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Ansible configuration for a CRXN Router


  • motd - Removes long motd message
  • packages - Update, upgrade, and autoremove packages. Install a few useful packages.
  • install-nftables - Install firewall
  • config-nftables - Add firewall rules
  • fail2ban - Install fail2ban and configuring it for SSH

  • sysctl-tweaks - Install a few sysctl-tweaks

  • unattended-upgrades - Install and enable unattended-upgrades

  • babeld-compile - Compiles babeld from upstream git repo and install it

  • fastd-compile - Compiles fastd from upstream git repo and install it

  • babelweb2-compile - Fetch and compile babelweb2

  • babelweb2 - Enabled babelweb2 for autostart and setup a nginx reverse proxy for it

  • nginx - Install and enable nginx for autostart

  • dummy-interface - Configures a dummy interface for crxn and a static route in the kernel

  • babeld - babeld configuration files

  • gre - Install GRE peer configurations

  • vxlan - Install VXLAN peer configurations

  • openvpn - Install OpenVPN peer configurations

  • fastd - Install fastd peer configurations

  • wireguard - Install wireguard peer configurations

  • hardening - Disables core dumping and downloads a few packages to improve system security

  • coredns - Install coredns and create a empty configuration file