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Change Log: php-date-formatter

Version 1.3.4

Date: 08-Jan-2017

  1. (enh #9): Enhance validation for invalid input date string in guessDate.
  2. (enh #10, #11): Display escaped characters correctly via formatDate.
  3. (bug #12): Correct hour merdian validation.
  4. Add github contribution and issue/PR logging templates.

Version 1.3.3

Date: 22-Dec-2015

  1. (bug #7): Fix regexp validation for formatDate.

Version 1.3.2

Date: 21-Dec-2015

  1. (enh #4): Eliminate other JS Library dependency and code enhancements
  2. (enh #5): More enhanced and comprehensive PHP date pattern formatting

Version 1.3.1

Date: 18-Jun-2015

  1. (bug #2): Fix conversion to unix timestamp format.

Version 1.3.0

Date: 08-Nov-2014

  1. Set release to stable in composer.json.
  2. Updated CHANGE log to reflect user friendly date time formats.

Version 1.2.0

Date: 02-Jul-2014

  • Enh #8: Ability to pass additional form input data within each ajax call.

Version 1.1.0

Date: 05-Jul-2014

  • Updated placeholder to accept boolean value (false) to disable it.
  • Added loadingClass property to configure the loading indicator CSS.
  • Added support for plugin to work with other plugins like Select2.

Version 1.0.0

Date: 30-Apr-2014

Initial release.