex topics
  163. -
  164. scope: { path: "docs/additional/dns.md" }
  165. values:
  166. descr: Explanation of how the DNS works in CRXN. Furthermore, a resolver setup with CoreDNS is presented.
  167. keywords: crxn dns,setup coredns,integrate dns with crxn
  168. -
  169. scope: { path: "docs/additional/dn42-interconnection.md" }
  170. values:
  171. descr: Explanation of what the CRXN x dn42 gateway is, how it works, and how to deploy one using bird.
  172. keywords: dn42 interconnection,crxn interconnection,crxn x dn42 interconnection,crxn x dn42 gateway,babel bgp bird,dn42 grc,dn42 global route collector
  173. -
  174. scope: { path: "docs/additional/otg/index.md" }
  175. values:
  176. descr: OTG stands for On-to-go and refers to a mobile connection to CRXN via a central service.
  177. keywords: crxn otg,crxn vpn,surf in the crxn
  178. -
  179. scope: { path: "docs/additional/otg/deavmi.md" }
  180. values:
  181. descr: Information about Deavmi's OTG service - how to request and set up a connection.
  182. keywords: crxn otg,crxn vpn,surf in the crxn
  183. -
  184. scope: { path: "docs/additional/otg/bandura.md" }
  185. values:
  186. descr: Information about the OTG service from Bandura Communications.
  187. keywords: crxn otg,crxn vpn,surf in the crxn
  188. -
  189. scope: { path: "docs/peers.md" }
  190. values:
  191. descr: A public list of individuals or organizations in CRXN and their peering policies.
  192. keywords: crxn peering,crxn peering request,how to peer in crxn
  193. -
  194. scope: { path: "docs/services.md" }
  195. values:
  196. descr: A list of various services provided by the community in CRXN.
  197. keywords: crxn websites,crxn services,things in crxn
  198. -
  199. scope: { path: "docs/people.md" }
  200. values:
  201. descr: Various people who are or were active in CRXN and their roles.
  202. keywords: crxn community,crxn admins,crxn mods,crxn team
  203. title: CRXN documentation
  204. #keywords: crxn,igp,babel,ospf,ipv6,routing,community,world wide,wireguard,fastd,tunneling,slaac,radv
  205. keywords: crxn,ipv6,routing,community,overlay
  206. lang: "en"
  207. menu:
  208. - title: Home
  209. url: /docs/
  210. weight: 1
  211. - title: Getting started
  212. url: /docs/getting-started/
  213. weight: 2
  214. sub:
  215. - title: "Rules"
  216. url: /docs/getting-started/rules
  217. weight: 1
  218. - title: "Requirements"
  219. url: /docs/getting-started/requirements
  220. weight: 2
  221. - title: "Registration"
  222. url: /docs/getting-started/registration
  223. weight: 3
  224. - title: entitydb
  225. url: /docs/entitydb/
  226. weight: 3
  227. sub:
  228. - title: "Format and Rules"
  229. url: /docs/entitydb/format-rules
  230. weight: 1
  231. - title: "Security in Git"
  232. url: /docs/entitydb/security-in-git
  233. weight: 2
  234. - title: "max-len attribut"
  235. url: /docs/entitydb/maxlen
  236. weight: 3
  237. - title: "Routing"
  238. url: /docs/routing/
  239. weight: 4
  240. sub:
  241. - title: "Forwarding"
  242. url: /docs/routing/forwarding
  243. weight: 1
  244. - title: "Create a dummy interface"
  245. url: /docs/routing/create-dummy-interface
  246. weight: 2
  247. - title: bird
  248. weight: 3
  249. sub:
  250. - title: "Setting up Bird"
  251. url: /docs/routing/bird/bird
  252. weight: 1
  253. - title: "max-len filter in bird"
  254. url: /docs/routing/bird/maxlen-filter
  255. weight: 2
  256. - title: babeld
  257. weight: 4
  258. sub:
  259. - title: "Setting up Babeld"
  260. url: /docs/routing/babeld/babeld
  261. weight: 1
  262. - title: Compile and install babeld
  263. url: /docs/routing/babeld/compile-install
  264. weight: 2
  265. - title: "max-len filter in babeld"
  266. url: /docs/routing/babeld/maxlen-filter
  267. weight: 3
  268. - title: "babelweb2"
  269. url: /docs/routing/babeld/babelweb2
  270. weight: 4
  271. - title: "Tunneling"
  272. url: /docs/tunneling/
  273. weight: 5
  274. sub:
  275. - title: "Fastd"
  276. url: /docs/tunneling/fastd
  277. weight: 1
  278. - title: "Compile and install fastd"
  279. url: /docs/tunneling/fastd-compile-install
  280. weight: 2
  281. - title: "WireGuard"
  282. url: /docs/tunneling/wireguard
  283. weight: 3
  284. - title: "OpenVPN"
  285. url: /docs/tunneling/openvpn
  286. weight: 4
  287. - title: "IP tunnel"
  288. url: /docs/tunneling/iptunnel
  289. weight: 5
  290. - title: "Setting up your home network"
  291. url: /docs/home-network/
  292. weight: 6
  293. sub:
  294. - title: "Setting up radv (router)"
  295. url: /docs/home-network/radv
  296. - title: "Setting up SLAAC (hosts)"
  297. url: /docs/home-network/slaac
  298. - title: "DNS"
  299. url: /docs/home-network/dns
  300. - title: Additional
  301. url: /docs/additional/
  302. weight: 7
  303. sub:
  304. - title: DNS
  305. url: /docs/additional/dns
  306. weight: 1
  307. - title: DN42 interconnection
  308. url: /docs/additional/dn42-interconnection
  309. weight: 2
  310. - title: OTG
  311. url: /docs/additional/otg/
  312. weight: 3
  313. - title: Peers
  314. url: /docs/peers
  315. weight: 8
  316. - title: Services
  317. url: /docs/services
  318. weight: 9
  319. - title: People
  320. url: /docs/people
  321. weight: 10