4.6 KB


crazytrace uses meson as a build system. However, there is also a Makefile that contains frequently used routines.


The libraries used are listed in the README. To install them on Debian, the following command can be used:

$ sudo apt-get --yes install build-essential git meson ninja-build libboost1.81-all-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libtins-dev

The following packages are required to analyze, lint and format the code:

$ sudo apt-get --yes install clang-tidy clang-format cppcheck flawfinder

To get the latest release of LLVM or Clang, llvm has its own Debian repostitory.

The following packages are required to build the Debian package:

$ sudo apt-get --yes install debhelper debhelper-compat config-package-dev clang-tidy cppcheck flawfinder

Furthermore, libtuntap is required, which unfortunately does not have a development package in Debian.

Building and installing libtuntap

The following packages are required to build libtuntap:

$ sudo apt-get --yes install build-essential git cmake

After that, libtuntap can be built like a normal cmake project:

$ git clone
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -B build_libtuntap -S libtuntap
$ cmake --build build_libtuntap
$ cmake --install build_libtuntap --prefix /usr

Download crazytrace

To build crazytrace, the latest version can be obtained via Git:

$ git clone
$ cd crazytrace

Building with the Makefile

If you want to build crazytrace without further settings you can execute make normally:

$ make

The following command can be used to clean up object files and the like:

$ make clean


$ make test

Building with Sanitizer

To build the project with a sanitizer, you can select this in make and compile the project again:

$ make sanitizer
$ make compile

This activates the address and the undefined sanitizer.


To install the project in /usr/local/bin, the following can be executed:

$ make install

Building the Debian package

To build the Debian package, you can do the following:

$ make debian


The following can be carried out to execute all available linters:

$ make check

Otherwise, individual linters can also be executed:

$ make cppcheck
$ make flawfinder
$ make clangtidy

(To execute clangtidy, ninja-build is required.)


To format the source code, the following command can be executed:

$ make clangformat

(To execute clangformat, ninja-build is required.)

Getting crazytrace

The executable file is located at ./build/crazytrace.

Building with meson and ninja

It is also possible to build crazytrace without the Makefile wrapper.

To do this, the Meson project can be set up first:

$ meson setup build

Then crazytrace can be built:

$ meson compile -C build

Alternatively, crazytrace can be compiled using the ninja build system:

$ ninja -C build


The tests can be executed with the following command:

$ meson test -C build

Or using the Ninja Build System:

$ ninja -C build test

Building with Sanitizer

To build crazytrace with Sanitizer, you can set up the project with the following command:

$ meson setup --reconfigure --debug -Db_sanitize=address,undefined build

All sanitizers supported by the compiler or Meson are available. The exact ones can be found in the documentation of meson and the compiler used.


crazytrace can be installed with the following command:

$ meson install -C build

Or using the Ninja Build System:

$ ninja -C build install



$ meson compile -C build cppcheck

or via the ninja build system:

$ ninja -C build cppcheck


$ meson compile -C build flawfinder

or via the ninja build system:

$ ninja -C build flawfinder


$ ninja -C build clang-tidy

I am currently not aware of any way to run clang-tidy via meson without ninja. A demand has been created.


To format the source code, the following command can be executed:

$ ninja -C build clang-format

I am currently not aware of any way to run clang-format via meson without ninja.

Getting crazytrace

The executable file is available under the name crazytrace in the build directory.

Building the Debian package without Makefile-wrapper

To build the binary crazytrace Debian package, the following command can be executed:

$ dpkg-buildpackage -b