3.5 KB



Image authors

Picture Author Source
Mastodon Robert Crum Noun Project
Slonik Jkatz05 PostgreSQL Wiki
Yumi ??? UBports installer
Dino Saeful Muslim Noun Project
Moby ??? Docker Logos
Dolphin ??? MariaDB Logos
Sakila ??? MySQL Logos
Xue ??? Xfce artwork tarbell
Gooey Darci Gibson WebGUI Mascot
Octocat ??? Octodex
Wilber ??? GIMP Tutorial
Kernel P Thanga Vignesh Noun Project
Wall of fire Rabee Balakrishnan Noun Project
Community Food Center Vector Portal Noun Project
Logicians Nation Arthur Shlain Noun Project
Ferris ???
Firefly Julián Bruno Success at Apache: bringing the Apache Beam firefly to life, Wikipedia
Self-help group Lars Meiertoberens Noun Project
Religious architect Amethyst Studio Noun Project
Private military company Gan Khoon Lay Noun Project
Archive Bakunetsu Kaito Noun Project
Spy Luiz Carvalho Noun Project
Free deer Marcus Moeller Libreboot logo license, Libreboot logo
Gnu Phạm Thanh Loc Noun Project
Angry Dino Joachim Hauser Noun Project
Duke ??? OpenJDK Duke Gallery
Experimental being fahmionline Noun Project
Scapy ??? GitHub Scapy
Rose CC BY-SA 4.0 RosenPass Logo
WireGuard Carpe Diem Noun Project


  • GIMP (for editing the images)
  • Inkscape (for editing the images)
  • VSCodium (for editing the JSON files)
  • Pluma (for editing files)


City names: