123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657 |
- var assert = require('assert');
- //Gulp uses vinyl source streams
- var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
- var proxyrequire = require('proxyquire');
- /**
- * The following test spec will verify the operation of the prompt function
- */
- describe('gulp prompt unit tests', function () {
- describe('verify that prompt function operates correctly', function () {
- //Test is failing. not converting to string
- /*it('verify that prompt converts questions to array', function( done ){
- var prompt = function( questions ){
- return new Promise( (resolve,reject) => {
- console.log( 'q', questions);
- if( ( Array.isArray( questions) ) && (questions.length > 0 ) ){
- assert.equals(questions[0], 'options string');
- done();
- }else{
- done('questions is not an array');
- }
- resolve('Test Completed');
- });
- }
- //Mock inquirer to capture response
- gulpPrompt = proxyrequire('../index.js', {'inquirer':{ prompt: prompt}});
- let srcStream = source('../README.md');
- var func = function(){}
- let resp = srcStream.pipe( gulpPrompt.prompt( 'options string', func ) );
- resp.write('../test.txt');
- });*/
- it('verify that prompt does not convert questions to array if already an array', function ( done ){
- var prompt = function ( questions ){
- return new Promise( (resolve,reject) => {
- if( Array.isArray( questions) && questions.length > 0 ){
- done();
- }else{
- done('questions is not an array');
- }
- resolve('Test Completed');
- });
- };
- //Mock inquirer to capture response
- gulpPrompt = proxyrequire('../index.js', {'inquirer':{ prompt: prompt}});
- let srcStream = source('../README.md');
- var func = function (){};
- let resp = srcStream.pipe( gulpPrompt.prompt( ['options string'], func ) );
- resp.write('../test.txt');
- });
- });
- });