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- Source: crazytrace
- Section: net
- Priority: optional
- Maintainer: Marek Küthe <m.k@mk16.de>
- Rules-Requires-Root: no
- Build-Depends:
- debhelper-compat (= 13),
- Standards-Version: 4.6.2
- Homepage: https://codeberg.org/mark22k/crazytrace
- Vcs-Browser: https://codeberg.org/mark22k/crazytrace
- Vcs-Git: https://codeberg.org/mark22k/crazytrace.git
- Package: crazytrace
- Architecture: any
- Multi-Arch: foreign
- Depends:
- ${shlibs:Depends},
- ${misc:Depends},
- Description: Simple network simulator to test ping and traceroute implementations
- What happens if a traceroute with the same TTL/hop limit is received from two different source addresses? How will they react?
- crazytrace is a network simulation program that can be used to see how different ping and traceroute implementations react when the sender address is different than expected.